HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2265 f~ctJj5 ~:I--,l~~~~- " ,,~Ll,n : I'," ,in ',' r m:~""ln,' ~,"rG~)i.:: i!',n.~ . l : Ii, ! ,'" .',,' " j. . ':~L.., >+..,...~~+-'_. ~",.L "",,':'_J.,,~.. ~'u :_~,-".~-_...,~_..~-___~,~~~~ ..:.:.....:, ,~.:...,_.~_~...__L_._,___~,"-~~ ,_ .":.."";'---,-~-~~,-~~_~.~_~.l,.._.._, _~ -~_..... .-.:.~.;,." ,eI8hiH'''"ll.~n. ~f-;.t:;~~:-;"-"--", ", ' ,....I~ <'~~i"';-;' -'Z~"';'--:1I'T'~'-T'~' ':'..~~'''~l~''''~TT'I~~~-:-~'~ 7~,........,. r '...: tT-....r--T~-,-' , .. '," " 'I' '" I,' '.. i , . , , ; , '. 'I 't .. I'''' " I I I .~~O~ ~Of bloo. opprop~~ot 04 bY~~' lIorth ~t '.: L.~h . R~... ~OhlO~O "*rlq t ~~~, ~O~~l ~~+J. .'., ., '" ',Tho I>ur,.\,o~or. to O~O~O( ..~. out.f~dl.B l"prtt!ogOO ':" tho tof'O~~P81~o1"'t~1 i'rot.'~ t~O\ "1'o,t ~\ ,\I\'\ot$~7~1.50,~4 th.,~4t(Jqi.tdl" the:f'DlolJDt dtt3Q9~.5?'..1 II' I~,'I.\' I, ,.'. I': 1,;.,1' ..f , . iI, '\ .. \' ,\~'. \ . \ , .. I ' ,\ . ',' I ' \ " . !.. I\\~ .. \aie,\\~xcePtl~g,t8X~'. ~~,ne,ra.1'.(sp~~l181\ 9r dr.~~ege'~\oJLand e~,~'~r.,~h..l~t. of: J8D\l~ry.,'i~25. ',' . ~ \ ,', \ '\ \, : ,'\ ,! , !, ';.. .I"'" \' .. \ '.', '; '; " ~, '.. '. 1- \ " ,\ \ \ ToqS~w1 ~b', a,l~, 'and .sbigular. ';the ~~mem~nte.\ hU'e~Uam~nte 'an\1 appur,t,en8J1oes t~erel.IDt~ : \ belongln~ or ai>1>el',t'al~l~g; . an'd every right t1'tle, or ~nter.at. legel or equ," tab.1e~ ot t~e sll14 . \. . , \ '. . ~ J . -- par'.t1es bt ~he' 'tlr." p8rt o~ " 1n, all4 to the 8ame,. ' . \ . . . \ '. . .'. ~ \: . \ ... ~ . .' \,'. . -,' . , '1'0 HAP AlIl>~TO.. HOLI> th, 88me ~to the: eald. party of ~e' lIoond pa!ti, and hiS, hell'S end e~81,gne. . \" . ,., , -": ~O' ,the1r OMl ,proper use.., benefit and' b.ehoot :to~ev~. . ..' . . . " '- . - - . ." \ ' '. \ , , ~c1 the8at <) Pllrtt.. o~ ~he:t1r8t"p"r't, tor' ~l1ems.~''-8' end tl1elrhel::8. admln1st'rators. do 'her6b1 'covenen t:., ; .xe~ut~ri end . .,.! " . . . . That, the ';'114, perUes o(the .t1ret part" '.t t~e"',~a.,t~ h~r'e.otar.e ,iewtUl1ye,e1zecJ,_,1n~~e ~, , 81mp;1e,' of,th.~" abo,.,; ~esor1bed 1)reui1e~'8 and' are 1n p88~e,able en'd, Und1l;Jpt.ted.,i>,08'88.8SJ~~: 'of. the i' , . 'Ji' '88me .'.: .' ., . i I . I '1 ."j , 't , , That' the 8810 'p."~bo:r..t~~ eec'o,nap~ri,hlB he1~8. 8nd :aselgne 8hal:J.8t"~ll':tlinell here'aft~r " , h~ve peaoeable pO~8eaa10po:t.'eal~ PteriUae,e~;'..lthout 'au1t,~viotl'On'0~'d1s~U1'~8nO~ ,of ~lli':8ai\j '" pfJ1'I_ths otthe t~r8t pe~t.or,an~ ~er"on or 'pereons laldu+"ly 'ola1ming th~ e'ame., . '.' ~ . .' , , .....' . . . " '.- .' ' .~.:. .:. ": . .. ' '4'hat. sa.t:d prem1aesare' free fromai11ncUmbr~il,oeB' and llens of every nat.ure :imd ~lh~, ' ", ',.. ': ' " , , ," , , ': .;: ',\ whilteoe.v~r. '1ticIUd~rig Uxes eio:~pt89 ~ere,l~eboV'e 813"tforth~ .