HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2358 , " ' J ,I, , " I " I' I j, " . ,',: i II /, ' I' , j' I j.' ", i .. " ' " 'i I' I,' I'. .1; , ,1 I I , . l' ~ , I " ' .! ,; I, .';;', , I r" ',; j : . '., I, 'I ' \ , :::::~--':-.:':'~;f.','~:~r,:::~~~i~;;"7.f:~tf~l,. ",:::,~c'~~\-l,~;:t:~:'Ft:~-:~~~":' ~(j":"'~:~':':--::.~':l" .~--;:;:;---~, 1,7, ~. ::;;-~':~T" _i:~~:;,.;: '-'--1:1-:;~ i"." " , ' \;,~, Jd~l1Ve~;O~' tMs. 'pr.een~~ b;\ S'14 par~ ~f ~1ie1 S~ooitcflp,Jr1;, 'th):i'~Oel~t',~hereof.i1'8.' ~er..,I'~b' i \, ,I: I 11 I I 1 . , .' \' \ "\ 'L \;,: ',' ';'1, \ ' '\ \ ,', L_ -4 ,.a~o!Ua~e:d" the sai~ :part1 ~~f.'~b&- ~1l"8~par.~ 1181'&to 8S'\'8Uar-clian-=-aro'rea.-!-d,-bath gr:mteO'.~'- \.~,-~. ri:'l , , " 'I I \ .' r' I " I \ ' " \ " \"! Ie",' "~; \ ;'1\,,014, loll. ~n, e,~", r~m, ~s, ~d, .~e, 1. .88.,~' ',' oo~, v~y, .~.\.""b ooo.'t1'. ,,~ed ~.t.,,'O . ~\h.. a. '.~~ \l....7\;~ .h.',8. .OO~~ ~~rt : , : \.! I,.~\ to, 1118, }1~lr~ '~~iaeatg~Sf~fe.e~, .a~' t;~~t\ ~ert~l,n lot,' .t~,~ot \O~ ,,~,~~l _O~,l~~~ S\~~'e\ , " t andb\~ng ~n St" LU~\1~ ~Q~nt, ~.' stat~ ofh'lOrl,~aj~~wn\an~ deSOr\be~,}&8 ~~l~OW,e tq.~,t~. ! '\ '.. " ,($,2,.00 I'RI~stamp,o~,),,\ ,', \..: "1' , \"," (\ \>_, " L' ,undlvlde~ onel.~lxth 'lntere~t In,~s\ ~lf :0:f'S.~.Ql1U1~r, 'Seotion', " , . ' , \' . , . , . ','. \' , ' \' j "'~ 20,' 'tp~8h1p ~4,~OUtll. na~e'o. ~t,rt~ ~e~e'wld,<?w' ~ d'ower'~ '\ l' .', \ . .,.. . . . . ! ' TOG3'rHim with '~ll and s1n~Ular t-hetenem~nt8, ~eredi-tam,enta end: app~~.elUio,~s,', t~ere'tobelongi~~: "tor'lii~;YWlse eppertaln1ng,' . '\' , ' ' 'J,' ' l' .' ,." ., , ' ' '... ' J'.::'rO HAY3:0m ,'lOHQLD ,the :8a~e, tJ1e- ab~Ye d'80tlbed, an~ -bereb" gran1led pr,m1ses~' wUh t~~ .1 ~pp~rtenano.ea,'uhto 't~e 8,aid ~art~of t,e:seoond :par~',an~tohlsre~i-s'~~d 88eign~, ~o bl~alM .: ,1 .theirown pl'?pel', :-use,. beI1ef1t and, beho~~-:t'oreYer, ':' _::. ",," _~~, '-. , ' ; " 1-" \: ,', /j, . ' . '\,' '.., An~ ,the,,~'a1d p~ty of' tAe"flr8t,' ~art doth-h~z.ebi'~o-.:~n'-;,t ~~\n'~'-wi thO tbe,~~:~-;~6'~th& .1 8~oond patt; h1she1re:and.aS81gne, that in81lfth1~gs,,'1n 8I1dttbout the'eaid,sQle ~at;his.'oon-:,' r, .' , ..' ",..' " . , '_,' \ " ' I Yeyanoe he, hath oonformed to'the,' orders of tll1a Court, .and 'the 'Statute lo'su,oh-a;se I18Cle ~~uid ' " . ~,- ',. ',' "',' '.':. ',' .... ." "~'.'.~. .-' ;,.q. , '- . -.' I pi'o'Yid~d~', ' " . ,~ , , 1 ., . IN"'ITU~SS .