HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONn SCAM ED BY r� " ASP 19-., sC9�'�z��tr>:}� FLUItIDl1 l:NLItGY L•1=1=1'Cit;`[JCY COIL= ll 11UILDING CONSTiIUCTION SECTION 8 - SIMPLIFIEiVANNUAL ENERGY METHOD FORM 80OA-89 Non -Residential Buildings ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ALL CLIMATE ZONES PROJECT NAME: T / US/NE'$ s°11� ZONE: ADDRESS: e/ E ALK it/ BUILDING CLASSIFICATIONS: CITY ZIP CODE: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: BUILDER: PERMITTING OFFICE: OWNED: jr— A_ 0SD JURISDICTION NO.: BUILDING INFORMATION I! WALLS ROOF/CEILING FLOORS DOORS GLASS TYPE U I AREA TYPE U I AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA Concrelel(CBS) Wood frame Metal fralme Insulations R-value i 4.1 U Under attic Single Assembly Other: Insulation R-value Slab -on -grade Raised Wood Raised concrete Insulation R-value Wood Metal Insulated Other Single, wall Double, wall Single, roof Double, roof V SYSTEMS INFORMATION I. AIR CONDITIONER HEATING SYSTEM HOT WATER TYPE EFFICIENCY TONS TYPE EFFICIENCY BTU/H TYPE Unitary s' Heat Pump <65,000 BtuIh SEER Central Heal Pump STRIP NE,4 T Electric d — < 65,000 Btu HSPF Resistance Wale co ledBtu Wale cooled EER EER >— 65,000 Btulh COP •Ded. Heal Pump ❑ Evap jatively cooled EER Water cooled COP Gas Natural ❑ PTAC EER Evaporalively cooled COP LPG ❑ Chillers I COP PTHP COP Oil ❑ . Other; Gasl0il (circle one) HRU ❑ I' <225,0001300,000 Btu /h AFUE Other: LIGHTING KW: �I I o r �O >_ 225,000/300.000 Btulh EI N PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all buildings.) 11 COMPONENTS SECTION I REQUIREMENTS CHECK Windows 502.4 Maximum of 0.5 cfm per linear loot of operable sash crack. Doois fl 502.4 Maximum of 11.0 cim per linear loot of operable sash crack. Joinlsj,Cmcks .9024 To be caulknd, :mkotod, wncdliocdtipped, of nlhwwisn senlnd. Reheall 503.3 Supply air restricted !o set cold/hot dock temperature to meet load of worst case zone. VerttiI lion ' I 503.4 Supplied with readily accessible switch for shut-oll and/or volume reduction when ventilation is not required. HVACJElficiency 503.4 Minimum efficiencies — Healing: Tables 5.5. 5-6: Cooling: Tables 5.7, 5-8. 5-9. Tiansb.'orl Energy 503.5 Minimum of 8.0. Bala ping 503.6 Provide means for balancing IIVAC air system & water dislribulion system. HVAQ;Controls 503.7 _ Srparaln readily accessihle manunl or aulrimalic_IhmmmIal for oarh system. IIVArt(i$ 0uc1 ConsJluclinn 503.9 Constructed in accordance with industry standards & local mechanical codes. Ducts must be insulated to nlinineen R = A I IS (hr 'f II'llllu). Pipint Insulalion 50310 In arcoulance with Tattler 5•I0. Wal' Healers 5 44.2 Must bear ASHRAE label indicating compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90 or comply with efficiency and standby loss requirements. Switch or clearly marked citcuil hwaker (elochfc) or cut -oil (gas) must be provided. Ifoal traps required. Must meet minimum water heating equipment efficiencies in Table 5.11 alter 111190. Swu aping Pools & S is b04.2 Spas & heated pools must have covers. Non-couunereial pools must have pump timer. Gas spa &pool hrnlrrs must havo minimum thermal rfficirnry of 75% (78% niter 1 /1 /90). Hot Wale' Pips 504.4 Insulation is required lot recirculating systems. Piping heal loss is limited to 17.5 Blulhllineat loot of Waler lixtures hi 504 5 pipe: sun Tahiti 5.12. Walrr flow rnslrictnd In mairimmn nl 3 gpnl 11 fin lsiq: Inilnls maximum 3.5 gallon flush. Public Iavalory Lig ling 505.1 tixtulo maxllnum flow 01,.5 gpm or ,5 gallon it has sell•clusing valve. II ll:dkir-I efficacy Iaclois arc lisled in Table 5.14, SECTION 8 COMPLIANCE Bli' get (fable 8-1): 3 r � SECTION 4 COMPLIANCE Computer program used: lding MBTUISF: r£ Section 5 Budget: Cl Conditioned sq. ft.: Section 4 Total: C hnpliance with Section 8 was demonstrated by a -Prescriptive Measures m Ihodology or by Dual Calculation: �! 