HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2271 'I ';: I ' "_-,i~,, " I' ", '71".~;I~;:~~i~~:;~~~r~~!,~~~;;,:~ll;:~r,';~~t:"~;,~"_:"'~:~?~:~~;'~~~;',"";O;~::i:::~:"~:.',:;;:~;::;~:.'"';;~i~'1~~~'~':::i' \ l . \ 'j .. iot S~lo. lot! two h1in~ed ,tee.t:Xaat o~ tht. S'\'lthwe~t oo~r,ot ~.14.\' ;, \, \ ' r l'\~\ \.l,;- ' ' " \ l'q.tl, 1iheno~:\feita10,06 the\ Sf);th ~0w1~.IU7':~0\t,he:,~oU~h~8t, oor~e~ \01' \:\ 1 I' ; 'II, \ I, '" 8.'1<1.\ lot,i~epoe Bo~t~6aat~t'i1':,.1C)~g the Wcuit, bO~4arl0\t 8 a 14, ;lot; ,to, \ ' \ \ ' " 1'\;: \, \ II ' \ " .' , ;\' '\ I' \ pla~e\.ot ,beg~i.ng. ''-'" '... \ ,'. " ", ,"'. \~\ .". \ . ' , ',' " I,' " " ' . ' I I " ' I ,\ !~'\'~Tean4'to' hol,d:' the aame in t~e81111~n "tore.Ye:ri 'arid 'tlte' 8aidpe\r'7 ofl the 'tirat 'pa~t dOti1.' \ , "I, \ I ,I \ I" ", '.'.-" I . I' , " .' " ,.1 '., . ',' ~', ' I' , " ',' " :- : 'I oo~.~t,~ ththe 8&14, part10t ,t~~ ~~~nc1pa~ '\I,~~a~!. t 118 \la~W:l~ liI.&1Zed ot, ~h.e, S,~la\ pr~lll1se~I, au4: i~t 1~ bar. g~od '~1sht and l,awtu1.\a~thorlty.to eel' .tlle s~e. and'th8 .ald~p~~t~ '0'1 th~ tl~s1Ii " ' '\ , ': " ' "" , '. '" , . \ " " ' .' '\ ' ,'. " ..' .\ " , . " ,\ part'.doesheroby :tul,.l7W~qt' t~~}i.tlo ,to ',8al~lan4anq.w1-il: de,tel;ld th~\ .-:me, $8a~,~ the, ~a~t . 01a1ll11 .o-'t all'pe~liqna:,~oIa8oe'Yer. \ ' \-, \", ' \" \ " ," , " '" " .\ ,PROm>ED,BVERTHELES~~ ',That "h,ese'p~eents:~e ,ma~~' ~bJ~~,tto th~t~'l.lowlDg 'eipr~8~ oon- i ~', ::, " ,,(, ", ,"", .,', "\ ,', -- " ,". ".(. " d1 t10,nI. re8trlo~Uou an4. 11m1 ~~t1on8, . appl):iJJ&, to,.the ~al d llara.v~1:1a, aooo,rdiDg ,tQ there,oorc1e~,', . . . ..' <'.' .'. -". .. . . " ,:':'. . -, ,', . " ~. . ,plat ot8UdKaraY1lla. and. wh~oh09nd~tlons:'- r,t8\1'1i)t10nl. an4"limftat10~' are l~t~ndoa. to,oe ;iuu~, '. '_S,ball ,be a~o,pteb. as:,o'9v~WU1t~,~f~1 th: the .'~~and '~d 1f~l~~'~~ai{ ~e b1rio.1~ ,allk~'upQ.Jl~'~he., . " " , helrsr:" p~80nal . r~p~~.ntat1 ve~ '~~aB818n8, ,o~, the . ~ty, o,t tbe8"O~~~' :par~; ~hO'. bl"'ber:~coe~,tazt'o:e, 'ot'ihls1n8trwnent ~e.a, to ab1de. b;y 8.nd p.r:troPt ~t.d.re8tr1~,tl~~~'1~1t8Uone'and oondlti~fu..8,' ~..460 I ' . " .\ ,,' " I, , I. : ----f -: ',., ,; .,__'-___,--':---.....L.-. ' "1,,,--- ' .~ one 01: the' expres8 o'ont1deratlol1s' ottheee;'pn80nts'~ ',.' .;. . 4 '., . ':,1. Bo r~8~cienoe'.h8l1'be .re~ted,oloc.OO~8t~oted at a 'lese oost"than t3.0~~OO: andal.l :J."esideh&es"'" , , . , ' " ' . ,., " 1~ ,sa-14 ~avilla 8he.ll .~e .o'onstruoted ot oor~ . ro~k. ..~onorete'.8tuooO. ~norete: ~iOOk, holl0."Ul'~ ' " . . .. .'. . ," ':.' ---. ...0,. :';' . '. . ..' . '" ~.. . '. A . . _ . . . .' ~1ok or 1D1xed oonstrUotion, or,Yen,eerod.~ th ooral rook orbr1'ok, or 'tram. .,neered .w1th etuooo, :) . "', .' -.. . . '.