HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2336 ,j , I ' ,. 'j' i \ r~' ~-'!llf' a1:181=1, ~,.ml~" r~leas.~ 'ooriv.eyend "OOJ1flrm\Ui~O, 'tlu~' s~l a,P?rty ot"th~' 'uo,o)'ld ~Al'~'_Jj18 I h.~1r8'8n~:8ssi~n8,forever, .all ~hat'ger,taill p~rt1on Q~ 'leri'd ,lying '&}i,dbelng In :t~e,Cou.nt'~", , I ',of ,st:., tuoie &no" atete 6~'~lor'ld8, to-wl t: , , ' ~ " '~"A1i' 9f: lSlook8,1'we1"~ .(111) l end' Tl1i.rt~e~"h3) 1n 1I8~8Vj,118 'Plas., '8, BUbd1y18~on'.1n" i ..' '3 '. l' ! ' ill. '., ..t.........'... .', ~:; , ',\ , , ' . \,' '\ , .' " " "ij"" " , , ~' ~, ~ '" " ....' ).,'..:,~\,9'.. '~.,' .:., , ; ,~. .I l'. ./0 I, , ..; ...~ . ~'5'.J ~. .~t) . I; :...." ..-~". , . i . j "j' { p.t.t'~", '1. ,\'., \ . '.. \ .... < ~ ".' \. " . , \. -. ~. , .".,.'. .,' .. .... \ . " , '\' wI 1'NESSE,1'Jhrhati ,the s':a1dparty 'of the flreti part ,for ap. lnoOl1s1'deret1on of the a\UD", !_, of'Tent\o;l.,lersan~ other good: and ,VelUabl'-'oonB~.der8t1one' to ,1~ ,in 'hand paid. by, th'e ,part'y' i - .,' of ,the &,eoon4 parti,the' ,:"eoe~p' wher.oti8 h~rel)y \~~icno;.,lt:dgel1, he8, ,8rant1)cf..,"~arg9~ned,polcl, , ... '. .' . . _....", . .. . . :. -: . , #fJ.'.,', ~. -.." .... . '. . :. '. ~ _ al1ene"d.' remieeci, releasl!:d, Qonveyed aIldoon:f1rmecl;and, by thesep~,eaent~ ,doth grent,' berge,Hi; . I."' '. 0.... . -, ' .'. .. Seotion 21; ,:ro~8hi,p ,35- SO~th,~81Jge .40 E8S~!:8oc~ral,ng' toj plfl't.~bf'8~id aU,bdlVlaio~ , .- ,reoordeO in pUt' book ~'etp8g'e16, of ,th& Saint 1uole.ouil.ty,r,eoord~,.. ~ ' ; ~ . ,To h8V~ 'and to~holcl, the e,~me ~n, fee',~ll!lpie: f.ureve~; 8Ild,th.~'e~1 op:rty-' ot the' flrs,t 1 pert a<;>th 'oov,enent ~1ththe:$a1ap8rt1 of ,tbeaeoon,a pert', .t,hat l~ 1~':1.8,;ftillyaehed 'of ,th& ~. . '.- , " . . - '" -:;..". .:,-. '-'.,. '." "_ ' ""1 ": ,': ~~. . 8SlO premises ,end the t 1 t hes good. right'8~dlew~~ .8utho.~1 t~:' to ,8ell,th~ ,8a/ile.. imd' the "j. B81'dperty:o~,the:f.1r~-t,'Pertdoe~h;rebY fully:werrent the.'t1tl~toa,~~d l~rid e'ndV/111,d'e-' . I' .' ,i . ~ i fend ,the 8ame ,ageinst t~e 18W't'-P- ,o~e"tna,6f all persons who.Jlls~e"er. . ',PROVI])EDi'll,~Y~'fllBLE,93, : :lhet"tp;s~~r"ntB 8rer:l~d,e sub'jeot'to ,b,he, f(Jllowing:expreS8 conditions,: ,restr1QUOlla ~rid l1mlt~t1on8..,which '. 60ndlt~'on8,. reatH.ct1',on~-!,'erid_,l1]li1t8t10ns, are lntenced to be end ~hall be'80'cepte'desooveh,flnts rurrn1.ug, with ~he, 1endherelnconveyed endwhic,h shan:, be binding, alike upoilth~helr8, ']'>ersonel represen t'eti ves, ano Dssigns o'f the', party of th,e seoond pert.,~ho by, hisaocept~poeof:th18ill()trwnent 8Bre8S' to. eMde by end . i . ",' _' . . ~. . , ~ - < . .' ;. ";' , per,f9rm. sold restriotions~, l1mi1;at,lonsond cotidl tione 8S oile or' ,~he eXT1reeg c.01sidere.t.ioDa , t , ; "1 of th~se pr~seQta: ...... ~, 1. Lo residenoe shall. be erected 'or construoted' ort 6e~d .1 rind of e.1eas cost 'than'" ~~ .' '. : iw'3,500.0,) . on lotsfroft.ting onS~r18e Boulevard, 6nd~; 3,000.00 ,on all other 'lotg,arid(l).~ . . ' '. . -. . - . , . . ~. . ., . I : - . rfs1cenoes in :1aid'13ubdivialonshsll be oonstruoted of coral, r..,oc;':, conc.ret,e, 8,tucCO, c~>ncr~te-- , . ,blook, .hollO'" tne,' brlplC o;mb'~i construction" or v:ene~e~w1th. oorel rpok ~, . .,"',. . fremeveneered with lttuQco., ~nd aLell ,be 8l~ng gpen~sh ,Ho,qrhh" ~erietlen '. o~ , be1'Il).On~OUB .:,typesoferchHeo'ture, '31;-d th~ .,efor,ef}tii'd amount ahalLbe eotuellY . '/ orbriak', 91' siniler 'exvended on constr'uction end ereotlo~ of suoh bUilding end not 1'oos1n cOlweotion 'therewith. ,.2. 110 building ahell be, c<?natruoted or ereotedon cny ofe-alolend :until efter the plalls, " speoi:t'lc stions' ,end 1 ooe tion of the, eerne shell .nave been" approved, by the party of t hefl r~ t', , ., p8~t, Its'B~cce8sorB, repr~sentetives orssslgna. 3. ;10 b.Hdings, other th~n one ,re8ide!lO..L-~'~nd .one privete ,geregeal1cll be, erected .~n I eny one lot, without the wrltti3nconaent of part:! of the '~,trAt pEart end no building iehap .,' be erecte,d at 0 lessdUter1Qe then 30 f~et from ~he froJlt', line of ~llY lot in sald subdl ~ vision, or irOti enystreet '. ,or et a If!sS disterlc. ,then 3fe,et from the alde line of eny lot, or at .8 le~8 dletanoe then 4 fee~ from ,th~ rear 11ne. 4. ~'h8t DO unln;tul or ,1r.J1!lorelu8~' ahall 'be made' of the premises hereby conveyed,; nor I 1 I' , . ' I. ,,' shell the s8."!le,' nor eny pert thereof, nor eny'1ntere'st therein, be sold, leased or other- 'to eD;;! . person other than of the Cauoaeian rece; provided ~hat tnothlhg her.e- I I , " ~ . .- J .. .. .. .------_-.&...-----. -- .;.. I: