HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2273 ,( _ ~ _1_... . '1 ' . 1.11 ~ ! . . j .:..._,-' i---- t :", , 11' t' ~- I , ! ,,' - J ; I ' , , ' ' ,'j I' ',; i " ' I. I . I 1., . . I ,,') J" ", '. ( '! ,'i \. .' I ",)1., ' '! ~T;Cc L~:~:':;r~~'::;~'~"i'i:c;:;:;T;-' :;;;:;:::":2::; :~-(;;;';,,:L:;::C;:c ";;;:;~';';:;'~:;~ '.; ,'.:;,;;;-; "'~~;'~;::;~":;"'-;;f':~~-f7;t..;: , 'I I 'j ,I , , '. ' I, I Ilj A.. F1'~e~~d',. nl,8'-..~te" ~ari.J,es' o;~ the lIe.OOJl.di',pari., i: '~ I, \ "" I" 1 II ' '\ , : .! 'm~l!Sii'H. '~t ~~"'d: 1>> 0'0.., ~d~~t1~" or ih. 811II of .n,J~~1~;1.;, th"'1!'~d flI> 1l"'!~( .70. oO\lI ' , ,'" ,'(~~lo;\\IU).~ to, ~e .P&la,~."ald\>>~U6~,o~tlle"~oo~~ part a...'follow... f~;tteen th0U8&!1d,dolh,r8, tt15,?OO)I II ,', lawful \mon~~ o~the :uri.~t'e,d\St~t~\'o,i ,-'me~~oa. ~ash'.l11 h&ndp;.ld.to tlie.ald par~1~8 ,'or tho flra">l>ar~ \:, 'T ,at ,'or ,b't.~re tli~: en~eal~\$nd'4.eli,~;y of, the~e px:eaen.~~ : ,the !r4oetpt \~~reof:l~, he~eby\ aOkno~ietl&ec;\; ',', sixte.en thOU8aD.i1 tlve' liundl-ed dollars (.l~,OOO) bl'tb.e 'u8Umpt1on an'4. pallD~tn1) b, .Bald partie8 of' , \, I , . \, ~, ,\ . " ." \ :', \ . ,-, ,', \ , ' '\. \ ..' . ' , " ; \ " ,I., .. \' . ~' , . ,the'seoond part Of ~'on~1n morllg11ge ,beE\l'lngdate 'the ui~h ,de.;, ot NOTetober' I, '19~6,., ~xe~ut~d~ ~1'.', \ , '. '\ :, '"',, " :' . " ' ',' , ' ',' . ' ",' , '.\' \ , ' \ " ' \ ", ,.' ' ''; Fri4, Fee.and liQma )I. Fee. hl,s' wite, 'to Athol: ,LamOllt,and K1~~'Laaont , 'h1e .~fe. :upon th~, prope~~7 ' \.' "~,'.' . l. ;' '0. .~~. \.". . ." ,c, ....;.',', '. '* ", J':.. ,l}e~e1D.. oonveyed,' \1h1oh: 8aid 'mortgage 1~, of reoord il,1' th&, proper ,'offlo,e of 5t,. Luoie COUJ::ltt. Ylor,l~.' ,',' ;' . '. .. \ . . ~:. . .: - .~:' '!' . . ': ". . ~. ,..,,"... . "... ~.. and, tortl',:"three ~OU8~dfi,v, h~~ddo~lara. ,('.3.500,) ,'the :re8~dW~ ~tila.ld, sum,ot 8eTenty-t~ve " . :" . '., . -. .. . \:,' " 'o' . . ~". .' . '\ ".. .' . .:, ~ .' - ~. \ . . ~Ousail\ldol~1U"8' ($75.000), .to 'b.p~id bliald part'1e.8 of. .~~:seoODd part,~o: 8aid 'plLr1;1es~,t the; ~-" '. . .' .' ":'. .' . .:. -., -' ... .. . . '. . .'.",.' . '.:' " ... '~.. -' .' '. ; tirs t ;'part, "ln tlb'ehnual1nstallment'e 'o~ t1rentl~one '.,th~"tLI1ci 'seven hundred 1'.1fty40111L1"8' (.2~750,) . .' ., . . .'