HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2355 -.,., :,'544'.. , , , j ! ; I , ,'.! i r , " . ' ~ f .. II ,I . , , I I ,I I . . . .. , ,. " 'I , _~.~ ,t. " ~'n ,',;. ~,~i''.-. _ .~ "; I, .~~~.; ""~~~_~J't"- .~~ I:..., ,.:'~ c_ ,____~._,' ,:. ,~; ...:...~~~~ ,,.......,.,~.""!""'--~~~-~"""'"";-,~~ ......""'---",. n ,..)r.~~~__."".,..,....-~~".", '" "'_ "..... _,<.~::::.~,;:.':~.:::t:... ....."'..~~, '1,1 \,' I .",. .'. :. . " I ,.' " . I, ..., "," ". . I'" " I i, I 'I" binins ~6.9,3 $'~re8,. m~re' or lesJJ. a'8P'~ pi~t reoonded in P1at'I, I I' \, . \ I !' ,\ 'I '.' , , " I., . \ , 1,' '. \i \,.- '1.. ~B~Ok,~,,\~8g~J~,Jte<iOrd~,,0~'St..,~uo~e',OpuritY',lJ,o:r,1~a',"'" '\ "i\"t~,,' "-'11 And \ the',. hldp,artiee ~f . the f1~8t PWI do h&reby. fu1lX ~rranll th~\ tltle. tq ,ilallCr If:lJid, ,and *'-.11..: \ '\ ,,', 1 ' " . , \ ' . '. ',t . \, ,.; \ '\ " '. ,:,' '., . " , . : ',de,fend'the '~a~~ e8Qlnst th~ \~a~'l,~l81~ ~~\~1 p~r8~ns ,1tl,~_1Il80eve~" I, 1\ \ '\~\ ,'\ \, \,'~' \ . . - - \. '.' . . < ' -,' ~' . \ ," .1 . I~ WI~N3S$',WJI~&OF,' th~~e1dP~~les ,.0'1 th& ,fif8 ~ part ,ho't'e l:\ere~to ~et. their, haI;lds 80,41, i \ , ,'.,' ' " .' t , ,,\ , \' 'seals' the' dtly aud yeat\ ,a bove wrl t\en:. 1 \' ' " ,.." \ " . sigJ\led,' 's~ole ~ ~n!i del1reted In.-:plt8-8Einoe' of U8.1 .1. \. '.. '.' . .. \ .. " . ' ,!.l1ini8 L. ~t~~i- "". ; I J.;T~ Smi th STAT~ OJ',' NCR TH ,CA1{OLIHA~\ \ ' - ,OQum "Ol.GUILJORD., .' ,I 'H:BR:.G:Y ~~~IPY T~t ,on 'tl}ie ~,",p~~~n~lY 'app!t a:~t~fo~e me, 8Jl offloerdulY 8u1i~rla~4r, to adminlst~r, Q,~th8.8nd take, aokni)wl~4gment's, ~'..'c~, WA,'.I!KIBS 'and,B3RTHA 'B,'WA'J'KINS, h18 ~lfe..,tQ;' " '~ ...'. "'~" :. ..', . .'. . . '.. . . .. '.\, " -,). .. . ..' ..; me we~l",ki1own to,~e tbeper8onis"4~8o:rlbed, lnand who ,e~oouh4, the:fO'J'El891~ ,Q~e,d"and, aok~oWled&e4 . ," '. -', . ~ .... .. .. ~ ~ ... .. . -. '. ',. - - ... .... " ; . . .' ",'. . ~'., '. .,.. :. -. . before me .tha~ theyexe~)llte4the. 88mefreely and ,Y OlU4t8r.11t fo):': the purpoSes" the,rehl,expre~8ed~ ' , , ~. . .. , , . - . . . .. .... . - . . '. . ..' .. " ~ - . . -. .' ~. - : ' , .A!fD:I~uRT1l3R, OBRTIPY" 'that the' .a14:' Bertb:a 'B. Watkins, kno~to meto:.b.~ ,'the 1!d'fe"of the} '", . " . " . , . ' . . ~, _ ~" _ :. . ~ '.'., . : i . " : 8a14J. O.wat~i~s.,on'~ s,epa~ateand,P-lva,teexa~naUon taken ~dmade by and 'befo~e~me. '8~paratul,t, : . .. "'. , _. -. , . ~ " t.. ~ .- ". ,':':_~and.. ap8r.tfr'om he~.1J8~ci hlJ.sbBJid. dld:aOkn.o"~eclg.\..~t.,.i.":; M4~:..hereeif.a P!1:riil-to 88,_ld.~.eed ~ot .'. .'. , 'r ."..".. . ': '" ,..' .... " .. _ ' . ...... .'- "..i X. .. .. ~_ ,i.. ',th~"Purpoile ~'frenO~o1l1gi r.el1nqU~"hing' and'OOi1~Ylng all h~):' right: titie and TlntertJ8i~ wh~r," 'doweI:,home8tead or ofaepan.teprOpert" 8ta tutbryOl" equi, t6b1e, ,In and to ,the lands desorlbe,d " ". . . ; ,.; '... ~ ..