HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2284 I , , I I I ,I ,: I, "::~;? "';rt'1' ';:C" '" .,.. '::;; ";!~;, :~:'~~;;:~~::- ~,,::~":::~;':';.C:;;:7:~::;:'~'S;;;;;::" ;:-'7!~';":S~";;::';';-',~ :;:=,:;;;:i~7::~~;::.::,' " ,I, I' I O~aI'6ed a~d un1nOU~b~te~ of,and tx:om ali for~r" ~d ~~h~ tl~,~es" 'ol~ud.e 'end. lJlCl1'l!\bra~~8 of' .' : ,L "hat n~tur'~ n~d klnd,r8~.;er:',.that thfJt8rild .~rt1ep'ot..'the :t1i-~t'.part tho-lt%ihelrs,.ex$~utor8 ,.' ';. I' ','"..'" 'I', II"", , , , ' '" ". \' , ' , i' , " , , .' 'I landedin1nlstx:~~or s,leaoh aM, evel7, .hali ma,ke~' .xequie 8.l!d 'aQkno:.>4- edge' auqh further 8l).11 ,othet . q \,~, Idee'd~~d'~~~urm~os,a8 b~oo~eeiie&U'~ea 1In'~~ei'$~'~y b~' Qo~~slder.~'~e~~i~biy p~\op..,~',': , : \ ~.". ' ',' - '\ : \ ... ", . . \ " \ ,..... .' . . ! e'fteotkt tGtheP fJh' ~ntent :'end Jd'ean1ns ~fth1B lns,trum~nt. \ I ,I' ," " I ,,' \ " ,: ' , , ' \ , " \", 'I ' \" l \ \ And Ithe ,eaU par-Ues of- tho, t1rst p~t tor, th.~lvee and tho1~ M1rs,the above'desorlbed .: '. \ ,:' I, .. \ r' \ . .'..- \ "'.. ' \' < . 'I 'premlses, and,.everypartand,paroel'ther'e,ot"Unto 1;110 eald'pa~y,()t 1h,e8eoondlpart, l;11e hetfe . :,' ":".l..endaa.sl~ns, 88~1~stth~,~th8'~Of thO tlr13t\~rt en~ u.8ir.he~~,~nd,'Ma1.p.~ita+~bl1d t,' 'en~: every .persoh or pers~n,~~wfu111 Ol~~mlng\:or $G ola1m the,'~e" eha11'obd wl~l, warrant and ", L 'by th~se~~sent~\to-:reV$r)efend. . \ ." , , ", ", . '; , ~ rl'hl~ ~'~8n8i1dll IS wi th tH~. J01nt ,oonsent '~'f hu'sb~d end ~l~e,: \'here th at re1:a~loil\e~~~.ts.;~ ,;'; i " 'nl~i1ITU~~Si'IH3R3<>F~,.th~' 8~ld par:tfes :i)fthefir8tP8Tf; .h8V8'.h.,reunt:set ~thel;. P~d8 ,~11. .- '. ' I',', 'e ealS , eaohln"tb~ presenoe 'of '.twq 'subs~rllJlng wl'~~es888., " ' ; . " I : l . .' . . . 1 , . ~ .j Slgn'ed, 8e61ed:'anddeilv:~recl,., " J " lnpreeonoe of U81 W. F. Rl'oharli,s,: ,( ~o81.1, .. . < i' . .. :., '. L.' W. Halba Plorrle T. Rlohards, (S'o1)' ,l3. o. l>or.ter (.2~OO 'I.a.St~p8 .~.) :'~"L.'." i.... ~ (6i :,;:, J, 1j' <1::; ,. '. f1~'.'i..:""",;, . .,'r:"": . "':', '.. " . a I:', , :', I ---'_._-----'[ '. " ,J 4 'I ~ .1.' , .. I ji~--~.--~~~~.~~~- in .,1':'473' ',I ' :. ! . "--"'r';-!.'" I '" ; " f' I , l' " " I . I': 'j I \ ' ;, ,~ '\ " , , '3T,,AT3 'O!"r'to~J.)A , . ~. ) as,.:' . OOUUTYO~F 3T.' LUCU , . .', ~ :I:Hl~inB'{ CEHl'IF1, TlWt 011 thls ?4.~Jl'd8Y'~'f~~"A..ti.. J.~26~ beforelQa ,:,-(pe~dn8li1":' fiPpen.~di1., F. RiO~r~S and"F10~~~e ?Rlo~ard8, r.1BW1fff"".to ,me w8).1,kn?