HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2346 ',', ,I',: ,j'/,,! 'I'" , .,J' '~'I" '(' :,' ,"'r;':',',II'.' ','JI",:, 'J',;,5;-t5,/ I. ' ,I I 'f' ' , ' y , " I ' I' '.; . I" I!' ,I" 1\, '1.,'1 '. ",I,' ,"'. ,! ' I,' " f,' , .', : " ":, ' ", ';," ,'..,' , 'I ; r J ' , . I " ",,-, , ' '" ' 'I' " , .. ,I, 1 , ", . '\ i ' " ' , f I, I' , I""" ''- ' . , ',,' ~: ,"+-:C~;:-"fTT~jl "I~'I;" ";:p~,4r'";''':~~'Ji~l +1" ,I r'~: .;'+,~.+:.;...lr;7~ i' ,Abd ~he'.aid part~ o~, t;~e ~~r8~ pciri"I~d ~t,s"~0ge~90r~, th~ :above' de8~1"~b'''d prem~,~e8, 'and' ,,'I i ".7~'" I par' ~n4 'pa %b~~ ~~r.o;I' ';"t~ tbO ~i<l"per* of :In. ..~ ~ 1 ~~. ~M, h~. h. ~!;...,~~ ,...t 8"1~ \ I: agalns' the 8aid P8~,t1, :of the\llrst' ~r~and' i~8\ ~OO~S8pr8.~an4 aga1netal,l \an~,\ cWer1,1ptg"lon\ or' ~ I :per80n~ whom,Bo~~er la~11 o~all!1,I'~:~r t9:9181.th~I'8,...,\8hail ~d~fll\-rraJ{~'an~ b).\~,h,~e;L , ! \'l>r'o8en1;a'\foreve~defend,; ~~~ept,a,a: to '\~~e ;'~1e~,~~ \ ~~,i , -sta~, (O~~~t,1,,:Jl~Ol~~, anci~p~~ai: :, " \" j,,1IY1mI1P 1>18~rfot ,.c"hdh~rbl\l,d~e, \ roaA" \ sohoo]"., ~ra1na8., or oth~r"18.~ ~e8 a8se,;898d 88~~n8t' \: -, '",' 1\8al~':1~~8ub$~q~e~~. t? 'the Y.81":~~\\ 11.\ 19~2.\,\aUOfWh10~ B~d ;~8fe8tJ1e ,part1' of, tbe ;\~oond part. \ t _. '. _ .. .' _ ',.' . \. . " . . ," j ~y- aooe~tenoe,()~ this dee,d',hefGby, a~sum88, and,agr'ee8 ,b)' PSI. ',,'.. , , " ',,; ,:' 'I~. \f.ITl{RSS ,wHER~Il' t \"tbe, 8at'd ,pa~t~ .o~ the f~r8t P,8r~,~8 oaua~d,thee., pre8ent8 to'be' 8~8J,e.~ wl~li ~lh ,~orp~r8te "e!,l and, 81gned b1 I,t. V1o~Pre81,dent and' atte8~clb1~ U8 'A8~lBt,a,J1\ Seorft~8r~ , , " " ' ,", -.., ,: , ,,-, - ' " as',theao\ nd <<ieeel f-~h" '.oorporatlon,: the ~~' aJ1d year' fl retal)oY~' wr,lUen. ,,' , , ' ,,',', .. , , , ' , " " ': ,IIODSLUN]) CWPJJfY-' ',\ \ , \', , ,'" ' "nl,II, (, , \ '"" 'L . , ,',I . ~ ' , I . '~.' . . F ' " ' .. "~l_ 'o~ ,0 . \A~te8t; " "'!".. , " By, ,J. ,.. Hoffman , ," ' V~oe-Pre'ldent. ~. . - . .1:~ , " ~ ~ ~ I i -: h ~ , j j ~ ~ ~.. .' ! !' , , .' , !'~J18ned, s~aled anddeliYer,e~:ln preeenoe' of; ;! " .-' . '. .# , ;., , "., ~.'-'-::~.-~ ". dt-' \ , ($1,50 't.R.'S'tsnP8 oa'~) I .' u .t ;'" ThSlIi. B. Bennett ' Gabrlei G.Lee Jr. , '.r , . ~TAT1"OIl' PLO~])A,. OCJlJH'l'Y:Oll" ST. .lOlliS' .- :ff/~:,J.,~~:,~'f, "." . .~ \ , 1 .f ";! ,1 ,.