HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2357 I 'j I , 54'" " ' I i' I ,c J i _ " I I ,6 ' " ','/ I ,I' )'" _. I, fJ. ,;!" "1'1 I' , I --. I', ,,', I 'I . ',' , '1 ' . I ,. 'J'. ' 1, . I I '",,I 'I' ' 'I' ,I", , ' ,.1 ,-' , " " " , .. ", "r - I I I . , . , . 'I ' ' , -, < , .-1'-1" 'W ~ '.t.-........... . ~~----...1""""'_~~"'_ ...t~ :'1::::' \. .~=<::: :':1=:::::: ;::~"- ". ._~... ,....-'-"I:...~. ....U4. J.~ ~ '--",,~~~~...~..... ..4_ r y~~- ..."~~~,,,... ~~ ~~~. ~~~ r ~~'-. ,.!:>.. L_~_~~ -+ ~. 1""'. ..----: A,,_~_....,....,. ..~~ I ,';;' r ,.' 'I <I I ,\ ,,' 'I ,I I" I: ',r,. flPP,~e., o,l~~e i.. ..k.l.n. 8,' ,wJ'e Qf '~" ~.;,..-I.J.~.kl~~ .~ .~.' 'tn,' o~ to\, bel '1lhe \p~8~n de__o~, ,:~~.'i'1n ~4 I;<! ,I ,.'.1 !; I, " " ' , ,,"r:- I " '\ ' I ' !. , I' ' -l-:' .~.ho'.x.out.l'~1l,-t~J'e~1~&'.o~v"1an~"io~~'-R~u~T"RldP~~\;' J~.:: an4 8,a,.,era117.,aOknO~1~"t8~d, ~,\~~o'u;~on , I'~--'~:-i t;", , " . " '" ',\,' \ ,\ " ..\ " '.\ " -T \ '; ""1\ 'r tiil".Of'to ~. her;' ,b'~~ a~t,8Ii'd\ \~,~ ~o'r ,th.~~e8, ~4 PUl'~8,e8.ihe::~f'n:'.entj~ne.d~ an~,\~e ~8\i~ 'I :"\",, \" , i '\ 0174, 'r' lIol\k~no ~ho 111 ~o . of:\ho' ooUR. ~. J ~pk1~.. on, 0, oo~or~h lIDO prh.lw oxomtn of1 on t""ot ',I' \ . . '\ ~d made,b1, anct,befor~,m., al1d ~parate~yand8Part ~OID h,erl.8a1dbueb,and, ..dld:8okno.1ed8e ;that '",\1 1\ I , ' \' '.' . ,,\ . '...', ; 1 \, 'she ma48'her,8el;t'a P81'~, to the _'ld,rle"~ ffConY.eyanoe for1;hepUrpoee o'~ z;enpuno~,\ teHnqui.h.1lig' ' , . . ..' " . . " , ," ;'. .' . \ ". ',\ :,\ I '\ I ' ,[", anCloO~~Yi~" ~l h~r.right.~l t~e a~, ~tere~ t,' W~8,th.~ ~~f dOw~~\ 01' ,~,t'~e\par,ate\Jl!,?per~, s1;at,~or~ 1,0'r equ ltable, in 'and 'to; the ,1al1,ds ther,el1i desoribe,4, I ~nd ~hat 'she 'e~eoUt~!l8a1d cle,eQ. freel1 'and I' , t - . '; , . . '" ~_ -. ." . .' "" ~. '. > . . "':;' ! voluntarUi. and witho.ut 8Dyoonstraint" :tear, 'apPNhen81oJi OT ~O"'P'\l.lon,o(or, from het' 881d .;" ':,\~ ~ busband. i' ' " I. , . . i . , .-' 1 WI-TN8S3 JIY ,s1gna~re a~d offlolal .,.111 'at J'ort , I;'" -" . r "oi1'1o rt aa "ih~daY and: y4t.r: 188~ afore8aU.. ' 1.-' ...." ";.<.,-,, , " .' '. ..;- .'. ; . .I~ (' :,. , , " " \, ". . Ple'roe ln theOountt -Of 3a1ntLu'cle 'aria ;sta.' ~ " ~ . - -- ", , ." , " .. .~.. ..t ' . ; "' l' :~ ! ~ " '-'Ri'P.$~8J.. " , - ""'_' . ..'.. .J' . . ."'....."..'---'".,.~.. " , .J..'S.Jaoks,en ,'(Seal)' _ , i Rotar)' Pu,bllo for' the S'-b'of Pler1da~ ,_:.' ,';...at'LarsCt..'., . , ", ':t .111 oOD)m18e1oD expu"es ~ept. 4.1928., ", "'. "" . - ,~. ' . - '." , . . . ! + ~ , stat. ,ofPlorlda, OOuDt~ o~'st~,Luo18... 9!: .' . '. , J ". i . . '. .<...==- , .,... ' .',' " . ! . , I ~ereby oert1f1' thllt on tijle 24~l;l d'ay of .1u8~ti ..