HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2260 , I' . I', I ' I :. :",,,,';;,~:;:~'::-:~:.:.,;,~~:.:::;~;:-;:~':.. :~~~,. " ;,;:;:,:::!~,~'+~>;-:;.::;i;,~~:~:~~:;~ ~.;:;:;:.,,:;:;:;::~:;-:.\,~t;;~;:.~~:::::;:;:~~::;::;~.;:;:;:::;-~,,,,..;.:;;:;.~,-;:::,1:::;.,,;.'~ ~"::-I--:;:;-:;~":;~::::~;;':~-:~;~ \,', "!',"\il:'t~o~~th~ front 1.1n~\~f 8~idlO,~"O~I:e1t'11~l',o;l~b~. ~I':"" :,' ,;.\ I" . I, '.,'" . ," '.!','" i '~8t 1't the s~""4 P~1;y',:l" PU~l~S ot ~~e'~~~on~ Ji.J\~:: _his '1)~b'o~ th~lr~e1~~.s~'> -' ;< f ' ' " I,. ' '~ ' I I', ,\'.' ,I ' ' ,; '1' , '__, ' II " .J 'rep~~,8ent.~~"e8 or ,ae.elBDe, or any hOla.r~r hotders ot ,the pr~perty herebYI \oC?nveye4 ~yvlrtu" I ! I . ,\ , .,'. \' , . . \ i, ' ' ..' 1'1 1 ,of 8n1.1udlo~81:pro~e~d.inge~ ~~.ll tail to' oomply;wl~~aii, of ,the eb\?vel end fQl'~,gO,ln8,.re..," i \. \ . \, ;. . '; stl"-lot1one .,' ooqdlt110ne or l1mlt4ltions, tli,thin e~~ty days,81'ter Written not1o~, bymaU ~ r .\ . \, \ \ \ . '\ ," " 't ' t~e, S814 'r'!.r~Yfr' part.1ee. ~'f th. ,seoond l'.~t ~ ,hlS,"--h~r-;iYr~tl1ei~~ h~,!r8\" p;'l'S~n8~ r.~~~~.nte~lv~B ..1 : lot \aB,8'1~8" OJ' ana ?t', them 'at. the last }Q19"n,8ddr.e,B, bytl:e s8U::P8~~Y:,o:tcthe,t~r,Bi :pel't, -. . . . \ . .... . " ..". '. .- \' . . '. I ,his 8~coe88~re. 'personal repret!entathee ~~ ea,elgnB. or el~htr ~~ them". then, the B8id '\ ,\ f . . ~, .' ',\." , . . . " '. '(. . f . . . .: \' \ ,\, ,} :'~~ove :~e80~ibe~ ',and Qonveye~~l'o'~~,rtiy .~~81} t~e~l'8te~~"~~..er~,:\to'thes81a party ot, th~ ',~ , , Ltire~ ,ar',hh Bucoe8~ore~r,48881g~B. ,who. 8~all be'e~otl tled' to l1Ilp1edt8te1l ent'r ul?on 881di ,J'" ,..."..', '. ',',...',., ' ,'..,' "" ",". "",' ", " I j , p.~ope!tY ;w1th~ut not1oe,and.t~ep0888~8i,on otthe~e8Dle,wlth ttgl;,t1U,e 1n :fee.8imp1.e~o.g8.cther.~ i ';fltb' all<the' 'impt~o'Vemente=.thereon; '~n.ctno 'w81've~ Cot, 'WY 'of the' a'. 'lYo~ftt-on,.._i.im1 tat1.on8' or " ~' '! . i: . __: .~ '.... ......- "... ..... \, -:. ... . -. ...., '" T .... '~. .. .,. ". . , .r ,r'8trto,t~o~8, expr,ssed or lmpl1ed.: or ~.11u,re'. tor an~ ~'e~gth 1)f tlm~,~o enforoe"':the ,.,ain.. " ' . i. 8h~ll', con~t1't~te '8: bar ,.t.o 8uoh . .nfo,rcem.~t at' any, d.me,; -. ,.,', . , . 1 ~"... ~. '. -. ~ t. .. _ . .' . . " ' 'h,18: ft1.r~her 8tlpU1$ted"eDd'agree~ by" al;1dbetween ,the p~8rt1eel:1eret:~,' ~h.8~ lri'~ 11.e ~vel1(' I ot the toHU1'e ':.t .~U p.r~T or !>'i.ii.. ot the ..con' "srtto 1',0>;. . sn~~t th~ j>....sn~. he'" . 1" lri, provided "for' a '!"erlOdof .tour'moiith8:1'rom: d~ te .of '18st 'I>symen~" 'an mon,eye previQu8ly. l" " '-. . .~~ ".~> . -." '. - "'":", o'~ - .'. :. '. ".. -.:-'. .....0. .-'_.;'.. '. . .~. ,.- ....'..