HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2310 'I, .' ,',,/{, !, "'i I,,~" (..,..1'1:1..... ,~i" I""i,' 4Q~IJ, '\'. I) 'I. " I' , I , 'I II . I '1)-.->:' I' , ' "I' ! ' t , I ,: .', ' ~ I ~'l' 1 , J . ",\'/ ':1 , . TP:;;~;I;:~,;;;:';~;7i-"-';;;~7;~c,~~~:::;;,;;';'~J~~~;F-~),:':;:~;'; ,:, =-'72~,;,~;':'::c'~t;~~::;\::;;, i,1 i .~j,-;; I' , ; '.,' ' .. .1' '.';.- '. , .' ,,' \"'" \ " :', ~bi..o~ ~,o"a,h7 4e4u~,',,1~~ ,'tor rl~'a\ o~ .~, ,~1PUb\1~\" ',\W . \ . r :, ,.;' " , if\' .' " \ ';, b18b1'A1e or 'tpJ' ~Uioh.s or r1811h ot w.y O~,lt'h. ~ort~', I " 'I . :\ it' . '",' , '. \ ,{ \ '\ " 'i\ \' 'I ,S;\. !X.U01e'~lYer ,Dral~as. Dl~~l~~'.",'\', '\\'" :.,' li":' ,\ "'1 '. J : I', ,!'~' ~ ,.I,. \ / \'. (18-,\00 1.R~StalllP8 o~. ~ 'i III ";" \ ,\ :, . ,\I I ~, \' .TqQ3T~ ..l,.b,aU ~be '(;eneman.t8. h~recl1t8IDen~e and '.PPUrh~l~".'\Wit~ ..~ery' prHiie8'~ ' ':' :' '\; " , , .. , \ ' , I . " " ,\. " ; ,.! 'X'lgh~t'ttU. ,lnt~r'8'8J;a'd e.ta,te., dower' and, r1ght ot 'dowair", r.version.: remainder' ,aDd 'ta8.me~' \: I \, ' " \,', ' ' " " , ' \ I.' \ , \ ' \ \ ,\ ", \ ' \ ", ' .. " ,\, ' , I II, I' , ':.. I " \ ,,', ,',. , ' .'" \ '. '- I , ,\' ! "'hN"~o ~.l,ongl~'or 'in a.D7Wi" a)lper~lll~nI: ' ' , ',\ " ,\- ' \ I,. . \ ' " I' >' , , . ,\., I ,TO HAVg AN,,:) 'ro:HOLD.~b.S8m. hi, t.e 81mpU,%'orevor. ' ,\ '\ ' f ' " " '\, ',' ',' { " ' ' " '" ,,' i.-' AD4 __ a.ldparty of tl~l8 first part do.. oov"~8D' with \h'~a1d party'ot the,eaoon4 i\. \ ..': . . . . '. . . . . .: .. ' .. \ 'l,par~ 'ha1! "hell lawtU11i.tl..11 ot the " ..ldpremi$e.B. t~t th,81we :fr'.e. :trom aif,lnoumbrano..' Z . ... - \ -, . . ". . ., -, . . '. _'.:' .:.. ,'. '.. i 'and"~a~ b. ha~1004 ~18ht"8D4 lawtu.l aUthorl\-y to sell. thei's~e: and'.\)1e 81d part'y o~ the' 3 . '. . '. , . _ . .' ..... .... _. ..,.." , ~ .' . _ . _ _' _ ':~ I- :. ,. ,; tlrstpart: clOfJ8 bereb,. ful17 warrent :the "u,n. to.~cr'l.nd. and. .111 ~e~end 'th..ame aga~~t :' u' . ) ',: \ \ \ ~. ' ,.;, n . ~.fS:' ;,1r,r"",' \~' \~ I , ..' . '. '..,', ,'. I. ',' , firet par:' has"h,r.unt~LBe" ~18b~d an48eal ' "- -",- . ~ . IQ8.,b .J'-.S'1II' .~ :11 . :~: . , 'tl ' . . ' , . .! Signed, Bealed .an4 4.11ye"dm ' 1," " ',~., ollr.PJ',,,noe: '.' , I' '," ; '! ',:'.'.' B. B. ,Ohamb'rll.p :' ." D. Xe, s,'.p.li~n." ';. 0 " , . ,:,: ,S'l'AfE or 'n.