\'llBREOF,tlie Bald plirty' of, the' fi,~8t; ,,~~t.hath,.,hereunto 8e~,his "fiand and 8eal i 111 . l"4i'j~ F.",', ' "'. '1 . i, (, ! ! - :.~.' ..~'.",..~. ': ..,j '.-',. 1.1 ~. " I, I. ,;0.1 I, . ' 547 I \, : . " ! ! tlie'day ,and te~r first abo,ve' wr:Uten. ' L , 1 31gned. 'se~led .and 4911"e1'8d,ln \ the,prea~no~ of ,us: " , i .! , , ' j. ~' . , , ;s ta.t'e. 0 f,.r,i orl do" . ~'- ,~ " (s4,' j 'Fran~'e8 L. llodarty , Fred Pe.' , David ,P11nn '. . I' .... , , ; i .Qoun.t1 ,of. st. Luoie... . j, , 1'8rsonal~f 8PP8$~ed 'before ,!D8 P~an~esL. lt~,Car t1~ . to '~e well. kn,own as...the per,8on desoribed In nnd who ,exeoute~ the fo:r,~8oing I.iUardlan~8 Dee,d 8~d. aO~nOWl8dged thJ&t she exoouted ,~~sa~e .as, suoh ~uardlnn for the purposes therein expressed., '~ ' . . . l". " , , witness l!f3 hand and off1.o1al seal this the 31481 o~ ,A\1gust, A. .lJ. 1926. " " lh P. 3e~1. . 'red Poe .., . . , lJota!')' Publ1o. stat eof Y1~!da. Jly oanmis8!on exrh::68 Ft1b.la,~92o. F1J ed [111/1 roc'ordan' O)~ t1.i a .,;' ,~ .' ,:" f · ':~'" Qc.~ ,0, ..~. ;.,~.;~~-~ " . - .' - ", ..J 1926, at2;04p.l!l. , P. C.' BLllR,RD, Clerk 01 roy.H 00 ur t. ' . . - . . B~a~~#~.' , ' t",' Cf;.O,t.::Jee1, D.O~ -c.:'.... 'c " =". ' . .' ('t' ' .' ,', ,..' , ' : " . " . It'. ff .ff .r. ." . If,. 'r. . 'r. . ;, 0 " . ,,' . " . " . Of. ,,: " ~ " .~ '''. ..... .." ..t.i. or . " . " . .. . " .f! "'" il .'1'''''' . .. . " ~ I~. ". " . '" . If ; Ii ~ '1 . or. ". " . ,,' . . '. _. . . -..."'. ~". . . I._ ._' ...,.... , It '" . ,I . .. . . '0 . '. .- ,", . . . ~._ ,. .-. . ," --'~.' . . . 1""'-' '; BYIlfQ!~ RIUL'lY CORP. " 3. L. DBlIlll,SOH. &T AL 'r0 ' BYIllGTOl-l R3ALTY CORPORA'UON' , POR'r PlE.RC&, ,LORiDA. A.GR~~m'r OP SALE. 'po~t ~1erO~J'lor14a, J'U11'~, '1926. $2600~OO , " ) ,ne'oe1Te4 of B, L. DfJnnli1on. Wll11u Storok, Thomas.~. "elsh;~dw.rd O'Grady and Jf1oho1es -.:F-j Wleohulee ,the,llllm of Twent7..fln hundred Dollars belng.a deposit and pert paylli8nt of the pur- cha81 of the follo'ld.ng propel"tJ d..orlbed,' to-wit: S.oUom Twen~y-thr.e -(23) and 'l'wentlJ-8U (26). 'l'ownehlp _. ' -< : - . I orhl,Tt1....1X (36) Souta, Rruls8 Thirty-e18ht '(58) &as,t. ' . 'I '.', . '\ aaper sale thereof made thle date thl"oQJh ,BYINlnOB REALTY OORPOP..4TI01l, to thepurohe.er aboft , .' , ,,', , I" named for the.wa of 31xtJ(t60.rOO)Dollar. per' aore to be paid, ..followSI, One-fourth oash, I . I < . I' I 1eai $2600,00 ,binder, b.~oe "in t~.. (3) equ81, aruiua1\P8J11ente, ''ro\a1 aoreage ],278, 80re.. . '..1-- .r-J