~, '. . - .' . ' : an:-d 8 hall be aion8 Sp'an18h, J.loori.sh. "V~n~Uan~' or 8111l11,arharmori10U8 tnee,o:t arohi tt,pt~~and . - . .' -;' '. - , . .' . .' ." . . . : ; ~ - " ,'- -. - - ".," -, . - theatOre~aldamount 8h&i~, l;)~' ao~~aUy e~'e~d~d on' oon.rrtruot 10Ji: .n4. ereot1~~ .o~ 8UO~ ,bulid~ng arid "notio'r'te~s In OoDUeot,10n th~1"~~1th.: ~ . .:. ~ .' .. " , ~,. No' 'bu1ld.1~'shallb~ oonstruoted orereQte~ on,~'o't the lots ot 'llaravilla.until at.tt;r . i' . ~ " " . - ., , . ',' !. :the :p).~, 8peoltloat~on8 and loo,ation' ot '~he,8I11le' .~all haYe~eena~prove~ .b1the'part7 ',of 'the ' . . '.. .' .... : ,- " ". . .", .' -'. ',tlr8tpart', It.,, IIU00l880rJI;reprasentat1na oraiuHgns.: . . It', ' , . ' ," 3. The oonstru'ot1ono,X"ereotioli ot abu1ld~ng 1e,;Umlted to ono resld8noe, 'builcl1J18~ and qn.' 'pr1~ate,:garago,on'~Ohlo,t. 10~Xl5.0' tee;t troni1~0:ns~i8e BOUlev~rd~, , ' ..' That nounlaYdUl or immoral' usi.hall. be made, of the ,premlse8,be~eb7 oonyoyed, nor 8bait ,-.., . . : '. ", .' - ' :. - . ,- - . ' . '. - .,' , ' -," - .' - ~ ." . , the'ame nor ~,:part thereot,nor a~"lnterest there1n. ',be '8~~d, ,iealt,d 01; 01;herwiee oonveyeclto, . ~ . - , '. .' . . '. '~ .. " . .. . : .'~ : anyt person' oth,er 'thaz:lot.the. ~auoas1an raoo. pro:rlde~~thlnihe.rel':100n~alned shall,pr'evellt. ~he ko,p1ng, and _1nta1nf~' ot ,s~rn.nt8 on, ~he .a.14propert~ tor ,reasonabl.etamllyuse. ,1 . it ., " ~";' -. ','- ,- -'1' l' , \ .iI' \ \ f)\ \ \ : '\ \. " .'- ....~. . ,( 1.- ~l '. ." '5. lio bu1ld1ng oODllll~n17 lO1~ at an,'~p~tme.nt house to~ -oooupat1o~ "ot m~re t~, one tamUy. nor' aail-a, nor b08P1.tal,s~llbeere,ote4or used tor '8uoh purP08&" on ~ lot .01' lot. in Kar&vl1la, '"- e:x;oept that designated' tQ,r bus.1nell8 proPe~ty"by ,p~rty ot~he tlr$tpal"t. . . ~. ~'. . '., '. .' > '. '. . . , ,6., Tha~ 1t a~ici, seoondparty her helra,personal' repre8entatin.'or 8asl~,10rrmy holdtr.: orholiltrs of t~ propertiherebl oOliveyed~. ,l1i' Ylr~o,ot rAy 'Jud1o~ai prooeedlng$ 8ba'U 'tall~o . - . . '~. . . Oo_.Wl,t:ti a~ otthe above an~ tor.go1ng~es~r1~t1~n.'.oon4i tlon8 or i1lll~tatlol18; with1n slxt1 daya at'ter.written not1'oo to the .ald ,...oond part1 her helrs,per.onal repreaentatl,ve,' !)rau18n8, , o,r anT ot1ibea, at t>rtp'1eJ'oe.;nor1d&., or" their last'-~o;n-addft.';-;~t-the-'s.id pa~tyoi--th.' '\ , tlrst Part. 1t'.uooe~sors, perlonal repreaentaUvOl O;r ass1gns. or .1t~e:r ot theaa. then the la14. aboye 4esor1bed and oOlffeled property ah&~limm041ate17 revir-t to ,the "14'tl~tParty, ita> .1 . 1 .~eo"8~rs or ...~. who shall bt ~ntltl.'4.,to tmae41ate17 enter upon sa1d propert1 without , i not1oe-;- and take' pO.BOsslonot the IUle w1 th tull. title ,in tee aapio, toget,er w1th all 111- l;. . I ~ ' '- - . j, pro-rement. t~eon. an'4 no WalTer or an1 ot the.e conditions,! 11mltat10D8 or ..tr1otionl. expre., !- '/ ','" , ','. , / /' " !, ,) ; ," ': if 'c} or 1apl1ed, ,9.1' tailure tor &J:I1 length ot time to entol'cethe. ...., .hall oonstitute a bar to :_ r f I c tA7 U... ' I .; ". . I] '/ , ! , I