HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2401 , I \59,01,:, I , ,~' ~. " .. . .' . :1 " j'.' . , I. I, ',' ,\ .. ',. ;, :. . , . i-' , * " 'f' , ., '" I I ' \ , .1 ' ~, I, .. [' , , . I" '. I' 'I. I .~"t~~~ C";c-d:-,c;:>",L,. ~;::,,_,':-;~;';I::;:,L.' -";~':'::~;'T;:,.:t..::;:c~:,~.::.~:;:::,L,,-:!::::- .:':'.:;-.:-:c: __j::::;:;;:- ;-:.,-;-'" . '~C;I:';';'::' " f' f AlID,DFui<TlI:<R O~T1~,;' ~..~. . a1..~lkn;'.n~ ....:. ".the WIt." . t "~.';ld 'C- :o~ ~, ,f, II " \ ;';', 's'e~ortiteil nnd,p:.-1vn ~ .'ex~lu1na~lob\ taken .nd,~ad,e 'ibY.~rr1 b-ei~r\.\ me/' oop;.r~,t~1i\ ~T1d ,a~~rt ~cq 'h~, .\ ,\',1 (, ' Qa1d h~halld, did ~okllaw1e~~e ,tl;1~t8he\'madf 'he~geif a partl' t,ol sai'd , dted' for ~,th~, ~r~8~ 'of ~\.'-! \ ,\, 'fl'" ,1' ~~ ;".1~~: 'ell~~""~h~~ "~..,' ..n~~~;ng dl ,;., 1,~1'gh,t. \\ttt,10 ...int", 'r~st ~ ~e,trer,'. ,',dt>\\d(!10,r. !,\ ho~e~, " ," f \ 'I ,st4t6d or q.f, l;1eparo td pro.perty~ eta tutan, ~r equ1tol;>le. ,~n ond t~ ,~b. ,lands, desor~bed ,therein, ". ' '\,; \ , ;, ' , '\ . \ \ ' ,", " " ; "'v' I \"a~d ~ha't ,she exl3~\1ted thO, S,ai,~_d.ed'fr~\e1yan.d V~~'~nt~1-l~' ~d\W1t~~~t_axw '~OmPul,S~O,n..~on~f\r~r~,.\, ,\, \! , apprel1e~t:l or fear o1'orf'r,om i1tlr ,said huspan4. \ ' \ " ," ,\ " , I,,' " , \, ' , ,'< ' , " " '" \',', ", , \ ' \,' , j ?ll'rm~SS mY" hand (lll,d offio 181 se'd 0 t 'Fort ,P.1eroe.'co~ ty~ of' 3 t .~uoh an dS t!1 te of ~l~O' r1 ~l, ;; . ! . '.' . . . .. . :.~ \ .. __ ." ,_' .-.\'. . \ '. . I _ ,_ ,. _. \" ~ i t,hls 4th~;o mb,ar A. j)~ 19C6.' '\ .'" ' ; " ' ' "r., ' , " u~ ,W. She r, man , , I Uotary .i.'ublib, sto te 'at.lara8,., . ~ . ~ .. . (;5861). ',Ky oOinm18s101,1, expl'rea 6/8/29." . .' .. : I I :;1 ' 'I .. I'f ,I , I , I ': I I ') ., , \ , \ ,\ t . '1 , ! , r:FU~ ,8!ld ,rec1orded' on tht-s 6~h ,@.y,'oi'aept.1925~. at9;4~a.m.:_ f. ........ .,'.:~-..' . .... ~--....,..'\.:.. _........~ ,". ....-. .~. '-~.' -..",. ..~.' ". . . " ~ '.RPc"rr1"~<";Nl .' ,;~;lC'Zl;;;::it)~V~.c. '-L' i !i ' . ":;',.' .,..; ',. . :'-...J'" . "....",... '.. _ . .,'. .:. :.,-.' .," ';01 ;'.:_. ",.- -'~ ..... . '. "..". ". .f.., ." .".". It. ", ,.. .',f'. U.~"" n, .'. ...r...... .......n.-t' -~... '~" ;fr.. If'"".. "t.n. .;.. .,... ".. .i.. f'", ff. t'l ... . " ,e'. .. '.-""'" ...". . . '_,. .~.';:' .. . .,... ."~ '.,~. .'