HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0022 I ! i ~ 6 I II , I I! I , , I : I I Ii i , 22 w.ua"'ITY oaiU) :-:-:.._":" -....T_~ - - ~ ~,~.== -'-a . *- - - ....'-- ...---""-'>& --~~ ~ =~ ~ RrcorJ N.. n, SL 1._ ("-r,. non.ta. ......_ ............_u. ~ -==..:~..... ~_~ii_~ "r- ! ;... 'ring lNI',.:NTURF.. ),lack this..._~.Q1L"'__h..____....._.__daY of..___AlWWll.._..h__h._.......__..._.__..A. D. 192.-6., bHwnn ....._.. ......._..........h_____tb.to do.r.G._.JQJlIlJ).h.BQu.___..__h.___._____...._h_.._.._ ....00.. ___00._.__..00_ ______ _________..--:.___... 01 lite {'._ly <<'L..h_..~H~int:T4q'l' ...__. . ,_. ........00.... .and State of. ,10r1da. _"'_00' ..........p. ...._..... _" .u..--.......-..-putp-3.- of the fint pari. and ROS~ &. punning .an4 Paul DwmlD4l. .. all.. :oint .tenants- ... .00........... p..__._..u.......h......__.____.._...._h.._._.u 01 1M ("OOllly ...f.... st.. _Luo1~ .... and glal~ 01 . llorlda. ......._ "" ... .._... ,0.,_, part .18801 Ih~ -.>nd part. WITSF.S~F.TII. l'ul Ihr.,itl l>art 7... .,1 tM first part, lor and in e"...idenli.1ft .,1 1M s:lm (\1 Ona do1larIJ tlud..othlr.. valuable .......... ...._..h.__._......_o9.nsld'r~t.10t1Q _h....._.__.h..______.__._._.___..~ I.... him.._.....in hand paid, Ibe r<nipt ..hrreof is he-rtby arkno...I~IIC~. ha~._.. llranttd. bupinM" sold and Innsfnrtd, and by tMIr pr.~nls do. ..". !trant. t.afl1"in, wll and transit( Dnlo the >aid part.ie.al'l th~ S<<ond put and ) .~_hQ1 r _ ... ..M;U 1nd auiarns (on<CI', all thaI <<rtain pared of 1a...1 lying lJId hrinll in lhe ('OUilly oL......St. Lucis.__._u.h.__..__....___ ....1 Slate 01 ...llorlda Ift"r~ p~'I"""'1rI)' dflcrihrtl a, 1011"."_00_' . _"_,_,__"_",_,,,,,,_,,,,__,,""0.," .........._... .__.....___00___...._._ . Lots f1 ve .. (5) .' B 1x' , 6) . an~...~~gb~.J8L().f .B:L~()~_'l'l!~_~~..J. ~J ~~...~U.!>~.!'y.!~.10D:..!1l8.4... 0: Sootion 15. TOmtlhlp 36 SouthR8llg0..40..E.aat.b3.J.l1.ller.Hal.low8s.. C.. E. ,.& plat..o!..a&1d .....___.. --..-..---. .... subd1 vlsion._ being recorded _.In.pl.at. ~ok ~.a t.-.pag$.u41-of....S t. .kucia-CoUlltl.rocords; ___... .._.!l~1d. ~QreIL 10~8. cont8,:l.!!..1.P.&_.~_...i.9..r.Q~...""'::~Qr.e._Qr_.lQJ}Jl...._ _.._00___ I. R. DOC. stamps ~3.00 cancelled. TOGF..TIIER .ith aU the h-n('fJl('tlU. h(,f("di,anwnt, and appurttfQ(1("(". ..ith f>\"'t'I')" l.rinJ"'...... :-i...h.. tiltf'. intM"~' ~nl' ("St~tr. ..tt,._'~(r an.1 n~ht uf .!n."ff. rn..t'r~inn. rr"",i...kr and uu~11 ,hrrrt.. 1.......oJ/in~ ...r in an)...i.. appcrtainintt: TO II.\\'F. .\:'\11 To If OLD Iht Um<" in In ,impl~ lor....r. And Ih.. u~1 ,"'rt ~ . ..11m- lirol,,,,rl d~eB . c.wcnanl .ith Ih. uk; part 10B,01 1"<......-' part lholhe is Ia..-Iull)' ,.