HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2312 I:,' j .,., .';' i I 5011 " I I,' ,. 1" ,:,:,j)",,' I, 'i 'T,j", ,ll- ';',,'. ' '1 " I I, j ,I -:'," ~ j, '; , I I 4, 1/;, I r ' [, .1j, I " ! ' j J : ! " ,,' 'I I " ' r 'I 'i , ' ' i J, '" I ' I ,,' " '" I,., :. . f J . ~ .. I .'" ,I' .' , , J I" , . . , ~ ; I "i ,',,~, I /", i' "f.;."'.1 . I, 'I ,,' I ' ,+tT7.~ i:Cc:;'71~~f:~\~'T'~':;\';::;"~~'Sq' · ;:~~.~, -: ;.::;;, ':'F'~'~ .~-,"Yi 1~,i..j;.~~'Cr~.t~;'Tf 1 t . ' ,\1,-,4' ,~raDJlfer "~\of ~h' ,Y1t4 par''I ~1\ ~h. 8800~d p~~' ell !in ~'1~ ,.n~ ;~.~18n~ ,t~r...,rer. ~n 1;~', i ~l' o~~~a~nlp~r'l',Qt'l~d lyi1ns ~ndfb'ln8\~Iu' ~h~'\~O'un1;, IQt st,' f~Ol~\Jnd's.att'\ot '~bl~4.:'~~.ot"/ ): 1 \",! \ " ',I .'. ',', '\ ,'\ i ,\, I r" I., riI \' II "', p~',i 'oulaJ1" "'~t.O,' 1"1 bed., a t, 01.1._." IH' ,>, " I,,' \ .,', : , ',','.,: , " .'"," \ \ \" . , ,'i . I, ,; " It It ! I!" 1I0r,,~.... .t, Q.. ri.r ',0'\ s~J tll,..' t <iu~ l.': 0' 1I0~~h".~~ \llu4 riel' (m' 0 ~!llt ~' ,., I \ . I.' 0' \ \\.. . ' \,and th. 'Sou,~I~f' ot Northe.'-.1i Quarhr ot, Sou1ihea~. Quarhr of 1I0rth..., Quarter \ , .{ \ I I' \ ' , ',' " ", ' , i, " ' ", ,. , " . I I, . \, \ " , "\ , ' " '\ ; 'iI, ,\ ,\,'.1" ",\(sl..o:t N~o~ :sllt of lnft)ot SeoH9n ~,n,y~to~ '.2.).T01lJi~h1P'irb~r'1-,the)~&), '. i\ ,\ ~, \ \ . I- \ \ s~,u,~,'~angt .Tl\lr''I-n~ne'(.3i)B8:8~,QO~t~,zi1N, pu,,,n, (18). ..or.s~' mo~e.o:r lee8.; \,,1 , ,\ \ ,SWJBO'r,'BO~VBR.'o, aD7.' and..:.,all, Wt~8.. 8~era).; ep~~l~.-~r dr~lna8.. a,n,d ~o all \ '\; , \ ' r . , " '8~.8.8~~~t8 9t 1..."l.ct8 ~Ub8.qu.nt; ,'0 ~'~.~b.r Sl. .\~~2Z. an.d:':~l80 ,~:bJeot "O,en'l' "! nl, deduotlons' t9J.' ~18htf' o,t..,wltJ,far' ~~bl~O h1811"81.8, o~ ,:fO: dl'tolie8 or, ~1811h oi wals , " , 'i I, ot';'the,Nor,~ S~.',LU~l" Rl.,er'~alnag. ~8\rlo~~' ,', "., ".'~: ,f ,~, roGgTllB~ whh:a11'\l1e tenement8.:heredltBDiente,aWl,apPurtenanoe., W~\h ...,el"1,prl"'~.I~.' " j , ,r'lBbt' ',,- t~", lM.ree', .do~~r ' an d-' rl8htot' do~er. r~~.rB10 n; '~enialnder aDd:, eadement ':~h~.ret'ob~ ., t" , ' , " ',~ ' , ..' " " , t' iOl'lsln8 or in aopt,s, apper,,-'1il1i1lP, ~ , I . : . ' ',' ",' - , '..'. " , . , " , , . ',TO HAYS lBD/'ro BOLD'th~lIamelnt.t ,81mPl~:forenr. . "I "I.n:d ,tl1e-'aa1~ par't ot 'he,.t1r~~:P&ft~"oe~oo~e~rit"itb, ~888i'dP81'il.,ot':'h'8800nclp~, , I", ' '.' ' " , . ' - ,-' . " ',' " ,,' , "'," ,,' . ,:' ! , '~ha,t he, 18.~awtull)'sd.&.~, ot. '~e .a1d"p~18e.., ,~}1att~e~tar~tre,~ ,~roll1~i .lnO~br~n~~'8 an,~ ,." :', J 'th8the 'ha'~' go04 right ~d lawful. au thorft7' to ~e11"he' seIDe: rt.nd: 'he said ,Parti Q:f the tlrst" '" " J" paHd06B)ier,~b:V 'tU~17 ,warrant thei! tle'to' said l~d. .rid' wp:id d~t.nd' ~. 'eam8a8~~n~~"~h. " \ \ "". .liil, ,'.', ',H"~;,,,,: "--I " 'f ~',J,'" ' U1' ~'D: .' . , .. . . " I '..... ~: , . lawtulola1Di8 of 8ll per8<:1l8 wbomBone~. ,i, , " , . , , \ ,> Ilt'WITN3SSlmgR~P. thea81dpar1i'lc>t' thetb'.' ~r',~s hel'eUnto,Se1i}uind an~ 88al' .'he d81 and ye8rabO"'~wr ithJi:. . ....,. -r. J '; I , 31sn.d~, Btded and deli..,ered 1~ our presenoe: 'Jo..phi. Hell1, . (S.al) ! . ~ ,:1:., D. Kl'JIIIII o .D. 8." Glbb.; '''--'' ',.',' HAT J oj UISSOURI) " ' ",:' 33: ' , COUN'l'Y 0; JACKSOll,) (12-.'60 I~R.3teJ:iP8 aan..') , b. , '. '. , I hereb~ oert1f1; ~8t 'OD,..thl,~, 5tbdaiof June. j,;. !'. 1926~,bi:tore mepe",onally,8pp.ered , .JO~3PH J.'. H3nl, a Wido..r. tQ. ml!' knO-m' to b,e the, pereoDs d88o~1bedln 'and whO e.xeO\ite~'be.,toJ.e- '- . .. . '. 'Boing,OOnnY8noe. and 80~now,ie4ged the . eX.o~.lQn 'her~f t~be b18tre.,~~t~8ncid,eed.tor the ~ee8 6n4, pUrpo88sthereln lIlentioJ1.d. '_, o WITIJ&SS m7 B i8na~ur.andoftlo1al8ta1o a~ KaDIJasQ1 'f.ln t~.COUD'7 ,of JaokBo,ri 'endState, ." of I.USBOU. rlf~ dei '" ''leer laa' a10r...ld...... ' Adolph J~ Yeyer;"{Stal) . ;J(o'a17Putillo. Jaokson Ooun~y, 'yo. .P.S.al. ,.,' ~ 00mm18.s1~n expi.rea Deoember 18.'3.926.": , "-..~.- Piled and r,800r48d 'onth18 26'h del 01 AUS. 1926, at 3; 66 P.Jl-. f' '. ' , 1 I <', I l I , ~, ,.' -./,,':' - , , ~:'~) ~ . O{.Ot. s~y~ \ " i /..-v'o.) .% \ '()Qi" -" . rt .. tf. " ....". ". tI . t1 ~.,.,.-;-" . tf . " ." . " . ,. . If .". " . If . ft . ,t ." . ,. ." .". " ." . ff ." ..1 ." ..~. ... 1 I I j " " Op. C. I[;DRED~ -Clerk 01roua.oour'. B'I /)., 7rY-r~ ..' jjn I~(. ~~ (/~",I8- , D.C. : '~.t t' : It: tf: ": n: " : -'.. : " : ": If:": ~'f : ": ":' ": ' 'JQSlIPR J. HEll( JjJJE3 A. WCIll' "___-1'.- ~ i, .P!DRIDA WARRAlfi D&D THIS,>lffl)D'l'UBI~ )(ad. ~b.-1. 7th" of JUl. A. D. U26. BII'l'W3D JOSUB J. HlIU. a widower, ' , , , ; otih. County otJ8okaon. and state of Mie.our1. partl of' 'b. tirs' par\. and JlDS A. ?LlCllf, .., ;.., " '/ ... . . , of the COUnt" of Dade. and - S\at;. of, .florl4;a. parl1 ot th., eeoond pUt, WllfU3SJBTH. Uat th. I ..ld, JlU"1 ot ih~ t1ra'parl.for ,eJld In o0D814eret1QD.ottht II1Ill ot Ten Dop.rs and'o~_ ,cd.' , ~ . - .,.l,.ble oCl181d.rat10n8" to in hind ;pdU" the ,:reoe1p' .ere~ 1e h..b" aolCnowl...... ......,... " " '. , It. ~~-..- ~-'