HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2276 i '1 t . i. . I ., ,- - ---, .: ! ,-:-. ~~:.~-~. L 'l ,', j, at and for the prloe of ,Twenty 'fhpu.sen'c} ~d lio/1'00, Dpl1,.er,s."to'be PJa1d, e~ fOllows , -:?he ',' ..J , I ,Hundi'~d'Do1l8rs 'reoelpt aoknow;tedge'd 'and .lIeur' ~housend 3.l"e 'l1undred ($4500..60) Dol1.ars, ! ' 1 ',~~z..+~~~.a~b ~'~4the"wri o~,;ifteeri'ihou88nd'aild ii'o/ioOD011~~ ,to tie 'P~~d' ~~. n~t'~s ,'beiis.~lg:; " ~ , ; ,'In,t~r~e't ~Q;;_paY8~e.seInl~ann~8~1y. 8~~"~8ya~ie ~n;or, b'e~~~~" ,the 'reepe~'tfve~~:du~' da:tea '8i{'f~" ',..,1 ; q ';, j j 's"" , ~' . ~ ' i-a ..c. ,C :1 " I , l -..:~.~._":.- -:. -..~. -::,~r"'" -::-~--"~:. 1\ ' , \ ,~ \ I: \ \ . ,: !, \ '..' , \', , '.\ \ \ \ ~ , ' ;, . :-r ~8; "., ~:t:.. r ~';:., 0, ,;, ~ '...,..,.,~,.,.,.,., '.,',..,. , ".' i...... 0, ~ ,\ " ; r, ! \. . \ \, \" i ' \' i f -, ') J 1 '," /, ,,/!' [ ....'. ,~~;f? ! ' I. Ii' , ' ", ~ ~ I' I' ' I' l:j ," ,,~ J'l i;.' I ~ "I" C" I j " , !" , l ' I" I", '. ' I .. ' " ' ! " I -. -- ~.. -.. ---- -~ - - .:~:~~ ~-:. ~.:' -= ,~-::~~...i< - .1:=':. !..,.-'~ !.."""7. ~ -:'.~_-:- ~-4." - ... -- L ... -, -....... ~..,.:...a... ..,---~ ~"-.\ .,'... ~~ .....~-/.,..\-___J -- .. ~__'-L..o.....~ ~._. .:: _ -!'" ..._~->i:.,~__._:... --~ ;' ,.' \",',' ~ '\,,', \'~""'I-T, c'.,',-'I~,-~'-"-~':.~::::-'-~,'''~;~,' -'-'~"-=r~~~'~..,-r--I-----""'iT""r'~""'~ " l~, " , :.' , , : I: ! ' , \ [ I. . r ' ~ \ . , I.; ", Sout~ RanEe r~~l'''' iast. ",11 a po1Ji't whe,re ~he\ Eas* e1de o~ ;:,' ,;, ; I . " ,',' . ,'" '\. ,,1 Vi.. ~\ , ,'; '. ; thOi\R1Jht,0t:J~~:,~~, ,1;~~.,~ol-~da",Eas,t .-Po~~t: R&i~w~,lnt\er~eo(~. ' :\ ! \ ',\' P , " \', \, "1 \ ,~h", ,8a1.~ ~,~l<t~ 'l~O'f, Lh 'afO~e.ald~ \~ ~1D8 thono~', f\' '~\\ \', \' : I ~s;e.r'l1\to: the 8h_ol1~ o~t~\e, Indian ;flY~r;' th~n~~ ,,\:: ' \ \: _ \ , : in ~a southerlY'd~hct16n 81p'ngt}~e "ahor.e o~ Bald ,river\ e~Clut , \ " J.85 ,~ee~ \1i~e .out~, ,of ~le d~~ch,or dr8\ln, rqnnUlgthllugh t,~e, ,,':' .- '. EafJt' ',si:de '.o'f^~ot 2_\ t,heno,e rU~1Dln6 Ute \'f88,~~r~y <llnOPQt L.'- ' \'( ~ , '\ 'psr'Sl],el't'o the ll~rth lint! of'lI...a\lo'~ 2 t'the right of'wayo~\" '. , ' , ' , " .' \ ' '\ :", . , ~e~. F,10~id8' };8S,t'C,08st R8~1"8Y.t,o ,'the ~olnt:' ,of 'begi.~nln~,.,_ 01', the , "',' ,," ", .(. " \ ,North'185 f~et ?f Lot 2. Eaet' of ,R8'U.oed.', m doont81nlng ebout; " ,I., ,"' , ' ' ::,', ,- I 'I If. ;/ r, { II. , (, \ ,! '.1 . I i ! \ . 1 " . ;" '.' "'I J' , ; \ ",'. j , \ 'L I 1 " I ~' i, ~ . . t I j 1 i follO_8. ~'thoUB~4 D6114ar8jIay 218',192'6~ lh1ee'Thoueand'Two Uun,dred 71.~tl. '~oli&~8 ~ , .. ' . . . -November. :nst. 1926 end ~ee' .&:~oU88n'4'~~ H\mdred,Fl~~y' 'jJo~lers'lrOve~ber ~n~t.:, 1927; " '~ree l'housSJ;1d'l.'Y!O H,uridre4; 1i,fty' Dol-lsre lIovembe'r 21st; 1'928.- ,end' :?hTee thowhmd.' .Two .H\U1- > , . dred',.jifty Dollars Irov.