HomeMy WebLinkAboutSITE PLAN-FLOOR PLAN6 r ,. Ile 6'NT —�� SITE DIiVIiL.OYMENT DATA: d Legal Description: St. Lucie Buxiness Park Plat vt-- Lots 8, 9, 10. 7-11Z —41 iL'j _0'' Zoning: PNRD ---- � � Land Use: Light Industrial c�.H. PovE Water and Sewer: Domestic Water supply with septic - _- -- tank and drain field both to meet ' St. Lucie County Health Department Standards. i ^".-O`T ll:A�INy 20 E 1 � j Cross Area: !p(p,C090 g.f ol;t 1,53 BC•Y'°� Impervious. �IJ3�`I 5F p-U-?N"TF Per vious: �LJ�311 Z F I _a Cround Coverage Bldg: — - - — ---- ToTAL 0UIU:,1N4l 2O,b30 s.F. I I � (.0000 I � I —_-- I _..... I I I kA --- ----- Lot Coverage. 37 / Square Footage of Paving • +---- i - and Walks: 30,r2 SF. -- — I-� Parking: illAAcES I ! IZEtkt11IzED �la4GEg Idol.. Q N,c.splK,t4 I p Loading : �QU IRS I Gov 1 DES I GCcr RPT'Vt O f -*4r d Building Occupancy: Warehousing �rPMrEi� Go�� - v t I I 4 b —D �I Surface Water Management: Excess storm water generated by the construction of this project will be (Drainage) It T---- Z �Im.JRE collected, stored and disposed of in ;,TRuGiIDrJthe WaterManagementaccordance with the regulations of t. Lucie uDistrict. Thenty and South storm 1 sewer layout shown depicts the general �- character of the systems, but is • subject to revision during final design ReFER 7b G/VIL pl�wy�1C�`z FIN. FLOOR EL. n1olt2'ON f<LS•L- The final. design and details shall. to the St. -- -- —z submittedIt- be - EngineeringDepartLucie County Department for their review and approval. Y Pavement Structure: The Pavement structure, method of construction and testing requirements shall conform to the "Standard Speci- fications for Public Works Contruction S -I LP in St. Lucie County, Florida ' adopted J,p(j May 17, 1978, Res. No. 78-49. - -a Landscaping: The existing Si to consists of scrub L - - _ brush and pine trees. This natural -- - A h hall be left in Lace where SITE PLAN R A L P H II 7 wiT GA IGMCLff 1-1" G.III ). BOUZA, A.I.A. 1"=20' I Right of Way Landscaping: Perimeter Landscaping: Interior Lot Landscaping: Hedges: Ground Cover: Paving: LEGEND 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 Y d grow[ s a p practical. New landscaping shall consist of such hardy Lrees as table --- Palm, OQaks and Eucalyptus. ALL. L.&HW -.- Pfa ARF1w- To " I9IJ-20/4rr-P "p ,?j T IF FSIIJt> Suppliment existing trees as required N with new trees above to meet code. All trees shall be species having an A average mature spread of 20'-/- and _ having a trunk which can be maintained P ` S1k4.e in a clean condition over 5' of clear wood. Tree species shall be a minimum �cE of 6' overall height when installed. = 4� TV- -CrJ44 o 1FIN wet A5 Go►+c I Tf PEIz 30 L.F. ✓r IL4Y.0 C!6� - _ A&PIuS 0Lz;l a I�btix�l'�o c•ar 190 L.F./30 = -1 7P.EEs C1417 — — LV gar r-.a•R I TREK PER Pao L,;; 541 L F / 5o = 10,�2 oPv o II rFLP .. NT' -r�� Ilia 1Lotl P(toI -- I� 1�ts . Provide a continous new hedge to form a continous screen a minimum 2' high along required right of way and perimeter landscaping. NOTICE Areas shown as grass sod will be NOT TO BE OCCUPIED Bahia Type. BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL All paving to be asphalt except, BUILDING DEPARTM NT noted. SLE ATTACHED CONDITIONS Hedge- Ligust rum Tree- Sable Palm, Live Oaks, Eucalyptus BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE /"'WED BY -NS AND PERMIT I --IF 1EPTONJOBOR ,TION WILL BE MADE: ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA ST.lkir MAL COUNTY - FT. PIERCE FIRE PRUEMMM BUREAU BEVIEVY D BY LT. R. K. (LUG) T1 UNIL[40N FOR C99E C€I(DPLIN CE PH111 - 435-5355 DATE: SUBJECT TO- 1 .ST. LLICT CO-H. PIUCE FlRF PREVOMff01M CODE 2. N FP A. UFE SAM CODE-IM 3 STATE M MARS UCS R & R C: z 2k ' © COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. SOU A, IA SHEET THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE . NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR A — 1 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HERESY SPECI- of FICALLY RESERVED. 1 WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWRIIGS SHALL HAVE PRECE- DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES- PONSIBLE FOR, ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY *HESE DRAWINGS 7CMECKE4 R.J.B. DRAW N COMM. 1G-69L DATE 3/15189 a Y Ln Ln r'7 i +" CEMENTED COQUINA SHELLROCK COMP;-CT'ED TO 98% OF HAXIMUM DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 0. 00'02'06" W 120.00' I I 1" TYPE S-III A.C.S.C. 8" STABIL17ED SUBGRADE--75 P.S.I. FBI COMPACTED TO 98% HAXIMUM DENSITY PER AASHTO `-180 PAVING DETAIL 10�. VO PROP. ROAD EL.=11.54' 8" PVC W.M. R42.:;PROP'ROAD EL.=11.62' �= 162'53'43" R = 60.00' T = 398.98' L = 170.58' CONSTRUCT FLUSH HEADER CURB - INV. 9.26' N 00'02'06" E 72'5'43"302$.00' 18.46' L = 31.81' i I CONST 25 L.F. OF 21" X 15" C.A.P. ® 0.1%I- INV. EL.. = 8.61' ----�� PROVIDE SOFT PLUG FOR FUTURE CONNECTION FUTURE CONSTRUCTION N 20 DRAINAGE AND UTILIIT EASEMENT --� 6'-8" I � m i J 3,000P.S.I. CONCRETE `101 I END WALL i0 6" TYPICAL i FOOTING (TYPICAL) 8" i 9" #4 BARICONTINUOUS � I I N i I 'BARS HEADWALL DETAIL 60'-12" X 18" RCP WITH MITERED ENDWALLS ------ --- F.H. ASSEM. COrSTRUCT FLUSH HEADER CURB 19" X 30" RCP BY ROAD NTRACTOR BUSINESS PARK DRIVE I PROPOSED ROAD GL EL 10.80' SFWMD PERMIT PROJECT CRITERIA (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) --._..- .e . <�kF •�Fe.. NV. 9.14' INV. 8.92' •�::el'.. 1, 10 YEAR ROUTED 9tORM ELEVATION = 9.29' ✓PERSDETAT. OL C. EN aLL 2. 100 YEAR 3 DAY STAGE ELEVATION = 1 1.20' 1 -4'� 351.26' 3. MINIMUM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION = 12.00' 4. ASSUMED IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE = 80% - INVI 8.50' 5. ACTUAL COVERAGE FOR PHASE 1 = 12 =t 11.20' ,+rr 3200- GAL- SEPT-IC TANK oo SfT. I SEPTIC DRAINFIELD Ali gatructi-n tt 9D - E 1t.9Q Co ST. T PE 'A CURB 1. All bta,J. ",7..Ilx Florida The St. Lucie County be nr,tif led ..• _ ti -^�`' J _-- I construction to a with the Department of Trans CI''L ii n d-J9*Xr St. Lucie Count• #k 10. Engineer and shall for inspection of subgrade, base and as halt, at- ie+a a,c p'- 9 P p P a requirements and speeiflost.r#A'l��r k-,., �$, a je, 24 hours in advance of subsegyyent construction. 96.00' Roadwork within BusinCata;;4 y<^"i3W`0 T'4;gh,t-of-way i.s 'governmental 11. concrete pipe shall meet t1�'e requirements of. tLc, subject to permitting a 4i'v; 'fs'v,41"b t11A Florida Department of Tr$nsportation St.nndarrl ----, authority having jur.isd. I``t Specifications for Road andddddd Bridge Construe': jor:, - L- 2E1, r0' ^a', q;.. latest edition, Section 430 ar�d Section 941. 3. Disturbed areas shallr„Isr ' stored to their original S disturbed 12. Beading be in rarer rrir, -F. condition. All unpe�.'4Q'ci'q�ted, areas and mulching shall performed DECORATIVE "STAMPED" CONCRETE uT during the constructs, ' rr, i.. �r�i and ntulched is with the Florida Department. oll Transportati.:on /- ENRANCE SLAB FLUSH WITH PARKING ;' "` "1 accordance with Sect;,., g "t3fiAS Department ,Of Specifications for Road an� Bridge Constrict;, -., AREA (TYPICAL) I .�"°' � � �.ag „Ld` : i ., Transportation speeifl t �: latest edition, Section 570 and Ser.tion 98 e e 4 Materials for roadwa °" " shall shall meet the requirements o Section 578 and g 98 k l a 5' ( meet applicable requi 'earngtru¢tron as fjl `'.TS f, --- L, outlined in the F1©#," ,. a , a,nsiaortation -13. upright handicapped signs ko be provided at a1: 1,__-�,.! I (FOOT) Standard Speca,f +fi.. on. handicapped parking spaces, 'in accordance with ' Manual on " o }- w )., „¢,tlbr ale art Ant o'f Lucie Count requirements. ohtrol Devices and -., :.. Oniaitpnsaripingnceb �h, um dLf icpP4'1 (Ty Lucie Y 9 1Qj' .1 z I F 9 �, shall local ementedreo1uainalahe w Transportation Standar � ac .b�a dY" Reflect,iue 1#. The Florida Department of �renspottation approved I .`.'"'...-.'� be I norta accorddastti.oa �971:12 �),'uir%g coquina llrock is an approved: <. Traffic Paint Sec )�, • w .� ,r PROPOSED I I p andsrd S,pec�f iget b s,'D'.or aReflert r Ova alternative to limerock. ---- ,, ,,,ly),• { Paint, the.: blorida AA at of ' Transportation 15. The contractor is to verify all existing stubaut BUILDING Traffic 4 .--,- ....:._...,- I „e- .. f. Tr)&#fi>x Op$r-ation .;.Standards, r Manual onUn form: elevations prior to cGnytrur_,.ior, of on• -ste _ Tr`a £� eCt- i:l eesr unless �l✓¢! ;1, It, spec f ed on, the improvements. Coordination with building contractor F.F.(= -12. 0' �. 10.75 ¢ - - rmi, ,1 y`ib' 7` 'a¢9 i4g,.a pd tnatkiz;g6 sha12 br t':ei:rr,-rl,lnstic is required of the site work Contractor. 0 D�`'I wW>xi5 - 1 _ _ V 16. Aluminum corrugated metal, pipe shai1 'nr - '',:•. Ln - u N -, o€ a ,,. in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO M-196 and the Flor, :., N Q 6$4' 1.62�� 11.40 ti,85 < s?orration Standard Department of Transportation Standard Sperifirtati ;.:, .-...-...-_ ., .,ir. Traft'_c C�ntrnl Devices- for Road and Bridge Con+r ction, 1983 Edith,.,, 2.35% ij _ Str, r, Si :ssh 1 t.e Sec Jt 445 Field loin` ra',l meet the Florida , _ L s Iy w. Dftpartmerit E4gG of Tzar>por rat.•, ¢1 Section J ,' n c . ' �n .,. -.i :.,' -�1' .s,e _ .3 c. :ry Reference architectural d.a incjtl fo. ..idewalK -a, i / r -:. r: )I Refer .o DOT Standards for ni tcireri e,.c1-„ its 0 ,111.25„ - r,,, I- r.; handicapped ramp construction, -- vI it, ,! 'edllstruct%3 ion details (Index Y21. . O 10.75 19. D"inage sump to have "Goulds". sump p mp •- 3 I 115V", 2 single phase, 1/3 hp dcwaterinq pin:.l>. or elsa- DRAINAGE SUMP ; CONST. TYPE C INLET ,, r" • I •• • .i: 20. All elevations shown .hereon are N:,JD (Nati-%na; 46.00 - GRATE EL = 7.80' yip ° - I - Geodetic Vertical Datum). BOTTOM EL. = 4.80' zli, In I�iy I 21. Project benchmark s a concrete "cut" nail at ' the 11 SB' §5 +c 00 northwest corner of the V Store -It building at 853.1 �11 0.0 ,. ,i,, 19' LEVEL �°' �'IR ,a �South Federal Highway eleiat..oc 15.07 fee_.. 8.00' a alit, &00 11r„00 it 00 (� 1 , '' f' <:'"' NOTCN THIS FACE 8" DEEP 10."P�5 e __ 1S' I FOR OPEN TNROAT f0 15' UUil 10.75' � 21/2 TYPE "E" GRATES ARE CASTED `�i 2" 2 I F^+ I IN TWO SECTIONS FLUME I 1/2• CHAMFER .0 1 - CONST 30 L.F. OF 1-1/2" GALVANIZED IRON PIPE - INV 8.3' Y W 21A' 2 N' �•,; � �� a� TYPE INLET DIMENSIONS MAX. SIZE R.C.P. A 1 B 1 C I D E C 2'-0" j-I' 2-4" 3-01 I I" 18" E 3-0' 4'•6" 3'-4" 4'-4' 1'-5" 30" E MODA 3-0" 4-fi' 3'-4' 44' 1'-5" 48" 0 >L C I "1 - J I-2 NOTE. PLAN FOR DETAILS WHEN 2'-a t-2 V2 (1) SEE STD. USING THIS TYPE INLET WITH VALLEY IF OF ASPHALT PLAN. [IrI.-�.1-Il-1r��,j GUTTER ROAD SECTIONS 2'-jI-2' -+I-I V2' (2) FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE D.O.T. A V4' A I{...�" GRATE 1984 STANDARDS INDEX No. 232. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 2 I,V' 2 6RATE EL 10.75' GENERAL NOTES 2' CL. I BEVELED EDGES: ALL EXPOSED CORNERS AND EDGES TO BE CHAMFERED 3/4" L1.t- 6" Fr 4 9ARS t IZ aC:.. r FOUNDATION MATERIAL; WHERE MATERIAL UNSATISFACTORY- FOR FOUNDATION I q Ma I IS ENCOUNTERED AT FLOW LINE, OMIT FLOOR AND CARRY WALLS DOWN TO - �4 BAR CONTINUOUS i M SATISFACTORY FOUNDATION. BACKFILL TO FLOW LINE WITH CLEAN SAND. / "A" CURB DETAIL 3 4" THICK _ - GRATES: CAST IRON GRATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLA DO.T. SPECS. CONCRETE - FOR TRAFFIC BEARING GRATES. -T 'OP OF ASPHALT FLOWLINE � 3[E GENERAL NOTES INLET DETAIL - SECTION NUOUS HEADER CURB DETAIL EL. 8,50' I FLUME DETAIL p: 4tiL2fi t n �* t Y e 6d 1!!! 1!!! e 141 qLP 1!!= P RA. 19! 141 F LJ L1U ULLlLI I� jD DOOZU U LJ LlD� D L/ L1D 6 Il 11 c IJ ll � �I Ec IlD 0 DRAW o ARCHITECTURAL A-1 SITE PLAN A-2 FLOOR PLAN a O D A-3 ELEVATIONS & BUILDING SECTIONS A-4 WALL SECTIONS A-5 DOOR & WINDOW SCHEDULES, DETAILS Q O a Co MC�MQMOCQL AND A-6 SITE DETAILS & ROOF SPEC. ELECTRICAL EHQI 1 EENS STRUCTURAL S-1 FOUNDATION PLAN S-2 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S-3 SCHEDULES, SECTIONS & NOTES ELECTRICAL EM-1 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN ^L WRITTEN QJMFNSIONS E-1 ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE E- DIMEN OVER SCALE E-2 PANEL, RISER DIAGRAM, NOTES & LEGEND DIMENI CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES PONSIBLE DIMENSIONS FOR. ALL DI DMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE. JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED Of ANY VARtAT1ON FROM PLUMBING THE DIMENSIONS AND OD NDITIONS $MOWN ! BY THESE DRAWINGS P-1 PLUMBING FLOOR PLAN CHECKED R.J.B. DRAWN COMM. 10-89L © COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. BOUZA, Al SHEET 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS DATE 7 A THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING Ig GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. R A L P H J • B ® U ` _ ' W USE OR DISSEMINATION OFTI H MAY HI MADE WITHOUT PRIOR 3/15/89 A • � • A • PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW (305) 44 5- 5043 RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- OL FICALLY RESERVED. 1 4 p p 0 SITE PLAN 190'-0" N 7 11 I cam. N. A.p�Ov E ' �•r�l' � N 0 I 19 •„ 'd -} -r LCADIN rR ZONE Gl�ol 4a� oil I � I ? I( V-i I ,? 1 -F-Z' 0 —�, - I I --------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- vr'wP.�rlvlE - � I I 0 �-w �'rcrnrn, fi I ----- -` T---------------\ I 2 C_ M \V 7 _ 1 ----r-5TOt3� C.Bf.S------------ ° FIN. FLOOR EL. ��bl �I.