-"'":- .. : ',AJi,d 'the (Jst'dJ>erUea'of the Sirst 'p'ert, ,fQrther~selve~'-8nd' their ,hell'S. the a~Gve de"", Bori pe d pre~1ses: alldeverYJla1-t -al1.(I,patcel' tll.ereQt. ~"l'th the',' a;-.purt ensnoes un tq the'88i p , . - . - .-' ", -',' ..' . ~'.' , ~ . "'-. . "': . '" ......... , . par,ty of the 'eecon,d part., h.1s .he1-rlland :sflc11gna ~ sgainst the'sald 'pertheot the f1r'8~ part . > . . . ~ ~ , ". - ."', "' ," , -, -. . 8n~the1r 'heirs end aas1~gne '~geinst eU ai1de,very ,pera,ori or.po-rsons lewfully clelt;lln~, or<'to::,<. -' ~ . . '. . -' - . . . .' -.. .' :'. . ,- , " ," ",' p of8im ,thes8Irie, :shall ~:~,wll1 'W;8l"r8ntan~by th.ese' preaent,efprever' d8fend. i, 'to'" :,()' ,! ~ ;. ':' . -. . IN \'11,'11;:;38 i'fHE?.EOP, :t~e said partlesof ~ea18,.the day end yeer flra'. a1)o1'e written.' Signed. eefiledend delhere4 in. pl'e,senoe ' of Jas. A.Reeves'. ~ . .." thef1ret pert l1ev~ 'hereunto ~et their' han7ds:end ';} , / i .~, j rl :i Eay .3. lJ1x,on. ,H.' S.lJ1xon'(Seell' l{srrie t S '. Dixon I . (~,e8i) , I l' I, 1 ! l I , t i i , .1 -~ :j ! 'f I .f ' I J I S'lJ. $ O~ ILLIllOIS COUlITY '0' LAKE. I HE~U;3Y CW'l'IFY. l'hat on th1e20tl1 dey- of I:ay A.__ D., 1925 befor~ me t'h"e ;Und~ra~g~ed~ , authority. peraonaily 'appeared }~. S ~ 111xon 'endlier;let '8 ~ D1:xo~. hl~ W11'~; 'known to me . . t-,.- . .'... _', '.," ." _ .'.'. . _' to. be the~-)et:son8 de80rlb&dln,alld who exec~lted.the,tore~01n-g In~tr'uoent and severally'" acknowledge4 the exeout1on thereof ,to, be the1r tree ac'talld deed for,the ua~8' end 'plir-' poses~here1n mentioned.., And th~ 8al d Harriet' g.. 41'.-ori'the wife ,of: the aaid' A . 3. Lbon ~' on, an exemlnet10n t~en' and Dade aepl:lret.elY,and apart,ft'om her ea14hu8ben9" liokllowledged .~'. 'that she ::;ede her.8elt a p8I'ty to the 8ald deed for the'purpoae pt renowloing er:drel1n- .- , . ". '. . . qUah1bg' hardolfer' end r~ghta of dower a'rid convey1ngher .eperete' ut8te' 1n and to the ),8n08;' ',' t' t,,~rnentB ,end' 'h,ered1taments her~ln de8or1be~ and thereby grent,ed end rele.aaed,end that she . j .~ 1 ~ i , .~ , ~ 'i i ;1 i t i if ,~ J ~, i ! 'ji .~ "i ,0 .~.) this 318t day of Aug~8t 1925 et 3:2~ r., ~. ..- 12. C .~.4(. Cle~~~1t ~ourt. ' ad'?'iZ:~./~.. ~~~~'~ , , '.',' I, , D. .C" ',",- ..,~,..l.. .... .....,,-,.......,..,J. . .._ . ~?~"'" ~ ~~ ..~ i"~ f... " , executed'ssid deed freely e11'd vlount8rl1y, and without. any oOmpul!31on. o~n8tralnt. apprehens10n or fear ,of or frOm her sa14 hUSband, . - end offioiel eeal the date slores_ld. Anna J. Irv1t1e .,' Hotar'y PUblio Stat& 8t Large. Uy oom;;:.1ae10n explree April' 28. 1925. ,; r).,. ".'Ir . f. I ,. " I ,~