HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLOWER DOOR TEST FORM 2-26-18-4 v� D CANNED 4 IJ BY Planning &Development Services Y Building A Code -RegulationDivision NTY 4300 Virginia Ave,, Rm 201 R�CEIVEO Fort Pierce, FL 34982. Phone:772-462.=2165 Fax: 772=462=6443' . FEB 61�18 :. permitting'D L BLOWER DOOR,TEST. FORM :. Ude Cou ty snt St House Infiltration Test Certification: Prescriptive .and. Performance. Method . DatedPermit #:: Cont actor: :i t; Job ddress:... Con truction - ) New -Construction.- Complete ( ).Existing = After Addition Houle Infiltration Test Results'. SM.Climate Zone 2 . CF .I(50) - 1a �' Test Date: Vol me = .. �(50),(50) =.0x.66 / Volume = .. ` Mechanical Ventilation required less than 3 ACH AC Pas m results must be & ACH 50 :or less Pass Fail g (..) ) (. ) FBC, nergy. The uilding.or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate�of not exceeding 7 air changes per -.. hour in: Climate Zone 1,: 2 and 3 air changes.per hour.in Climate Zones 3 through'8: Testing 'hill be, conducted with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w g ' (50 Pascals). Testing shall be�conducted by either individuals as' -defined in Secfipn 553.993(5) or(Z), Florida Statutes or'individuals licensed as set.forth in Section 489..105 (3)(f), (g) or .(i):or an appr -ved third party. A.written report of the results of the test .shall be signed by. the.party conducting the test and P.. it .. .. . - rov ded to the code:officidl. Testing shall be performed at;any time after creation of all. penetrations of -the building them al e envelo : P FBC, Resideritial, l e,the.air infiltration rate of. a dwelling unit.is less thari.3 a,ir..changes per hour when tested with a blower door at. a Wh�r re 'f 0.2 inch vc. 50,Pa in accordance with Section R402.41.2 of the Florida Buildin Code, Energy press ( ) ' g - E gy Conservation the dwelling unit shall lie'provided.with'whole' house'mechahical ventilation in accordance with Section :M1507.3• Testing Company Company Name: . v .�"�. Address:. UI C u ("'k, �- C t �Y �✓. /OSL/..7. L 1. he feby certify that the above House, Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC Energy Conservation . req irements in accord ce wi Section R402.4..1.2 Climate Zone 2. i Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division' ��CFIVFp 2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201 F£B '2 Fort Pierce, FL .34982 610' 772462-2165 Fax 772462-6443 permitti 8 St. FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Cu ie Dertmeot my :. Duct Sealing Certification Prescriptive and PerformanceMethod q Date: Permit #: ? Lot #: � � % G0 Contracto � � Address: ;, o Consfru Ion: PosCConstrucfion Test a Rough -in Test ionditions:.. ... n.. Date.I. . 02 ' • : Floor Area (ft2) Time Indo .. Temperature (F): Primary Location of Supply Ductwork C Primary. Location of Return Ductwork r OutdlporTem at P erure(F)c (III 4 eakaae Test (Outside) . . Total L e q ®�j t eakagc o Default c Prop:' Leak Free .. Proposed On Te Duct Pressure: Baseli 'e Duct Pressure (optional),' • (Pa) :. Q Duct P�ess. (Pa) Flow Ring ', .' `FM Press Flow (cfm):' : Results:%APass : o Fail Installed.. Pa I _ Total Leakage (cfm):.. Leakage per sgft: "7 Total Le � I :. z.100 divided byhe CFA - Duct Leakage CFM/100 sgf. . ICFM25 Testin Com an Comp ny Name:. h/`1 Address: �d N.IJ I' I heregy certify that the.above Du Sealing Leakage results demonstrate compliance with 50, Edition FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section �rei R4 :2: . Signa "' �p, License/Cerfcate � �. � C 7cei�. � Printed : �,� �•50�. e #: . .