. .-",,'. -' . ..... .: .'- '. -. -: ' " :,'1It one,'and 1;10' ;re~'r8-'fr~ the ,~t.,~~.,:th~8 In,de~it~.. "nthiiitere~t 'o~ 8.id"1'nstallni~n~~. '::: . ", , '. .: .... . " . - .' .," ","'. . . '. ., . ' ~, .'. ~- . and' eaoh ot'l;lu,..., fi.OIIl'the.~t'eh.r~()t:' ~t' 'the rate ,{)~ ei&htper,eentper ann~. ~a;yab~e'8~ml,- "~ ~ '., "i ' . .. '. .... . '. . '. ':' " , .' ' . ,aMUall1., .iau1d:;~to b~ ',8eo-*ed: by ,~ 1Ni'o}1~se'mo~i\lZlortgage' ~o.b,e~xeout~d, ~,d~1~~l'e~',b7 8ald ,,' . '. ", -, - o. '. . .". "_' . . ',_ "'. -' ._. :.' ..' , . .' ',' ..,. ;.. . , '. patt01es Q,t: ~he ~eoond part::\;o 8&icl})art14uf o:t the.,fira't; p~~ ~t the-tiae, of thedeliv8rY 01' th~e~, ' , pres~nt..' the,p~t1e8' o'~.~~.' flriat'~rti,b1: . ~he:~'pre;eiit.~dQ.,:s1V.:' grut.' bD.r~a1ni8ell~ 'allen,~' , ~ .. ' . . ~ ',', ~ ,:.' - . - . ..' ': ,. .. . . '. -' . .'. . . ..' ';'" "'-. ' ",' : ' , . ~ ;'enteoff. 'reml88.rel&e.se. conveY' and ~oufl1'11l~tothe aaldpartlesot:the,seooncl part a:ldtheir",:~ '. " , - .'. '-. -". ~. .' ~." -' . '- . .,', - . . -' " ",.:'''' . ',. - , ~." -' ~. , . . ~ ' he~r81n' ,the 1'Ollowmg;proportlon8 r~.p,o~l':ell. P;~Graoe:~~in ait,undlv14ed two-ttfthB,J2/5).,'.' ; , '. :intere8t. rra 'W.Upshaw &1i Wid1vlded 'WO-flfth8, (2/5) interest. and w,llUam' ~",g~d. and Fl,*.n~.,' 'J..Freesard ap ~dlVl~d~:ne~t~b(.i/6) 1Jite~at~~hel"eln. :t~t,o~rtaln.. propert). l~' th'~ ooUn~l--:, ': . .'. '. .'. - '. .'- " ..: of-St; Luo'le .and5tat.eOf.FJ.0J"lda~.'de.orl~e4as iOllows:, COmul.noUig"a~ ,the' 51: oorne'r'Of Blook .'"~ lnFo~t'PlerOe. :'Fl,o~l4a; '~ f~~ thertQeWeaterlY. aloi1g'tiu'- ',North 11~~ at '~alll1"tt~'A.ve~", , . , , ", " :". ,,' ,:, ,', " ',' " . ' . " ' < " " , . " ", " , . ~ ' i 115feet:1;helio"~ortherly par~llelw1thM&gI"oUa S,tr$et140 feet; 'thenoe' Easterli paraUet ,lf1th' : - ',' " ' .' ' . " .. ) :palliie'f~o-j,venue: i15 ,reet .~ ~ol1a~tre~t;~h:enoe;:sOutherlY :alo~.te~t line, of Maeno,Ua .striet: ' '.' I t ' .- '.;o'J I I ~ . OJ, I. \ ~','4fj2-,i \ " "f . ~ ~ : o( \ !' . .", , ' "'1]' , ! i . .~. ~ ' 140' feet 'to, p01Jit 'ot ,begl~1ng. '.Together with all ,and al~1U' the ,teneaaent~.: hered,1&amenta~J;ld ap~urten~outh~raunto~e~ : - '. , .,' ~ . . '. .. . , .-,., ~ ,.' .. ", long1.ng.' or ln~~1ao ap~Dta.1.iling, e.nd. the r~v"rs.lon and reye~iJ1:o'n8.