\m ,alldloIOwll," to, llie't'o,' ~ be the lndiv:ld~818desorlbed ln' andwb:> eictotite' the forag'o1ngoomnam8 to VlliU<<Ji1 G,_ RUfty' ." . . ..' ", ", '.. . - ..:. " -'. . . .","U' '. .", . '<'. . ': ". .1. . . ._~ .' ','. ," ":' ," : end ~vera,llY aokno,,!!e ~ed ,the 'aio13u.t10n thereOf' t? be thel~!', fl"eea~t, andtd ,eed for the ,"saa , ' .' ", . . .:" . - . '- ". . '. . . ". ~ -' . ~ . . . . . - . ~ . '. - - .'. and, pitr:iio ses 'tll~re1n nlo,ntioned;',end ~e,8a:1d: Florrl-eT., Riohatd8thowUe o'f the Bald ''(I. F. . Rlohnrde ona 8epara~ennd P!lv'ate eXam1m t1.m, fl,ikenend,made by 'on4' betel'S me, ~d 'seppra '81y . '., '. " . . . -.' ..". . . and' apert ~.rcm,her 8ald hU~b~d:dl~4oklioWlo~e tha't sho. rnad~h-n-8eif'ai8rtyto t.he'Stdd ,deed of oonveyallClt .~or t~e p~pose. of,:~nouno1rig,. ;relinqu18hlng'an.d,qonveYl}'1grill her,r'1ght, title and lnto~efJt, whether of'dower/or of aepnratepr'op:lrty, 'statUtory or equitable, 1n~d ,; t t &0 ~h'e l~ndst,~lereind eaorlbed, 'll1lnthat ,aheexeawted 8flid 'd'eed:tr6e~ and: V:91unt&rlly, an dw it h-: t. , , out,onyoonstra1J1ti :teor, flPproh'onslon oroolnpuiaLon of oz";.rram her' 8.1d hus.ba~d. >' ~'1IT:.qss my' signature' and. offlolnl'88a];'at .rQrt Pierce in,theOounty, oiSt., LUG le anCi ,\ . . state of Florida the day and YOarlaataforesald'. ~t '-. ! , I r. I ' . ',,' A1i!y:L. . Teddor (se'ai ) . , , ' }Io'ta,ry Pub11 0 , tort'he,State'.of ~'lorida'a:~ large.: ' .1!y 0 ommlBQ ion expires ,3ept~mber 13; 1~26. . '. '. - . I.' ~ ~,~~~ . . Filed and .~c;tD;'dad,on this 22n<lday.o,f,~ug'.19~,5.a t' 1: 29 P.U. " , , . -/~--:"",:-..~,' '(' .-,\ . , "\ / ' O,.Ct. ~o,al. i \ ,I . "~~/ ..." . '~\~..:~;: .J.C,~ :(( .'..,';" ' , P. . c. ~m~~ Clerk, Cireui tOourt. -' ' · py'dLv,~Ml1/&-( ~ .".".n.,'f." ;.n .'f _.'''",'' ,t....'..,. . . I . . . ,_ It -, .. . . . . , ~. '! . ., . '.. ..t .; ,f. "', tt. ~'. " . " . " ~ u ,. ".. If ."; 'f .'.. ". ~ .. H . ",'''. ". ,,".. " . ",. .n . '" "-, " . ", ff" ". ,~..". .. , . . . , . . . - . " " .. , . . . .. . ... . . . . ~'. . "_ t. . .' , . , .. .. .. . TO , WILLIA1i G. nUPLY PERRY T. SAUIlD~S 3T AL / . ",. \7A~U~HTY 'DI~eD I " , ,TIll'S ~IAHP.AlIT'i D!BD OF OOllV~AlIC~, Exeou ted,th1aTwerity-fourtb d6Y of Ju~y In the 38S'. o,t , , ' , " "'" , , our Lord one thou.and nine hundred and twen ty-flV8 BY AllD ~3'l"{l3;m Perry T. Sa,undereElnd RU8h , I". I . ' , w. 3aunder~, hie wife. of the'Oounty of salnt, Luole, 3Itate 9f1l'101'140,. 1)a~t1e8 ofthe+~fat <! p~rt. ard Wlll1alIl G., nUfli, of"tho County of Saint LUQl EI, . state of Florida, pert)' of theaEtoond r port, .1 I . , ~ It. ..,./ I '