~" Be.it known. ,that: OD"th!s dQI.. before Qle. "Notary P\1b 11 0, tor the s-ta't'e ofPlOrlda 'dUl)', 'j , , ' , ' -, ' , ,,',' " ,.. l 00inm1ss'10Dedand,: 8worn, personally' apP,eared J.; W. lioftman, 'vloe~.p:te.e1deiit of;,the,JJOI8LUNn coupm ,\ to.' m~ '~ci~n"to ll~ suoh Vlo&..PreB1 ~i1~:'ndto',be: ~he" '1Dd1!'ldU~de~01"lb.d In '~~ .~ '~~:in1C!~ V1'~e~ .',1 ' ", ' " ' , " ,',' :'.. '.. , ", " ',,' ," ,:Oo i Pr,eeldentsubeorl'bed the nama '()f sald' OompaJ:1te.nd'his' oWn ,iutJDe to the for~go1ng Geed". end, de- ,', olar..~'and8oknowledged ~ha~ he 8,ub'$orl b'ed ~hereto t'he name of 1;Ja.1I1oo:i-p01-a.~1~rtand'..b18' o~n ,:,' " " ~ , ." . ;:name as 1108 Y1oe-Presi,clei1t;andthat,he' 'execiutod said deed a8apd 'fo~th8' aot and deedo~ .a14 l,IODIn. LAm> CWPAlIY, ~a.'~hat be dld the a aiDe' b1 order ()t,the Board o~Jjireot'o'ra 'of 8e:1d,'CorPQr~ , / t1 on. . ~~ . . - -", I~ WITN:~ss Wli3ij:l>P, I bav" hereunto ut,lIl1 hand 'and atflxeamY 8~al'otQ~f1oe ,th188thda;, '; of A~~ust, A., ~~~. i t.s..r.) S'l'AT3 OIl' PIO,RIDA~ ...../ S'l'. JOHl'lS COWITY. " .." " "Tho~. B.'Bennett, , " ',' , Notary Pub 11 0 for state'.of Florl'aa. , Jl1, 0_~8s1on explr'88 June ',30th,1929., " Be ,1t, known, that oil this ~, befor.ID8, a 'notary l'ubl1o for the ,State 0~~Flori.d8. duly . '. ~.- . , , , oommissioned, and. 8'!'O mt per eonallrappeard, lamue10. YODanlel, A8S1,8tant' s.e,ore tary ','9f the' i. ." , '.' ~ " - . '. . ,(llOl>EL LAND, -QWPANY, to me, known to \Ie suoh Assistant seoretary'and to be thelndlvidual de80rib... , . ~ ; '. foregoing . , ,1 ed 1n and wm a8 auoh Assistant ,Seore tory subsorlbed t)1e ~'--..B deed, QJ1d deolared a,nd ao-, " " ','" ". . . '- .-" knowle(lged that the 8r)~ aff1xetl. thereto is tbe 'oorpora te leal of the said 110DlU. LAUD CClJPAllY:,' "1,,1 . "\1 'that the same 1108 b;y ,him affl~edto lal ddeed .-b1 order of the Board of Dlreot~'8 ot sa,le1 corpora-~' , ~ t19n', and that he 8ubaorlbed bis name t~ereto as Assistant Seoretary o~ sald Oompany b1 a like, : or,jer. ?" '/ I, ...... ,Ill W ITH~SS ~(Il, I have berel1Dtoset illY ,heDd Jl.Dd affixed IIY soal of offloe 'thl s 13th 48y of . '" ,/' " .........'" , .August t, A. D. 1925. '\ I H.P.Saal. f T{ilOBt B. >>ennett /.t; I Uot817 Publio. " ,~; 1Jy 0 OllIlllse~ on expl,res June 30th, 1929~"'r . . I, I ,~ /. '';~~) ':,.'~c I I 1Ued and reoorded on tba 28\h'da7 of AU;. 1925. at 10;01 a.m. ....- ~. C. BLDR,' 'aD, Cl.,rk Cir>>!' 00111'\. , ~~~,(;l~ B ,I ~ " z . .._ ::.._........::-:::_____~~___...:....____ ~"'-,-,".f -' _' J 'p