HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE-CONSTRUCTION SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE TREATMENT • � v SCANNED St. Lude count By gt/ Z� i 'Considering Your Envirohnierif , State l.rcense Nwmber 111" 111,9_47th Road North Royal;;Palm Beach, FL 3341 f 561-333-8777 l FAX:561`-33M- 99'f Toll Free 866=414PEST e d � Tie Propertylnformation ubdiw ' r . sign: f y / - Loy. Sock: . Section: Address .f C1LY&.Zip- � Owner ' , Bu'ildec!CoritrarAbe infdtMAtion p Name of 8pilder. Shell Contractor: ��--J_ I , ConstructionTyos Monolithic: Floating/Stemwall: Patio Ent y.- Driveway.: Addition: Other. . ; Product t Treatment-Inforrnation Treatment Date:. time: n Technician: Treatment Type{m di one) Initial.Under Slab _Supplementai: Froduot App)ied; G 'ermetlirin: Premise 75 OtIN her - Concentration::r' %. Mixed:Product Applied ;Gallons. Square.Footage Treated Linear Feet Treated: It this is checked;then final perimeter treatment has been completed and fhe: follow log statement is applicable: Certificate ofCompliance THIS BUlLDINv HA`S RgaE►VED A COMPLETE 79E TNWT FOR THE, PREVENTION OF SUBTERPj'w U TERMITES TREATMENTiS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES AND ; LAWSESTABLISHED BYTHEFLORIDkDEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTUREAND:CONSUMER=SERWCES- lFlO►rd:si udit code(FBcl ls16.r:7) Applicators Name(Please Print) I I { II