HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2395 'I " i I.! 'I '1 5R4: ,t';;,';; .' I,' , ',III ~,' I), {;!' . " ~ 1~10:' ','I' I, " ,;',~ ,j 'I " 1", ,I .~,' i ',.,..' , ", " .' ,I "', t , ' .., , > , , " ,I"',"" " I ,> "I " "., , :i:'T'~~4't-'::'';;~;:'~';'I_''~:';';'; :f;-~";' ':~~:;'~+-f:'~'~h:...+....~,~,.,;"....,';;~~~+-'f;;"':"l-{~-ji', ...::..c,;i..::'~; I ISTAT1,qF,'FLO,RlP.1'f 11,':' ' " . . ',1',( I I ,',' I, '.1 ,',": j1 ii"I, ' ~ \ \' ..' , " " ! i . .. I" ' I :,' I II I I !' ,OlJN'IWI OF S'l'.L\}Q~3.'. '\ ' ,4' I I , I \' '1\ '.'..,. ' ' "llI, ~ ,,1\'1. ','", , , . ' Il I. , "I I,., 'I,:" '~O~~l::!~~":::':~~~ ~:::~:::1::~::1~1~~::r:;:; ~~!O;:~:;:.:'~:!~O:I ~:~::,::~:~4 ,! t' ill.. ',\: ,known. t~,me ~.o 'be'~he'l~d~Vi~~ale d~80~1~"~ i~ a~~ who exeout~d\' th~ '(orog~ln8 deed., 'e:n~ wbo' If' ..' I" .. 'II' .,'",". '. " \ .. '. ' ' i'.. \'.' ' , \ ,..' '," ;! ~~knO\Wledge~ before me, tha~ Sh.e~e~utedtJi.'8~ft' treel:Y, \a~ TO,1'\Ill 1itlrlly, ,for .th~purposes~ :thT,ret'ti' I. ' e'x~rea fie~~ \\" ,..' " Ii. ." ,'\ "/" \:. \' . , . .'.' ". I ,,\' L \' '.' \', "IV. ',: \ ' , \ ." \ . , . ,\ ", , , ". I ".( j " \ ,AWuI FURTHaR C3H'l'1\FY" Tha,~ ,the sa,id ~~:. 'known 'tf,,~~i!() b~~he'wlie o,f the ,safd'---.\on'fi" !" s~Ptante and pnvttte, ,~xanJ:na\tlontok~n andm&de\,by and, befor~' llie. 88parate-1y and apart' ~m h!ir: \ \' , s81d,humoiA,' did ,8.,oknowledge ,that'slie made he~Bt)l~8 part}> to\ 8O~d d~3,d }()~ ,the'p\Urp~ ~e of. re.,;;\' .- .... '" ,. , . . ,,' . - - , . \ " ". , ~owolng, rel1n'qu1sh,l116~and oonveYii;1s '~ll her rlght,.',t1 Ue ond~nterost~: .Mthor .ot-dowor;. h~m.~' . -' ~ . - '. -; . '. - - .. '.- -.' -, '- '. -- . ...".. . , . . . I,' s~.ad or .'C)f' a,pare. te pX'Operty. statu ~'t~ ',o.r' ,equi ta~le. in and ~o\the lands desori b,dthere1n. o~d . th8t,'she exeouted said dead.. freelyandioluntar11.1. and withQut an,Y,'o<J.Qpul!ilop. oonstrain:t, apr' . ,'". . . '. '. '. - .,',' .',. , - " . .. 'prehens,tonor"f"9o~ or 1"r-tm 'her.aid ,huSbolld. . " .. '. ,~:." '" ,', :WlrrPBS~, '~han~ ari~: ~tfl0,ia,l.8e,~iat"'t... Pt~oe" 90un ttot'3i~ L~ole 'anet s,t~t e o.f 'Pl'o:rfaa.; .. '. .. .' -. '.' ..... . . ',~hiB f3tl>:' 4&;'0, .uly, ' ' ,I>...1926~ . 3.~ore the Uhdersigned' authorlty thie dayporeonally oame ~~ B. Crawford. who after being duly 3Womdeposu'nnd .a1s that h~ b..n3.oret8~y, and '1'r'ea~urer 'of tlnf Flor1aa'Pl~tat1ons CompaD1 e-1no.. i ts-brga.nl..U.ull 1~~--lfl2; that -bJperlT'Oflf.U1.y-aUendn--tij-arr of .,th~ '~de';'----'-c..