aarca FORM ea
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Mlnr.r. ad Irn.. ,ar ww• ' f rud 4 wwae.w Z' dell• �f rwF�wb N—, k m r►r——
,rpweu,rv,....d .Mfa..1 ,air
. admen ar rra..rn.l
r'ind.. tln• Sth der of Tlsbssalagt A 1) 1987
George N. Paige
„f the Cn I'll% .4 111 the Male of Kansas . Part of Il,e first part. and
The Daniel Corporation
of the Cotmly of Dade , in the State of Florida whose post office MUMS is
2601 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33137
part Y of the sacnnd Pnrt
�KStbl, Thal Ihr sold party of the (Irsl earl. for and in cansldoratbn of the amen of
Ten and no/100--------------------------------- ($10.00)------- Dollars.
I. him in hand paid by the said party of the recond past, du wow urkerive( is "y w6wd-
edged, ha Ve granted, hargained, and sold to the said part y of the second W. its ■EONOM hS
and asNgns forever the fulluu•Inccl drxcnlred land, sifunte, aid being in Ike County of St. Lucie
State of Florida , ea ..if
Tract 628:
The South 330 feet, less the East 495 feet of Lot 7, of Block 3,
Section 26, Township 36 South, Range 40 East, Plat No. 1, of St.
Lucie Gardens recorded in Plat Book 1, at Page 35, of the Public
Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
Subject to the South 30 feat and the Best 15 feet for road, utility
and drainage purposes.
Conditions, restrietins, limitations and easements of record, if any
but this provision shall not operate tore -impose the same..
Zoning and other governmental regulations. Jil -4 '
Taxes for the current year and subsequent years. o
And the said paN Y of Ike first Pero do honby fully u arrsnt Ike tab a Said land. cacti ,rill J4" Ike
some against Ike lawful claims of all perm urhenteoeoer.
Ig VbfU WMItgr The saii t•arly of Ike first part 6 9 ketsunto al his
hand and seal the day and year first above Written.
Signed. sealed and "twed in the pFesencr of:
ge N 1 ai-i;
STATE (W W**J% x Kansas }
COUNTY OF I HZREIY CERTIFY tkat as riffs day. teeter, me. M
el(Ker duly autlawa 11 to the State aforesaid end In the County a(mysttid to sake actasvkdameoa, penosailp appeared
George N. Paige
dn.nbed In and who executed the (xeto+ua uuuasent aad hasd
to M. km-. to III, tIK prraoa
before me that .secured the same 3� day a)
WITNESS my hand and e(fictal seal Ia tellCounty and Coand State last this
11y commission expires: y-S-Me)
17it, LtAnmirPit perpaird by: ITEM M. MEYERS. P.11.
.1.b WU " plaza, Suite 610
'"'N5U Fm-2631
3050 MSpyM gouievard
Miami, Florida 33137
yY'�e,•N � DI[D
. � ylaNrOtr
.r ,t N•o7
phis indenture,
849�a'Gc`5 roar, as
•��'Y: :., ' I lea_. Miel
to (W6eme. uKd Minn ,M nrew "lint r,r'• and ' weoad sari," Jaa iurbdr scants, sad ,Tura.
P+ of ter a,rn..Mrc.rr the ,a,u.l
rcprern,a,nw; end emen ul mdirilu6, eed 6r u.nr...'n •V wf� P^ .
' u. adm,4 or rrQunn.l
Mnd,• IL,. 17thdny .d February A 1). Io 87
in the Stale of KANSAS party of the first part, and
ul Ihr (:unnit u� '
St. ' Lucie InvestrmeIt CorP. .'•
of 81.1• (minty. Of* -'Dade In the State of Florida whose post office address is
i A01 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33137
purl Y nl the sornnd pnrl.
UtWMtb1, That 16r• said part of the first part, for and in consideration of they
um of
TEN ($10.00) 6 NO/100 — — — — — — — — o the second part ,hs reretpt whereof t>f hoeb7 ac4nowl-
1a nim it, hand paid by the said pa Y J t of the _�
„dil lia
furgrantr. granted.
fined drsdi Ilydtlanrl so the ituate. Gold bed p in the
Countynd yoo� ads
State of St. Lucie
. IlD
{ 1,
And the said part Y of the first port do es hereby JuUy warrant the tills to said land. and wtU del end else
some against the lawful claims of all persons whomroeaer.
In r The said par, y of the first par, W hereunto sat
hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of:
...�• .. ........ ...
........ .... ........... ".............. ..... .........
..................................... .
STA'IF, OF XX Kansas }
C()('\TY (IF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY That on ibis day, before me, all
offirrr dub' authorized in The State aforesaid and in the County aforeuid to take aebnotskdgmenu, personally appeared
to me known to br the p,rson described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and has achwwledged
before me that he executed the same. day of
WITNESS my hand and oftic,al seal in the Counly and State aloreaaid this
A A 1987.
•Ii comet ssi n expir ... ..... ..._...
C Notary Pu c
` • %7iu /nAninrrnl prrpnlr y: St ven M. Meyers, P.A.
3050 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 610
1 511/l/7u Miami, Florida 33137
�' :, �, ,:L�•� 558 �4354