HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2291 r ' ,I ') I ' 'j' " ! ".-----''r-- 'ILl,' f, " ! , "~ ",-, j .' i :..1 '. I 'J, '. I' ,t i ' 't ' I ' 'I ,'( ,;, '1 ' 1 ' , ' j": i 1, ',I I" " '!', ,. , ' . ", ,I I " '" , ' i 1 ,~f;~:;:f:":;:C:":'~~.c;:;"~:.:~;"~, .~!:;~C~,,;"~?:'f:~+:~:;~' ~;';':":F:;::::'''tlC;.,'~'IC;~;;:~~:~~':;~c;:r~;;::+:;:r:21 ~.:;,-:,.,::::.:.~;; , .I! ','\' r i" . \ .t.~-mmdr,e~ ,(200) fpet ,Ea~t ot ,~he 'l!ar'hwe,~.! oomer o~ IUd lot}, "\;'1:' 1\\ " .. :11 n '!' '.' \ther1J__'Southweate~ly\,tc) a P~11\1;,on,tne!south bou~d8l7 'of' ~al.ii,lot 'i ,I J:' . 1 'I':' I I t", b;';'.ro. (200 )t.:., ~.~~ or ~b. \ ~01i ~b..~ ~ qor~e. <it .~i.,l ~ ~I' I I ; " J II,' , \ II" I tb.o,b. .~.. \~ a~Ongtb~ Sout ~'hoWl.a,?, ~'t..i' lot \ t~ "tb..cu tb....t \ \.1 I, '1< ' ~. i' oorne'r; of aaid lot; thenoe 1Io.rthellst8rlY ~orig the -3ae,t ,bo'":llda,t7 ot ' I. , I . ' , , , .' i\ ! ' ,'. \, 8~1 d\l~t t~ "p~aoe 0' b ~ginn~ng. ,\,' .\, ,\. \. j \ . ,: :" I \ :' , '",', I . , ' \ ' . '. i ! \ . . The mortgagee agrees torel esse any 'lot 60' Xl~6",Onthe paytnent ~., \ " ',., . \ ,', i \ ot ' that\proporttori 'ottliie mortga'ge (whiOh .~l~,; lot ~ear8 ''to theto1tal :" ....f , J ,I :. 480';1', : \ ) , ' ; 1 t' , ';1 " }'." t. " , "~. ,.. i ! - ~ .t ! ." " "I' \', \ \' \ ,I \" ! ' \' \ . i ',Iiumber, OitSU9h lO,t8, in .th~ 'le.nds bOreln -oomeyed., ,-' 'j' TOGgTR~Rwl,'th 811 and, ~;ngulfU'tbe, ~-~' ',~e~~I!l~ts: 'her~(lit~ent8,~dappurt,enan~8 .belonging o'~ In,'8llTfr~ee: appert81n1~g,' '~d the t'eve.rS1cin. ail d rGverst'one/ remainder andreme1nders. '4 . ,. '. . .' '. .... . ' . , . . . . .' . renU. leeu~-8nd prof! ts thereot; AlID ,ALSO allth~ e!J.~~'te. :right.!t1,~e.lnteres t, hpmest8a<1;. , I ,...,d'o~er,d~dright,ofaower;, lJ(n)~ra.te"ea~ate,.'pr'OP,er't1'PO'~7sSi~n:,oi~1tt1,and, dezp.e~,d Wh8.tsOttt~r'~ ,at,'lawe.nd'in:e(!1.J:lty;. either andboth;,;:o~Jhe 'a1d:f1lrt -~'ot th$'fll"st:part~,ot. In~ tnd to , tl1~ 88m~.andeve~~.!~t_ e.nd ~ p~:oel' thereO'f; "T() 'HAV~MlD 'T~tjlOlJ> the~bo~e.; ~s.rlb~4, ~rein~ ser. ': . eaob,an4e:Veq, unto tllLtml,c1 part:; ot ~he 8800(14 'part, 'hiS., helm,' an'd aBBignB,i.n~ee~ ~1mpl~:.~~~ ' ' . ,.,"" " " ' I' , , ' , ' > -"-_. .~, . . absoluh. ",llldetea131~1"torever. ~-, .,~",~--'-'-~~ ;\ , , t'heneun.to'\ ',' "..'\ ' '., '.,- ,\ . . ~ . . . , ",<And, tho Bald pa,.t;y, o-f. '~he'flrst,p~,t~ 'tor hlmaelt: and hl~ hel re, e'xeou tOr8and'. 