HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2396 "'.' j!" it, . , '.. ' , . \ "a. u' ; ..~ ~" "0 ~.,.,'.,.,"" . "'-"'. , .~'f . .. "i'-...... . I . I ) ! :': 'I" t ,; I' ;.,( I L"'I'I'I ,'I' ,~ ;!,"'I"I' ,/ 'Ii 5.S5 'i, I r '" I ' ..':1 < I 'i I "Ii \, I ,. ' , I" , ' ' , .' i' , I ,,', , ' , . .:-.:'71;:-.,,". ;,:;l~:;;',:;~::; :~, '.~ :.-:;;;~;;:::"~:t;::::b::~;.;.r;;..:;':'~h~~;}.;:t:_':'.::,~_'_~;:';,_"f;I_.~,,,r=:::.::.~I::::-::!~l"\' " I f3e~h~b~r~, 19~6, an~ '~Ovor.,d.d' amO~r'th8 P~bllo,r.Oo.rd~ ~f 3t~! :t.fche oPUnty-, '~~~ldt1,. ~rijlUl." 1',' \, ,< 1" 26,1917,' ~n ,'~ee~ ,Bd~k ~~J\ ,Pa&.. 17~~' b1, "~Oh\~'t~\t a~'d ',FlOrida :r\lipt~Uo~}'ompaw~, 8~auted\ '\ 1'1:\ ", \' ',I bargal~ed." ~old Bfd transf~rre~, all of the .Pl~e an d 'dyPr.ss ~lmb.~" then, growl~ ~n 3~j;10~S, 1. .. . l' af.1~ 1;a,'in'ToWOO~P'~4 'South OfH~~~ 36 &~st,\ and ,~;ot1on 7,.ln"~~Wn'a~p 34 south',' ~8n8e 3~ : l\ " ,I " , '. ' , , \ ' ' ' , I ,'J ~a~t;that by'the terlDs, of , ~~e el~i.d,:i.\a8~, a11;,<,Of Baldti~b~~ -10 b. \~ut\',down 'end ~~ov~~ ~n'i "I~r before,3eptember 5t491~;,tha~ the,.a~d .Ohas.B',f!4c".A. ~. Blftll8,OnsePtelnber\I$,~\191~".' ',\'> l\ mo\:-tk~8'd t~8 eoid, Umb.'r to the ;1~r1~ ~lantAt.lo~',O~tDpan,,; and; 011\ the 8&.rne\~te~ gront8I1..: sold~ (_ ' i.' .',,' \,', ,', " ' ,,\', '., " ' ,', " ,.I'", " . , ,\' ' I~BBlgn~d, ~d transferred' to, eal d de8o~1 bed, tlm~.r 'o,P. 'W~ "arre~ 'a~~'\Yll111a'mWln8a te~' ~,nd on \ , 'r Septem'))er.,6. 1917,tl1'eeai'd O~a8~' 3. and eA.: 'H~ Bl'tam an'dYenOlaBlv~~,~ leased 8s1d. -timber, \ , . r' ~ \' " _' . . .:. _ .' I .... i" . _ .. ' . '.. .' . -. .' - '. ' . . , '. , , ' i 'to the isald' P. w~ Wa'rl'en and ,\Ul118J111'flnsati;' '~h8t 'd.pOnentkil()~n8 o,f his own personsi. ~loJ'led8. _',~ u . .....,. . ", '. . . . _ f ,~h'~t',~h18\tlm~.r'ha'~;'lon8, ,singe ,b,een ~~mol'e4;' ,the .a'1dleas8 'h,anns' ~lre_d)Y 'l1m.i:tat ion,' and . ' I: the ~~rt8ag. ha:nns ~.en paid in 'fun. ' }- ; 1- ' {- , {., ~wopi. j' ','. L ! r I' " ~ .' , , ' , , I ,'" " " ' ! "P,1184. im.d,re'Jordedcin'thls'4t~' day of Sept.' 1926, at 'll;6Q 'a.iD. ' ,. ,/),":'."" '~N~~' ~. o. ;?J;m~.;018l'k o~~~n oo~', ;' ,'~,/J../.o" B,"~0' '..'h'.g~D~C.." 0,' " ' , 'f:/~/C!I C}q, ",> ' ..-r,._ _ , , , I ,t -:.- . 1 -!'