HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2307 t " " ,I ,I , , " I ,'! ~ I -,' 'I" 1 " '~ I J,' f. U I - .~ i, t . 'r .-1 I . ,I , .' ' r' ,.; I,', I ,1, 'f';' " ""~; " ,;, "." ..'..' ,1 .,,",'., I"".' ' " :! .'" ,"1';,.,..: :.;:, ~~;"':::~'.(~'::O .:....::; ';E;:=:;:F:,;:..:::;':~;:[i!',:c;;!. ::;::;'~';:;~~/:'r':);' ';r'~:C:;":::';:;~.:;;::'~;;:,;.";r':::["E'~;T", ~ ':I ' ~OHl ~A(t~~l'd'r -'!' ).. I, I I 'I.; .'. : ~1():'I' ' I I : " <~:' .5~" ~~liIJ$'l, AI, , ,'t \,.," \', .' I I ',I , Lillo 31\ If ' . , ,'. , ' r . 3, t. \1.' , ", "I " :, I " ,",' \,' , .',' ,,'" '." i . " . " ,'" I'",. I, i : \ " TH~S' LIU.81l..ItI~cl., 'q~.2~'b da'lot AU8~t, A. D.I,.1926.,b, an~'bet..~~n JOlllf WAGlIlIR an4 ,'\ \,. "\" . '. 'I" ,', 'I' , -: ,',\ ',I ,.., ' ,'" " , ,\ \.llQ(n,~1iLL"AG~rSR,;; ~1,,8 w1~~..~.ru\n\ Oal~e41ih. L~uor8. an~ 0.. Bei ~,>><))(, ~~'J.~,B.;"lJJ.BVIJY.'\ I be~el\1\l oa~'d \~e1 L~8B."". I'", '\ ',., . ' I' i, \ '--':-~~ I' " '\'~l',dRS$lIm:. ~'bat1i1..00n~1d.raUon~:t,\~be"o~v.nant~ ~erdnoon.~\1De4~\on.tb"8rt' ~t.~. ,',1,\, t " ,I \ :'~'a1d\1~8'.. '\to, b~. k~P,t a~dper.to~..d, ~~. .,81.d L~~Bor. ~>h.r~~l: ~~a.~ ,ItO :~~. ~a1d Y88.~~8.'~ , ' ',th~1 ~~110W1P~r~80,rl'b~d... prop.r~1l', , ,I , ,"" \ . , .'.' ' \' \ . 'B'81~1ng 8't'~'po\1nt'0~'th. "I,et lin.'of aotrta1n. B100k .HO,'-:'2. \ ' , ' ' ' " , , Two' HundredThlt't,~,th;r.i,t...' Horth' ot, DiUmar Plao. street., t.h.~OI , " . ,.., '. ", ,,',',,' -\ " ',' ',',., . .! ' '~Sa~\,'oth' ,r18~t,,;0~ "tot" \t~e,;norl,4a ~~'o~a8', R81l1"17~th~n~. .' . Northweet.rl"~,OD8' the,,~18~t :,ot ,wqot;:~h. ~0~~"8' COaat ~ai~- " : \,' , ,~a~ to'wb..re'l1" ....1~t.r8~0~8. Pour~h :,81;1'..', . tben~" .South alo!18tht . , . ,'W.st iine' o:fBloOk'HO,~ 2 ~'th~Pp1Jit ot'.b.g1nm'n8~': ' ~__ ."- . '- ;, .~ , ~ -; . - . - . - -', . ' " . '. .. , - ", . .' . ..", " . . .' '. ~ ~va :AN~be' 111m; t~r: the ter,Qa,01. '1;h!e~ ~.ar8 from the .~th ~l.ot, ~u8Ue1;", " : , , " . \ " , A. D.'1926.1;h. .a1.4, L.8e.... pa1~"th.r.,tor'~. ',_"Of Tw.nt" ~LLJ.RS;, Ii.~ "month th.8', f~r.81i . ~,.l.ar;' Tw'~'1:-flT.))()LLAR~pe~: IDQn1ib :'h.' J.oon~ 7.~:aAd: ~lr1i7poLLARS 'p.r..o~,th,.ithe ,b1rd,: , '.'1'. P81'1n~ ~e .8aid 'r..n1;.on,ihe",~thda.Y 0:f'~a91i~n4 ..,er.7 m()Dth'l11ltd'l'apO.,durlng th~'tena, /, i, ';49,lll" . I ' " " , > ~ ; " -c .. . ~ . ) " "'j , I' ' I t >J. ' :;1 ',0" 'I I 1 ,I' ,"[ , d' /, , \, I'" ,\ ,: . 