HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE OF CONTRACTORPLANNING & llE�'ELOP�IEi'T SERVICES BUILDING & ZONING DIVISIOti gull I I M IL 2300 VIRGINIa AVE t-CAHNED anviiiiii0m, FORT PIERCE; FL 34982BY (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1.578 .1 1 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMIT I'lai:\SF. SI I.I:C" 1' O\fi (.)F "hIII: FOLLOWING: 'Cll;\NGE OF C'ON'1'RiwTOR — C'hnn�.:e of Contractor is to he signed and notarized by the property o%%ner. and the new contractor of record ror the current permit. A new permit application mint also be completed With 110V contractor inlorntaiion and ikunature. A new \btiec of Commencement must be tiled in the new contractor's name I'm 'oh values greater than 52.500 (57i500 if NC Cliangc-out). A recorded copy must be 'ubmitted prior to commencing any work. There is a $50.00 fee for the Chan ;e of Contractor. CHANGE OF SUBCO\TR,%CTOR - Subcontractor changea.are to be completed by the general contractor. The near sublxmtraetor must till out a Subcontractor :\�areentent Form. There is a SS0.00 fee for the Change of Sub. Contractor. CANCELLATION OF PERMIT - The cancellation of a permit is acceptable only if no work hit; been dune. Cancellation of permit is to be ;mined and, notarized by both the owner and qualifier of record, 'There is no fee for cancellation of the permit. Date:_- Permit ~umber: Site Address; i I Ob�fU� t Lvv1 tVt ��� _.^State Lieen;i�l-1 C' Licetfse Original CK',ncu(uracto)r or umner builder State License -LOS SI.0 License New CiC, subcontractor Rea,on for Cancellation The undersigned doe, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless St Lucie County. its orticers. agents and employees rrom all cu;t;. fee, or damage, arising rrom an% and all claims- of action for any rea,un, Whi% i;.n a} arise a a result <)r this chgnae of contractor ubcontracnrr or 'ancellation of permit.:� pern(it cannot be cancelled if +pork has been perforated. tilt rI1kE:uFl)tt'`4:k(orn++nurhuilJun SI(i`�IIk1=(11",`tRlf,tt)�lk,\( Itlktt+rneu(i(.a;spplicahlet Pkl.t `\,(t: Siate ot'Honda. Count; of"St. Lucre Countw �9:1;q owmg msuument was auhnov6kdged Wor. me thr; or. El. ',. ' c� ++t rr i+ persunaii),{,nat+n to mu uruhoha- pr ,-d II))� ��gg 4i%naturc or Votan Dxte Swu od'Hornta. Cow* of.sr. Craw ("riunl% 1 itu lidluu in, m;trumunt µ;L; ao>,na« tedgud betitta me tht; da} of 'el_, b% Hho ri personalli known to me or Hho has prlxtusmi a, It) signature of Sotar% Date t ;i n<, tJr,„ary P,t 'c SWO of Florida Sondra L. y j, a i+Ay C ornnrisc3^a VG o20251 L?ylTt?,:'0G' PERMIT.# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Meek & Sons Plumbing, Inc, have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for D R Horton (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the, project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID W) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned proiect, the. Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIG, ualifier) Brian W, Davidson PRINT NAME CRC9 327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNIB£R State of Florida, County of Brevard The egoiag Fns(ru etVas signed before me thisv E) day dry ,_. by whgds perwnaily known _or has produced a as idetClt Tceation. Signature or Notary Public Sandra Leone Print Name of Notary Public i 1 Revised I1l16/'>�i16 David W. Meek PRINT NA.AE CFC057372 COUNTYCERTIFICATION GNU FIBER State of Florida, County of,,,•� • A The rarlKoing Instrument was signed before me this' day or . 2014by who is persona ly Imown or has produced a as cation. STAMP Sign lure of Notary Public Sandra Leone Print Nome of Notary Public