HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2283 i,' .. . , .. , 1.1 .' , . 'r"~.~-:~I-~':'~:""'~~T,~u-_,+L._y , ' 47a:, I " , , 'j'1 I '''" '. I.' ~ I . ' I I I . ;;;;.r':~: :. ';;: 'L,';;:;;~~;" ."i~:':;;~~f:'T; :F~ '-':;c~..,:~~.;#;:t'.. ,- ::-"~!;::;~;:;:- ._--'-;:'C::.C;::;:::'T:~~;:;':;;'::~:~. .i,p~;."(:"" ! w", t R.~OHARDS,ilr jL': ' \ .. 'r~ ' ' 11' \" '~:' (l WILtUJ.r G. ~RUBLY'~ ~: ,1,. "[ r' I,,:, ,Ii\ , \, I !' I. ,I,,' 10 II ' I,; ,l 1 ~, " ' .' , " WAIUU,UTY D3Bl): \. Ii I' ,\ \ I "~'" \ ' I ,\ I, \ II \ .. l 'i' \ ',." " . ..' \. \ ',' , ,i' I THIS WAltRAN'lY' D3~D 0' OOUmAlICB" '~eou\ted' tpl~ \twen~f.,-fo.~t~ 'day \0 f'.ru1~.~n th~ .yearot t , ;: \, ,o~~' Lord ~n~',thoU8~J.ld ~iri~ hU:D~e~ and t~e~~y~fll'e BY AND ~B~~~I W~\ I,. \RIOhar~.\and ~~'~ri.' i",I," ..~ . ~ ' . \ .. . \' . :'. . . . ,\ 'r~ Bioh*r4B, h18'w~e"ot tb8'OoUnt, of.' st.\ Luo~e, 'state 'df,'F~()rt4a, 9f the fl~8t p~t, ~'d \ \ ' " ' I t \ " ' \ ' . , ' ", I Wil11am G. Runy, ot ,t~e 'Ooun'7 o~ ~tl",Luo1e.. 'state of Fl,orida; Ot ,th~ ae'oQX\d parl. ) J. " '\ ' , ',," ,", \' .' \, , 'I \ .. , , ' , .\ ' " I ' , ..' '. I I' \, , . ;\Y,1TlI838Bm~ ,That the.8ai~ p~~ie8,o:t 'the;:tir~t' pa~,' formd lnoon'81derat-1onof; the aWl: :' '. '\ '..'., : '. , '" '..', ',' '.'11' ... ',' \.' ,,' .,'\ , "\, o\~ Ton Dolll\relatld \o~~er '80,0.4 an\d'Ta;l~b1e. 90n81cieratl0D8~: lawful money,o~ ~~e .un~te~~tateB of AIDerloa, ~ to' thezd .in ,he.nd ~ id, by the ea1~ J;>ar\y, ~~' the eeoon d pa~. . at lor befor~ the' "en~". "",.' ~e'aling~d,d'$l1l'e~Y" oftheiJ~ })~elJ'nts:, '~e ~~GelPt "where-ot .1sl:(ereb1'aOknO\f1~dg.d.. b~~ ~h~8 ... ',; , : , " ,,' ,', ..,. , ' . -, "~,,' ,','. ~" .;'. pre8e~'~' dog1ye,: gran~,~ar881n" 8&11" alien, en~~otf ,reml8e, "re~e,88e. ,oontey ~d'oont1J1Duri~o ; _ . , .' . .' .1. ; '~he '814 part~,Qf ~heee'oon~ psr,t. ~ci, h~s '~efr~; that,.~.rt'f11~' p~perty 1.n ,th8()OUD.,t:vJ1,t S'~.L~O"llt \ .~ and. stat e -of....Plori.~ desoribed aEJ :fol-lo..,. ., . .' ~ .' " .." -' ", " '. ~ . . ~ . . . !, . . ~ '. .," B'eglnnlns at the'lIorthea.1i~n.r- of Lqt i'lft1--:-Uve '(66) 'iu Jlaral'ii1a ' ~. ..' ....,'. . . - '. . .. ' . "'. ',. ','" I '. ..' . ;, _'., - ", : . '. .' ' , ,,:subdl~tel.on of, sl~~~on :~1~'l!0~hlPS,6 S,o\1.~~,. ~~e' ,40 3a,St ,'~aoooX'41ngto' ~ ':piat ~f' .aU ,8Ubdi.,rt81~n reoorded In'pl~t bO,01l; ,4,4t' P~g8' C>8, 'ot'th~st~ Lu.ol~ , Coun ~,'redor48: ~ thence' nn. Wea t., al.ong' 'the lio rth b~\U1daryo :f"~1 d lot,~' a ; ~olnt . . . ,'two ,hundreci '(000) feet ~al,.t of ,the lioi'th~eBt o~rner' '01 8&ld.10 t: thenoe'3out'fu"ester1Y. . , . ',' .~. . ", ..' "'".. . ~ .. ~ " .,' ,'. . '. . ," " ,-' , ' . . ~o a 1>o~n",:, on" the' South boun~a.1jr,of 8&1 d,lo ~ 'twoh~'dred (~00),..