~mber ~ltit.. 19'29. :to,be e~oured'.by '. , .. . real estate. '1n form to be,S8t1S,f~0~ory to'both p81"tfea. . . .' , , a'mor-tgage'.or tr\J.st' cleedoi'isa1d, ga14 c.e~hJleyment.to. ~erilece"an,d j j . . ~,. ',' { 1 t8ecur1tles. delhered on or'bef6r'ethe: '218t,.d8iof)jovemb~r A.~ D.:,"\<)25.,~0 Hrs.' ,Luoy -~,issen. ,"j .,..;. 'ite ,al,80 e8x:e~' to f.urnlsh' an. 8bstr,e~,t ~f title shO"~tlg' .good 'n t~e," to .S'81 (} re's.l e~~.t;e,i: " " .1 ! . end in' ,t~e ev'~ntof 8' f~llureto .d,el1V8i" e,rf.1!streot showing ,.perf~c~t'tltle t'o aald' rebl' ' i este~e()r'for anY'reason .l'e 'are~,8bte to, del~ver';o: ;'Iarrenti })e~cf~yeny feul t'ol oyr$; tluj.ri', . . '.' " ",' '". '. - . ',: "."'. . ." '. ,'" '. In. ~1ther-oi' ~sa1devents t~~, cesb'''paym.e~t,ot$500}0<) ;81reed~~~de"';lil ,be ref~ded to 8,ald' ,.;' j He~liltrom' ~dRook.', l,nO~8e thf!' pri"fnegeoti>urChes~ herebj" given iR .cx~rched." the"' 'pTioe, , above,ri.8t.lec1 peid and Jleoured. ll,nd the seouri \.1es eooep~ed. 'as ebovepro::v11lec! ,we egl,'ee ' to convey eild reai Elstete, to Beid ,ll.E. Hel1etrom end J8J;1ea a. ROQk . ''F- " essUre the Baid , the1rheh'espd esalgns .~bli1 good end auf,f1c1eI\t- , . ". -,.. , ot>.$~9.00 end other. ~eluable c'onBid~rat16n ,/arrarity' j)ee~. receit'1ng e' conalcier~Uon-' . , free' end clear ,o,f all l1Ems.or, 111C'umbrences , \, . w~e,t80ever l except'8s,tota:xe8. B8sessmentsor',1mppel:tlon81e::vle<1. e9sesIHid or':1mposed "'.1; , upob 8814 real estete, subsequent to Uovet:iber218t~,;L925. " In' C8se the, priVilege' of puroheaehere'by,glv8n la not' 6Jl:eeo1sed - . . . and' t~econdl~'ions hereottullY perfo'rqied by sald .li. .E. ""iiellstrom " enoJBr1es 3:. RO~,k. 'their h91ra 'Qr ~a8[gnl3'. . end written not1ce of auch exeroise eIld:piirt~rm8nO$ghen"them. to' the Urtdert!igned'Ura. . . .. ,,,,' Lp,cy ltu6eell 011' 6rbef~re ~he ,21~t da;pof, J1ovemb,er A.D~: 1925,8010 pr1vile'ge shan'the're": ' . , ' - : . upon. wholly CeaBe ('Ij~t n'o liability t'ci refund the mOl1ey pald therefo~ shell 8d se,) _,8a1.d abstraots 'of tl tle be returne~ In ,BOOd, order; c-sIfduld l:rs'.Luoy, Russell shal.L,at,oi:1c;e '" " ~-.--', " "," exeoute. rele8s$ end~ oanoel,th18 lnstruUentto 'seld Hellstrom end Rock., .~. , ' . . _. :'";:1 _, . <' .... \ Durlng the existence of said 'prlvll~e.e:"of purchase. thiB l,natrument shell, be binding on , , our heirs. e:ucutor8. 'dmln1stratore.end ~s8igns. who: may ,~J(erciBe ~the, right!') here1ri re- , . I served by them and reoehe the surrender sbo::Vfl r:.cntloned. ' , , 'J1tn.!"S8 our. handll,'and seals thie20th 'oay 'ot 4>Ugust..A.'.D. 1925. Q , i , , "I 31gned. aealed8Iid deU vered I ' in the presenQe ot: , tiergarev Cotfee ~err111 C. Haskell ~e. Luoy,Ru8..11 '#m ~ F. RU8Ull I, ( 6881 ) . , (Se~l) ! . -=-...- -,..r- si.A1!EO? 1LORtD.A I' ' 1;,....' 1JqIE. , r . I t,. ' "'} ,~ ~ d- ~. " "". ........ ~.~ 'I ~