{-roW r�GS.L 4- _ Z I� I I UP I I I I 2Tav_ I— fpl I 1_��I'DII _ O_ 1 � 131^O — 1 - _ a I I o • I I .a- I - I = - 33 �. -� I:. Mill 1v��llrllIp�1•oll 149�11 I: — cl-fi - -- C. r�rAe?HAi-T �•; I � ' `' =�Y�E I I I i ICI I I I I TYPE ev--III Q, Q oyehL 49 ce0EflT6L? CoQulnl,* ;�;HeLL 1 ova 011 FtrP LEIO SUPXs9^Pe - IP 2.co-a RL TYP) I�1-n I Of PA41VIFWAY r pWwE f,( I erJrRY I.1rx1NP �JIUIFI R A L P H ��•••• NNE I9oL�n f✓r��gti Ott E 1. BOUZA, A.I.A. c;�CT�_c�Tlo� - 1 2EtV� r© ri�JILWI1�G15 pvl 14 cl, LfrlurY SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use: Water and Sewer: Gross Area: Impervious: Pervious: Ground Coverage Bldg: Lot Coverage: Square Footage of Paving and Walks: Parking: Loading: Building Occupancy: Surface Water Management: (Drainage) Pavement Structure: Landscaping: Right of Way Landscaping: Perimeter Landscaping: Interior Lot Landscaping: Hedges: Ground Cover: Paving: LEGEND -,4-A....- 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 St. Lucie Buxiness Park Plat Lots 8,9,10. PNRD Light Industrial Domestic Water supply with septic tank and drain field both to meet St. Lucie County Health Department Standards. o(v,(090 s:f 02 1,53 6cre 51, 319 S.F. 15,311 5.F• TOTAL OUILpI N:� 20,&30 s. F IZ 1�►Ys c�, 123� S,F. t PEA 32�0 �¢q b F. �EgL1 IRED I 'I 500 S.F. o� �}2aES Pfzo./IbE.i� '#� sgacrxg I�IcL. 2 N.c.�}laes FzquIpap I pf'.0VIpED I Warehousing Excess storm water generated by the construction of this project will be collected, stored and disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the St. Lucie County and South Florida Water Management District. The storm sewer layout shown depicts the general character of the systems, but is subject to revision during final design REFElz ,''b G!V/C. Dla�4w//J(js The final design and details shall be submitted to the St. Lucie County Engineering Department for their review artd approval. The Pavement structure, method of construction and testing requirements shall conform to the "Standard Speci- fications for Public Works Contruction in St. Lucie County, Florida " adopted May 17, 1978, Res. No. 78-49. The existing site consists of scrub brush and pine trees. This natural growth shall be left in place where practical. New landscaping shall consist of such hardy trees as gable Palm, Oaks and Eucalyptus. ALL A -E^-- TO R•& IRRF-<+rNi&n Suppliment existing trees as required with new trees above to meet code. All trees shall be species having an average mature spread of 20'=/- and having a trunk which can be maintained in a clean condition over 5' of clear wood. Tree species shall be a minimum of 6' overall height when installed. I TRf E PEF 190 L.F,/3�=10.3'S �(toPveEp � �Es I iwEE pe(t 5o L.F. 541 L.F 60 = 10412 �gororvw 11 TF-ea s PPoPos�P I!P 7W!s . Provide a continous new hedge to form a continous screen a minimum 2' high along required right of way and perimeter landscaping. Areas shown as grass sod will be Bahia Type. All paving to be asphalt except as noted. Hedge- Ligustrum Tree- Sable Palm, Live Oaks, Eucalyptus ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA IFjV nit Coil -PM M,NJp -- -: -- G'I_L vv ,._. _ /-�}`- .�.. y T'bY .tiuo }'. I N • air ' �j° GoN C XIj ��• I LZN711fa {7lGC.li.. 17' 811X91e0Wr_,CAP r'5 r-*r. s h1T .—_L p.1/ I it6 P�a►R . COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. BOUZA, AIA SHEET THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR A WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW A RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- FICALLY RESERVED. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECE- DENOE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS, CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES. PONSIBLE FOR, ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS CHECKED R.J.B. DRAWN COMM. 10-89L DATE 3l15189 B A3 It - - f - 11 1 it 1 11 it -TLall I I' -11-a 14 �v lz te to to 'J io"H.e',L , L it I lb 11 it : -'r'j L X TF, -7j 1241 411 (D 11 AV L .......................... 7 ol WRITTEN CIMENS$0 I' it 14. 1 -a 11 S"A M151 DRAWN ON I LL HAVE PRE( DENCE OVER SCA .0 DIMENSIONS CONTRACTORS SHA VERIFY AND BE Al ------- PONSISLE FOR. A DIMENS ICONS Al CONDITIONS ON T JOB AND THIS OFFI MUST BE NOTIFIED ANY VARIATION FRI THE DIMENSIONS A CONDITIONS SHC By THESE DRAWINI CHECKEC (A >4 FDRAWN FLOOR PLAN 1/8 COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. BOUZA, AIA SHEET [)ATE If RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- of 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 ST, LUCIE INVESTMENTS THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR A-2 3115189 R A L P H B 0 U Z A (305) 4 4 5 - 5043 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW AF 45426 Rl NORTH ELEVATION II E.S (T-rP) 14 �I`:._ ._ - t�' TF �c , f l l'� • � "( LI Gvd - 3'k1 ---- 3 , Rfko i f (j IG? - _ -s r7P ? CT �� 1"fr• 1 � f � INN11 LoH, marIEt7 _. _ — r ��. " EAST ELEVATION ­4 (D L 0 1/8" WEST ELEVATION --------- - fi_. )9 I e l l o. 10 fry T._. _' I -"-- .. .. ... -. _ � • T•v• �� 0 2 CO U �)Lm O L 1/8IN ,— �EMEecI—i x rr— (TYP) W. HTL. '5cdfP'EFz I CofJT co`x(ol (---lUTTr:;z - - --- --- col rule WATe� -�2�1SOl-jli- __ tAGErZ 0 1/8 "ll SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" BUILDING LONGITUDINAL SECTION BUILDING CROS e R A L P H a �olsT (tYr ,lilll l.l;_LLI� 1 1�,1 Exjev r�osouQT II , , ji a; IL ie CO O 0 f_ O.+••1 Goo¢ G1 �J O 4 i„ I RI 2l� ;- ® or p t,& aET I --gTeEl,''U6r= c.oL. (TY'P) -` ---- ----- - I - p --- -- _---- � ►e, uI� III 151-0I 4 GOHL. SLAPS OH V4Q02 —iV ---* P�ARlalc¢. (Yq. T• ) i _ h v I- o I I T• v. cot�c• 6U,�r� I v.wrt. ��Inloow I (i `tom•)-1 ' Lam._ li S SECTION 1/8" 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS J• O 7 L A A • ' • A • (305) 44 5 - 5043 1 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA f OL -4-11 ro.j. y� �y 1/ 8" WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECE DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES- PONSIBLE FOR, ALL DIMENSIONS ANO CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS CHECKED A.J.B. DER• A- W N I COMM. 6' � 10-89L © COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. BOLIZA, AIA SHEET DATE THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR A — 3 3I15189 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- 0 t F ICALLY RFSFRVEO 1 4 r L. a SECTION 1/2„ R A L P H +4C1 02 _- +1-Il-vll T o- OTIL ;ote7 OI - Lr TAT. Flr' s-TiloGp oft [-`IrTAL Ip.TN•af4 rou MTL, 4-rjpS u Coll p,o• I T-7f I(D (iAU!ag (.,TIP) K0LL tJ:::� lzr,e A. 1E 11�-,L R SECTION 1/2" 10 BOUZA, A.I.A. I o� I /'z BT'L G•`�T IN c:;117Nc• aLo�G 4-fTN 51p�,; U� To c7-a II, 11 ; -- - - ------ - ------ 4 c,�•Jc • c3LA13 o%ii rNI�R WALL Gcl-�I"f,cTEJ� , DILL• !1 II ¢II 1{ x 3I.c4r �c fdil LNG Lip 11 L TU Garr !� PFzoN f c - I s; boW�l.-Pvurf� 140"L�P) i I �I �vo ram• G>t�c. 5 �fit5 i �.�wlslblMRwYrr.�•+fit. 1�.,.w'iAs��.sa�a?� - i • SECTION 1/2" 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 � T'o- f�t�•w�T• I� ME - r TICi�31�1L�T off, All • ' 2 # 5 cant?