~~et~8et o~ .t;he," ~' soU:thweatoor~~r of Bald'lot; 'th~noe 3&a,1o a,long th~..soutb bou:ndar:yo:r~a1d 10 t',to'; , . > ..,.. .' ..' ,'... . ;.' ~l\e, s~uth~'aa~ 'oor~er,of eat d'l~ti::Uteno;,Uort~ea8 1ier],y alon8the,3ast bO~daX70f". . . " " '. , ..' ' - ,~ -_-<a . . . ; '\ :; \ \ ~ ~ [. ~, ! I:, I ' f I, f., ~ . '9. I ! . i. .,' , l': t I i . ~ r ,; I . I 1',: I, '~ . - -----'-------------~- r. .. , , . : "a1Q.iott~ plaoe <r:t' b' eglnnlng. .", " , ' " " Sub~eot;,~"a,lIlort8ega.of $.2600.00 re~arded,lIi 'mort8~ge bOok 20, ~E!ge,fj31,. ,', "c>t,\ the: ~t. LuO,ie'oount,: ,l1eoo,l'da..wh1ohmor,tga6 e: p81",t1,ee :0 i~e~aalll1me'., e.il!1 agree to"j>$7}~:alBo,8ub3'eot, 'O'a'moBtgage ot:$1600.00 reoOrdedln ,m.or'tgage 'book 20', ,page ,649' of ~he~t.'.'LU01~' Ooun~ 'reo~r~8~""b10h'~ortg~~' the party of t;b:e'seo:~d part'a~Btmie8--sn'd ~ree~'" ~'1.,.theunpalfbal~no8 o~'the,prlnolpal', ','~' < f:wn oelDg' at th18th1e$960.00"pay~ble $60,00 per~nth'wlth lntere~t' at 8~., -,' , " .,.." '" I, ,',', ,", ' " " " , , TOG3frH3R'with all and 81ngul~tt'he "'-,~, ten8lllents" heredl1ieme~t san~ appUrtenoUo'es thereunto' ", t .~. " belotiglngOJ" lri anywissapperh1tiillg, a~id 'the rltl'or'SiOn, arid re'Verslo nel,rema 1nder)8-~ci' ~ma1ri~ei'a, . '. " , .. i '. . ". . . ' . . . -. ~ rents, lssue.;'~n(rprotits tberltOt; A,tlD ~BO~~ the estate" i;-fghti title., Ipterestl~ hOI;ieste.ad~ . ''', . '-.' . - . " , ,dower and' right of: dower, altparat e 'est8t~,' propertY', pOsBesslon,- olo1lD ,and demand:what,oever, . .' -, " " - ."' ..'. ." , ~t la.. an~ 1n eq ui ty, elth~rand both,of the~aldpartle8 o,t: tlief1rst '1-;rt, of, lnandto' tbe ,; ,~ .",', " ,', ' '" '. ",",' ".. ' :" .. same~ '~~le"tery p~j;~~parOel,t,he:%,eoflTO F'..AV3,411D TO HOLD the-abol'e de,!l9rfb$dPrem~8~s, 'eaoh 'and e'lory, un.to the 8ald P,8l'ty o:-f' th.e,seoond pt.rt,hlsh,elra, an'd 8Ssigns,',in,ffui Q1up1e'- absQlute,,' .' " -. ' . - ' . ,', 1 . , . ,indefeB81'~ly, forel'er. " " .' Arid the said p~t1e8 of -the ~1rstpart ,for.,theguMt~vu ana., ,thelr hell'S, 8X8out'ors' 'and, administrator8; j~intli and 8e'lu'S1'J.1, o<?l'enant,p,romhe' and agree to an~ 'wHh 'the:8a1d i>ar~, of the aeoondpart, his he1 re, exeoutora/adroln1atrat~nHmd' _8igOe, that thlt 881 d par'ttea ' 'of the first part,at the ,time ~f tbe se81'111g aDddel1very of tJlese presents, are law:tUlly , ' ' , " ~ sdze,d in feea!+:iple o't a 'good,' ablolute&l1d 1ndefeaslble estate of 1nherlt8noeof and In all and s~ular" ~eabOvedesorlbed, prelollJeS, each and every, and 'ha~e gooo. right, ~ull power and . I lawful authority to convey the "lI8Jll8 iu manner and tom' atQreaald; that the ealdpe:rtl otthe ..oond par.t-. hi,S h'elrs': and as,aigne, shall and may at a~tl~~"bIY and' quletly have, hoid, use, OQJupy and possess!, and enjol th./above deaorlb$d premisEte, ond e.,,/erYP8rta~ l " " ' , , . paroel th~reof, wit rout a ny let, .suit, trol,lble fmoles~at1ol?-, ' el'iotion or di8trubanoe 0 f the " , , ' , 'I . laid parties of .the firs,t part, their he! ra" or assigns, or ot anyot~er per80n or persons I lawfully Qlal:.ing or ~o ctaim the Bem.; that _. .sme, all and 81ngular,are tree,olear. dll1, I ~ I ,. ", "J .... \~" ,\ \\. . , \' , -\--~-' , . \. " ",< i',~,', ' .: 1 ' <). -. " "~, . ,~' it of,