-. . . ' ... . .' .,"" . . : ,,", ..' ther,ein. . fl~d th~ t < s~ee:xe?uted 'the 8ald . 'deed 'fre~l,- and'voluntartlY: an,4 ,wlht9u t a~ O~PUlsloD, ' oon8 tr ain t" appre~.nJJ'loii orf.earo'f: orfroll) h,r' 861 d 'huebanl1.' ' , . I, ". , ,..' ". : ' ," . ' , WITNR~~ 1D1.. hand anel offlo~8l'8e81 a~ GreensbQro. 'county' of Guilford ,and, Stat.,' of ll~th { ,,""" , ' :', ~ . ~;- . . - '. .' ,. ~ carol1,na",t~lf(28th '4a~ of 'Aug\lQ~..i.,'].). 19~6~ \".1.' ,..'\' \, .. .,'. . ".4 \ ,\ ; '. '\ i ,\' i: . 0 ~Watkln8 ' \ \\:: JSea1) \' ,\ \ , \ \ . '\ " \ " ,Bertha' B. '''It tkins ' (Seal)' ... '., , :, \ .' \ .' \ ' ;, .. . , ' . " \ '\ '\, " \ ".-- ~, . , N.P~Seal. ' . , . james B. Brown, , . . NotarY, t>ubl1o,' 'Sta t eo:f '11~ rthCatol1na.. 111. . ()~lss1onaxplr~s ,>>GQfi 19,'1~~6~ . ... . . . . , . . I.B.at,amps 08U.), ,: , .. ,1, , '".,.:1'... , . . .. ..' -.- 'A .. ~ (.2~~OP , .. ., liled and reoorded oi1th18318t,d$Y' ot Aug. ,1925,'at 10; 62 a~m. i . i i 1 . '-r- Ot.Ct .l3eat. ~) 'C '0/, , ' '1'/[.. 'f ,'"" .,' {t;o .' '() .-('( P. o. lW>RED, C1.rk 'Iii routt' OourU . , By:~'/?k~g/t4(.l>.~'.' .' , . , l: ." ~ '.. , ~{ i '1 . s . , . ..,',,, , ". .. '. . .. " . '" ,. ,:. " ". .i.e." .'"" . If."....".". _j,. tt..". ,I." .'..ft."." '.".~"' II. ft'. "_.". ..... rt."'-- .":-"'. ft. ft. M. ",' ".":".If.n. ,,_. Ij~ ".. n.,". "....it. ,,~. .... ... ...., '~'.".' e.... ...~... -.". '......-..... ...... .....' .....,.....;.. .-. ....,... ", ft,~ RIDOS H,ARDWAl,i1S 00t. TO . 'A,S~' IG II liS, N'l~ R. J. RXDDLB JR, L:D~: ALL '143Ji BY;,~~~3 RRi~311'.r3; .'rl.lat, tbe Port Pieroe HUdward Oompa1i7, a Corporp.t1on, . ,: ora.mud and e~18t1118under the '1;aws'of' the state' of ll~rlda, far and 1'n : oon8idor8t1~ of th~ '. - , ..... '.. . -... ..' . .; 8waof O~e Dollar and otb~r valuabl.e oo~lderat1onsto it 1Iihan,4 peld."l)y R, ,J'. Biddle ir ,the.. reoelpt"whereof ,1. hereby aoknowled~ed. has grant~t4,barg81ne,4.. sold.. transferre4, ~8s18ned, an' set over and doesb7 these preaents, grant. ,bargain, sell, transfer, a8,ai~n.8 and se't over~to i the aid 'n. I. RiddJA Jr." hls belrs and assigns, all of the1rr1ght, title and lnterest in and .'~ i ~ to a oertain Contraot for. Deed da ted ~', 8~h,~ .,19~3, ,betwee~- the Boulevard nevelopglent compant' ! . 7 _. f _, . . . I .,1 and th, Jaoks,on I:uoe Gl.adWJJl OompaD7; an4 aSIUgned by the .aid; Jff.oltsOD Luoe Qladwyn OOlDpeJl10n i . , ! ,.bruary 5th, 1916. to A. P. Anthony and asslgne4 by the 1814 A. P. Anthony and Luo1H. Anthony , . I . ,'. i ,,' I -I hi8 "1fe/,. to the lort Pieroe Hardward CompanJ on Apr+1 6th,19l6, in wbloh Contraot for Deedth~ I, .aid Boul8'Y~cl Development Gompany ..reed to oonvey to the la1dJaok8on Luoe QladWJllOompaD1 . , .,.', I " . "I oe~t~n propert~ el tuatecl lJ1 st. Luaie! County. Pl~r1d8,' deaorlbed fiS foJ10W8, to-wit: I . , ',I'; , 't. '.1' , " ~ ./, Lots S~xt..n aDd lUght.en, Bloat "A" of, the , f I ,( { " I' " I