• (T-�?) + III -ell — -� #4-c 4 n �TYrJ 'F III -op --- - a, - rL Jao •r I LT, TEXT, P!ni. v•rJr'Gp `/ it 77 -- �N of ✓la�vraR T7 I=1hJI - LT' 1 C ICJ"ri• li • ( Tj') ry (24ALir1oL I 705, ° +�1 �1t s -o fbr!• I I I II I I II �._.._._-_.__. ._ __ _ ---__--- -__ _ _ . hI N I TE ,�*L IJM • FRAr1kb ; , sT'L TUf3re, '_ov II II kI F_L a W -ra o I Ix o I x /¢ " IOEk" I I I o ya' - y-4, I , 4 E. (61-r, UCT, vlaGjE•) ST• LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA WRITTEN DIM€NSIONS ON THESE DRAWING$ SHALL HAVE PRECE DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTORS $HALL VERIfY AND BE RES PON'"LE FOR. ALL OIME NSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST 8E NOTIf1ED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DI NI All OONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS SECTION � " m" r1 R.J.B. 1/2 A4 DAawn� COMM. 10-89L © COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. BOUZA, AIA SHEET DATE THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR —w � 9/1S/89 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW A RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- FICALLY RESERVED. DOOR SCHEDULE MARK SIZE MATERIAL KEY ALUM./GLASS A FINISH PAINTED Frame mat./fin, PAINTED THRESHOLD ALUMINUM REMARKS W/ TRANSOM 81 CLOSER lD (2)3'-OIIX6'-8"X13j O2 3'-0"X6'-BI'X 13/d ALUM./GLASS B PAINTED PAINTED ALUMINUM W/ TRANSOM 81 CLOSER IOI-o"XI�'-O"XI" METAL C PAINTED PAINTED NONE o•H FZvLL'wq T'(PE O I A 0 I v WINDOW SCHEDULE MARK SIZE MATERIAL KEY FINISH REMARKS Op 4'-O" X 81- 0" ALUM./GLASS I PAINTED W/ DOOR FRAME B DOOR TRANSOM g 121-0" X 8'- 0" ALUM./GLASS 2 PAINTED W/ DOOR FRAME d DOOR TRANSOM 71 - 2" 4' 15' - 011 3'- 0" L 4' - D'I L 4' - 0" 4' - 01' 3 O O F-01:- /1(. Wlihi_z i UNIT O O V_Ijor._ OUT NG WINpoW IJNI( R A L P H 1. BOUZA, A.I.A. 12" X 12" X 22" METAL SCUPPER / HEAD W/ 6" X 2" — OPE INt. Wl l� cr GorJT To. L t1 UTTe F-. GALVANIZED METAL — STRAP. 6" X 6" GALVANIZED METAL LEADER. — GoNf, COI' �`:7MIIJi.n d/ cl 4Av EL. BUILDING CODE.) INSTALL METAL SCUPPER 4" H. B FLASH AROUND CANT. 8 UNDER CAP FLASHING WATERPROOF. SCUPPER DRAIN DETAIL SCALE: 3/4" = 11 - 0" 1/2" THICK DRYWALL ONE I X 2 P. T. FURR. (FUTURE) I-'1,C , CONT CAULK I X 3 P.T. WD. BUCK ALUMINUM FRAME ANODIZED WHITE. HEAD 81 n JAMB ALUMINUM FRAME MULL SEE NOTES. RETURN DRYWALL FIN. BEYOND. (FUTURE) N• �&vx RETURN DRYW BEYOND. (FUTU ALUM. FRAME. SEE NOTES. I X 3 P. T. W D. 1/2" DRYWALL I X 2 P.T. FURR WINDOW 1'1CTA 11 SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-0" STUCCO RETURN CONT. CAULK 1/4" PLATE FIXED GLASS IN RUBBER GASKET. WHITE VINYL RUBBER GASKETS STUCCO RETURN WHITE VINYL RUBBER GASKETS SLOPE STUCCO FIN. @ SILL ONLY. 8" CONC. BLK. 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 MULLIO BUILT-UP ROOFING ON I" RIGID INSULATION — STEEL ROOF DECK. SKYLIGHT N. T. S. 8" CONCR. BLOCK - DETAIL TYPICAL STUC SCALE 11/2 = I - 0 GLASS IN RUBBER GASKET LINE OF STUCCO SILL MULLION 4 NOTES JAMB 5 1/811 PLASTIC DOME IN SELF FLASHING FRAME 311 x 4" x 3/8" L. L.V. SPAN BETWEEN JOISTS d SIDES OF OPENING. - I COATS (5/8") STUCCO FINISH. 1/2" MINIMUM -APPLY 3 COATS OF STUCCO AT RAISED BAND. SEE ELEV. FOR LOCATION. I COATI STUCCO FINISH. tTYPICAL) I X 3 P.T. NAILER. I-. ALL ALUMINUM FRAME TO BE ANODIZED WHITE FINISH ES.P. 2-.ALL CAULKING TO MATCH FRAME COLOR OR CLEAR. 3-. ALL GLASS TO BE 1/4" PLATE OR 1/4" SAFETY GLASS WHERE REQUIRED. 4-. GLAZING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS TO ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA TA I © COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. BOUZA, Al SHEET THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DJ95EMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR A ­ WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON UAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- FICALLY RESERVED. 1 WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECE DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES- PONSIBLE FOR. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS CHECKED R.J.B. DRAWN COMM. 10-89L DATE 3115189 0 O BLUE BACKGROUND, WHITE O 4 SYMBOL B BORDER. — - — - 12" X IG" PLAIN BAKED ENAMEL e 12" X 19" REFLECTIVE 514CETING W/BOLTS B HOLES (2) FOR MOUNTING. --------TT1T-- -- .- PAR i tNIG BY DISABLED WHITE BACKGROUND, BLACK PERMIT LETTERS B BOARDER. r '1 A LM i 12 IU. CHANNEL TYPE HEAVY RAIL SET IN col (MIN. 12" ). HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL NO SCALE ST0 30" X 30" STD. STEEL POST STOP SIGN RI- I NO SCALE 4. N I " Em --� E NI PAINT TRAFFIC SIGN WHITE,T. MIN. 0.15 MILS THICKNESS. TYPICAL, TRAFIC ARROW I, n ELEVATION NO SCALE 5/111I' CIA. HOLES I IF PLAN 4 yR �— 1 Ile —. . NOTE +�R- I 5/8" DIA. ALL CONCRETE— HOLE. SHALL BE CLASS "B" I I NO SCALE �n I j, 2 0 3 CONL I' 1/2" DIA. PIN IF- s" LONG. SECTION X _ ! { F log -oil I I IO I - 0 10' 0• l S - OR r 1! - OR ` I D - O REGULAR SPACE REGULAR SPACE d PLANTER ISLAND HANDICAPED SPACE REGULAR SPACE PARKING STALL DETAILS GR cults PLANTER ISLAND A0,4 IR P i HANDICAP SYMBOL P WHITE. I" Jf--100 DI Sol 21t" B• _ -- -7 Bel I - y T— BUILDING LINE O 70 TIRE STOP 411 STIPE WHITE R O i- NO SCALE Manville U.L. Classifications Class A Max. Slope: 3" Deck: Non -Combust. 8 Combust. Insulation: Fesoo, FesCore, Fesco-Foam, UltraGard, UltraThane, none Surfacing: Gravel Class 8 ("a Class A) O I O N Three Ply Specification No. 3 G I G Gravel -Surface For use over Concrete or other Fiber Glass Non-Nailable Decks and Fescos Board, Built -Up Roofs Fes -Core(;' Fesco-Foam l UltraGard Gold"or Approved Insulation on Inclines of up to 3" per foot For Regions 1, 2, & 3 Approved Insulation or Non-Nailable Deck Concrete Primer (if required) Asphalt 11Va"T Exposure Class C (see Class A A B) cr Lei- - u � N C O OO TIII GlasPly® 0 Premier 0 P N ~GlasPlor y® IV- 0 Gravel 0 O or Slag o �0 00 0 Asphalt 000 00 .01 General .03 Application of AOOfmv This specificatlofl is for use over any type of structural Starting at the low eoge aplply one 12" wide, then over deck which is not nailable and which offers a suitable that one 24" wide, tw ovEa both a full 36" wide GlasPly surface to receive the roof. Poured and pre -cast con- Premier or GlasPly IV Following felts are to be applied crefe decks require priming. full width, overlapping the preceding felt by 242/3" so that It is also for use over Fescoxi Fes -Core"', Fesco-Foam", at least 3 plies of left cover the substrate at all locations UltraGard Gold ToI or other approved insulation which is Install each felt so that it shall be firmly and uniformly not naifabfe and which offers a suitable surface to set, without voids, into the hot (at EVT) asphalt applied receive the roof. This specification is not to be used just before the felt at a nominal uniform rate of 23 lbs over light -weight insulating concrete