04mini~trator. ' Jc>lntly'ortd several1:r"'OOTenant,, promise Ew(i:agreeto and, "1~h'1;he88iapaity of too,seo,ond : c,' .' part,'~h" hei~s;" '~~80~tOrs;: a~i'~ls~;rato~~' and" ~s~n~i,t~8to' th~8Ql<f p!ll"tyof;, ~;~fir~stPar,~, ' atttie -. time 'ottheSeal'in8,arid. .~~l,1 very., Of these 1>~~~~nt~, 1.B 'lti~~lY seized 1~ 'ree .1~1., Of, ,8,,~OO.d, 'abBo:l~t'e 8nd'ln-defe~ble'ee~,8t'~ o:t':lnheritaDoe ot8n~ln 'a'11 apd alngu18r~e, " " above desoribed pr,emisoB,each' 8nd.: eTerY',andh:8iJ': good,'rlgh~ ,: 'full pOwer and -lawful ~u~hori ty.., . . . > "'.' .'. . .,.". . , to oon~eytheealIle Inmennel" ,and:fOndfU'orUai d; t~!the s81'd'part'Y9f.'~he'eeoond.p8rt.., hi,: heirs,and 8SS1gnS,;.8hal~and,~ay,"~'t' a'ii tl~~ber~8:t\~r,.,lH~aOeab~y and qUietly b~ve~ hold,.., . '. >". . : ~ .... - . '. . . . '.: . - '. .' . , . . :uae.'oo.o.UPy~ pOBSess6Dd enJo':''',the aboy~~ de!~:r:lD~_4 pr$I11Iie'a, tind evary p~t and paraei ihereo;t,' ,wlthou~ ailY let.' 13Uit; trou'ole, mole8ta~1?n..'eViotl0l,1,Or d1atw~lI8oe Of the8~id per~y of. the' first' ,part, his heirs' or 8sa1~nB. or of' any' other- pera:>n or persona lawfullr OloilJl~g o~' ~o'~ ," oia~i;l the o80me; . t~ t the hillS; all and S1ngUl~', 8"~e free,. 01 oo'r, disoharged and unino UJibe red' ,', . .. '. - "'- ..' . . of an~ from all former e.nd, other, t~tioe:;Oloud8'6.nd lno\ll1bri.tnoes of whotne.ture and ,klnl eo 11 .~ ; ~. . ev:eri that the 80 1d p ~ty 'of,ihe, fl ~ t!&r t' hi;S. he1rs"exeou tors, 8Jld.ad'I:);ln1s~tr-a*r8 ,8e~'Ci~ ~ , evory., .hall ma}to, exeoute' &rid a~lC,o\'lled8eI3UQh fw-ther ando'lher deeds arid ,'i8:suranqe~ 'by' : . .oun..l learn.. .lu .tb.a .1.. m..1 'be. ..on.i de. od ro.. onah 1.1'. ~.o p.. to. otf.. tUB te,the' tulli ~n t' ~nd, meaning of .thi8': in8trument. And.the, ~sld'Por,ty of,thOf11'st ~~tfor hi~s'eif~nd'hla, heirs, th~abo'i8 desoribed :pre~lsos, spd ~ery part and perO'el' thereof ,',unt-othe' s8ldj>arty oftha 8eO'olld' part,: his hel re oh~ ,8.8e1Sns" . a~a1n8tthe 8a~d. party of, the fi.J:;st part and hiS heirs, and ega mst 'ell an~ eveqp~raon or, - ' '9 ' ' , " pOrB(H~8 whoI:lsoovor lawfully alaiming or to olaim tilo 8wne, sp,all an~w1ll'l'Iarrant ana :b3 these, p~osen ts fOl'ever def~n~" i, " ' This ali-enatlonis wi th the JoInt O'on$ont of husbfind and wl:fe, v;here t,~et rola tion ~x~st.. ' ~U WIT!l333 t'1H1R?:O? the .ai,d ,party of tho first pert has herewlto', set ihiS hand and 8001 ~!J , ._----~- each in the pr csenoe oftw.:> sub8orlbi1l8witn~sses. Signetl, soaled and del1v ere/~ In prea8rtoe of us: J. H. >Wy~~,' (S'al), H. VI" Turnage' I len 3ynum , , (j2.60 I.R,StampsOan,) I " " " '/,