'I \, \ ;, \ ' '.' . ~ \.. ~ .. , \ ,',. .' , '. t i , <~ . : ,; \. .", . ; .:. :':,) ...... . ot 1ihl8 ,l~a8'.' '.- , .. .. ,And thi ..ld ,L,'Bs8le oovenaritw1th1iqe' e81d '!ABBors ~o'makll nQ~a~tul: ~prop.ror; " " . '\ offenelv.., u,ee Of the prem1eea. :" , " . , "f . . I~18' undi~8toodand .gre.db.t...I?-'. the' Parth8 to 'thl'e :l.s.th~t: the '118S8" 8,ballbaT. ' ,:) "'" ' , , \ 'tJ1~r1pt to ,~Bs18nQ th1e lea8e. " '. ' \, , ' l~ '18 ,'~~th.r ,\U1de 1"B1iOOdan~ agr...,d b.twe,n tMpartl'Q to' tbiB ;1.aB. t~~' theU8ee.. " , '. " ". '. .. ehail not \1B.tbea~,oT" ct.sorlbed pr.mti.e,tor,8I11 illegal. purpo.... "It 1Bful'thlr: \U1d.rstood'and~r.'d.benr"~entbeparU~~ h'~lto.that aU'buildlng* , , . . 'e~.oted 011 the. ..bOT'd.BO:r1)).dp~.mi.'. shall r.vert 'to arid b'Qom.th~,pro~rt1 otthl' , , , . . . -. LeB8or8 upon th', termination Of: ~h18L.a,s.. ' ," '~_"~'_,~~ ,r- It 18 turthlrund.retood: and agl'eed 'betw.entblpart<fee 1j'o, this ). _s.:that 'ln oaie pf' d.:t..urt otpqm.n~ ot 1;h. rentalhtrl1n' stlpul..hd to 'biP81d, 'the _aid : LtBS..8 ~Ul, YaO'~1i.' , t~, 'the pr.mls.iand t:he .a1dLeB80rs will, han ,the 'r18h~ to llD.dla,t.11'r....nt8ran4 1'.-1iak.. ' , , posB.,s810not the .a1dprem18.a. ---...--....---'" Signe4. Seal.d andD.11Ter,d in "th., pr."Doe ,-Of: JobnB. YatlB J;- L, llontsomerl .1~bn Wasn.r ,(Sm)' \' : 1.Dn~~B.ll Wsaner (SSAL) , , ~ cr= S'r~Tg 0' 'WRIDA. COUNTY OP ST. LUOIB. . I H~R3BY. O!R'l'IPY. That on thil d81.p.rlonalllapp~andb.~or. ~. an otf10trd~, " , , . o~thor1..d to ,adminiehr' oathB and take ~kno.l.dgmenh. JOHN WAGNIR and AImI! BELL ".GN'ER" ' h1s .1fe. to m. known to bt the Jler8On~ desorlb.d In and ~hQ.xeouted the tor'801n~ Lla8'.' alld ~", aok!1owl'd8ed tAa t th., .~.o~tld \he .eme tor the purpoe.. theretn .II'IB8Id. ADd' ~.J the .aid A1lNU B!LL WAGN~R. known to IDe to be the w1fe ot the .a1~ John "eaner, upon an' ."u"'tn8t1oetak.n b,ID.. ~,.pa~te a~~ apar1i trom !hu old hueband,-aolD1owleaged that Bh. , ,x.outed .aid Le.e. tr"ly and YolUD~r1l1 and .~th01rt ~l oon*-raint. ocapll?-.~on. 8PP~.nBton or t.ar1ot or trOll her ..1d husband. ,1 J ' I ~ .,...,->; I \ , r