~ma'1nd.rand'reri1fiindere; '. ""a '. t rents ,'1aaues and prof1t. \ thereot;and. 'also all the"esta te ,'r,1ght.title, irtte~8t, homestead,." " . . ".-' -." , . ......, ".".--,., _. . . ' . ; "', -. . f. " _ . . .., _ .. . . ' , _. " ..~. . " ,_ . : dower 'and .r18h.t ot 'dower, -8~Pf4rate, 'esta to. propertt.'posse8s1on,01a1mand demp.n4 wha tSO$yer.at' .. , , ' ,- ' \&, " '..,. " . ~" " . ,,' '," ..',.., '.' , '.' , ' " . '.. ," " :~la. and in eQfty. elther and both; ot the .ald parti~~ ot: the ~~st part" ot, ~n~ and to the 8ame, '" , " l .' ", ; - ',.. . _' :. l . . . and everjpart llxid:PlU'Otl 'thereot;. ,to, he.ye and t'o hold. the &bOTedeeor1bed')>remlsee,; eaoh,and every, " unto th".aldputiea otth" seoOnd pat:t. '.their heb8 and aSl1liSns. ,'in tee 8i11lple, absolute ~ ..:,- '.~ , , , , ~indefeas1 bll~ forever.' ....' .. , , ' A.n.d the sald parUu of, ~befl~ijt part..,torthem801ve& and th~1r helrs., exeoutora 'and ad- 0", _:, '. . '__. _ _ ~ ' .' " . ... :'lllllnlltrator8, ,.101Iitl;rand ..yerail:~, .00Tenant,.. prealse and agree: tOa.nd with ,thesald parties, of ,\thes,eoond part, their heh... exeeutors. &d&inl~trato,rs-,and'aI81gn8. ~h~,t the laid parties,'oi th~.;' , tlrst part... t thcttime of theie.Un<< and del1vel'1 ot \he81 preJients are l&wtulll seIzed lnfe, ' , ~ . -? :: s14pleo:ra"good. 'absolute andfiicletea81ble estate ot lnher.1te,noe otan4 in all and s1J:lgutar- the . -' ~ - ~ . ~. . ,abOTe desoribed prem1s~s. ,eaohand .T~r;y, ,and ,have , ; L .onvey th~ same in manner 'and t01"ll atorelald; f _ " . . 'jheirs and assigns. shall and mal, at e.11 t1mee hereal'ter,.JPeaoe.a.bly and quietly haY"~ hold, use. >.'to.O~1',,~8.8'1 an4.!en~.o1 the abovefdesoribe~ premises. andeverYl>art an4 paroel thereot. without ,~. ,~U.trou.b1e. lIlolutaUon. ~Tio1tlonor d1B~1l1"b~O., bt t;e -laid p~t1e8 'O'f the tirst part, f' . 1 their )le1n or a8s1gns.or anT ;Other' person or ,.i' , ;~.: 1. ~l1& t good right. full power and law1'Ul authority to , " I ' " '. , - , that the .ald parties ot the ..oond par~. their :1 , , " -. ..... all and .1ngular, are ,iree,olear, ~ pe~ona la~fully ola1m1Jlg or to, o1a~ the .ame; I ' '!' d18oo.rgea. and unino\1lllbered, ot and tr<ll all , . T'".----.,.-'~... "r'-""-' ".;">-':..