HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2269 f; " , . I' ' . ;~I:!~~'~..'-S~~T-'C--'I~~~-~'--~'~'~' '..,j,',.,L~~~~.i'~r "I '" I , i , , ,I'., J ' ,~~ I . -;I" 'I i , 'I ' i 1 j: 1'( t: . .I ' , j, j i ,. i. j I . ' .' .'" " ' ; " I".' 'I . I ~r -, ';;~c:l::';.,:,:~c~j;;;;':;:'~,;J___,,: ;-,,;,S..~,1.;;Fi:-:; ';:';1.;;'" ,'}..:~';I'.' ':I;:.:;o;;;-':i-r;.=;~;,lf ;;~,J : ~tl,'7~~;.2:_ ;T~"; ";', !;l' \ ' PRPV1,Df:D. ,l~E~1'BEL~~S,t ~'h~t ~heee pre~~n~8 '8~8 ln8'~e" e.~b.1eot t~ the'ito.llo,wl.ng eXJ>1:e~8 ' ;. \ ij\' .oondi.~iQn8 "\reetr1"0t1~8 ~nd ~1~tt.8~10J;l~~ a~~~Yil1g, tOI s8~d ~~e~e~11.,~a,I, ~Qo~rdin'g' t~e~~:<;:at~I.lI' . '" T ,., '0 t ,.81. u.~ .~'I\h i ~ 0 ~~I. j," 0 ~ Oltl o~.. ! ,or ..~~ 1.,J t1 ~~.. ~ 4 t1lott. tlon. ... " i~ t ~p '.'0 to'... .h t, _ " sheil ;be, aooeptea'ar ~~t811ent~ \ rUnning 1,,1 th the '\~c1 ~~ whioh, e~81i beblndlng811ke ~pb'n~ ~' \ \ ' ',' ,;') \; i ' ; '" ; \ ' ,l '.: ," ,,' .,~, \; ", ,."; ,the helrs~per's()~al l'epus~ntat1'veB' and 8eSigns of' tho party,oft He seooJ}d p8r~,' w119by h,is' , ," '" ,'," , \' 1 ' ,-' " ,\ eo,oeptanoeofthls l~sU~en\t ~gr'ees,' to 8Ql1.de by end peffo~m sa1d Cee~rl0~10ne~ ,llmi,t~t~J~~ \an~ oon\11\1~n. ," o~eof. ih~ e~pre~s oon81der8t10n,80t'~8fJe pres~nts., '. \' ,\ , \ '. ':', \ ."', , ' , ' ' \ , \', " \ 1. ~l.o reaU.e.no.t s~ell.'be ereoted or oonstruoted ." a lese oost than $3.009.\00 ,and 'al). \ \ . . . \. - ~ :: ..; . .' . "... '. .... . ' . .!., " , . ',' -. .,. . - .-'. ".' . .'~ ' -, residenoes ln8e1o'Ua1"e,vllla shall be construoted o~ ooral rook'., oonoret,e,,8tu~00, conoret6 ')lQo~, ' , _ " ' ',' ", I . , ',", '\,. " .' ',' " " , ' " , .. . \ , 0 , ,', ',i, ' , ' , ho~lo.., Ule, ,briok or mixed Qo~e~ruot1o.n. ~1" 'Veneerd' with ooral'rook or ,bt:10t, o~ frl1lne veoeered'" . ':," ' .' _: -; '. . " . \. .,' - '.. . - ,:' \ '. . . ~ " ...,' : - . , . l' '. ,'. ' . .' - . . With'8tuocO, ,and ,shell 'be8ion8~panhh.: l!oo:rlsb,'V~J1eUan or"s1ml'l.8rh~rmonio\i~,~~.8 o~ 8*o,li~tectu.re, '4~~ ( l l t. . \ t .( i . 1" , . . i , . i ~; ~ . , , " , ! :,1 i ~ j i-- ,. .' \ , . ,\ ~' \ " ,.. .,' ',~ \ ,', \ ',\. ," j and the a;foresoU 8mOl1.nt shall be eO'tual.ly expended on oonstr~c tion aild ereoti.,on of 'suoh ,'.c". ",' . , . ".. -c. "_ ., 'bulllUng and not, for fees,in.,oonrieot1on therewith. ',' ' - -",:~~",:,--",-,"'-.'" ..-.-.-....,.... - - -:;: .... "'.-- ',,'. '. i :.. ~~ 'IiQ bulldlng;shaH 1lt. cons_trUoted ,()r e~e~ted 'on enY,Qf the l\)ts',ot.-l~aravUla ,un,tll,~' . . .' ',' - . :.' . :".- .' '. . . " :. . . ." : . .' .- .~, ,"', - '.' . '.-::; , 8ft.e~ th~ p.len!!, l;Ipeo~flo'a~lone ana 10c~t191'l of the siame, ~hallh,8ve:l),een'8PJ>roved'b-y -the' ,: i. . . - ' '. .J . " ' .: 'l~ .: " perty ot:the t!r8~;per~~ ite S~OCeSSD"8~ repr888ntat1~e8,or .'a,~a18i18.' ' , 3. :'he construotlon' of'. b~n:'dl'ng 'll;1'ilml t~dtdon~ 're'B1-denoe b~l1:cl~ngena one p~1vat~ , . . ".' :;.....,. ...:.,... " - ," .... " .,' .' .... ,. ~erege'otle.aQh l~t,~l~d'xJ50 tee(f~Omt1n.gOJl ,~unrla~,'BQ1il,eVtlrd~ ,',,' .. 