807.2 Supermarkets 8 809.2 Basic Features II 807.3 Restaurants 809.3 Dual Calculation 807.4 Kitchens Budget All plans and specifications shall be signed and sealed by a Florida registered engineer or architect with the exceptions provided I r in Soc11 n 481.229. F.S. and Section 471.003. F.S. I hereby cerrily that ilia plans and spa cal n covered Dy Ihls calculation are In compliance with lire Florida Energy Code. SIGNATUnE: DATE: ® / Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation Indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be Inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: 8-65 co I G�. FORM 800-A-89 FLORIDA ENERGY E�E' i E=FO---R-= &U_L-L=.D_I-N_G-CONSTRUCTION SECTION. 8 -- SIMPLIFIED ANNUAL ENERGY ADMINISTERED er THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS SUMMER ENERGY CONSUMING SPRING AND FALL WINTER ELEMENTS TAfal[ U• =AREA •MTR - MBTU (- U• AREA MTA MBTU U• AREA x MTR - MBTU WALLS 1 0, Ur+ U• ■ AM =WSM A Uw f Aw jWWM-r it Aa WSFM A - -KSZOA Ur llr = Ar RSM B ROOF Ur = Ar RWM+ Ar RSFM 8 r . + + Ut At ■ FSM- C RAISED FLOOR d At FSFM Ut f At =FWM- Ut INTERIOR WALLS oCya: ,S 1 GLASS CONDUCTION E OUTSIDE AIR F CGI PEOPLE HEAT H LIGHT ING HEAT ' [HVAC MOTOR-.HEATL COM D IM .0./. 6:{4�1=m[ /L'nb�ri7 : A &4_91m • • IE:��Cl t CFM ■VSFM- 4-/ At =PSFM 3 ' ATTS■LSFM- 3.3 ,- BHP =MSFM- NA co t rn K I _WINTER SUBTOTAL Heat j. L START-UP HEAT Af SUH choo�• _ Cool Heat Cool Cool 011SUBTOTALS HO or © H I H C 3 2C 4 x x x x x N HEAT/COOL SYS. MTR HSM CSMI. 3� HSMI, CSMr CSM ,3E P SEASONAL SUBTOTALS H C S H C C 3 Cr� together w r 1'L01111)A ENI=IIGY EFrICICNCY CODE 1:011 l)UILDING CONSTnuCTION SEOTION 8 • SIMPLIFIED ANNUAL ENERGY METHOD FOR ', 80OA•89 ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Non• esidential Buildings 4 ALL CLIMATE ZONES PROJECT NAME: T S ZONE: ADDRESS: YOVIVE,,S ACK e1v BUILDING CLASSIFICATIONS: �O CITY ZIP CODE: Sr C /� BUILDING PERMIT NO.: BUIL IER: PERMITTING OFFICE; 777 C/C am.,r OWN,. R: D JURISDICTION NO.: is BUILDING INFORMATION it WALLS ROOF/CEILING FLOORS DOORS GLASS TYPE'jlj U I AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TCore a (CBS]-• f ;ame 1 ame Insulation R•value Under attic Single Assembly Other: Insulation R-value Slab on grade Raised Wood Raised concrete Insulation R-value WoodSingle,wall Metal Insulated Other Douball Single, roof Double, roof !I SYSTEMS INFORMATION it AIR CONDITIONER HEATING SYSTEM HOT WATER TYPE EFFICIENCY TONS TYPE EFFICIENCY BTU/H TYPE . Unitary,& Heal Pump <655J000 Btu Ih /' C SEER ✓ Central Heal Pump STRIP yE)4 7- Electric j <65,000 Btu/h HSPF Resistance LvJ ?69,000 BtuIh EER ? 65000 Btu/ COP -Ded. Heal Pump ❑ Wat I cooled Eva' �oratively cooled EER EER , Water cooled COP Gas ❑ PTAC �r EER Evaporalively cooled COP Natural LPG ❑ Chiller COP PTHP COP Oil ❑ Other. ' Gas/oil (circle one) HRU ❑ . < 225.0001300,000 Btu/ h z 225.000/300.000 Bluth AFUE El Other: LIGHTING KW: lit 0Zoo N PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all buildings.) it COMPONENTS SECTION I REQUIREMENTS CHECK Windo° s 502.4 Maximum of 0.5 cim per linear fool of operable sash crack. Doors rl 502.4 Maximum of 11.0 clot per linear fool of operable sash crack. Joinl4cracks .