HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2399 " ~,' ::' I.. " " I J " I " I ' , .1', I I,.t 1- f ,I ,I 'I '" -I r~'~'~':;:::":' ~~~":'~" ,"-.,;', 1 ~~" > '7~"::.1 :;,~;';',;.,.l:, ..;I~.::'-;';'~~'l k~;:'~'~;:';'y,: ;';;l:::;;,~.~ I ' , ..' , I ,'l ' I.,' I I' , ,I , I} ',' I I WITU~3S my linnd n.tld offlolal 8,e~ nt;Pl1lla. ao~n.ty ~f P~1l1a. lfd; 8t~t;e of Penna.;., th1.,S,9thi " >"(.1 , , ~uy o. f, ~.u,n ,.:8.',1' "..~, 'n:-.i99',~,..,..J,",' ,I ' '~ I . 'i: '.1." ' _ II", I '1' 10 ',\ \J \ \ '" - \ '\' \ ~lber~ ~. ,l{OGmh~ld" : " , \ III ,t. \ ~ \, }' P' \ i\ l ,. .' .' . ' , \ j \ '.\ ,i" \~\1l ~P.~~,f\~~ } , , \ , , , ' \ Uy OO~~i~S10~\,~xP\. 'J/6/29, J,I . ~i' ,\ " '" '- \.' . ,I. \, . 'I \ ' i' , ' '> ' I \ - . - "" \ ", 'i' \.\ ,II . 'riled,andre:oo~~~'onthi84thday,9f\s.,...l,~25~,8~4;49P,.m.'; ""I' '\ " '\'" '. ,'. " , ,~" ,/~,:--(.",\", . '.JJ.'..:. \ ' I', ' \ ' , \' P~, C~ 3LD.REn,', Cl~~k Ci';~ult... COUl't,. " ~,,\ ,'., . I'. . Ql'4'. ,'\ I' , ,\ ,,' . ", " \ . \, ", Ot..Ot~,~oa~'J\' . ' '/.J~\,~. \ :\ ~ " (J~" ,0:..,',,::. '/. ,,:'x:J~.'cA 'lI','D~~. \.' *".J() , Y~f/~/;;2".~,. . " \ - . ~d~ '., ' .. ' ',.'. ,'.. ,\:' c, .. ,~ !" '", : ~;~'~f : It: ;.: "l j,~ ":"; If: ,If: '~":'f ~ \\r"~'" :'tt :..,": ," :,":-"; If,: It::": ,,; ": ,IL: ;',:~ :''': It: :.~i.: ;1: 'f)' ,;in; ..,!;.~ :": ":',": ,,:'.~ : ":H:. ~. \. " ,- .'\ < , - \. - " ... . -~, , j:-, U .D.,.B,ORLAlI:I)BT, UX ," ~O\, '~', "\ ;1.ULIA U~, TAYLOR .,,'~, ' , .\: -~':yt.wIUNTY' ,'D,EIm . .' ". ..... .' ' ~;: "., TlUS;mlID, 'l1adq the 4th dai', of Sept,ember .j.~ '~.i925~\ b;U. .JJ...' BOP.l#IP' ~ld 'R~~lioel_lJ. ;--'~~. , ; , . . ',. ~ '.'~ '.-..... .' '" ," .. f ~"_ . '.' ~, ~ .. . _ . ,'. " . . 1,,', "Borliind, -hls wlfe of"the,Cou.nty:Of J:t.,Luoie State' of' Flor14a hel"~ln~tter oalled ,'the grau'tor, ..t., - ", -, ~." : - ., -., ".. " . . ---. --- - .,., ' . . ',," . k .., , , :/'58e ~! ~ '" I. ' .. ,., ", I "',' , ~ ~ '.. \ \ ' fl..'." .' ,11 \ , , " \ :. ~ -c . -; ';. ,f '.\ ' :. .- to, Julia U.Tnylor ,pf the Cou,n~,y, o'! Bt,. .L\los.e:Jtate\ofF~o:r;lda,' 'D.e'reliuift()r.Q811edthe'grnn,tee.,i" " , ~iTll~S~TII~ Tl}nt ~he '~,aj,d Snin'tor, '1n"OO~~ide~a.tJQn Of, TEll', ($lQ.O~;, Dollors an~:othf)r: . ". '. " .' -" --'.. -.''', '.'.-. .. .. ~- ,valuable oOllslderat1011s the reoe1pt, whereofis'h,ereby' aoknowledged'-do 'giVe, gran,t.bargoin; '. .. . '.... -'.' '''. ~ . . , " , .:' .' . :'. . . ""..' ,., - , - , ,sell, al~en. a'eri1ise~,' relea:se, el~teo,tf~ oOnvBY and oOllfln:n.,lUttio tl1e ~oid'8:roritee','and her, reirs: . " ! ,; , 'ond ossigll'e., in fee 81mpie ,.the"ltmdss1tUlite, in ,3t" Luoie' Oounty. iit~~,' of 1flo.r1il'a,"deaoribe~f; ,. \ \ as follows: -:""i-Q-' . ~ . 110 t.e lUGHT J-8)lUld' ~lnl3 (g) in ~Blook b'l:ttoeD (16) in Carlton' ~' AAdltlop ",to,l9rtP~eroe', F1orJ.,da" aoc.ordlng ,'to the survoy and, '! ',' 'Plat, lIladeby 'Pra'nkl'.1ti ~,Me'n. '. 'I' !~ , . ",. .'1 ! oJ I '- , ToHAV3 A.np . ro,HO~D ~hes.llJlle t,Ogether with ~.he. her~ito,Inents and 8Ppur,tenlnoes, \lnto' the! ' add gran te8,and ,her b~1rs", ~d" asslgns in tee sImple. " , . . ~l!i' TIn SA~, GR'A1ITOR, for himself ond his helrs and legal 'represen to~1ves. o'ov~nant8wftli ' . - '.'. '. . ,".. . "".' ",', . '., . . . .', said gran toe, 3,~r, hei rs,'. 1 eg81r~prea,ent'.tlves, und .abs1gns: Too ~',~id grantor Jo ,in~efe8~1 bl~ ,.,' , seized of eald'land Inf~e ai~le.that. so'1d 13.rsntor hesfullpowor and lawful right t?Oollvey' '. ' .' '.'''' ,'. .... > sald Inn'd, in' fe.eslmp18~,as,aforeB81d. . th~tit8hall be~8wfl.il"fo-r"0(ad8~611tee,'her hei11l.,leg.l . . , . repr'eoentatives8:lld ~sslgllS, at.811t1r.iJ(i8"~eaoeabiy and qu1etlyto en~er upon, hold, OOCUPY and, :enJoY~8id land; that' ~ald land ls::1'1"e. fronulll eno~branoe8;' that' Bold grantor,her he1:r,s. . :, < .. . , . ' . - -' . - .' . - ' . .' . '. . ~' ,. and ,leg~ 1rep:r'eBen~n ti,VdS, Wlll,~e' auo~ 'further,asouronoes' to perfeot, the'fee' slmpl e ti tIe ,to said, land 1n Baid $rsnto~~cher' hoira,' legol l"epresen~Uves and Rssigns',. a.s .m8y' r8oBonnuley: b~;' , req1,li,rtldl 8n~ that, eaid grantor doeehereby fully Jtsrrantthe Utleto 8aid ll1nd' and ....11], dofen~ ~he88me 6e.oin~t th~ lawful. ol81~8 'of ,all pOrsonswhoIllsoever. ' . WIT1I33S the band, O~d~8i o,f. said gr,fintoJ", the ~y and year f1 rat aboye '\'4'1 tten. ' S 19r1,e4., ,aija'ie-a~al'j-d~,'dinYerEfd'~1.Iltne~Pre-8~e~n(fi- "of~~'''~'::_--'~ . 'H_~_~~__~' ----~-- ;.--..--"- --. , . '. ~',' " U. D. ~~.Borl8.D4 -,.-..:+-;- __~..L.;....i_~__~ .....:-._--'-i..~_.~ ~ ' I i> --.'-1., - ! . i , I i ~ ! I , i Al10e B. Harbin T.P .Uo1)nrwin ' (se81 ) .Ra~hd M.Dor1and(Seol) aTAT~, OF ?I..ORIDA. ' ---~ ~ ' ! , . ~ . " L -~ f , VaUlTY OF 3T. J,L1QH. 1 H!m~Y C3RTIFY, That on' thls day personslly ri ppea'red before me, an officor uuly autha- 1z,d to edl'.411iateronths an\l tuke aoknowledgment..a._"U. D. BORLAUD to me ,'MIll known *nd known to me to be the indiV:?U~~deaoribed 1n and who ex.outea the fong )1ng dee~, Dnd ,he aoknowl~dgljd bofon , . \ '.1..1,.,......:..'[ . -- - '. '. ~ , . . ,Ine t~t he execu'ted.:the 8... fu.iyand-Y01\.\htarlly for, thepur})OS88 thero in e~Pr_~8se~. .. . : ArID ll'URTH~ Or:RT'IFY That the sUd Hao~d Borland knO'Ml to", mGt~ be the wih of t11. ~- asid ~~ . , ~ i.. , , , 1 \L i' ~---'f'" -~ _ f '.i , 'f 'U, D~ Borland on a separate JSlld prlvbte exolnlllatlon~ken and Ill8.de by ond before me,-spparate13 . ~ and . apart from' her 8ald ~u~l.ind, did 8Olcnowledge that ahe made herself 8 p~ty t.O aaid deed for " ~'~'.: