HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRANSFER DUCT N DO °a — � Kl L - Z2 2 Transfer ducts/grilles sized in Q compliance with F(orlda Residentlat �C - Building Code - M1602.4 Balanced - Return Air, exceptions 1-3, Builder : must provide unrestricted I Inch undercut on doors to habitable j`•i�� rooms. 3" bath duct to roof cap w/fan 64 Nutone 696RNB 8x4 Iwcd k. _ 5 : . 8x4 1w1c0d Z i 4 O �,D 4'i 6.1 55 1 d N .,--A CD � 12x6 1wcdn `� > L7\ 8 W 150 7 lg4 lw Q C\U 14x14 rag � 2 10' 712x6 Iwcd 8x18 rag 125 16' 14' 150 ® 16x16 rag 12x6 iwg, �. 12' Ul Ln Ln 14x14 rag OLJ QJ ❑NEYWELL Y8150 FRESH `F O IR VENTILATI❑N SYSTEM s' _ CL ICK, FLEXABLE 4PIPEj 7' 155 >1 73 12x6 wcd -P 4 1wcd d INSULATE' 2.0 TON W/5KW @240V 1PH 4' DUCT WRAP WALL CAP 18x10 pten �/ F1 I r", WITH INSECT 2242 rad Zz V-4 SCREEN OR platform by TO 1040 RAG bldr X Q CD _ ,Y8150 FRESH AIR DAMPER scale d/8'=1'0' 4' 0-1 8x4 Iwcd _ - - - - 0 75 - OBX�-lwcd - 15 ��-I LL - - AIR-IETAIL TO SOFFIT ❑R WALL CAP S 0 :E: �,D 0 3" bath duct Rating z to roof cap o }- w/fan N in Nutone 696RNB W >—Z z < F— m FW-- QQ 5 -1 o =) a M e a Minimum clearance of 4 Inches around the air handler per the State Energy code, All duct has an r=6 Ins WLA*� value, m IL J U) o 0 U F5 pa c� O `pK1 � N � C) N Q FS xk N - - � 4— Q 1L S 4.0 TON W/8KW @240V 1PH _ 18x16 plen - ' Z 24x16 rad platform by bldr N tD scale 11/8'=1'O' > ­4 LU tl3 CCU CU 14x8 lwcd 145 8' _ QJ 10x10 4wcd 12x12 rag 10' 90 6" \ QJ 4'. 8x4 lwcd O 15 Transfer ducts/grilles sized In compliance with Florida Residential 6' 6' Building Code - M1602.4 Balanced 1040 4wcd 10x10 4wcd75 Return Air, exceptions 1-3. Builder 90 90 { must provide unrestricted 1 Inch undercut on doors to habitable d rooms. 10x6 lwcd � 5' 20 � H X Q O CU 75 TON W/SKW @240V 1PH PAD PAD PAD 3" -bath duct -I 8x25 plen - - 8-25-�acd Z_3 Z-z - @�C ik� - — platform by =-3 w/f an Q� LL dr scale 11/8'=1'0' 42X42 A/C SLAB ' Nutone 696RNB BY BLDR MIN Rating FUJITSU 3/4 TON VERTICAL MOUNTED DUCTED MINI SPLIT 2' FROM WALL � N m LU •• .. > Z _j_ Q m _I O D Q Ix . e a minimum clearance of 4 Inches around the air handler per the State Energy code, All duct has an r=6 insulation value, m CL J U) 0 01 U 3" bath. duct to roof cap w/fanUN N Nutone 696RNB z N 20 J i 4 lwcd Q F — kN 4, - - - - - --�- -- - __— ,L O90x6 lwcd V 18' 7' V 4' 1Ox6 lwcd SL ,L Pryer wall caq 95 6' 85 14xl4 ra 2' q . S 7'kltchen vent to' roof ca 6' 6' lox S lwcd Ox6 Awcd 70 U. 105 CO) 12' z 8, 8' 20'x12' N 14x8 lwcd 14x8 lwcd 195 195 W LU 14' - 12x6 1165 7' Q 12x6 ligg U VI 4. s 16x 6 rag 8x4 lwcd 14' 75 3" bath duct 16 1'6 rag to roof cap d w/fan Nutone 696RNB 115 7� 7,115 '—' LO 1Ox10 4wcd 1Ox10 4wcd X � (O Q- I Ln C25 CC) LL_ Rating z 3,5 TON W/8KW @240V 1PH Transfer ducts/grilles sized In 0 } 18xl3 plen compliance with Florida Residential m 24xl4 rad Building Code - M1602,4 Balanced platform by a Return Air, exceptions 1-3. Builder la bldr must provide unrestricted 1 Inch scale t1/8'=1'0' undercut on doors to habitable a z Q L1J 3 rooms. -j 0 D Q e a MInImum clearance of 4 Inches around the air handler per the State Energy code, All duct has an r=6 Insulation value. m a- J N 6 8