4. ,.1'hatno. W\lawful or',lmm~raluse 8h~1l be m~de 0:1" the pr~m18~e hereby'oGnTeYf3d', . nor' , .;:.. "shell;. theaame nor eny' part thereof. ,nor any inter~s~"the,rebl, ~e .sold,leasecl orotherw(s.e oonveyed ~' , to any person, oth~r thf>>1ot . ::1he the Oauo~idan' X:80e'" provIded that nothii1 h'Ore'ln 'oonhinec1ahell'prevent .' , I ' " , . . .' , ", ' ' k.eeplng and,maintaining 0:t8er-v'ents, on the, said property, for rees9nobiefemlly ua~." >, ") "I , ',f , .. 5. .1;0' bUllQlng o.ol,u:10nlYA.~~wn8S', an'ape~tr.,e:i1t ho.u8e'forocoupatfon "of' !:lore. th8~"OJHr:~~u~ nor a6ylUm,nor hoapital,ehall be~e'reot~dor ~sed,for.s~ohPurp.oseBon: eJiy lot 1n., -"a.ra\til,l,*, ',exoept th~tdeSignated,for'b~slneS8l'rop~rty ,bJ_ ~artY:?:fth,e flrQt, part. , '< ,6.,'i'liat 1tsaid 8eco~d !l"rty,'.h1s'hei~a,',personei representaUvee,or os~'ign,8'or eny hQ-lder'or' h01der8,of the property hereby oonv,eyed,b~' virt.ue of" an! judicial ptoo,edlnes'. shell fail, t.o comply .jw'tth a~~ 01' the above, end tc;regolng restrlctlon,s" 'conditione or l1m1tat:lon8 within sl.ty, days after wr~ Hen riot1ee1;o the said . second .part1,h18 h81r8,peroonal'~epreeent8Uves: O~ eQ,slgns',9r eny-, of ther;;atJort aeree, n<>>-lde 01' th'e~r 1e8t; known ed'dre.B8, by the '8~1~ p(}rty' of: the, 1" , ' first. pert, Q81d abo:ve its suocessors,., peraonal'r~pre8eniet1veE!, or 'assigns. or either ,?1' theQl;' then, ,t1;le first ..~ desor~bod' andoonveyed pr()per~y ShSllir:u,le!i1ately, revert'tothe s81djnetty.. itat, ' , , , ' ... ' suooe,8s0i's. or' esslgns, ,whO shell be' e.nH t'te'd to lrr.medtate1y ,.en'er' uponeaid'propGrty wj, ':.houl ' .r: . /' -' ;not1oe. ,endtske 'possession of the semewlth full t1 tle'in'fee81nple, together, with the im-, , provementa thereon, 's11d n~ 'I',&1ver of 'onyof 't116aO oond"', Hons, l1m1tatioi:aor restriotions, ex-' llressor lRPl1edorfellUl'e for any l~ngth of t1~e to enforo'e ,the' sace, 6ball eansti tute a ,bel' to, such enforotmer.t at 8i'J~t,ioe. 7. ;het,the perty~ fhe first pert, itssu,qcew"B,ors or e8signs"sholl,hs\'e the right,' . , !' . .~ frQm time to time, to releSS8a?y of the ." . - " al)Qveor foreBoiJjg restrlct1ons, condl tiono or 11.r.n1tet.1plls by sf,la164 Instrum6n~duly ~)(ecntf:d.in l!ocordanoewl th the lawe ot the State' o1'~10rid8 for the ,oonveyanoe of' ~e81ea~ete" !1 _J JJ~l)l'HE 'Ali; >!:."'.'fl C! ,':!::--: :>DS'l' PAR'f, 1'01" itself, its sueeestiors el1d aseigns, ooes hereoy, covcumt snd egr~c with the aaid ' per~ of: th,e seg...Qn~ ;ort, .h~a heirs eLd 8s9'1gr;8, in the follow~ng ~eDDer: I 1., '~'h.t the. above ai: d foregolng restl'ie tione. 11mi tet1onl3 and f c:ondi t10ne ahell be IncJ..uced in 'a11 d.ede and agreements for'deed In the said ":erfivi1l~ '6X(H:ptL that portion 'et e art :eor bu~in889 pnrposes, f ,I ! I In ilIlliM3 \'lH~30', the ~.ld p.~t~ 01' the tirst :-:,ert has' coueed thee. presents to beeigned iU.~.; b)',U.F;roe/derit, end its oorporate 8,eal .to be affixed, ettest,d bY,ltsseoreta17, "'4p":':.~""'~,",~l;>,:"co,"'k:':i',,;<i>'~7.'~ I,' I ' ' I , I