-D."1.92~ before)le ,person:ally,: appl are~ L ,R.i. Jertk1zi8"to"ae"kno~'t;'O'b~' the 'pe~80D~b), exe~te4'tb~,foreso.1D8 ~'~n.el~e ~R~ J~'Rlddl.~' Jr. :end :ae~er:all)' '$oknOw~edsed th{exe~utl0n.,'t~~re'o,f ~ be'bj~- free.' a)1o ~~: cle;d"fO~'~h' .U8~8, "r, , . " l - , ond, 'purp()ses, there,in ,mentiened. ,'. , , , 'WITli~~~,_DI1 8igna tur eapd off1~1al, 8ea1 Of' l1~J','fda ~e ,day'and>y~ar 188t aior~881d. > i. . '.' . . i. . . ! 8~, Yon 1>iero,e 'ln the,CollJ1iy, of~t.x.uoh, ,and3tate -'-1l .-.,- a.p.se:81. , 'J.q~ JacQon CS~AL) " llot8171>>ubl1ot9r'tbe $tate of 'PiOdda at Lar$e. , :111 'ooJiUD18Bl,en~p1resS~t. '., 1928. I " ' - , .ileA 89~ reoerde,d OD, thi8 31st (18)' et' .1\18'. 1926. at 11;i8 a~m. ~ : ~ fl_ . /" :-. \llr " . C:t. Ot .3eal. ""'1.1.), -, I ' . <'1 '. "(J">q\):',, ,..' ;", ,... ' "_', " ,..., ,".. :" ' " "'.'. ,t.'". 'f. ~.. ff 1 "'.. It'. It. ". It- 'It. II ~ " ~~". II.,.i . It... . It'. ~ " . "'. ;".-... ". n, " ~ '". ". I~:". II, .. ~ It', ,,~ ". " '.' ". '. n ~ "-0 ,~'. " ~ " ."R. f' .," -.':';. "ft.. "..' t" ...... .~, ~'. 41'. '''~..~,',.. ',,_ .....,.., t1,'..- ~ .".. .......... w. ..~~.". .....".. _,_ .'... .' . , , . P. O.8LDR&D. Clerk 01rouit Oour'. ~. 1 !. . - BY~/j;u~ iiJ~:,:D:O."" . , ,-'}lA1lCRS L." YCCARfi ,~\1ARDIAl{d ' . . .. . ,- ". , . ,'., - ,TO'. ',WARRANTY.DEBD J.'3. ciACksON' ,.', i , TalS IlJD?;I'f'lUR&, 'made this 29tihd81,o~ August, A. D.1926. by'and~ bet"oen Franoe,sL. 1l00artt, .; a., Guardian ,of th~ estates of Anna. Lardner J.loCarty. Danlel T. lIo0arty, Brian 4'.lJoCfAriy, John ~- . , ' MeoreMo'Carty,and'Eve1ynWallaoe >>oCart7.,party of theflrst part, aOd"J. ;;to .Jaokson, 'efSt~ , . Luol,e CountY.11orida, party ef the seoond part. Wrm~333TH: That Wh8l'eaa,Pralloel;L.-LloCarty, haviDg:applhd to 'the County Ju'd.ge of 8ald . County foJ'_ an Order 'to sell 8ald real estate, theproper~ of said eUate, situated ill t~CL ceunty ~. ~ , , et St. Luo1e and: stat ~ afor"a1d..1ndthe County 'Judge after due oOn81deratlon ef the .ame, be- , I , ) ~ . .,- ins .aU8flu' of'tbe ~o88s1ty of the sale thereof for the purpOse o~ maintenance_and eduoatien ef . -. --,- . , '.ald 1I.1norlf dld en the 29th day of' ~Usu8t '.l.~D~ '1926, b;,' and Orderef that said date direot the , 8alo of .ae real eeta te the..ln mentioned b1 8ald guardlan, and the! 8dld guardlaD havlng, sold ,the .a.me, ,he .a14:.ooond part1 ,f?i' the BWD herelnaner mentioned and the .alo haying beenappro.,.d ; , b)' m Or4~r dated, the ,29th ~ ef :&ueut .. D.' 192,6. I , NO"TH3R~POR~, 'In cons1deratlen O,f the premlaes and of the 1lIa1d SUJll of Two Thousand Dollars, I . [ , i Ii, la~tul,lIIOn.y ofth,e United states of .l.me-rloa, to her in hand pe1d at or befere the 8n8ea11ng 'and j I ,I , j :4-' J ~..',".;..'.I 'i'? J' " ' ';'.F ~-J" ._..:........ ~