HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2389 ." I . , I I" ' I \, ,I !,P', ' ::, ' T _--.-,__" _.__ :'1'"O;-;'~'.~';'~'-::;';',-::~~~' i'=~~~~~"; ,-s~~..~;d,.: ;:::--;~~::.~:c-c:'-:;;;;-J,~~~-~ '.:",~-- . 1 11\'I.~QS~~:".~~~ thf8~d:p~:~~e.$ ot:t~_"f~re~ pa~tl\f:~ 8,?d S~\.,oonsi~,~rat~~~Olf'th~~~, ,;,1: ,1\ I, !', 01 ~ll~, ~Q~Ri and' ()~h,'J" V81uabl~ oOjIlJJid,r8'tlQ~ tothe~' In ,hakldl P.l,~ ~t. ~h'l 8a1c1\.pal'llY__~f th~\ , ; '\ ~, I I," seopnd iPJlrt ,:t~e, ',reC)elpt~h~t.of iehereb;y aOk!\ow1tdged. h~e' granted, 'be.r8,lil~1~ :&n"," 8~ld'\ to .; I, ,~, \, '",. ,: '.' ,", ,", , II ' ,,' ,':' '\, -', \ ,\ \', I'.',' \', \ ,~' · tl ,th. ..;1d Iar,tYi~f'th', ~o~n~~:ilart, h~r 'helr~ 8*d:a~ls1gne tpr..,er" the, :followlng d..o:d.be~ )a~d.'-i . , to-wd. t:. \ I' ,Lo'. ~..1.....,(1.2) \'. ",' " .'" r' \ ,', \ ";:,:\ '\ , .. Jot,.. TV in Bl'oo,k~ "dUr' (~r of TUQke r Terr.c).,', bt-o ' .11,,1 " '\ ,'-, " '.\., . ' I, : ' ,\ lng "'SubdllVlsion of the .Southeast Qu~hr (SEt) of the \Soutb-' \ . . ,.". \' , w~st 'N.ar:ter, C~Wi)' ots'eot\~nnlne (9)~'lri \Town~)Up Thb- tr~~iV~' . .-:. , \ " '- . . .'. --. '.. " ',(35)''-South, R'ang~ Fo'rtf C40,) '~~t""a,~, 'sh~lm\ b~\p~~treo~~ded ih " ,'IilaC',Bobk 4, peg~ 6'4, St. ,Lu~'t~ oounty" .rl~r1'lareo~d8.H. , \ '," . ',.. "~" . ." .' - . " ", - , ,: . ". . ,~ .' " .' . . . " . '.. " :PROVD>ED. ){~V3RTHE:LgSS, '~~esep~sent8are mad~ 'subJeot 'to all: of ,the ~ol1owlng ~pre'$e.' " oondJ. ~101l8: re8trlQ"tf~ns', ,an~ ~i~it6U,~ns, ,.wi~ln8" to, the 8~d" property' and W~Oh '~e,:lnten~e~ ; " ,to 'be. 8~ ,shall 'b'e aOQep~d a~ oOV"enante', i'unn:i.ns with "8I11d land, 'and, ~bi'ah 8bi1ii- be;bl1'1di~ '~ ' " . . . . - -f . - . " - allk<<t upon' the he1rs\' r~presei1ta'"V~8' '~da881-,gns ,~f" tb~' 8a~d 'p~ty, o,j.,~:p~rtl... ,O'f.th~ 8 e~ond, , .' , '578 1 r ) ~' .. r", 'f.. "~I f ; J ,., l,.. II. , , 'I , . " ,1 [ . , i' , , I, , .- '. , 1'1' . .,1 . . ~ ~ ,'I .< ,;i, '.' q '! -,I , ~ ~.:,' d , \ ' ..~ ~. ,\\,. ., . \t i .' .', .\ r' \ ".. :.. ..' "\. .' . -, ,'. ). ; I. 1 . . . ..- p'ai't'8Ild on the parties ~fthQfil'st,p8,rt~'w,hojb,Y,aooep~oe ot,~hls'lnstrllllent~rl)e.:tz>,abUe" bY~ '~,~rf~~"8'nd\'~d~~r8',.'to8~ld06~di#Oc;~;::'~est'riQ,tions'~nd11mlt~t10ns,' as o~e ~f.; tl1~" ~Pt8s. " ", - ' . .,' . "." . .' .. ." " .' -' (; '-. . " -. '. :- . . '.' . .;~. . : " .. -..- , oondi t1o,1B ofthe,s8 ,pree.nts~ but o'ri.1)' for' the period end1ng:Januaij 18 t,1916. '. . . ~ .. . . . . , '...',' :., -','.' . .. , " '.' ". . . :,. '. '.' ~ . . -' . . . - >". ". , " ".' :.' . .".,.. .' . "'::. . '1~' That'no'bulld1ngQhaU~e"ereote.d-on the' Bald land eJf:oept, !or private dwell1Iigpurpo8es,: :..;. ;,": -~'... ....',.... . '., ,_,' ....,.~ --.: '.'.0 ,......_ ':__'? ~ . :-:" ';.' '. '-:' .::.":,: ..~.." "'" :' . '~'. . " -exoept'uBU.a,l ondneoe8sar;yo~t:bUlld1ng~.. .~~ that:the 8~d nel~lngh~)\18"'e~o).,.usiT. ,of,,:the , ~,~OP.t~bUl1dln8B ,8ha ~ 'oos~ n,ot-1e88, 'tlW1~O.OO~' ~l'~h Prt,oeSha Uno t~~lUdt ~t~lQ,:~~~,~~~1-,' eXpenSGS 'orfee~,.and 8hall not l'nc)lude ~~. 