decks either per square over the entire surface. poured or pre -cast or over fill made of light -weight Flood the surface with the appropriate Asphalt insulating concrete, depending on the roof slope, at an approximate rate of Note: All general Instructions contained in the current 601bs. per square and while it is still hot embed therein Manville Roofing Systems Manual shall be considered part of an acceptable gravel at the rate at approximately 40C this specification. lbs. per square or an acceptable slag at a rate of Flashings: See section on BUR Flashings, Manville approximately 300 lbs. per square. Roofing Manual. Nailing: Nailing is required on inclines of 1" per foot or .02 Materials per 100 sq. ff of roof area more. Refer to Para.8.14 or 10.5. Concrete Primer: If required . . . . . . . . .t gal. IE N T Felts: GlasPly® Premier or GlasPly® IV' ......3 plies Bitumen: Refer to Para.7.2.3 or 10.3 Surfacing: Refer to Para.7.2.4 or 10.4 Approx. installed weight (Ibs.): 465.575. *GlasPly Premier required for No Dollar Limit (NDL) Guarantees. E� STRAIGHT 6" CURB R A L P H 1. BOUZA, A.IeA. 010 SCALE 1 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE ORAW'HGs SHALL HAVE MECE OENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIOFJS. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE FES. PCHII FOR. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOS AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THEY DRAWINGS CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND NOTES BEFORE STARTING. C COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J BOUZA, AIA date SHEET COMM 3115/89 THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE drawn NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY SE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR A-6 10-89L WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW - RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- Checked 0 10 of, l _ _ , ... a Ip GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. DRAWINGS FURN I Siu_rl '?he contractor will be furnished TWO sets of drawings and �zpecif:ications without charge. Tha Contractor shall pay ahk= c-ost of reproduction for any additional copies of the drawings and specift!calitons furnished to him. 2. LAYING OUT WORK The contractor shall layout his own work and be responsible for measurements as shown on the drawings, to dimensions if shown, to scale if not dimensioned. Exercise special care along property lines and easements. Should benchmarks or monuments be disturbed or destroyed during the course of the work, they shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner. 3. EXISTING UTILITIES Care shall be taken not to disturb or damage existing utilities and underground improvements. Any damage to these• Iat•ilities caused by the installation of this work will be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. Where• underground construction or obstruction will not. permit the work to be done in accordance with the drawing it satisf;ti•tol,y aller•native will be designated by the designer. 4. PROTECTION Methods of protection shall be maintained at all times as required to insure all persons and property against injury and shall be maintained until the eompletion tit all work. S. OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE The designer shall be the Owner's representative during the installition period. lie has authority to stop the worK it ❑ecossary to ln:.ur1, its proper* ex(-rutiot1. The designer shall ha.;e the right r.-Jt.ci, at ar,y ,lagt• of the operation•4, an) Lind a]I work which, to hi- opinion, does t.o! meet the. rt•qui rewen to-: ut tht•xr• speCjl Ira1 Ion-. G. CHANGES IN THE WORK The Owner may order changes fn the work, the• ConI rat Nulll being adjusted accordingly. AI i such orders ;ol(1 ad lu:;lmt•nt shag I bt• in writing and accepIt•d by the Owner br•lor execu- ting work involved. LANDSCAPE 1. SCOPE The scope of the work consists of furnishing all plants, Matt - equipment, necessary specialities and labor required for the installation of plant and other materials as shown on the drawings. 2. REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS The following standards form a part of these specifications: 1.) Florida i3epartment of Agriculture "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants" 2.) American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomen- clature "Standardized Plant Names Dictionary" 3.) "The Manual of Cultivated Plants" (L.H. Bailey 1949 edition). 4.) "The American Standard for Nursery Stuck" (1973 edition). 3. INSTALLER QUALIFICATIONS Landscape contractor to be regularly engaged in the installation of living plant material. Labor crews shall be controlled and directed by a landscape foreman well versed in landscape installation, plant materials. reading blueprints and coordination between the job and nursery. The landscape contractor shall carry any necessary insurance and all of his workers shall be covered by Workmen'e Compensation Insurance. 4. SCHEDULING Coordinate installation of irrigation system with landscape installation to avoid damage to either. Irrigation installation shall precede the installation of plant material. Install trees, large B&B material, shrub- and ground r.ovor plants before lawns are installed. 5. MATERIALS LIST Plant species and size shall conform with plant list. The quantities given in the Plant List are for the conve- nience of the contractor. The Landscape Contracto" Shall turnlsh and plant all the plants required ti, ,,,mplt-tr the w,o,k shown on tht• ill an.> and In thud, gip,•, I I I, I11 Isms. 4 fy�/l �I 7 -1� a=! � '11L 7� '7 OV6'.+-•• •� )Z • Y w � �•�PR� `df Z .�A�� �� `1J ®U G. Ke__ F 95CT- TFiaim TO �:sINAl- aRAlD� �lZ•"1PS01�.- I w •' y �_.'_",.ems „' IYwW_ualq , m.