HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2379 , . . f ' i ' ; " " l. " '. I ,,1/' , , I' i ,56.8>', ,I,. "I' "' I "" 'I' 1", ) " ",.' '. ,', ,.' r~;~;;'f~;;',t': ;'~ 1;-~;o.T:;"=~', ~', ~~:~: 1~:~~;~~~~:'~~;'~7r~~f:;~i-7~':;~~~~~;;' : I" ; JpS3PH .1.. HEne' 'j ..,7;' ':, , I' TO' .' 1\ '. \ ' I' \ TIIJRi.wllpEPP~~', ,:, ' ..i \. :'" :' I \ 1 ' ' .,' \, . " ' ' ",:, ,\ \,.\ IA 'I: '\ :\j. ,\ , \, ,', : \, ,'~()Rn)A ,w~~n'I t \ ~3D , " , 1\1 ' \ ,1 \Tlli~~~~:mTu~l. lIod. ,thi,e'lPtb~ 0'1 A~U~\.4. D..:.i926.,. ~~T~k~ J6S:~~H j.\'~IIJ."\&, S~l~ ,: ,,\ '1 11 "mah. "ot,t~' \ ~~~tl,\ OiJaOk,8~'. ~d ,~t~t,.e 91"'1l1B~O\lT1.\ part Y'~'f ~~~ f,11rst \p~~t, ,.an~iTHU~Wl: ,\} 1;' \ t., \ " } ~ETT3R, 'Of:\ the: Count1~ f'J aokeon and\ S~at. .0 t 1.fl usouln .'Pat~1 01"\ t~ seoond' pJl'rt I' V(~TJI~SJETH'." \r '. ' , -- ", ,,' \,", ' , " , " \.,' ,~, , " ", \ \ l '\ ,tha't, the' Bald, psrtyot ~he' f"r~~ part\ for opd In ~oD81d'eration o~the, ~u4of Ten POllf"~ ~~d,;\ ' ' , ; . , \ ' "\ .I , \ ' ,", '\ " \ o,tpe1i 8oo,~ a~d V~luuble \,on8tderatlona~ t~ him, i~ ,hand "paid. ,~he \ref).t!lp't, wh~reof 'i8, bere.by, " \ ., . ,',' ',' ,- .' . ." , .. \ .., .. ,,'; , \~clalO~;l.edsed I hfls ,sra~t8~, barg~ln.4. sold and. trai1~fe:rred, Clnd :b7th~"e pre8en te.,doe~.8r8nt~;', 'ba,Tgain,:sel1 8Jl,d tr~n~fer,~,t6 ,the8.~,~' ~art~ ot'the aeoon,ci ,~o\rtand hi's 'heirs and,aeslgns. ,~', .:.for~v:er'~, aU. t~at oe~ta1n p~roel~ of..la'~d, I11ns.an~ 'be~1n t~e CountJo t 8't; .:L~ole.. (',nd Stala of Floriaa, .mQre~.P8~1>o'~lar17'..de8orl.be:d 8s'ioi,l'on:....'- - -- .' ". ' ' , , "', \ , ,: .' , Welit "Half' of, llor th,east ~at.te~ ,ot ,Sou t~ea8t: Qu8~ter (wi o~"Ngl of sat), ' .. . '.' ... . .. , and '.w~st 'U.al~,'~f Southeo'at 'Nart~r, of the 'soti~~eaBt Quarter' (Wi of ~Ei' , of S~)' ~~, 300t10n~ ~elv~' (l2~ ,ipowhehlp T~i~'tl-fl~e'.J36) ,Soutb~ Ra~e' ~ ,'- .' . . '... ' . . ~ . '. - . -, :. -. .' '. . - . -: ... . ',.... . . ", . ". - - Tht:r't.,-iline(3~) 3SBt" 09n~Dl~:,40 aor~s~ m.or...e, o.~.,i'~s., , iSUBJECT;~.noW3V3R,:to atG'aria,~11taxe8. ,sen~rallaP8O'1alQr dra'inage. and 'to'~~'88Bes'Binente or,ieVle8'Bu:b8!9.-~ent1;~ DegelD~el' a1.,,1924,.