0 ~er ola8s otimp:rovomenta save' orid .~oept the', "'aotual' mater1~i"'and:cion8t~uo~:iO.~.C.o,~:t',~f' t~8 '~eid '(Y'~11~~"h9~e.', '. ' ,2. Tha t, Dot more ~ban onere,!il'aeno.,~gethei'lHth ..usual ~d neoesse17 OU t~bull:d in ga, sha,~l ,b., er,.otjid on, eaohof 881dlots.' - , ~-. , ,3~ Th8t,',no un11l;;ful' ,0)" fDllllOral u~~ sha,U be ma-'~, of ~'e pre~seB h,repy<oonv6;r,ed', nO,r 'shall 'th,e 8~~ 'be us'ed-':'fQI- 8111 'oOOuilerolel purpose',h_ the ssme ',or all1'psrt' thereof. or a~ ',' , interest. th.rein beso~d.. rele8liJed, 'or otherw18, ~onv~'y.ci,tQ: a~ p.tlsona 0 th~r ,than tho ;OauoaUan' . ,. . "raoe; F ov.1Jed, tl1qt n~thlns herelll 00 nte.1ued 'Qh,all :p'reve~t the k.eplng and .!ll81p tanlng"usual . ~., , ; , and zieoessEu-1se:r;vonts ohthe propert;Yfor TeaS,onabl$ fallilly:'us.., '!lhla pr9vlaion,howev:er. '. '.' ,. (:. = , -. . . . '. Sh~ll'not,o~U9,e,forfeiture' urile~s thellOl~er, ~:f'tb.~ foe .18'S~\m, ~'be,at',faUlt. .. . - ..." 4~ That nobuUding ~h811:- be'oonet~d ,Qr er8Qtedat 81;ess' d1Qtmoe than ~enty,f'eet: from the'front line,of'8aid,lot, or,'..1thar o~ 'them., 6. ,Toot if,8atd,part1 of' th., ,8eoondpart, h~r h~1rs~~ r.pr'eaentflt1v.8 ~r '8a~18nB~' o-r,aD1, " , _..' , . .' . . ".' ". - . .. ,- -..... '. ' .' '.' '. . -', . .... .- .'~ -. -,.... - _.: holder of th.' property 'hereb;yoonveye!1 b;y v,rtue of my JUdi,olal prooeeQ.in,ga ~_ ,8hall fni 1- to,'" , ;", ~ . - comp1y~ith aIV' of- ,the above and, fo~egoing reatri~t1ons,oorid1tioJi!l or l1m1totfons withtn sirly days oft.r, written n~lQ., b;y mali to, the' '8ald party to the !3oo'Qnd par.t,ho! heirs, pe:rtJ~al' , . - ,. ":~ ~'. . :ropresento.t1,ves 'or ,assigns"or eny of tho'P.,atthe last kno;Vn oddr.,~s, by"the Bald parties of. the fir8fjpar~,tboli 8UOOegS?rSiP'~Bon~1 repro~entot.1ves orasalgnB, or of.thorof theD, , thet;l", ! .1 f ~ I , ' I . I ~ ; .. ~ - . . - . , .. . .' . , . ". . the s~ Id above: desorlbed and, Co,nve;yed propertyahall lm.medlatel;y rev.,rt to the BUd parties' :' . ". . ", .' ~ , . ,of .~ll <first par', their sucoessors or 8ss1gns, wbJ ~h81~ be ,en,tl tIed: to ~mmedi,ntely, ent.r ,up~n 'sold property without notioe, ,and' take possession 'of the 86t1e\v1 tli full t1tlein 'tee simp.le,', togetMr'Vflth. all 'improvements thereon,and nowalver, of aIG' otthos4!oo,ndiUons, llltl1tations, orrestrlc tions, expressed or implied, Qr ~ollure for a,~ lengtho,f ti.me to' enforoet'he sorne' " shall constitute a b~r ,to auoh ellf~rceroent at' any t1:.r;e. It ia fur.thOI' understOod and agreed that port1es of the firs' part will no t _eoDy \' " deed to any lot in" 'J>>.,pter Terrao. prlor to Jonusr;y,18t" 1936~ withou~ the afbresaldp:rovlalons and restrlotlons. TOG3TH3~ with ~11 the tenf;lments.' heredltamllnfa 8IldappurtontuJoee, with rtory pr1"'1l~8e, . ~ ~ . ..I \ \'1 '\ . '\, '"t : ";1 " \"'-; ..; I .) 'I: ~ .f . . 1 ." ~ -, , .', ii I I '! I ~ ~ J