HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2370 :1' ,'. ", ;-., ",;" - ,,". " ~5 1.1' 'i .'1",: "j ,'I" 'I,' 1" ",/1'; : :~,,:. . .,' ':!~": ~,9 , ~~..IJ;:.;!",;!.~,~'!-'c:c,'~:,:r\:~~::t::d:~~J~:~=~~'~;;.~;:~~~d:~I,~ji~,2;);;;::~L~;;J=;';:~~-'-~~~F;J;,~~_:~, " '; , ' 1 ',\ "'I' '1 ,I, , .' I~' ',\ " " ' \,' ;, I ',' ; "'.' j ',' , ','i ' ',..\' .,' : ,,', ",( I ,'~. A. 3lJltH.' Ii', '1,,"'Ll', \l"t i~O: I! ,;i'l .y,I,! ", J,'A",WiiJ;ttiJls," ,',',,:,,' I ''',' \ .' I ' ,', \,', ! ,I 1 \, " l.... ", ',\ ", \. .\ ,J \' I \ \' " ,', 1'_'tln",:,;,.II\ ).." ,',"\ ',\'" WARRAlb:l, DBIm ,\. II '", ',', ',' ., "\',; '" ";' - t; - i' \';, , ~7 THIS i jUD3U~Rt ua~~ thle ,~l~\il day olf' AU8~8t. A,~ "D,.)9~6. ,~gIffl3infi'i.,\A.\ AJJI~a\ ~m8~~1ed\.'{\ I \ V' Ii; I o~ '''~', o.~ \7. 0 ~ ~Ull fO~''; .\1. ~~.. ~a t, O~)lei r\~'O"':~ t'~~a.. ,p\.r~; o~ \h~i ,#~. \,It" ~ t. :"' \J: 4. I \ r", i :'\ T'W1L,LI~S Ofl,theCo';tyofSt41 ~o~e.\\lntbe ,S~8t8,p~ ~l~lda. tim:ty O~'t12~8'e'O~~~'P8.T,t~: ":'\' Lid \,' '''I~~}S\3~,'lH',T~~t th~ 4Jn14',par~ 'o~,' thOfU:et\,p$1"1;",~or,Fd ~~, O~81derat10n'Ofth~~,8um " i. \ \ I, of ~EN\ l>OLL,AR3 \ ~ o~~~ V~U~E, 90113.ID~AT I,QllS tf h\lm lli'hdJ1\i P8~~' byt~e P~rtl otthe8~o~n~, \, ",', ':~ pal't, ,the.'Noe pt\~h$:reo:t 1~ he,re_~ "o~o~le~o,d., ~a~\8t'~ted: bar~a~'ne,d, a,1,1\1.so1d ~o,th4t8al~' ," ,. If p81:ty of th' 00 d;"r't. hl" heirs and assigns "f'~reVer. thefolio_1ng de80ribed 18n~',$lho1a, ,\ :, ','I' '~Yll1g,&nd'b~lIl$ ~,~ ~hl/OQunt:t 'of St~' Luole and,sta~CO:t,:'l~rlda., ~_O;"~lt:< ,,'~ ' , "-'.' ',." , ' '; _ ' ',,,The 1Io.t:tbwe8,t:,Q~artel"}NWtl o~ ~h8 11()rt~e08t ~a:r~or '(~)',,' '\ ,_ , ., '\ ,'; 1 ' ,of the ,Nort,heastQuar1ier fNJJf)o~S.ot1on Blne ,(9). 'l'o~h1p . ...... i . ~. ,. .',,'..: . .' '. " ' \. .' . y,' ; ;,ThlJ'ty~slx <~6) 'Sout,~~ Rang8'Fort,1 ,<.0) ,S8S't~ 05'ntai.nug- Ten' r . . . . .,- .';'.' '. ," . . . . ~ .... ; -.. -, . . . !", ' "flOi> Aoree:; 'mo~, or, 18ss.' A1so:,'be81iml~'",t .t~8 nO~beas~ , ' , ~ i ' " " ' ':, ':,' " ,~' , ' " ' ",,- ,,", , ' '. ," : ;' OorJl~r ,of the Jlo~hwest QUarter (BWt)'o:t, the:llQl't;heaet Quarter ,< . t . .: . " " _ _' ,,' " .' '.,. _., .' ~. ' , ',I <(H~) of,5eo~1on, Il1ne(9) t 'ToWnBhlp:Th1rtl-8~xH~6J S,o~th~' .