HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2383 , ;J!.,. , < , . i , ' " " I..' ;";: ' ,.' r'l ')' " I ' .1 " art'2"" 'I . ,I': ,X" jt- " 4,,/. J ). I ~ ,','~ ",ii, rr ~ :' ,.' :1' ,(): ',I Ii: " ' d'/ ';/ '! 'I' , , : J"', "I . .' .', " ' .': l, < , ' " , ;' , '., ' .! , ! . , ,L"=:~'I,,~t,,~I..~_.,L t-~',=.-Z-n~'i ,~~' l':'I~~~~~~ ',.1 ,~~". ~....~~~~..~~.',- ':.,:+~"~'-:-,l~--~ ~,,, "T""". . '~~r~..tr....._."........,~~......~~~~';.,""'~~~<for~ _.......-.J .~"'=, .~t'~~. -'~"":I""-'-~~"""'~~-->'?-~"""-:"'i.:!"~:"'~l~,~~"-,-",,,,,~-y-,~-,--.rio;"-""'m~!f:<;"'''''~....... ..~)""".,."""~~_""""""-~~'~.. "~t-,....,"",,,,~ ! PI" ";'ll,!:'" I','" '\ II", ',:",,' I':'," 'rr, I, .,. "Il.. oon..I~hu'~ abor to SUO ,h. enf,ox:oeril~n~ h~,a~:t1m'., \, "II.} \!, ,,' I f \ \ I ' I " \' \ , I, ,I \ :, :LI ':.; l,t i~,f~th~r'unders to\c;n\ 'rnll \a8~~el~ t~nt);a~t~ies 'O,:t ~he' fl~ ~ 18 r, Will 40 to i mafe 'an~ l;.i i ',,\. 1 ~ee~, 't?any \.lo,t\,ip,\,~uoket+ 1errao~ ~rlC)i' to. ~on~rY~~8t'r 19~~, vd. t~out\ th~I, '.a;o,~e,sa\l'r'\ ProV~B~Ops ~,' "'I,, "\.'.i\.'.,..I.... '.' ~ " \ \ ' \,;, , ,', \, \ ,\ , , 1,811d resirl~t1one-..\:,~' . ,,\ .' \ ~', ", \ ,\ '.' ,\ \ , \ , ' \ ',\ \ ' (., -' \' \ ' \ ' .: ,', '\ITQ(BTHSR w~th n:rl tM tem~menll'a, hureditarOOnts and ,appurtenano.ea" wlth ,every priVilege,' ',' ! I' , " " , ..', .' \ . " " " ' \ \ ' ',' \ : ,,' , ' , .' ' , - {. <r1ght-"ti~lei" lnte\-~Il~ ~~,\estat,e<dow~~ ,and,~:~18bt o:t,:dowor, r~ve.rsl<?\n,\t~i~d~r,\and\ e~~e,~en~j' i there'to' 'b'dong1ng'of' in .1liY~ls~*PPl!rtQ1Qlrig; \, \ ' ' , ~ ;. . . - \.. ..' .. " =: . \' . - -' ..... , ,\ \.. \ 'To HAV3, AIID TO HOLD the' 8Jlme'i,1 fee 81dple fo):'ev'er.: , -, - " ' , . " \', ' . . '. . . , . ' , .~. , . !lID the 8a,16, Jl8rtlee:O~':he, t.iTst', pe.rt~q,covo~~ 'td.t~ ~heeald pai't,y ,of ,the seoond par,t:' tha t they lare 'iawfUilY s81u'd' of, the 8ald p rem18~s-; , tba t' they ere rtee o:r,'oll 1n(j\IDbr8noe~ \ '8n~' . -' . .... . -','. . ".-': ',", ,,- '. .... .-'.": ." "", ,.: .". -' '~'.." . . .' -' " that ,theY hovq, good ,r1gh,i',and"l,avifUl Qutl,)or1 ty,to :'sellthe ~$Ilie;,and' 'tho't 8aid .' ,"~" .' - - ,',.' . . ,f~rstp~rt ~o her~b.Y'tul1y warrnnt the,.t1ti~, to '-SUd 'l8nd~,and will defend.the "1.aw ful ololms o''f all P 'Ql' sons 'M,loQlsoever. - ' -' .... ) - '.' .' ...... ." ,. .': .": . '". ,". . . ',. . ...... . ' . .-' . .- - "..'" . .,', - . ~:. ..' '" . . "- .' "; :., . : '- ni.\'fI~U3SS, WH~~~F, 'the, 80id parties ot'the 11 rst 'part 'haVe 'heret.lnto.s'~ 'thelr. 'hQ.i1ds and . .' . . . - . - .' -.- ,". ( ". . ~.,:-:. , '.: ::. ~ . ". ". . '. ". . . . . ~ . ',', Qealsthed~y; 8ndyeara?ov~ .rlt~e,n. . :\ , ,'Signed,' 13ealedaJid 'de'll-V:~l'ed , ,.Oharles Q. Braswell~.' '(S~8:n . ~ in presenoe' 0 f, ' RUby Br~'li1well " , (Sea1. ) ,', "p, L. S&ssio&l' ,~ ue..tW.:?l!.ermaJi . ' , ' i! , \ ,," . ". .- ;.', . ,', partie'S' ,of 'the' , , , ' .same~n 1nst' tJilj, ".';>- . - . : f.... , . $T4,T30F ~W~1DA '-, = . 1 T " . . ' ,r-~ . OOUNTY or 3T~LUcfE: ), ' . . . ' tJt~y' CERTiFl that on :thls 29th: day 'of AugU$t, A. 1>.. ,i.926,befo~e m$p3 rsonai11: c.' ~: .1' :,' , ' , ' . , . ..,...., . p. '. '. ...;.' . . '."' - . " '. ~-' - - . . -' - =. ': - pppeared CMrles'C.Brtl8Well and,Rubi Brasweil',hla wife, to ,me krown :tobethEf per~ons desor~b.ed , .. . " .,;".. . "': '. " . . . . .. '. '..' , In and ,who' '&x:8outed tlie 'foregoing Conv'~yaQoe, ',and severolly ooknowlooged the ,ex~oUt19n 'thereof. '. .' '" ,'..... . _ " ~ ,':. .' '_ ; . _ H _ , . _ _ l ~ "_",, _ _. ',. , to' be theb ~ree 'a,otancl d,ee~ ~for,<the uses, and purposes therel.ri ,ment1oi1Qd; ond' th~ ..aid'RuQY B'raa,well. wlfe' Ofth~' 8~ld:' O~r~~sO ,,~,r:a8well~ on 88e,par~t'. ,'and: pti va t'e exe~na'~l~~ 'teke~ and, ;made' by' ail<l ',be,fo-re me,and ,.eptu'atel10nd apnrt from her 88,ld bWbo'nd, ,d!d 8,oknowledge that':,' . ' '", " _ . _, '. " :'. . '1I _' ' ',.',' . ..' ," ; . . ' . ,.~. :... ." ,'.' _ ". " - . .~' .' . she lIl8~eheFself 8 port~ tot,he, Bold Dee.dof Convoianoe~_for,' thop;,rpose of'tenauoQins, 're-, . . -". ~ " - ..... '. . " .. '. :'. .' .. . ". ~ . . - .. . . . .' " , ' '. . ' . l1nqu1s~~ng and~oonveyin8aU her r1gh,t, tl-;le,and;1nternt, 'M1ethor of dower or ofeepl.l.rrite " , . , , ' ' therein ," , property, atotutory, or ,equl table, in'tlnd 'tothQlands!desoi'ib.d t ni1d,thnt eb'e exeo~hd, tho~ .' " . : .' . " '\~' . ~ .: .. ~ . ,'. ' . '. . t!: . ' . Bald Deed froely and voluntarily and wltbout any' oonstraint. :feu. opprehension'or compui~lon ;tf' . . . , of Qr:fro!Ilher said' hu ~band. :~ITl(gS3 my signature and ,offlo1e.l seal at l!'ortj,lJ:eroe. 10" the County O:t:~t.Lu'oie arid', 13ta~ e of l!'l():rlda,the ~: ondyear 18~ft8for8881d.' . _'", ~.__'-__u .,. ~ , . , ($l.OQ ~,I.R.3~8mp o~n'.) , " May, W". She man ' 1l0tar1 fubllo.; $tnt.e '" t :L6rge~ ,ll)Qomolaa10n exp1re~6!e!29. ~ '. on tbte 211d" d.8;jof 3ept,l~B6, at 9 ;00' a.~. ...... ~ /~'-< " / ' ", / .. Ct.Ot.s~~~ \, ,,' ,,; P. O.lLlR3D, Clerk, Clrcu1tCour,~~ '~~"."", ~,r' , ''1~ 0,,;..' . "v, , .....~, B1 ~ ~1drf4e D.O~ /, I ~> '"'" ,F-=". . ~'~, ',- --