HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2387 !. . I' f.. '/,' i' .! f' .~ ,) "r :1 i I. 'I, 1'I'~' "J /. } "I: " . . I . ~ , r "" 1. '" '. ~ i ',' . J ' i ' , ' . " ' I , I ~,' '~--:;;:.~+~~~~,J:~~-~~>~~:.:;;;~I"~'!-"r-:~-d.-:.-:;;~~;~.C'~ir;--':r~--~~_,~.;., .,;L;:...;:;.;:~', 'I' " .' ,I . I l I I ,'~.:._ " " , 'i': ' "I \'. ALBr3RTH. FOI &T UX ' \ , . " ' ~ :eo i \ Im)QSN3 r. \ ,HO}l TON ., , \, , 1 ' . I I \\: ,\ : I' , I 'I \' . ' " I ,,' i ,t, \ , ", ' . \WAJUWIT~\ D3?l> I' \ . I ,j .', I I . \ ,.' ,\ \ ',' , ' ,,' ...' "I, . \ ~~I~, UlDENTUIYJ. lra4e'.thls '\latlld81\\of,\~,ePtembor"A.'.. D> 1925. ~~TWE~ Alb~~~',H.\ Fox.-an~', . ( I' 'VQ~Onlo~-.F~X<h1s,,~l:t. ,o.f '!he ?OW1ty ot,5tLtuol~/ 1~'tb8'st8i~Of';'\loi1~da.PO\-"14t;-or\t~e. ,I; i \' " 1. '. \ .. .. " ,I '\ , , . .' \. ," , i "flrst part, a~d'~~enel,p.~Horion.'of, th'e ,County ,O\f dt.tUQle"t1n the Sto18' 9fFlorlda.llarty\. "Ij'" j, '\ '. . . , .' "I . . ..' 1 ot\the, se9'ond ,'palr-t.,' I' 'I I, ',' I ' I \ I ., '\,; \' ,t \~I'1'lIBS33~h ~t theso1d't>artles9 r:thtt ,1b-et p'art .f()r .~ lti'OQllSlderat~Qn of' th.& sum' .' ! \ '\. . '. '\.. .' .:';,' ..' ".' ..,.... ;;; \ '.'" , :-. ',., \' " ~;': .". -~ 1",\ "of ()H~, ,D,OI,LAR'Al~ 'C?'TH~" ~A:JtjABL3,poU3IlE~ATIo.:'S. to .~~~m:, 1~, hand,',p814. by, 'th~ p,a~ty, Q~, th~'8~_oond,::' i ,part',. 'the reoelp~,iwhereOf 1s ~ereby 8:oknowledged.' have, ;gra.nte,4'. barsdned. and eoi'd t C) the sa.1d,'- "i " ~ . . \. .' . '. . \. -. \ -, . \ \ . . - . : , ", . - \ \,' " -. ~ ' -. ;.. . " . _' ~ . \" . I . party lof the second pM:t~ hip bOlrs and' cisslgn;B fOT'eTer. thQ' ,fol1o~~ng de8~rlbed ,in.pd. ~.l,w.8te. ':J \' . '-, .... \ . ',_;- . \ -.. . .\ ._ of' 3 t~ 'Luole, ~iid ~tot. of ;'l'Orla~.to-wl.t:, ' \ ..' '. ." of .', the'~3i of: tho JIlr.' OfS8QUon:2~,/TOwfBpiP'" ,', - , ',,' II '. i576 , 'it, . .., I, ~ I '."\1'" .' , , ',; ': ( , \' , \ ~ ' r. , i i lylng' and, b!tIng' in . the county . . \ .. "The ~()uth 1'7 ao'res, ~~ . ~ ~ ~4, 30uth 'of Range 40 &est. 0, -. ~_...;.,. .., A;fso a tract of"land..OOllllle,nomg 0 t, t~e lfE o,_orner o:r~~e: '~Of 3eot1on2~ In ~Owl1l3h1p 3430~th of ltaP8e, '40. :fast, ;run, ~omth~noe,:llortW . . '. ~ '.,'" ..,... ~. ',; ..' -' \ ',". . ,- . - ..' ~ '. ~ .. .'. . along 'theq~rt'~r S6ot101111~if22t ,:te&t tQ ,the Hllht 'Ot ,Way ,ofnorld~ ' ,. '. ' ..' ,'. ....: -. . . .,.' . :. " ',' "... ~' "', ." . '. . . . ,~stC08s't Hail_in th,~nQe'sou~heaBte1'1Y eilong \Ves~ l1ne,Of~,8.a1,d 'lUght '. of \'a1 ~,~ quarter Seotl~~'l1n~- r~ln~3ae:t'and W~8tthr~,ughs8i4. seotion-,,'.. '2aj ~henoe \'f~~.