~---~-- hils in oonneotlon ~1 th that oerta1n t1uber d.ed to Ohas. ili, D,1vana and A, B. lUvans, dated ~. .:- ., . { .' .'. . . ~. ,_ _J. N.- DUrdei1 . . , 1lotar1Publ1o:o '; state ,of,Florlda a,t Large', ' ,>>1 o aninles ion ' expll"~B Apr1l6~,1927. . . ..t '. " , ~ 't J.. , 3TAT~ 'QITY OF 3'1'. LOtJIs~: ". " : ..' , , . . ..:- ..' . J ',lH~REBYC,g~TI~.. ~h~t()n thll3 . day Perso~lly appea:Nd. be.for.me, an offiOer: dul.Y nutb)ri.~'d . .' ". . .,~ . . . .... . . . -." . ,", , . ' ... . .'. .' t'o. ~dmlnla:t.r on~hB ;and, take aQknowled.g~nt~, IraW.. p:pShaw,'':'81ngle man to me well, 'k~1bwn,and ,~o'Wn, to,'me to b,ethe Jnd1Vi~u.8i"d~s1);l1i8'd '1~ and '~h6'.x~outed'th~.fotegoi.~ d~,8d. O1ld V!hO 8oknorilecig..d : ) :.:. f. . '. ' '. .' ,'. before me that:~e exeout,~d thesame,fretl1y andvolllJltarllyfor the,p':U"poses tllere1nexpreasecl., , "\',:' :ADDi'FUR'1'HER ':C~R1In ;'TlU1,t~~e': 881d~i kIj()\,o$ome 'to birthe wife Ofth9,~~a1.d-./.. on'~ .i, 'separa.t& ,ai)d'P~iV8t~, ElXamination, ~~m a'nd made, ~y &ndbe,~ore :'me., 86}18r8 te13~Ji~ a~r*r~m ;he'::',. sni~ husband, did ooknowledgiJ th~,t'8he madehel"8etf, 8p'srt1 to said' deed,foT ,thep~IJ<? se, of r~-' nouJlolng:. rel1nllul shing ,and 'oonvey ing, all ,her r1ght. title' ond interest. w~eth()r' of dowe)" , ';, ho~.~steEl~' or ot 8lJPnrr.teprop'er1;y, B~nt~to~ or equ1t~ble, in ~i1d', to, ~he ',losuda deaorlbed,th~rel'U( 8Ii~ that a,heexeOut8d th,$$sld d8!Jdf"reelY and '~~l~ntorny'..and w1tliout' 8131; oQmpulSlon,001l8tralpt,' . , . . 8P~rehen8ion--or'-fe~1" of 9r.,from her""sa,id hu~b8Ild:. . : " WIT11~3 ~hand, anei' oftlo'l~ 88al ot Civof ~t. Lou18 ancf 3tote'of, ta~89url. 'thl~,l'1th d.1'ot J~,.1'D.,.... l.'~, 26,< Walt."g.X.oh ~ ' r.. , "':\ 'Notary,l?ubl1c.' state ot1ilssour1. 'C1 ty of'St.Louis. . "P1l",,~::~d ~n thi. Up da1o! S.pt. 1926.~'::::.:::' ""pir.. sap. 24, m6.,c, "i ~ , . . . /J l? C. ,r:LDH;~D. -Cler.k Clrcu1t c.Qurt. : v,'./l.?, , , , "~-1 /J..lO"~ " >B~~,"'o /5hA',.. .",'IJ 'l/).,H',.u,' ."D.O. " .,.. v~~, f'/~/cP/~ '- tf .ff . ,t' . ". ". .. t 'f . ',' . " . "If-. ".. ., . " ." . ". " . If . " . " . "-. If . tt '." ." .t'"... " .!I .".. If . It '. ,,'.. " . " "".!' .";." ." . It "It .. U ..". n. "',,, .~" ." . ,,".. . . '.' . . ."'-" ',' . . ~ . . .. . . ., ',""'--.-' '- ".".-. ..;.,-'.... . . . '.' '. -....- ..... -~-' w. B. CRAWlORI> TO \'IllOU COIl '~~lW3D~ " A F 111 ,I D A V' !' T ... 3TA'1" 01 FUlR IDA OOUllTY OF 0.RA11G3. .i L ~ r- \ . \: II ..',.'J, ;,: ,