. j, l ," 1 \ , , ,j I 'if,' B. Orawfor,d, " d' sUba,orlbecl'befor.;ine th~s 26thdsy' of ^U8ust': A~ 'Dr,,1921h, , " .~- ~.: . . , .. -'- . .' . . .'. '. - ", "'lJ6ta~y' Publ-lo ~1~%: t:. o~~o:taa at' i~~8":' ",' ,'iq, ,,,?mlI118s1on eXplre8JJ~1: 7~1928. ~':, ' , ~ . " . .~.. -> oJ . '. . ~ . . . .., . . ~ '.' . '.' .. . : .;. ' .' '.. . ' ..r "'" ff, ".~"." .n ttt .":_ tI.:" ,n." .'ff, ".-" .,i, ,t. ,rt. ". ". ".:".'n."..~. ';.."' '''. ".tt. ":.n.~.'. 'f. "." ,'.h. '". . 41 ~ . ,'0' . ' ': . .,'; " ,," " ',' ", .~... . . "..' . ., . ", .. ~,' . ,_. .. ". ' . -!' .. ''','' . .,. ~. , { TO' , AP PIDA: VI'~ : wno1l COIl03ijN&D. P. A. r '. i 'J II'TAT3 ,PF,FL,OlJIDA ' , " , . ' ,." , j,'OO~~;OF ORAlIG3. i ~ 'Before the und,ra1g'ue4 ,authorl,ty:th1a ,dol pereonally'oama P.' A. Va118~'.' w~o;~fter 081118: ,duly swQin deposes and says tho the' has been . 'p'raot";ln~ 0 ttoX11'1~n ()~o.ola aDd O~ang. Cq~ tie. , .. . , . . . , .' ,; almost oontlnuoualy 'tor the'post ~ yearsi thot he was aoqualri'ted ~1,th Joseph 'H. Guy,', the gr~tQI' ,I 1n' ,that oerta~~' ~8~ to Jennie ~~' Jennings. datod llovemb~r. 30, .190"" ~~ 're~ord8ci 'aDlOD8 th." ',: ,I publio reaord& of'st.,LuQl~ Q~unty. oD~o81llber' 6.1907,1nDeed Bo.ok 3,P88e320 ,and oonve7" ',j lng :the .3Quthuat quarterot the.Southeast quarter' off s~otlon17. Towmhl'p 34~30~thR~118. 36, " I I I ..i I ., ,i I 3rit t QIld, that, belti100ws ,that the 88~ d' Jo aeph; H. Guy ..neontha t ~t., a sl~gle' man. ..: ". , . , " P. ~. yens Asn.w awo rn o.rlbed before m.e th1e27th' day of 'August, A. p., 1926~ '~:"'......-'":"-'--'-'~~iY'.B.Cr8wfol'd .,~~.~~.__uL_~."_,_.__, ',' liota17 Public., fOr' ~h. state ot' Florl de ot,Large. ' "Wy oomro1Ss1on, expire8 Maroh 22; 1929.: ' ' " 1116'd, and recordea ~n thls 4th. 'dey of Sept. /:;,,, .'->'/. .4._~~ /" ~...../ , .v "-1 ' /-',; (.I , t.' , "r 19~5~'at 11;60 a.m.' , ;\ . I, I P: 0'. ~DR&D, C1eI'k Circuit C,!urt. , By~~4?~" ,D.C~ " I \. :,~" ,'" , - < . ". It. t' . l' ",; . " . " . " . " . " . if, ~1:.. ". '." It ~ " ." _.'; Ii "_ ." . 11 . ,,'. If , " . .. . JJ '." .,- ,t . ft_ ". It, If . ft __ f..','. _ " . " . " . ,". "', . . '.,' . . . .. . . ... . . . . . ~. . . " , . " . .~ ,-' - .,.'. CI . It -. . . " . . . . '~c": ft.: ~t: "-; ,,-: ....1. ~'J- ;, ,.. :';: - -~ .:",," ._~