HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2322 '. i? ~ . . 1- i .q, 'w ./..: j j ,'. " , "l . J ' ,; 1 ',' " ' , ,J 'I I,', I , I cL .c ' , t: ; , I I' ,i. I. "I' , . '. . !" i ' , 11', I < ',! , ' . ': ' . '.' I' " ',' I "J , I ' i,;' I" . I 'I:'" ! ': "~+:-,;~:-r:t~;;.";'-<;;::-' ;,-~.:::;;:,~::~';::;.~t.:';:C,~:l.:;::h:'r':I.i1t7:"~,:: '1:I-fY~"-': "?~r .:rr . " I,' ',. '3:rAT~ OJ PlORlD.&. " ' . I ", ,', \.1',' "I' . "" .,.., '[,' ' '. ;' " ',f . . " ,. I r " ,'" , \ I, .' f \. ":' , " I \ \. I I .,' 'l'iL~OUliTY OJ sr. LUOU. '. I." . .\"'\ 1,1\'. ,\ \, i' " " . \1, 1 ' ' " ' , ',.' I" " , ' . \ \ , \ '. '.-, ',' \' " ' . It " ',i '\ a>,i' ,1\ ",I ' ,.'~'H'~RgBY b3JiTlPY',Tha\ ~~"~~ ~ ;jftIlOlJall~'rap~,~n4~to~~,!~. .an,ott,iQ.r, dU~J,authmt~Zt4:i'l ~ ,\; ,I to' ada1nliUr .'6~th. ~d ~~k' ~o~o.t.~.~t~, ~,Jl. ~ ~~.~~tl~ C.l'(IoW) \~, ~'\"4\k\~om.t~~~1 ~.;t,\ , . 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" .. tfl~_~ ~ ....as-<'n , ,t. wi. It. ~. ~'" " .-" . " ,,-" .. " . tt . tt ,If . .. ~ "", ., . " . ": ". ". "; " . .". ..', ~ . ". ~. ". ".' ft. ,If. t'l '. . ,. . " ... 'f. .. ~ J,,~ . . /' . . .. .""----:'. . .. . . . .... "e' .. . . . . ... . . .. .................... . ',", <' ." '( t' . . ..:t. ;, t 1 CQJ,c>lfUJ,Um> co. . ). '-. ; " ' ,1.'0, . , 'K.'. ,G. OU~'lJ.IP$Oll,'- . ",: '.' . .(8-,' ' ;1 ~ , \Ii, ,I ,1 ,.1 . ! " ' PI !Ill,.' 0 0 J) .~ ' , " . " ; . 'mIlS .OB3BY3!f'l" ~~. 'abd.llit"~ed' 'ln~,o .th1. l_.~th'da1 O~ '~un.,.&., ,D. 1926. bj ~a:,' 'betwe~J1 \ CO,lonial Land, 00. ,,~,l'e_WJ4r'.70orp,orauon.ut~orh.d. 'odobu81n...~ in' thestat~-o,f Plorl!l8. '.' ,-' .. . . . "- -. . ':.~. ~. '. . )~oWD hertinatter "II th.-p..r~, of' the first par'. ',anetH. :(J. auau,t,on,o't p,ar~ PierQ..P1.~'. Jm,own , :. '. ,". . .;. . -' . -" '. iherelba,tter ...', ~h' pal", o~ ~he;8eoon~ ~r'., '; , , ( 'WITN~~~H.t~t the- parttottil. tlr.t,J?A1't .gr... to ..11 anddoee BIll. and the p..rt7 ot t)1ftUQon~' part a,Fir... ~o bu,'an,ddo~8~Ul al,lt~. ,O,~,'81nlot8,' 'P1eoe.fr~~ro~le'o:t 1~n4 OONTBAO't 'OR SlLH OP L.fJU> . : .... . '.~" " ,\' .... .' '. -' . l)rlng .aDd beins in the oout)r :o't'S-,t. Luol.8Dd Stat ~ ot.,hor14a'.know~ aDdde~18~h4a~ ,tote . ", . . ' . , . . ~ '-., . ~ ... "... . . . ,. bel". (12) In Blook Bot Pln.-wG.od. ,~ addition' to the C'U, ot"ort':Pl'''Q.,'lor1'a.~ a~ooi'~nS '; : " . . .~ - ". . '. . ~ ' . - . ,", . . . . to' a platthereot en~Uie<d "pip-eWoOd".-. .subdiviBlon ~t'l*rt o~ ,;iau~ Berth t,~t seotion 15. T. ' '. ,,'? '. . ," . '. - ..o , " ' ," ," '" .;. ' . ..." . : 36 s. R; 40 a., aDa tried 1r1.th.ott1o.~otthe:Ci.rk ,ottheCircuU 'C.ourt ot st. Luoie Oount7, ". '," . .,;' . . -' '. .-." , - '". , P1.or1da~ on ,June 9. A. D.192~. anfreoorded in Pld Book. 5, ,pas. '24. l'n the publio reo.ordB .of, ,j 's814 Oount,. \.,.... , - - .' . . " T~epal'tyot ~h~.eoon4 p..t '88~e'8 110 purehaB'. and does p'Ur~1;laee th, aboTe: ment1o,IlId . . . . . '. . . ~ '. -. ... properv tor the. '8lDotThll't,~1'1,.ehundr.4Cta500) J)ollarll.on tbeto1.10w~term8 allef oOD.dl'- tl0n..' to..wlt: Tw'l". hUD~>~'dCI120~l)'~~lara' ~!-,{~D the 81$n1ng,ot tbie 48r~.lDe~t, the 'J"~- l oelptwhereot 18 h.r.bJ'aOknowled8ed,~d: Seven ,hulidred'lIutJ-Be".n ,(1767) DOli,a~8.t() be ,paid on or b.-fore the ,:Wth dq o't Jun. IG26~ 8D9 Se.'.ll hunar',d 81xt1-~lx(1766) ~nar. to bepddon or b.tore ~ 16th dq ote'aoh ~~....~rJt..1~th,:lDonth thereetter. ,until the' w~ol' ~lD ~ball h...... been p.ld.tosetherwl th lnhrtll~ .t the rat. of ,e1.ght, pe:f ~nt'per aDnum,;pa18ble.eID1-.nnuallJ. , ' ~~ on all balancell remain1na trOlll tfm. to t11H unp.14. . -, . Th. per', 9,t the 8eoond part .B~\btllan4 wl11 paJ anl and all tax.u, l~o.l t10na or' .e....m.nt.. legall1 l.,.18d or 1Illpolled upon th'. . " . . . . .. ". - . - -/ '(1, ' ff '~ pr_1iIe. abOTe4lllorlbed. tbat, 1181 hereetter beoOlll" due. ,In Oa8. aatdtooe'.. l~pO.ltlo mI or.' " ,aB8t88Dl8ntt are pai,db, th. P"~ ot the :tiret pert, the ~rtl of the..oondpar~ "'11 upon de- ,; maildr'PI1 ~e .lIDUn~~ .opald, Itogethft with inter.lIt a.t the rate of e18M peroentp,r If1nWII , I trom tbe/claM otthe paJ1Mnt 'b, the par", of the firllt part. Th... ..._ to bepa/ld and the mon.y. .ent W t1M ottloe ~t Colonial Land 00.. 2tJ. 3. HanO"er St.. 'l'.renton, N.J., or 8\1,),h O~tr I .. partJ of \he tire' pen,' or 1 ta MlOOtllllorll or .ulsn.. mal at 8111 time plao. or pI.o.... I her..tter,d'.lInat.. I ., ~-,' ~--~----------------- -