HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2296 , 1 i"'t ~ I .. ., __~i__~ -.------- ,; ul I ';I' , ' I, f,nu,,' J I ,; , '. . I, .. . ,1 'J I ' I, .' .. '485 .' I ,l' .'; . J ~' -f I -t-' --1---'-- I, ~ ~ " I " '11 I , ~ ; I' ,', " I r I , --'~;y~--.::' l":~(':':_~':'-"~~ '~,:;"., - ";; 5.:'~,:-;:':~ '~:S:::t~;,~~:::.;~-.~~::.':::;e.::::J~;-'S':;~'~ ~;;~T ::~,I"":"~;~;:~'-~~~~7~:;:~-:;T.-;j:~ ,-.~~;~.: , ,I: I: 8004andsu:tfiol'enLdeede and'c)onveY&1l0e~'for.the8ame>e1thor with or wU)lo*t~,oovellan\s,~d, !. ", ' i, w.~~l'ah'by;, ~nd', UqUl the,' 8Ble ,to l~tand demiB~ the. salid',re'~l ,estat,~ ~or' ,t~~ best ren't that\c~; '" ., ,J b. pro. urUfor th~ .~....... ~,' ., a,~~.; d~~~ d ~;. ~o~.~ on.! rOo.l~. all uumo '.lfl~a.Y "lil~h 8!f,a\ i \"L:ib.'O~&Odue~d '?w>>~~ .01\~8 by,m~ans ~f"t~e, b~i\g~in, .ate o~ iealte ~'d t?,I~k,e al1lJ.awf~~ayS, . , ! ,onel ~oartS,;fO~\ the re.oe,oyery t~e:.o~.',o~ ~mpound and ',agi-fJe '~o~, '~~e; 's.me .and I'~ \ .xeou,te, ,a~d d.~;.\ i U'ver\ ,Buffloiont d,i,lIoharg88ona.ao,qufUa.noe;,'tl,1ero'fo1:e, 81~i~ and,,8faI\t1ns 'Ul\to 'Ol~ ~lcl at~ . . t.' \. . ," -. . , '. '. . . \ ,- "', .' \' \' . '. \ . i. .'. _ \. \"\. :~ i ,torneY\\fu.1.~' pow~r and a'uthar,1~' :0 ,d<>; ~d,p~rform\ev~ry. alot ~d.1;hing Wh,(lt~o.e!er requi,site\;ana:. '( , '\' P ,n;e,oessary,.:o be 'do~'e.. iitan,d,about ,t~e ,~re~1~'e8 ~~l.,~ t~,all:'ii)t~~~~/'a~.d~ pU;.JlC8 e~ 'f1~,We~8~t.," I; aroould do it personal,ly presi1ut; hereby'.ra"Jft~ri8 (Uld o,on,~lriD~n8, .a~1 o'r 11a1~' att,orneY.~.h~l1:' ,; 1, la"~lly do or oause ,\ to ,bod~Iie ~~ vlrtue h~re.of.". ,~' \ i ,i 'w ITll,~S.3 o~ .h8nd~' and 8~~8,' ~ Dated \l~Dtloem"er, i924. ' ( . ", - - . .0' . . ,~ .. \ :. .. - '. . ~o. '. [. . 'I ~_.,_....~L. fi\ " \ t\: \ '. , W1tnee~88:' ~ \., .. . , \" . L l). ,J.t,or.hea~~,:., ; :1, ..l!arga.retllo.eheao. ' , , i, .t. I .j. ,I j ~ , D~, lloreheacl ' J .llarga.r,t Uorehe~d ',~ D. Uore heiid 'Yargaret'l1orehead' , 'D. 'ttoX'ehead " Marga~et Uorehead~: :i',.25~'I.'R.Stampoan. ) Rao,h!l,'DaV(~80n: ':. (-s&Aii~, ,... , , . .. :: Daley 3. Laming .. (s~) " . '.. . ..'~ ...';. S.Lann.1rit ' (S~,. ',. ..... . " , . i ~ .~. . .;.,. ".. ~ .to , .fi ~ JJa.,ry. )1'. ,Howell' ,'(~~J : . l' ])'., Morehead \ i .