-;ud ...1 Ih.. ui,l prnntw.. lhat 1M)' ar~ I,~ from all incun,bnncr, and that he has _.. ... --1l00<l r;,:I,; .",.1 !a..lul ."Ihnril}' t" ..11 I~ um..; a"d l!t.. ..;'1 I'art 7 l'l the '~ (,"1 parI 00....98 hc~by (oily warraol I~ lill~ t... ",id Iar.<!. and will ddmd Ih~ un" "lrain'l tm- lawful claims ..I all pc,..-n' ......'m..'nrr. IN WIT~E5~ WHEREOF. Ihr ""id pa,l -3 01 1!1c !i"1 part h....8_ M<nml.. loci his bod ~ "" ...al . tM day and ,..... aoove ..ril!m. Six"~, ,ultd and d<li..r,d in oor I,ru..na: J. S. Jaokaon . . R. L.. Jenklua ~ ) Theodore JOBephaon ISI-:.-\I.) ISI'..-\U - ------------ -_._-~-------- --- --- - HAT!-: OF 110r1da .... Salnt Luoie covxn' OF 1 lfER....nv CERTIFY. Th.11 on Ihi. 20th .day 01 '\!18us t - ...- -..... .... ""U"_'. ___._._.~~. D. 19!..~..... ~Iure _ prnonally .wrartd . TMo<lor~LJO~JPhaon ....___._._._ ____. .... t., 1M Irno... n In ~ l~ per"'" OOc-ribr<t in and ....., nn:utrd I~ I..rrgoinc conn~anc~ t.,. ROliJe E... Dl1.<'1!!~.!l$!~~. Pl!'!! .~~~ng_..,_.__ _..and c.C'''t'r~!t). ~..kno.lnfJCf'11 tht r,rctlliu" thc:rcof t.1 t~ ..__His .. Ir<< a<1 and ok-td I..r ,ht ...., and purtM,..... Ihtnin rr.cnli._.I; and 1M ....iol lhe .ifr of the !<aid ... . ... " .... .._. .. on a scparat~ and Pl'i;":ll< ,uminalioo takm and mad~ by and ~ron _. arod .cpanlrly and aparl fr..m It.,. <aid huswnd. di,l ;K1,"o.kd!t~ llul .~ made ~..~If a parli ", thr said l}ffd 01 Cnn'-C)":lott. lor the pu~ 01 rmouncmli:. rdinqui.hinll and ..>nn)-ing all hrr rijeht. lilk aM inlrrrs\. ..MMr 01 ""... or 01 ~p..alr pr~)'. .Ululory or <qui!abk. in and 10 the bnds thrr~in dncribcd. and that ~ uonaltd ..id dud ir<<ly and voluDlarily and .ithout a..,. (onstrainl. lear, avpr.hmsioo N compobion 01 or from brr said I!u>band.. _I u..... 'ort Pierc.e_... '__.___. ".in the C''''"l)' 01. st. Luole _ . ______n._..______._ Ihr day and yrar lal\ ar....said. ~ 1....) I. . E:>. 1 (l.. L--~.v- ..~___ .____ on ... _. . .SO'.ar.T ~~:to~e State:>r#l-or1da at' tf._!\.~~. .> ---W -com.7ifSalonexplres sepi. 4;---1929.' .. -- On lhi, "ayof August..Uh_ . ... .. ..-\. (). I?.!~. . at 3; 37 .0'clock_h.M., thi. instrammt .as ot.~ ~ filed for record, a:Y.I brine doly ac""o.ltd~ and I.r....m. llun rccordtd lhe- .._ 00 P"lr~ ...22.. . .._ 01 Rook_;..,.. 67... ., in lilt public rccocd. 01 said COGIIIy ~/~ . IN WITNESS WHERF.oF. I ba.-r hrrnmlo tel mJlaand and afti,,~ the sn1 01 Ih~ Circoil Court 01 the ....... Jud;"h! Circuit of said ~U"", in aDd lor said COUIIly. l I o I~ ~ I. ,.. , ~j ~. eCord l1e"ili~d n_ _ . / P. C .~;dr~/.._.. _____..____ _.___... _ ~~ ,,~~L.:iI~~..._ .. ..Ckrlt. .. n.ll. C. . ".. . ,- . t.. - -. '.-.' "0" ,_. ~ f -. :~~;~~~:~1).iY~:~~;~l;.?~f~1~:!:.~:;, '0; -. 0.; o..~.. : ~;. ..:~;;~~~~;~ ;~:: ',\,' . ", ". . '. "~....:a..,,.(.... ;.: :_ .... ~;.:~'~_;i'....~:..