�,.n -eve=� 1 luawitn r},• � uu-ul��il=tltl= i ="auY' J =uurP •� - A Z,rx 2„ 3 V�7D �', i�K1E•�a I TYPICAL TREE PLANTING A ::O SCALE sr 6. PLANT MATERIALS All plant material shall be nursery grown unless otherwise noted. Plants shall be graded Florida No 1 or better as outlined under Grades L Standards for Nursery Plants, State Plant Board of Florida. Plants shall be measured before pruning with branches in normal position. Plants must equal or exceed the measurements specified in the plant list which are the minimum acceptable sizes. Those plants specified as specimens are to be approved by the designer before being brought to the site. Plant materials in containers shall have a well established root system and shall not be root bound. All plant materials not in containers shall be balled and burlaped and dug with a firm natural ball of earth. Balls shall be firmly wrapped with burlap or similar materials and bound with twine, cord or wire mesh. The minimum ball sizes will be in accordance with "Grades L Standards for Nursery Plants, Part I1". No plant shall be accepted if the root ball has been cracked or broken. The balls of balled and burlaped plants which cannot be planted immediately on de'ivery shall be protected from drying winds and sun. Match plants used where symmetry is required as nearly as possible.' Substitutions will be considered only after award of the contract and then only for good cause and as authorized by the Designer. Should any materials be found to be unobtainable prior to bidding, the Designer shall be notified in sufficient time so that he may change the specificatins for the benefit of all bidders. S. PLANTING SOIL Planting soil shall be sandy loam and shall contain a minimum of 25% of decomposed organic matter. Soil shall be free of coarse sand, stones, lumps, clay, sticks or other foreign material. Soil shall be deliverd in a loose friable condition. Marl shall not be used in ground cover planting beds. 9. PLANT PITS All planting holes shall have straight, vertical sides and flat horizontal bottoms. The diameter of a hole shall not be less than twice the diameter of the rout ball or twenty-four inches (24") greater than the cool ball; whichever is smaller. The depth of a hole shall not be less than six inches deeper than the root ball. The space under and around Lhe root ball, within the hole, shall be filled with the above specified planting 5uild. Air pockets shall be eliminated and the soil Compacted by watering. ..-• Y'�� .dam • I •. / 4 VSt c GeV wlp4l�Lfe - Itv cA�� ,N �4 AW7-70'vasTU "IRHIts_ IIV �Tli L.l-�5."i A�CX1T TRf2..1� ��� -�,Y' � Gu•r w1 � FiraS - tz' �ICA.•ItPi t.-.1 �i,4' tl 5 F3UHBH�e HQG� W Hi±�l@ \ / C1AMP rt� FitCn�Ovw[. M �/ C•zUY W,tNIE r i=�.Pc't'44 r .�F%M 'r'� ORNATE � CJfsADi,MN F� � _� TUfZ'rl r�L-�-L•�.L�s AIJ- - OFR - C.;' t1 (� GUT 3 �SrAM�3 C-J•��NirA Pt'MA! '-•' ;� DIYI?<Ilu Stu_ WIRC� .2 N�ULLs� �.�F-1 ®�_ T"C� ORCa1t•Ja,L_ I ll alllli111_II4 � �•. MI9I1 rzIy1=1M � STET Tt'�Is TDPS':>n_ 1 s\.c. s� • _INf=1 a -un � 1- I� 111 . iMy W� _till_ III= Yns 111" IYI;rII IMPROviT� Pe.?.n+T NG .`.SOI` tZgµ(_NC 111 - 1-ill II ,i-i 1111 un�anl=,�i�ln =_mu_ull IC T- ��Yy_III IIta 11q= �� 50�. F3UFiLAr� =41 11 111i�l. %� =110= -!9 a..,. • t.a II=N - - IMF a�r.tcte-IG f3.P+\TTING !%Cx, -III=I!I!_III_ i 1111 i...l • . �r4 L -Y� = bt'C SFi"r.G. 1 MIXGO wIT-,A EXI!STTr�JG GF 3�i ='III-IIf =111 ': i L�' 111=11'=1i +c ,.• - 1-1 i Soles 52 _.=IIIVet J�-ll1-111-1�1=111=111_�=in=Nll_nl_II I��capv® p►a�TfJ6 50� III- j1=ltl-lit=ll=to=ut�1;=11t=III-MI-1111=1I1 =Ire 111 ticlll-Ill-tl 111lit t Iti--mall, I1=Ul_ /�IxCQ WtTU4 Mw119n"<. -IIIpII=111_lit- - -IIils I Illnt scat_ « as•�fsc. r•• - - LIM,T Ors t�'-S TF�ec Q IT SPECIMEN TREE PLANTING NO SCALE 1.0. PLANTING PROCEDURES All plants shall be installed in accordance with the best horticultural practice. Trees and shrubs, except as otherwise specified, shall be set on the proper amount of planting soil in the proper size of planting pit as specified above so that, after compaction, the top surfact of the root ball will be flush with the final grade. Set plants straight or plum L Paced, in locations shown on the drawings. Where large balled and burlapped plants are set 1/3 of the planting pit shall be filled with existing soil mixed with planting soil. Remove burlap, rope, wires, etc. from the top of the balls, but do not remove burlap from underneath. Complete backfilling then thoroughly water to remove voids. After planting has been completed, form a well around each paint extending to the limits of the pit. Before plants are backfilled with planting soil, fertilizer tablets (Agriform 20-10-5 or equal) shall be placed in each pit according to manufacturer's directions. 11. TRANSPLANTING Existing trees and shrubs to be transplanted shall be moved in accordance with acceptable horticultural practice directly to new locations -as shown on the landscape drawings or heel in on site until area is ready for transplanting unless otherwise noted. 12. STAKING AND GUYING All trees above six feet (6') in height shall be supported and held in an upright position by staking and guying in acordance with best current horticultural and landscape practice, and in a manner acceptable to the Owner. No nails or other fasteners will directly penetrate the trunks. 13. MULCH Except as otherwise specified, mulch Shall be cypress bark mulch. It shall not contain sticks larger than one inch (1") in diameter, stones or other i.treign material that will prevent its evt-nt.ual decay. This shall he applied to all planted :trePs where ihdicated so that, after installation, the Ir.u;ch thlcacness will nor be less than 2". 14. MAINTENANCE Maintenance of all trees, shrubs and ground covers shall continue until acceptance of such work by the Owner and until final payment. Such maintenance shall Include the removal of dead or dying branches, weedlug, wattring >yty�I,c :s� I y�, issry//,, Iv c7l'� � oo rvoT cvT �F1.r�-Y ,Y��j�+yM1,'� i�r X V�' P1rs�N{T AU- CUTS b.i�t r .,!�L YZ' `✓ w� APOP\pvC� TRQ�C P.V�fr i' ii f ..w �� I� Gc.a`v. Gov �nnw� � at�y 1•+osa I �.'+� 1 �_ � :xa v IG sTp-i•'c�c.b'. i.T �a,� c.+.s III � �, � I f �z.AW v1YERTICA� I I II I r�•,�_y� II - 1 I SVOpt� 2 •x „ z .5Ta 11 11 Ou.... bTAvr-1 1 I II ace-rVftAr= 1 , T•o ciPa61r­1 I I 1 I CsReOe C+ I I T71�301 ` I I 1 L40N L�J�y 1 �►.RTti•1 ttlCT�n^ v�lN16H � ., I- �,_ i x1= � _ - - � u, /-3 N p tw 1Cj .i NI'Ali It =IM a _ ^ .-S „� - 11_ �tM>= I/�PSiO� i'ti.�.wfT-.ev�•.i iota IFy �• •-Y=P "! -11-\ .. •M � MI- al� !Rs= afa�� 1.�'.-r.7111 z111� �rq cih J1'_ F 11_PI- 1 IIFFnG 111= I��-ll�'W =t�! Y 'w iII aalC-M xntt 01 11 ;.-I Y1fcn I -� 1�/�y ,!!L� Rr►,Y�rTll�.lYa. 3olt- IwciM;l t lll�Jlt?<xICI1�Mt3flt.,,JI1;"13111=tUcg1 + W;IIEilatlt�{tV11S rem pt-f4 �J Mix® wm1 �]+a8T1niG IC+IIE III mt- If Yts N.A x>=tx:N , I I Iu�1 Iu 1 1 1 TYPICAL TREE PLANTING & STAKING NO SCALE "Ate pIT and normal pruning of plant material, as well as such other requirements necessary to keep living materials it a healthy condition. 15. CLEAN UP The Landscape Contractor shall, at all times, keep the premises free from accumulation of waste material and rubbish. Before planting is considered completed and ready for inspection, all planted and disturbed area's shall be removed from the site. 16. SOD It shall be the responsibility of the Landscape Cor.Lractor to fine grade (hand rake) all sod areas to remove all bumps, depressions, sticks, stones and other debris. The sod shall be of the type called for on the landscape drawings, free of fungus, weeds, vermin or other diseases. It shall have a compact growth and good root system. Solid sod shall be laid with closely abutting joints and shall be roled or tamped to an even surface. The sod edge shall be laid or cut at the edge of all paving and shrub areas in a manner that will present a neat, clean appearance with staggered end joints in adjacent rows. Sod is to be installed within ninety-six (96) hours of harvesting and it shall be watered immediately after transplanting. Maintenance of sod shall be by the Owner. 