HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2308 I.It ..., ,-, -- -- :; -, , i), " ' .>. , .." __" "";', ';,."" ""."" , ,~9? i~:;ic,c;~':,',-",;,. 6'c~~"-;';' .'; ~.;L, >:. r;;':~.,t2::",/:;.;,;::t;o::;:-'-"'~':::';~7::'~~;~ .,::~ ~":~~:;-~ ,"-,1i~~1;:;;;;;:~:,:;:.;,.-;~'!;;tc:~,: '1- I WIT band an.'ileal'~h1e2~~~'da1 ,o.t A~U8~, A.P,1926~,: " ';' " i' l I." I' '. I ,.\ , I . 'I \ i' ' I, . I, " ; ,,\~, '.'.rt ~bl~: ~~~Il:::S3:, ~~~~}l.~l~",~~., . ,', I' ! .\ \ ,",' Iq oommi8sion exp1r'8 Plb.. J';19~O." . '. \' , . I l' "\"'. ! '\ c I ' '\ ',\ i I \,- : ~.d'on' thle 26thd., ot A'WI. 19Q6\' a:' 10;'&8'A,lI. ;\', ! . '. I \ ~ ' '" .. \ " ~'j '\' ,\\'\... "~~, '. '\ " , ,~ \, .\ \ \' J \ '\ ,,~o~ ".,' ',"',' P~ O..:'ILD,R&D, 01-~k-~iro~i1 oour~. ' , '\, l \ ,'; " q'~(h~.' \....Bl,~~'~P~' n.\o.:., \ , 'I \ \\;. ',~~~, \, ,,' ", \,-, \ ' , \ t '. " . tl :"" .." 'z'" . ;': '": '1::,. n' ~ n .-" . ",. "'. '" " . i1,-~ ~ ~" t.,. . .. t' '," . It ~ "~." . ~ .. n' t' t' .;;. "'. t' ~ ft. " . tf .." . " . ""'" . .". ..... '., '.' '.". . . . ,'" t.' . . -t,c ..~, . '.. t' t,.' '_" . .... . . .,~ . . f aLlDII:'B, XILL3R ',,\ '" \ . ' "\., ;9' .' " . >" '1rH01I ~HO~KR.1.l. \ ", i' ' i Ui' ; , ~. :, ~; '" ',' t' r& :1 't. '\ \ \, ' ':,' . '\, i' ',.1 . '~ ~ A'7 1 D A V I ! , . \. " '. .'. l t. ~ ~A~:l ~PPLO,RIDA., ',' ': -".' ., '. .' QOUlf'fi '.o~ ST~' LUeillz ~' " " ,:' , . , ", , ..' .. -. ."'0 <", 0" ..'" '. _'. . :,.,' _..,.--_'~_...". "'.' __..,. "'" ._'_" .' Befor. .e ,theunder81gne,d' au\hor1tl pe'r80nillly'app.ar.d 0174. a.Killer, who b-.1nS b1.'m. . ." -'. -'. '.' .. ,", , .. -," .", - . ~ 4. . ." . . j .,dul, sworn '8al; upon 'hie ,O.th~' that he 18 \h'e Ind1Tid:U.al penon ....d a8,O. B.- ]cUleX' the . ' " " ;. , . '. ' .... '.-' -.. .. -,,' -.' .". '.' "...,: l:' '.. .' ,', c" ~ _,~ . . .' ,( grai1~.e, In .a,o.~'-1n warr~n\7,d"d troll:,Ch~le' A.. X1l~erf~d~.ft.,.~ted).bruarl12th,1906i , . I' .nd' reQo rd~A,ln' De~d BQQ:k'sf,at peg.' i36 ot, Saint'Luoie 'ooUnt1 R.OO.~d8,,:'~d thn.t, on ~ebru8rl'" -i " _, . '. ': ,'" ~ !' "27th, Ull, he ex.outed a Ql1U-Olall1 deed 'to"Au'gu8ta C. KU1.r, who' was at the ''\ime and now,18 I .' e "- . . . , '. . , - -=.'. '. . ". ! i.the w1f'e ot the deponent, ,the 88140174,B. lC111.r,1rhioh'de~d waB'a o.Oirt"1anoe,trotnhu8ban~,~ , {' '.. . . , ". :; -"'" ' .' ". ',,: ~. ' . " -' "- . " .