~:R~D.l,", :)' . " '.. ;"" .) S8. . . , . ';, ,COUlf'l'f OP ~'l'.LUOIB ), " ,/ /', ' .' " ", , , , . i ' ',I herebloerU,t1., ,~bat onth1a: .....:,da1, 0.1 -~-...l.' D~ .1~26~ before me p.r8o~~1~ app.ar~~ ", 'JOS8m i., RiUM,a 81n8le~n. tome 'knowm to be't'ij.p...'on 4.soroed1n'ali4.1Ibo.x,ouhd ~he ' ',' " , " '. \' " ~ foregolngoonv',&11O. ~ ,and~kriowl.e48ied the' -iX'~~lon 'th.reot., to. be his :tr~.' aot and. dee4tor t)heueea and PurP08'.,~h.r.ln meJlt~ori.d.; , , i:." .' '. ,,'. ....' ... . " ' ,'WI~...~ 'i8nature '~ O.ttl~l81, eea1: a t', 'or~ 1>>1ero. . in the .O~untl ~t ~~. ~uo1e.' and , st8te/~t Plorl1' the dal and ~~ar laat &tor.sdd.' ' , . , ' ; , "),(argar,t OOffe., (Seal) , ,.,' " " 1l0,'.IlJ7, Publlo, S, t., ,LU01eC9un~, P10t14"~ ' , , \' ...,~~S.81 ~ ,oomm1t.lon .xpire. Ian 14.1,929. \..., " / .......~ ".--/.- '(S'al ), " ;,f, 0, t ' :' . '.';" ,) '1114 and ~eQ,o"4ed on'thl.'26,li da7 ot4ug. :1~6.,8,~3j66P.M. I . J . .!, .. ~ ,/" " "'( I .. c~ ot. '..1; ) ./ P. C.o 8LDUD.. 01 erk Oh~uH 'Oourt,. ,~,~ f1Jj;JIi'fA ; 'D.O. .' / /, . .. , '. . . . . . ",. Ii'.".. ;'. It. !'.". "-. ",. ft. tt. tf. ",,_".,.".n .".'". tf .-n .lI." .... .-,,'. ". ",-if_ "'.". ".". "'I ft,n-,,, ;",..". M.n _". It_ it.-" ~ ,._ .,.." . tt,". .. . t. '.' t. ... '.. ... . . - .. . _. . , ~ ... ..... f . .,.'. . . _ . .f .. . _. . ... '.. "_' . '. . . . " . , . .. . ". ." -. ~. -. . . J. RBI)( !O ' ,PL()RI~ WJ.RRA1tTY' Damp OLAIUDOS A. BOOD , I 'l'HIS I:IDIIl'!URX. Jlabthis 3rc1 dq ot JUly A~ D. 192' B!'l'W3EHJoBepl1 J.H.~~ 8 widower of, . .. , ithe Countl ot Jaok80n and Stat~ of U1Bsoiu'l parV of th~ f1r~t p*rt. and olarenoe A. Bro~ of if the Oount7 ot Allen ~d State ot Ind1aDa par'l of the ..oonel jert, .ITllB~SaTH" that tbe .a14 \ { j, part7 ot thef1rs' part~ for and in' oonsid.raUoDot the 8\111I ot One Dollar and other good and , c Yaluable, oon81dera t10M to bim lnhand paid, tbe/reoeipt . ereof 18 her. by aoknowledged,' has ' .. ,'. " ' ' . ,. · . f 'i, . ' . ,,' .rame4 . ba1'8a1ned,eolel and tranatenel. and by' the.. pres.nh doe.,grant. bar..hl', _ll ~ ' and tran8fer unto 1:b.sa1d pert7 at tht ..oond part and bie h.lr. 814 a..18n.:to1'eYer~ all that ," , , f ," , 'oertai,n pa~oel of land l11ng 'and bt1n& in t~eCo~tl ot ~U. Lucle..end stat. otrlor1da ,more ' I partioularly 4.,or1be4 aa tollow.: F "' .- f /'; ,.r-~ L I. ~'