} , ' ' , " , . ",',' , '.., .1 -" ~8n~e For~, (~O) 3ast. ,~.f,~Om'thG,no~ West s~xt~-'~ne '~6,lf,~~e1...: ; 'II thenoe,~t~eaeter11 Two Huri'~ed S8vent~-011.e (271)' ~~etto"a', ',,, 1 , , 's~k~onthe' &sat line .o~ BaJ,d 'north~e~tQuurt~~ (~I.t) of, , ". !. ' ',. . . ;.' ~ " . " . _ '. ' ri" . '. . , . . ~ " . lior th,east ~l'ter (N&H;,' thenoeno'~tb to poln~' 9fbe81~lpg,.,' ,',", ; . - . .. ..' ' ... -'. . .: '.' .','. , ,,'. ',.'. '." t &xoept'froui, :t,he above, desor1 bed pr~p~rty,; the,l811(le 'to.ld ~o:, " f. " a , . >~. , t' ..j ,', i p. I ' , 1 ' f " And the eaid pe.rtjofthe flret per~, dOe8~~ebY 'fully ,warrant the title 'to ~ldl~d'[1nd ,,11 ' . ... det'eud the"'88J;Il8 ..agalne'~ the:; law:tu'1~~o181m8' of.all -persoiie. ,wbomsoeTtr'.. .' ., . . - . - _" ',' ". _.' , , .'. I. ' . ,'.":" "'" . , ,.." ..'. . '. ....; ., . j ~ . .' Ill; WIT1l3:SSwHim30.J, ,~he ,eald party,<?:~ th'e tlrstparthas he~eunto 8et ,hie liand' on,~ seel (7" i, l~~ ';";"11. ". . Il.K.Lttte. <tu.oo '1.R.S~atlp80an.l' , , , the ;' day '8J1,dyeor above \\1'1 tten. , " f: , ',- 'Si8ned. seale4and dellT'.ered In:__'presenoe ofue~ W .B. lJay 88 2lelson~'o8hr 'J. A:. 'Smith (seni) ;:0 ", ,'" ,- ST~Tg 0' llCR'l'H CAJiO:tlNA ,COUNTYOFGU IL'ORD. -I H3R~BY C!mTIlY'That ,on 'this c1e.y personally appearedbefol'8 me~OJi of:floer' dUlyauthor~, >lIe~to, adm1nlster o~th~[1nd, ,take~6knowledg~I1ts., J~ ,A.' S)lITH.~ ~l'r1~d~ ,to me "ell know.>> to ~e ~..: pef80ndesoribed 111' an,d ",Ix) execut~d the fOl'egolIlg' deed. ondaoknowledse4 befor~,lIle: tha,t h,e' exeouted the 8,time fr,eely ~d 'Voluntarily fo.:rthe pur.poses thefolne](pressed.' W ITll~S3 my band a.nd. offiolal ,seai' at Greonsboro .C,?unty of QUll~Ol"~ ,and state "Of1l0~~b: , , day of, Auguet, '!',D, 1926. ,Waldo,Porhr , lloti,&ry Pub 11 0 . 3t.ote of N.C. ,lIy oomm18s1oneJ:pire~,&'ept. 20, 1926. on this let 'day of sept. 1926.' ~t 4;13 p.m. , ,'f) 11' P. Q. EL~3D, Clerlc' C1r oult COUM. o ,~ . ~h " , 'Orr/ 1/ (Jr" "- 1/." " ~~f/' " . : ,',L) -- :By ~~/~/&e 'D.C'. ~ r, , I ;..,...r-