( 502 4 To It(!cautknil, askeldd, wealliiiu;IrippaL of nlherwico snaked. Rehe 503.3 Supply air restricted !o set coldlhol deck temperature Io meet load of worst case zone. Venlil'ltion II 503.4 Supplied with readily accessible switch for shut-oll and/or volume reduction when ventilation is not required. HVACIElliciency Trans";orl Energy 503.4 503.5 Minimum efficiencies — Healing: Tables 5.5, 5-6: Cooling: Tables 5.7, 5.8, 5.9. Minimum of 8.0. Bala' ing 503.6 Provide means for balancing HVAC air system 8 water distribution system. HVA j;Controls 503.7 Separate roadit accessible manual or autnmalic Ihermoslat for each system. HVA, lDu Cons,fuclion 503.9 Constructed in accordance with industry standards 8 local mechanical codes. Ducts must be Insulated to minimum R = A 1/ 15 (fir 'F it 110111). Pipin ° Insulation 50310 In accordance with Tahle 5.10. Wale I Healers 504:2 Must bear ASHRAE label indicating compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90 or comply with efficiency and standby loss icquiromenls. Swilch or clearly marked ciieuil bleaker (electric) or cul-olf (gas) must be provided. I loal traps inquired• Must meet minimum water heating P.giripmenl efficiencies in Table 5.11 after 111190. Swill filing Pools 8 Sp,.s Hot, aler Pipe �, b04.2 504.4 Spas 8 healed pools must have covers. Non-commercial pools must have pump Ifmar. Gas spa &,pool hellefs musl have minimum thermal efficiency of 75% (78% after 1 /1190). Insulation is required for recirculating systems. Piping heat loss is limited to 17.5 Blu/h/linear foot of. pipe: see Table 5.12. Wal II fixtures 504.5 Water flow mslriclnd 10 maximum of 3 gpm at RO,psig: toilets maximum 3.5 gallon flush. Public lavatory lixlute maximum flow of .5 We or .5 gallon i1 has self -closing valve. Ligh ing 'III 505.1 Ballast efficacy factors are listed in Table 5.14. FION 8 COMPLIANC SECTION 4 COMPLIANCE All plans and specifications shall be signed and scaled by a Florida registered engineer or iet (Table 8-1): Computer program used: architect with Ilia oxcoptions provided r in ction 481.229. F.S. d Soclion 471.003. F.S. ing MOTU /SF: Section 5 Budget: I hereby certify that the plans and speglicati s covered by this ca la n are In compliance itioned sq. ft.: Section 4 Total: with the Florida Energy Code. SIGNATURE: chance with Section 8 was demonstrated by a Prescriptive Measures DATE: odology or by Dual Calculation: Review of the plans and specifications eovored by this calculation Indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction Is completed, this building will be Inspected for 807.2 Supermarkets 809.2 Basic Features compliance In accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. 807.3 Restaurants 8 809.3 Dual Calculation BUILDING OFFICIAL: 807.4 Kitchens Budget DATE: R—F5 FORM 800•A•89 - co I TDA�EtE-RG`Y==E-FFECJE.W_rY---BODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTION. 8 -- SIMPLIFIED ANNUAL-5NERG=Y=zM=E--T=H-O=D—__ ADMINISTERED er THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ENERGY CONSUMING WINTER r SPRING AND FALL ELEMENTS TAIL[ U• AREA ■ MTR - MBTU U. i AREA j MTR MBTU WALLS A B ROOF C RAISED FLOOR d INTERIOR WALLS GLASS SOLAR R. D GLASS CONDUCTION E OUTSIDE AIR' F r. F E UPL E—H-E A-T-- �ul H LIGHTING HEAT HYAC' MOTOR... -HEAT . Imilol Como, ►A19 .., ► L'Ir��i7Q��l�l � M71 Uv Ao ICSFM CFM *VSFM- At =PSFM 3 1111116) BHP ■MSFM- - N4 ( CFM Y VSM r 1 Ar = PSM - - .(, . 0 ATTS■LSM - BHP MSM ' Al >a tKi WINTER SUBTOTAL Nos, chooe• Heat L START-UP HEAT Al SUH J_ThsoeoCool Heat Cl Cool hI{ SUBTOTALS QH or © H Cgo 3 H C CCL x x x x x N HEAT/COOL SYS. MTR HSM CSM�3g' HSMI CSMr CSM ,Sg P SEASONAL SUBTOTALS H C 2, c add edd ENERGY SUMMARY HEATING � COOLING co i add LIGHTING - LRE x WATTS - MBTU to er RAW ENERGY , S D WATER HEATING HW OR BUHW`I At MBTU ' q: S Q f Q ' HVAC DEVICE MRE BHP MBTU + MOTOR COOLING TWR -RAW PUMPS + ENERGY AHUS - VAV W ANUS - CV OTHER TOTAL L_MBTU S FLOOR AREA Al - (T�DESIGN ENER / �u�ALLOWABLEENERGY• BUDGET -Table 8-t