~d 81's6' : '., ~ - . .. ". ~ . . "."'" '. '", .: . ''',' ".', " "'. . ~ subJeot. ,to 'an7 deduot1oIl$for ,tber1shte of wal 1"01' publio hlg~WayB o~ for .' ~. "._.. . " 0 ". . . . dit~he8 or rlghte"p'f .Y'Of the lIorth ,St. 'L~01e rtlv~r Dr81n~ge ,Dletrlot., '" .' . ' . _ ~ . __' .. .." . .,. . . ',": . '. . . . J . .. " ._,: . '. '. . TO:i3TU3B 'W1th'all, ,the 'tenemen to.' he~ eel1 taillenta'and appUrtGi18l.iOes, Y#1 th every prl v Uage, ,': ' : ' " " , ' . l. ,~, ~' , ',', ' r~g~t, t1 tle~ ,1ntereat;: and estate. ~o_r '~drig~t, 0,1" dower., reverslop,:remalncle'r,antl ~8ement; \. . ; ; i f' ; i , '. ~ " .I 1 ,! , ~ , ! ~ .. , ~ "..' t .... ~ ..;,: . : . i. ;. , , , )bere~o 'beiongln8 ~r' Inan'y"ls& a1>p~tn~iJ?~~ .' ,TO HAV3 AH'JJ ro' HOLD' the 8ame 1n te~ s1mpl~ forei'er. ,~d the 8a~d, 'PfU.t7~f'~he fl,~8.t paT~, d,O~S, ~ovenantwlth the, 8Ud-:pa,rt;v ot:~e 'seoClll~, p,art. , thl;\ t he 18,lSNfUll,l aejsed of.theSI11,d ,pr8lDi~~s,,:tha ttheyare,tree frOm' ol~ 111~;Umbranoe8 end tbathe has good r1.s~ t, 'a~d').,~f'ul', a\lth~ ri tyto sell .t~i'8ar1!e : and 'the ii' Elid ,'party. i?f, the ':~lrat, ~ ..' . ~ ,'. part "does' h.'rebl fUl1lwarrant'th'eti t~~ to. said land, and'1fUl defen,d' the seue ag81Qst, ,the , " I', : ...', " ,;' ~, " laJlful,olp,ims of',all Per8Jns whomsoever. IN, WTI1I3SS WJt:mEQ'~tbe 8ald p.rt;y of ~h'e 1"i:r~ ,part haeher.un~o:8:et lUs }land and ~ol .'. . the ,day'ond: y'ear above :twri tten< 'signed,' sealed &n~ deliVered in our,' presenoe:, s. WlntersoheUt' Jo~eph~. Helm (se~l ", ~ i i' , " A. W1n tel' ~heidt,: ($6.00 I.~.3tamps: can.),' '. . ".. . , i '.STAT 5 OP"FLOIUDA.,' ) .'DO . , \ : ~~ COUlJT':f OF:Jr. LUCI3.) , . " " '~ I::horebl' oeI-t1fy, tbat,on thi.e' 21,st day ~f August, A.]).1~26, before ~per801lall18ppeotod 10mH J. H3J;U, ,a eing1eman:' to meknown.tQ be the pI-eons d88o,r1bed~i1811dwho exeouted, t.he"'" foresol1l8 ,oonv81ance.- alu aoknowladged tho exoo\lt1o'n thereof to .~hls free80t 'arid de,ed tox:' , ~ " ~ " . the usee and P1 rposes ther~in UI1'Uo,Ded. ' t at FortPiero$. in the, County of St.' L:uo1e and day.onuyear ~88 t aforesaid, i' ',lJ. s. Jaokson (se81) Notarl Pub11o, 3t.Luoie Coun~y, Florida. ,My oommission expiros sept~ 4, 1928. ' " ;1 !'1}.ed ~nd re~orded on this 1st day, of Sept.' 1926, a~ 6;00,p,m, \ "' , .P. ,C. .1U.DRW, Clnk dlrouit Olourt. , ver1\\C(\ tlecord, .' 3;~:0~18~~D.O.