- ". . ~ . . .' . " '" 1 :wUfJ;, ' d,-vonet hrther'swear.. that'lle' nor 'hie tBDll1.'~a8eT'r r.81~"d upon &n1 partottib" , :;': 1.. llreml..sde.odb.d .1~ sald oonw;a.noe, ,aDd iih8' no part ;ot ~h~pr~m1seiJ 1~ 'tnolUded '1Ii.~l'. . .. i , " I , j. l ~ . t ~, , . I , ' ~.. .. r~ ,,: <,:, t.:'" , Ztr .~. home8t.ad., " : "'017d. ,B: KUnr :.' . Ii, i ~.J sWorn1io ,spd .u~80tlbed bei'ore' Ill., I . \'. onth18' the 21.t 4a1, Of:.Au.gu81i, ' 4'. 'D,it 1925'. ' (~. , Eth.l Shti_on cOohran ' ' , ',' '\ . ',Bota17 hbl, lQ",t,or' tale state, Qt." 101'14-., ',.\ L...... .~. .y' , III Oomml88.1on Bxph... Uarob 1.2, 19~8. ",. . . N..p.se~ . .- ,( , . pn.d, and .reoor4ld,on thi8. 26iJ14ay 0; AUS. 1926~ "d 2;06 P''-II.- ", . .... ,- , , \ ' ,/ '" . ,,~..f '. '\... ~. P.o. EIJlRBD" C~..k Cl~oi111; :Oolirt. 'B;~~l8~""D.e. , .i ,,/ " " (. \ ,.c\..o~.seal., J ',' " '. " . ". " . " . ". .", "~:' ,".". It.u . If" ft.~; . ". "," . ...~~'. "" If , ": "." . ". " , "~',, .it '. It." , " ~ tt .; , "'. If. It . .,; : tt . ... ft,,,. ,i. It ~ " , , . . .: . . . ~.. ~. I!" .. . . . .~. ,"-.& .. .... . - . ,I - .. . . I . .,.-' .. . _~ .,.. .,. . e., . '_"f . .' . . . .. . ~ nK U. 83G!B T,O , ".lRRAUTY" DUD ' GEORGB P.. BAKER 8Tlt. TH13 I1JDSlf'llJR~, Yale ihla 4th "-1 ot' .1~8t, 1...1). 1926, BBTW8&N B.1Ue ].I. Stgar(Widow) ot' '\h:e COlUltl ot Lake, in th. State ot 'Plorl da ,par.tJ ot the, tlr8t 'perh and Ueorge P. Baker. , ==- and WI1l1am'1reegard ot the Qounty ot st, Luoi., In the stat. of ~10r1da, part1~t the I.QOnd p~t. , I .,',J1. 'll , , WIT.gS~3!H.. That t):1e' aa1dPIll'U.8 .of the tlrat, ,part, tor, and1n ~OnlidlraUOn ot the aUlD \ , " . . ot T.n Dollar8 and oth.r. Taluable oonlldlraUODl to h.X' ln hand pald b1 the,part1e80t the ..oond part, the reoe1pt'1It1ere'd-t ls her~b1...aokD~ltdg.d, '8he has 8ranted,' bar8a1ned and iC?ld 10 the .a1d perU 18 ot thel.,o0D4 part, tbeir h.lr. an'd a881gn8 fortTer. the 1b l~ow,lD8 de.orib.d ~~n4, enude, 17il18 ~D4 b.1Da '1Ji, ib~ Oount1 ot St. Luoh and Sht~ ot E19~lda, 'to:"W1t:' , , " I ,,'," : , LA' 6 ot Blou'~ ot CraM!'s Add1 \ion to "ri Pi.ro.,a sub- dITlslon otPu-t ot tbI Jttot 1ih. 8l1"ot the ~at ot S'0\1011 JI1n' (~), To-...A!p TMr,,-tl.e 1(36) SO~'h, Bana' "or" (.0) ,-' ... " - ~ '- . - ~ "'"' -......-..-- -- - ~~_._-_. ~-~------~~ - ,.-~ .~'