17. GUARANTEE All new plant materials excpet grass shall he guaranteed for six months from the time of acceptance and shall be alive and in satisfactory growth for each specific kind of plant at the end of the guarantee period. The Landscape Contractor shall not be responsible for damage caused by vandalism, wind storms or other acts of God beyond his control. Existing knees irsYsp1a11ted and relocated on the alte cannot (ot guaritntee4. 4 Sod snall he ejuaran+eesi for a two month period from the da#e Otplauting. II a X4 $1-i1M�. Bfan�Cp TU TT2�xvi-� TYPICAL PALM PLANTING NO SCALE 0 r MS�EE'>`1ET"1�LiZ� TRl.1t 1 cX-4 3 51014.E ea..Rre w<a1s.I�.1T' Oft-_ STnaae•-� '�'1111����./��ti.=,i1 ' rw psliwpl 1 Jomit -1 �mw rt=pr=�Ii SIN nit mmlt- a._ 1l, lu • r ut�1- r I NEN = N'sl w c�aYv se.,-+o IIf9x:N Exr ;,... � A�"'Ip! 1h NI ��_ r�o Acts r�crt�-,rs I1z11 tsM = =� =11 El•� f;R g = F.00 ItPSt�h ru 1 f rents r a11� Ilt4L- N+il a IY Illi till �g �IC1t 1 1 ie f Ilt� �j. �C7<.JY�{D F"iR riiiT. =Ill Nl-alb =JW 1=c{� w�OP �• v� Z��PF a� .i;insau�l6;l =M�II-1 1� s.N >Slil� =t1 �M 1 1 i111 W� >• u^ '1' 45426 I II 1 II I II I II I II I II i 1 I.,ry ' I I II I II I I 1_ II.. i N I L I! � Idli ! u I II I n 1 r L u I n I II ! I p I ! n_�.�Il IG_c la -a 2-O Iona / ILI 5 I� la-/ /20 la-o �j_la 'I-2 i 2O 'I 2 �- o-o /2 0 lo_v g-I® /2'a "j 2 5'Io w�`P /2.° to-.� i I I i 00 C2 CI Ci C2 CI CI Y C2 � CI CI 0 0 0 ,oC2 WF_ 36 oCI 0CI 0C2 0CI 0CI 02 CI ._ � 1 i 1 ! cl 4° THK. MIN. CONCRETE SLAB W/ 6" X 6° W 1.4 X W 1.4 1 I" SAW U WOVEN I O CONTROLOINT \'�- ON WELL COMPACTED FILL (TO 95 % DENSITY) T P. (TYR) . FT l C5 1• jY NC III,. II li F_2 F-2 F_I F-I F-I F-I F-1 1 LF- I r C, - ---� I I 9 L_ ► I L o0 C4 C4 C4 C4 c4 C4 C4 ( I i � I I ' i I i f ! II I! I 21! ��1,211 251-011 251 dll 251-ot /215I 21�11 �41-41 olli _,�F I o13 f r�IL: i I 1 I {I 3 A4 I 1 16 { - _ .. a WF - 36 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0__ o 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 0� CI CI G2 CI CI CI C2 CI CI C2 CI CI C2 CI CI C2 CI CI !!C2 CI CI C2 CI CI 1 I I 0 ! II I p, I II I II ( I I 1 R I r. I II I d I 11 I I II I II I .� II IQ-5 to-u a1? Ito, -a la-o rd_Q 14-e 6-►� -a 'j21C �-� 5-lo b-r 2-d Id-� 14-®Ir FOUNDATION PLAN e 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 R A L P H BOUZA� „•'•A• (305) 445-5043 WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE ORAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECE- DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES- PONSIBLE FOR, ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS CHECKED A4 6A4 ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 1/8" 6) © COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J, BOUZA, AIA SHEET THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR S _ 1 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- FICALLY RESERVED. 1 DRAWN COMM. 10-89L GATE 3/15/89 1 a I i I I , I A {j I 04 r-JZ AIH&j may. 2 p ROOF FRAMING PLAN QIII`OI I 11 5a1- I � I1 � 2d , 4 2°II-o 1 I I I I I I I I I I F o I I � > B A3 ¢0I III 28 iH 9 W/ 4 51 _� 011_ 0_. ROWS OF BRI DGING X 2`II, III W24 X 68I Y I 1 I- I' e� I i I I I III 4_0 - q- I f I I I I I \ I f I I I i I I I f I � I Y i I I I I 1 --- I -- - it i i L__----- --- +._---I---------L----�- -�------� -- - �-----+- ---- W/ 4 R WS 10 II0. ( 28 H _9_ 5 0 _C. T P) I I _ _ I;z' I _ I I I I I I I I I I i i I G 4I_'ol1 "1-411 I I 2ai 4 �P� G �j �' OI�O I I co i_ o l l 0 e 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS R A L P H 1 . V O U L • ' • ' ` • R 7 e (305) 44 5 - 5043 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA I6 D _D !D I _1 r L T WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRICE DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES- PONSIBLE FOR. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITI DNS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS CHECKED 4 F.R. A4 DRAWN 1/ 8" D COMM. �' 111111//// 10-89L �l COPYRIGHTED 1969 RALPH J. BOUZA, AIA SHEET :J DATE THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR S 2 3/15I8 9 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- FICALLY RESERVED. 1 'm 1F -1 inn ll) BEAM SCHEDULE Mark Size Reinforcement Stirrups Remarks Width Depth Top Bot. Mid. B - 1 811 1211 2 # 5 2 # 5 — # 3 e 24" 0. C. B- 2 811 12,1 2# 6 2# 7 — # 36" 0. C. B-3 811 2411 2#6 2#6 — #3(a6"0.C. T 8 811 (2 i1 2# 5 2# 5 — -- COLUMN SCHEDULE Mark Size Vert. Reinf. # 3 Ties Remarks C- 1 81, X 16" 44* 7 ell C- 2 8" X 2411 4 f# 7 @ 8° 0- 3 811 X 32" 6# 6 @ 811 C - 4 6" X 611 X 1/4" STEEL TUBE C- 5 31/21X31/21X1/41. STEEL TUBE FOOTING SCHEDULE Mark Size Depth Reinforcing Remarks F - 1 61- 0F, X 61 - 01, 1211 6 # 5 E. W. F - 2 51 - 0" X 51 - d' 12 10 5 # 5 E. W. F - 3 41-01' X 41— 0" 1211 4P0 5 E. W. WF - 24 24" CONT. 1211 3 # 5 CONT. WF - 36 36" CONT. 121. 4 # 5 CONT. R A L P H Je B0UZA, A.I.A. 2#� ��NT TYi') s �y II FI LLE>] CELL c0 I i j �siNrJ Flr'1• 3T11GG0 �OTN 31t�EF�• u j �1 GGLL. I 'f� 4 SECTION 1/2 of W SECTION 1/2" Wr-a4 } 4 G 4c7II , GONG �FILLFO CELL. 11 4 -rHK � L01.IG. 5LAf� w/ � x � W 1,4 x w 1.4 WovF- N wI W- E. ­� 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 V5 I II — TI I I ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST• LUCIE, FLORIDA GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES 1.- FOUNDATIONS AND SLABS ON GRADE: A.- Remove any organic top soils and ,:,lher deleterious materials to their horizontal and vertical extremitie to 5' beyond building lines. B.- Compact the entire building area b it least 15 overlapping passes of 48" minimum width steel wheeled vibratory roller, or further as needed to achieve a compaction of at least 95% of ASTM D1557 maximum density. Place fill as needed to reach required elevations in not over 12" compacted thickness layers, each compacted to the above specified density. C.- Footings are desiG.,IJ based on allowable soil pressure of 2500 PSF. D.- Vertical sides of fuULings shall be formed. E.- All concrete slabs on fill shall be 4" thick with 6 X 6- 10/10 W.W.F., w-lded wire fabric must have end laps of one full mesh and edge laps obtained by overlapping longitudinal salvage wires ar�d wiring all laps securely together, concrete slab thickness may vary in accord- ance with plans. F.- Provide vapor seal (0.006 polyethylene) under all interior concrete slabs. 2.- CONCRETE: A.