HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCAM1ED BY PERMIT M ISSUE DATE ta..,r.r...r Kam.. ..�..,...-.,:.�u.,. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Cabe Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTPACT014 At;11FENTENT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Carripany Narneflndividual Name) the Electrical Sub-conirnclnr for 0 R Horton Inc (Type orTrade) {i'rimary C artiractor) For the project located at �� Cobblestone Dr.- (Projecl 5trect Address at PtnpciiI a tD 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our {participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisiun of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to file riling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. LUN I ItAC 0n St . ' 1Tu Onan W. Davidson _ PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COL'VT)' C£RTIFICAT10ti NU119E R State of Florida, Country or Sreyard The furritoinc inttruesret a■sslrned brfate etc tbh 17 dot of July . to � 8by — alsois perw"alls 4naweO� or has produced a SU9•CONTM%CTOR SIGN %TUR& IQuatiaerl Christina Slate PfUNT N,L�It ER13014555 3130 r COUNTI, n MM State of Flnrida, count; or Srevard 1 he foregoing Instrument eas signed Mate me this 117 dad of July ro 18bt wh,irperrvadlyhna�,urluaprvduerda_______ --� it idrntifinteoq lic 55ir-r-11 oq. S1 A>iP Siinatuz of Noraq Politic STAMP arf1ut Prlal Name of Hatao Public sy iiotery PUWState of Fyosido Sandra leone 3M ozo .51 Co.ptaatnn GG ti- p fAY es0W101�1D e• bAiN± Print Name or Votary Public M Notary Putt State of Florida Sandra Lacne �, MyComm:ssionGG020251 Expires ODIIMF202{) PEIIMS t I ISSUE DATE "» PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES o Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Benjamin Orew Plumbing have agreed to be (Carepany Name Individual Name) ilia Plumbing Sub•conlractor for D R HORTON INC (Type eTTrade) (Tneury Conitaetor) For the Project local ad at Cobblestone Dr. (Project 5trrt:t Addtrsc or I'rapenyia7'lD J II is understood that, irthere is tiny change oralatus regarding our participation will; the above menlioned project, ilia Building and Code Rcnulation Division orSt. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing or it change orSub•contractor notice. Z'4�� M-Mit lCrolt sIGN %TUBE iQnlMetl Brian W. Davidson 1'p111TI AAlE CRC1327066 Cnur[r1i%�CAT10.4 A Yutrarirrrkie,Csawi or Brevatd lit* rs►reotetl.nr+mrnrwas rlurelbefore ou*At 17 tut -f July •ss18r, Mk.11 pfrYYat kne.a,)�./lent �fadattdt .._� _ _ _ _� ae la a [ r S..WA foul flow aflo wn sitar P-m-W tl M$011r Ncracy Putic 3bte of i o!aa i Sandra Leene yc My Comrtr:s,ctt GG 1320251 �'►oin'¢ Erp4e•.08110+:029 .%ull.0 y rIL1t T0li 51C[P 1TIINE IQarllQerl` eerrlamin Jimenez MINT11"Ic __.,,o.... Cf01429456 tdLWfe1W-- F—M—% Qlt�ffFX irelr.rll.tltlr,r.en,i er Tirrwesolpinelntserlan%lasedhernratetUe 17,lat.1 July .rn 156 uketeterrtssely knexte srheepr4darrd4 _ ietdenla ita*alite Net] n r _ ST tAtP Me! rreaetrt4te1Y f0ft,l40/Lfr NcatIUMM �!e of Fio,�da�r roip t OICz51dI�n C+r3 r:M %w tL H it ISSUE [)AiE CouNr�y ..J. �stp: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiNision BUILDLNG PEPUMIT SUB-CON7R-',Ci'OR AGREEMENT Florida Breeze have agreed to be (Company Name/lndividual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Cobblestone Dr. (Project Street Address or Property It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be ado iced pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. r CO.`iTRXCTOR SIGNATURE (Qoatin.; Brian W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state or Florida, County of Brevard The forcteing instrument was slzned berate me this 17 dal of July _018bv who is personally known X or has produced a as identifieatiaq `''`X- 51ga2ture or Notary FuhUe Print Name of Notary public SUp• OWRACtORSIGN, RE�Qualirierl Kristen Kelly PRINT NAME f I ` .l 1 l COUNTV CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Count) of The forming Instrument was signed before me this 17 day or July •'a 8 by who Is personally known —X—or has produced a _ STAMP as EdertUflgtio '--4 STAMP signature or Notary Public Print Name of Notary Pubsc �St }t ou Notary fY'h'l�n s a o! Fkctda vnaG S j Comr ,c^Ira GG 020?5 i R-osed 11,1&:!016 �� ,r C11-a` cnrm ExFt .rti`.Aiv oast nu tsc'�ty F::bltc State at Ft-- da ? Scndta Lent: r� ..�, My tcrosr s; on GG 020251 'icrnu' ExImcuepnr'1.'02a PERMITS , I ISSUE DATE FLANNJ�JG & DEVELrOPMNT SERVICES Building & Code Complianee Dhision BUJLDING PERlb= SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC {Coattratry,Nernelittdividtsat Nemc) have agreed to be the Rooting �YF=ofTrede) Sub -contractor for D•R•Korton- ,, Rrimary Contrmctor) For the project located at �y1� Cobblestone Dr. (Project 5treei Address CrProporty Tex IDN It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-cootractornotice. CO.tiTRACTGR IQaa1tller) Brain W. Davidson PPJM NAME CRC1327068 COLWY CERTffICATIpM NUWE Stitt of Florida, County of Brayard The for%Olq lartrs —f wet et=otd bdorc in (his � � day of July —,20 1 by who IS perwauy known X or bu pradoted 2 o.ldmtate. a ilanaiutt of tiatuy Po6tle � a L�ohe �ri.fIYa.re.r"G ary Panx StJa-COMRAC7 p 5 NA wafter) Bdan Maloney PR NANAM£ CCC1330653 CGUMI' C6R'MCATIM NUM ZR Stitt of Fiortd., County of The fore I.itro.rem wn.itord berm toe t!b 17 der or July �18by x9obpersoa.tFjb"a X ora"imaccd. p tdegtlav!lsi. %NR.zi STANIPSTAMP tra. Store erry l Seek Leon, Print Nineo of Notary Po60e �,4*1'I . Notary PuNr Sblo or AwWa ro Rosary PuCfc Stites of Ftotida Sandra Leone crixd t �; Sandra Leone My C—MhOon GG 020253 commtaaion GG 020251 Will Eaprea cel t01202o �'r+arr�� Eaplros0er10/2020