- Jdargaret,J~~rehe.a~ i !, D.,. Horehead lIorg.ret ,t!O,rehead '. .; ..,'.- Olyde s.- Howeil ;' (3W) , ~, -.- Llll,ie~ Alioe. 30W1n~n (S'EA.L) . ~ ." ~ ' t, ;: , 'fl , ij' ',~',,',. ',,','. ,..1: . -'.~. .... " , .~ . 'John..L_ l'ub-i' ..~ ." . . . ;, H'.. Oar.~ ..11888.on I'- J' John L.llubU . lit Carl \'lasson, , I ' , r 0 -stat. 01 Oallfotn1,a, , ,1- / "I, Oounty ot: ( Samuel ll'.DO.vidfJon ~ (S!w') , 'Anna B.' :J?aY14eori ,'(S:w.) '. .' S,,: ~;,ll. O. Banke, ,a l/otaryFub,Uo 'in and.for 8ald 8ta.~ ahd~Co\.lllV. . , . Rachel Davidson, "widow. 'to ,me )qlown and Jmowuto, be, oil,of 'tho';per8pns , , :tha ~ she exeou ted' thesal.ae. ,do. h~eby:.certify' thn~ . - . deB,orl,b~cl,li1(l.nd '\\hO .X~", , "... ". . . . . .. ~ . . .' . ~ .. this day end a ok:n<;)\;,l~d~ed .. . . . , tau,ted th.e f()r8go1ng,Le'~ter of Attorney.,personall~..appeared'before me . { , . . . W1 tness my ,hand and oftlo1"al'.80ol thie 14,th day ofD,~. A. 1/.' 192'4. n. O. -gank'i" ,:.r, , ' ,llotary'Pu'blio , ,My oQ'limi8sion exp1r~'B , 'uy QO~8a laD aJt4>.1res Uov.14,1928., , ,1l0TARY, PUBLIC', . , , In and for ,tbe ~County of L08,AJ~e1ee.'3tat e ot. ' '" Cellfornla. ' ,,'{ '" '\, \ J1,. P. Sea 1. ,I ',- ./ "'~"...J..--/ ), . i , , J.lrs~ L1.111e Ailee' Boq.a,n, a p'erty 'to tb1s in:atrWDlilt 8wear8to the statement that ,bOrdi,voraed" ~, J ~ \ .. ~ '1-U , '" , - # ~ ;, hU8b~lid, VanoeH.. BOWU8hhns end never':h~B ,hadapy lntere~ t ~tl tl1e estate John O. DavidsaD an\! " p. j i 'I i " i , - '" ". > that hh e !gnn tuI" istheretorlt 'not . ......--:--....... Wi jrt'~a:' 1f. C.~elic8 roquired on thitf intrument. . f;:- 'Urs. L1111e ,AJ.,loe 39wman , , - '3e 81,.' s_: i' i ,I ~,:,,'.. state and Oounty, do horopy certify tha t r 'i _./ I. ll. C. , Bankil, a U()tary Publia in 'and for 18ald Daiey '3'- Laming. and F.~. Lanning, her hU8bwld. l.!aty F. Howell and ciyd, 3. Howell, h6~_bu8- t _n~. and, L 11110 Allo e Bo_. dl vor o.~. to me kr.o.., .nd kn.own to b~; fl~. of the p ere on. d...rl "-1 \ , . .d ln and who e~epu ted the:roTJgaing Letter of A ttorn~. per aon~ll:Yappenr&d before mEa thi8 ~ . .~ - '.- t-., ........~ -~ :~.~...~~....~~_~. _ .a.nd severll"11y aakpowledge4 'that thoy QXea~t,~d the'l8pe; and' th,e ..~d :Daisy 3. " ..---'" , . 1 ~