~... " .. "'l paid by sald ;18rtY..9r par,t1e~, q:(\the 8e,con~part 'upon'..thls',O,ontr8ot sl:18U, ,be 1'or1'eHed' 'to l' '.,' " ...,,' , " " ' '...", '. ' " " ' ,: " ' ", ;-a810' par,ty.ot. the" tiret p8rt eo' l1quld8ted' dam~ge8 end' tr,la oontraot shall oease and te,r~, :! " .' , " . ',,'.' ;.., ' "', .' ", " , "\ ,in~n~te ~upo~ thlrty. d8ye,~~otlMln,wr1tl11g' t'ola'et . known 8ddrElss~ . . ,,' . '.: It i~: mutuallY'8greed that t1~e..1e tl1.e ,essenoe' of .th18:o~nt~8ot'.- ~n~ th8~ e).1 ooven~~ts I ' j'r ,- ' " 3' ",', , ' . .. . '\ '.. ,I '.~ ." i.: a " \ .-::- ;~ it ;1< ~, . .I, 'I -'.~, ,'-r~'-~~~-,--~t-+ I ;1 '. '.1 \1 . , -,.,~-~n44,9~1 I ., ~ , , . ------~---'-------".,-- - -"-'---,,"-~ ,.----.- Ii ,. , I .." ,i',: ) , , , --' , , "8Jl.'~88r.8emente here~!1: oont81ne,ct~h8li e:x~enO to end}je obligatory upon;h.e h~,lrs, 'exectitor~", ,', 'administrators 8n~.e8Blgn8,'ot the .re8pe~tj.;'Vep8rt1e8. .. " ,,}U\nTllESSHliS!iEOP. '-:h.,s,81cf!lertiee hev-e "hereunt-o eet ,the1r'11~nd88nd 's881e tiU:s' .' '-- >' .. .' ~ .~ - . ; '28.th oay o-f'JUl~, A. ,,"~ 192~." .' , ;.,.., '., .~ Signed, 8eel~'d snd d~l1v~recl in th, preB~nce',ot: '.~ ". Exeoute" ill duplic8te. 'J. 1.1;el1ems' ISe81),', 'Pres. "" ~ , .. ; '~, co,p~4 : j,' , "C",< , , . ,/' .' B.R.. Aessler J. R~ Zngelme-nn . '.,> Gl8dY8~el1em8(Sesl) 3eoy. .' :.....~. ?Ued 'andrecoi-dedtM.s, ~18t d~y of,Ai1guat 1925./~ /"'J~'/P;1f, /Ji;, .,,' \ " . ''/./~u ' . .' .. Ct.\,Ct. 9..1. .,4/i'q~'~ ~d;~:~~<- D.;C. ..... . n ,'i:;-' <".' "",--.,,, ~f ~ ilt'". )", ;. II. ,.,,,'.",11 ~"'l.". ".n.....", 'I" '.. ,i ...... n....'. II .,Ii." ,II." ,'~. It; II, .i. .'" ;':. .'" .".;" .".:.. 'f . ~ f~. U '0'" .' .. . . . . . '. '. ..: ", . '0 -: .0' . . . ." . . ~.,' . ~ .... . ~ '. . . . . .. .. '. ~ .. 0' . 14, . ..', CHICAGO TITLE l.!;D ':.?U3T CCI,frJJIY, ' ':0 1.: .-'.X S II />R ~ 7, & \II l?ll: .' JOIW~l''::li..ulCY DEE:U., r ' THI,3. IllDEN'.t'lJRE, loIade th1B 14th day 01' August 192.5 between" CHICAGO TITLE .~iD T:tU$T COJ..IP.tJiY1 9 cQtporetion of 11l1~oh, ostrtJ,stee unQ,er the provisionso-i"e ~eed6r.:qaedsln trust duly 1\ .. , reoorde4 BIld delivered ,t,os81d compellY in pursuimce of a trtlet, egreement dated- the 21st dey.,o1' J8DlisrJ' 1925, end known 8Bl'rU8t liumber'14286 party of theflret pert", andl.:ax , , Swartz 8ad ii'snnle ;)"er~ hie wite, Cook (;oUnty, I111no1a, of not es tenants in comraon, :bnt I / ' 88 I joint tet\an,te, p8rtl~s,?f the sec/ond part.' , WI'l.'VESSZ'i'H'i ..'hat s810 party of the tiratp'srt 1n oonsideration ot the 'aum of' Ten '- ($10.00) ~ollar8 ,fl.nd othergo9d .and valuable '~o'n~ideret10ns In h8nd 'Pe14: does hereby':''>, I I gr..ant, sell end conv~y uuto said perties ot th.. ae~ond pert, not 81J te~arits 1n cor:unon, but , I '1 . ' ~s~01nt tfilnan t8, the folloVllng desorlbed :teal e8tete,s1t~ted in ,"'t. Luoh ICo~ty, 'Iorlda, " "'.r~",."U;"f'.' -,,';,,-"