....:- ,- . . ~ .l ,; ",. L.3S'13R~. KlUL3Y ,ET"UX ,TO, W~IALr HlUl,Y"., ' ,. .i I ' 'WAHHAli.'f'i ;I)]3D " , ,', . THl$ l:UD~I~R~., ~adethi.s -,-~'d~ of AUB~8t ,19, A. ~. ~9~6.:'93~;/~~1 ~eBter"3,Kinl.1f1nd,', , ,~di th I,; tanl~y. his wlfe, of 'illa OOun~yof Jocks'Oft,' ~n the~t6t Ii of lria'ao~r1,part1,ea of,."t1le, " r . . , ., .., ~. . \. , ~firat' part~ond Wll1181llHe81yof, the, CoUJit~ ,ofO~~k~ln_tho ,3t~ t'eofI}l1nOlst porty ,0':1' th~ ,of T3Ut~10.'OO,& otb'er ~):~ blo oonaiderat ion)' ,})Oll~'~~to thelj{ln' h6Jld Jl~ld' ,01 the p'fii- ty of, the seOOJl?p6rt, the roo'olpt ,whe~&Of is he.r eby aOknowl~dgod';'hOV8, gr~ ted)': P6r8~~neil,: on~ :a,9id ,.J11 , ' seoond part.' " . .> ..... < ..". ,\ -, ' \71~!n3:3~1'ii. 'That,th~, ,8a.1dplrUas o-tthe, flr'at p8r~" for and In :c~81d~rutlonofthe sum . to,'th~ s.ld' p~tY,~f_t.M aeo,?kld ~rt,~ :h~'sl:l~~r~ lin.d 66,018ns., forevor:~ ' the ,fOll'ow~, deaorlbed 'l6nd~ s !tut. to, lylng ond be1l,l8 1n the, COWl tv' of S~.Lucle a.,oo 3t(.te of Florida, to-wit: Sout~ Half of ll'ortheaat ,q~rtor 'ot3outhoaat ,q-uartf;lr 3eoUon 17 ,'l'OWJ1sh,ip 36 South. Ra,r~e 40gast,' con~ining 20~(jroa monor, " ' <> ,', \ losa. " "C'.. l ..; Subjeo't to Iilor.~gage deted',Oot. }8th, i924, dueQn 0 ~'~hefpre 26th " ' Auguot, ~~36i ln~ereat POY6b1.ai:lIlU8lly.-fi"l8'p~r oont. -.. the, ' 'r, , J mortgage fr.omLeater e. XlnleY andVlit~ :~d1th I. 4inl6"J ,to, JQ8,)ph' ! t , , , J',' H.1m for the ,~u3' of ~3000,OO. (.27 .00 1~'R;St&np8~ri.) . . ~ - , . - . . ", -. . ,-'. . .. . .-1=----Aira""'ln~lf~ld por--ti--elf'(ffc tM'tfta.t'p8rt"C~\fhe:tebyu'fU~l)'" wari'iUlt. -the ~~tru-~~, to'~ 801 ci-nu~-iUfd-'yan~--'-c'-,'~~~,'~-~-: ~ . defend the, ,Bame aBn1nat~he ,la\Yful olalmsof ell per~OnB who~80evor.' ., '; -I1lWl?11333':mI::R':Dp, the, 8sid, p art1 os of the first 'll8rt havo here1.irit 0 ~t thei1- hOlldsand .~ f 'j j '~ , , .f seals, the day and year e.bOVd wr1tten. . qlgned, soaled and doll vored in preasnos of us: V.W. ,Uoore P., B. llale, {. Zdith I. K1n1 ey (;jea1) (S881 ) () f , f 1,:,1.',1, ! t ". t y., , . Lester :~. Klnloy " - .i ~~ ~l ~ S~An OF L~I336URI j ,r OOUliTYCi' JACKS all. ' I H:'~ln'9Y C~~I~ Thot on thisdu1 pOl'S on ally apVGared. b~ford me. an officer duiy Quthorlsi ed: t,) administer oaths and take eokno'Nledgmorits Lea tor 3. K1nley and :~d1tb I. KlIl1e1 to I~' v.Q 11 lq)own to be the persona deaorlbed in end who exeouted the foregoing deod, (\nd 604:)1o'Nl()d~ed be- .... .- ", ~ ';"o':-::.'~;:.~ ..:'~:~.-;';);; i