~ to 't~e,p~lrit'Of be~~milng~' oont,oinin8'l.~ ^or,es.,more 9,l" '. ... .' "j' ! . " ,\ 1~B8. And, thes81~ ~,r;tleaof -tM flrst.'~,:,tdo':h.rebi fu1l1'warrant the tItle 10 '881,d larid~-'and;,,'11~\:' . } ~ - defendthele.me'aga,inat the lawful' oiUmaof ,'ollpersoIi8"ho~8,o~er.', 3xoept' ta)ta8 .fOl~'1'9'26., , ; " ' , " ,,'.' \, I ,,'. ,~, '" , " . '",.: III 1iI'Jl;ESS ',VH~3)F,,' tho' eaU parties ot:the"1:1:r,8t }a'rt'do herQ1,lDto Bet their handa and '11', .'.',.'. 'J i . ,3-- . \ C $eals ~hG._ de.Y, and yeor ~~ov~ written.,: ';' 5.ignedt'~~aledan,d de,~y-ored,' inpr'es'enoe of u.s 2 Albert lie 'ox CS~al) Verb~loa Fox, '(S8al) , :8d1 th 3rQRl Angus Sumnor, ft" 'COUlITY or JT. L uft'~~ ' ,3TAT BOF nORIDA . , , ,{ , . -- ":>' . . - .' .' , . .,1 H~R3BY C&H~ll'Y That on thl's ~ parscalo llya wosted b~fore me,an' off~o~r duly atithct'lz-od,' ,t,o' a&-tn1nlster oaths and take aok,nowiedglllontB..Albel"t H. rox alia; Veronioa Fox, hi$ w1:f'e~tome: " . .'..... .' ' . . " ," ." '..- wt311 known, to"be the parsons duori'be~. ln alld ,who' exeo~ted" the forego.l~ ,,~~'ed~and, aOk:n,O....1o~~d,.. , ,', . ' , , .. " " " \ befo-re me toot th'ey exeouted the 8,8lllefree;Ly and volUfltar11)', for tho purp<Boa thel"em expressed., . . ~ - .i'../ ~;-, A lID I FUlr2H3R C:~~TIFY. 'l1hat. tho Bald Voronioa Fox,.:knOO'al ,to me t.o 'be,thawi'fe of the said AFoe~tH.'FOx, on,o ' sapa'rote and ,prlvateexaO,lnat1on taken and mnde,bi and bef9r,eme, aeperl> tel~ , , and, ap~ortf~om:her ind,dhUSb,811<i', did aO~;OWh~ge that' aheIla,deh-o~se~f 0 pilrty ,t.o8a1d,d~ed fO,T the "purpoe e,. of rebounolns. relipqu1sh1ngand'o,onv.oylngall"herrlght;. t1tl~ '~d Inter~,a,t. \VheJ1her, , " .~ I i, l I r I i L # ..' ..... .' -, . " dower. homestoad 01:, of sE/para te prop~rtYt~tlltu.tory or equ1 table. in ~nd ,t>> the lands desor loed , . '. ~'- . - , "#, . . ~ "J",': :' . .- . therein. and that she, oxeout,ed the sel d deed frooly ond voluntari1YElJld without 6~ oOOlpubIon. . , con8tra1nt~apprehen31on.orfou'r of or ,from her Bald husband~ " , \, ' i1ITli333 ~ hand and offlolQ1 ,sesia:tFort Pl$ro,e. County ofS~., Luc1.ennd iitute'ofFlorlda ~', , th1.'first dny of3ep,tember. A. D,. '1925. '" ~ Fred Fee ' Uotary <~bllo, St~teof Florida My oOfUJ!\lasion explres lob. 18. ,1926.' ,I,. ..' ~', . , !l.P.Seal. (~2.60 I.R. stamps ~n,) , 'Filed and reoorcied on this 4th day of Sept. 1926, at 9 j08 a.m., P. c. ~DH~. Clerk 'C1roU1 t Court. 'B~~g~( , . . Ot.Ct. "'e4. .t~ ('t ,. '(Crt! . {/..,... . '-'r' , lIJ~~, ' D.C. .~ -- I.