- All concrete shall attain a minimum compressive strength as follows at the end of 28 days (typ. U.O.N.). Four concrete cylinders shall be taken for each 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof and shall be tested at 3, 7, and 28 days. Slump shall not exceed 8" (+ 111). 4,000 PSI FOR ALL BEAMS 8 COLUMNS. 3,000 PSI for all other concrete. 3.- REINFORCED MASONRY: A.- All concrete blocks shall be hollow masonry units with a minimum compressive stength of 1000 PSI. Only type M or S mortar shall be used. B.- Provide cleanout openings at the bottom of all reinforced masonry cells for grouting lifts exceeding 4' in height. Grouting shall be a continuos operation with no interruptions exceeding one hour. Stop grout 1 %2" below top of the upper most block course. A min- imum 3" x 2" solid section must be obtained on any grouted cell. C.- All grout in filled cells shall be minimum 2500 PSI pea rock cocrete. D.- All bar laps in reinforced masonry shall be 48 bar dia. 4.- REINFORCING STEEL: A.- All reinforcement shall be 60000 PSI minimum yield new billet steel in accordance with ASTM A615 grade 60. All bar laps shall be 36 bar dia, and conform to the latest ACI and Manual of Standard Practice Codes. B.- Provide two // 5 corner bars (a 90 degree bent bar with 1'-6" long legs, one top and bottom) at exterior face at intersection corner beams. C.- Unless noted otherwise, provide the following cover reinforcing: Footings 31, Beams 1 (to stirrups) D.- Top bar splices shall be made within the mid 1/3 of span, with 24 bar diameter lap. Bottom bars spliced at supports with 12" lap. 5.- LUMBER: A.- All lumber in contact with masonry or concrete shall be pressure treated or otherwise have an approved separating material. 6.- GENERAL: A.- Coordinate all structural work with architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings for verification of locations and dimensions of all project requirements. Any discrepancies shall be called to the attention of the Engineer before proceeding with work. B.- Submit 3 sets of shop drawings for the Architect's approval of all items requiring fabrication. Do not fabricate until approved. DESIGN LOADS ROOF L. L. 30 P.S.F D. L. 15 P. S. F 'rl L,vr1HIUP1TEU 1989 RALPH J. BOUZA, AIA THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING 18 GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR 011SEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI FICALLY RESERVED, WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECE DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RES. 'RONSI BILE FOR. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS CHECKED F.R. DRAWN - r— COMM. 10-89L SHEET DATE S-3 3/15/89 Of :5426 H-5 I I 2r� 10- /Z. G L 4 SITE PLAN 2+10 If2C PH I I TYPICAL- kJALL 'D �T. FIXTURE TYPE y� (MTV +W-O'114FF)I-I IT�K - " -- - TWH 15CD5-308V-01`. I I I I • I I - I I I _ - I I -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - I - - SEE FIXTURE MOUNTING, I DETAIL -?HIS I I I �- ------- - - - - - - I I • I � TYPICAL LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE® OR® r 0 T - ---- III I I AIFF O." -- _ -_---- LIGHT FIXTURE MOUNTING DETALI 8 = I'-0 " i t LOMIHARE ISOFOOTGAN0�t I � � I \ � I � ' I � 1 I .134 FG INITIAL (.(071 FG MAINTAINEA� TYPICALL L0 L M ID LT o FIXTURE T PE(MT'D - 7WH2505110BV-DF. - -- 250 A) NPS. _ f 5C' FG INIT, R A L P H 1. B0UZA, A.I.A. 1"=20' (E) 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 STB LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA WRITTEN -'IMENS ONS ON THESE DPAW,NGS SIALL HAvE PPE4E.- OENCE .'VEP SCk,E OIMENS'ON, GONIa -TOPS Snnr_ VER,A. ANC BE PEA P_N9F.E FOR J MEN' `N' aN': CONOI ONIS 'N ,OB ANC " .Trr - M,CT BE V,_ E-. ANv . 0.A-CN cRQM T^E C HENS CN, AN" -ON_n.T CNI :,IN H• lESE DPA'II 4S CHECKED C.G. DRAWN ��• � JGP HUFSEY-NICOLAIDES ASSOCIATES, INC. COMM. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JGp MIAM1, FLORIDA 10-89L © COPYRIGHTED 1999 RALPH J. BOUZA, AIA SHEET DATE TN19 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. ��_ 1J NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR 3/15/8 9 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS Of COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- FICALLY RESERVED. 1 r d G 07M R `A' �RAINTI(s,+IT }-IDUSE PANEL Cf�A1TERNTIGi-IT) AA E FUT"U2E TENANT" AND METERSCTYF MAIN 6REAK (RAINTIGNT) ry PROVIDE CLEARANCE F5ETI.JEEN &OLLARD AND CLEC,7(21G0,L EQJIP AS REQUIRED B FUTURE TENANT SPACE ELECTRICAL LAYOUT BY OTHERS (TYPICAL) APPROXIMATE PARTITION LOCATIONS (TYPICAL) 3�_ ❑ 'I G C G III ❑ L] III I�� CODED NOTES SCHEDULE 1Q STUB UP AND CAP a 2" EMPTY CONDUIT FROM GUTTER 'A' FOR FUTURE FEEDERS. O STUB UP AND CAP a 1 1/2" EMPTY CONDUIT FROM GUTTER 'A' FOR FUTURE FEEDERS. 30 STUB UP AND CAP a 1'I EMPTY CONDUIT TO FUTURE TELE- PHONE BACKBOARD. FLOOR PLAN 1 /8" R A L P H 1. BOUZA, A.I.A. 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 445-5043 ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA WRITTEN OIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECE, OENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS CONTRArTORS SHALL VERIFv AND BE RES RONS'BIE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND �ONOITIONS SHOWN BY 'HESE DRAWINGS CHECKED C.G. DiiAW N (� HUFSEY - NICOLAIDES ASSOCIATES, INC. COMM. U�,p CONSUL".NG ENGINEERS -jGp MIAMI, FLORIDA 10-89L 890051 :CD COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. SOUZA. Al SHEET J DATE THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. C NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR E � 1 3/15/89 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT, ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- FICALLY RESERVEDI. 1 Aa 45426 VOLTAGE -PANEL w '• MOUNTING. MAINS NMI ■�©ilio�®SIN Bill Bill�0��0e Mill®��iaae�l� m .� Bilim���.� 11111����� mill Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill m���.� BillPHASE 'KVA, CONNECTED. A VA PHASE 8 VA -2)4o AMP. CONNECTED. PHASE C VA 2440 MAIN DISC. 3P-600A — WITti GLASS'L' LIMIT046 FUSE RAIN4nc;NT) NE HA 3R ENL.OSUt2E i If 3 0- 5141C TO GIAWP AND 5/61 I DIAX � 10 1-01-461 C.CFPE2 GLAD GROUND DRIVIN ROD 2 WUIJS Or- '4 ErIPr-( tajDUrj'- FOR FUTUIZE �,ePvIaE INLiLE4Gi�-+ / FUTURE TENANTS MAIN GUTTER 'A' SIZED METERS BY OTHERS / AS PER NEC 373-6(a) (TYPICAL.) (RAINTIGHT) �1 I�OUSi METEQ� $00 I 3 $DL �.',� 1 0 1 �LL J L J L` J 1, Lr , Lr R L J L J L_ 3R H - 4#(o-1GG —� 3R T T T 2 RUN5 Oc ( 3 4 500MCM y I # 5sc MGIi (N)\ 14 - 3'/2" C EAC_-H TO POIJF_2 COMPAINIY POLE. 'STU6-UPON POLE AND TERMINATE AS CIREGTfi© BY POWER CO. LEAVE 16FT CAeA_E: SLACK HOUSE PANEL 'H' (RAINTIGHT) NEMA 3R ENCLOSURE ELL_ECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM N.T.S. (0 POLE MECN HELD RELAY ZENITH 'MSG' 56RIF-$cANT20LL1NGl CK75 # H • 1115 CLEAVE 2P- 5P,ARE) SPDT TIME t>O INT$IZMAATIC \14500 GR 5ERIES SPACE FC SPACE 6E6 FLODR PLAN FOR CONDUIT SIZES SHT. g-I NOTE: ALL HAWS '5*ALL 5S RATED FOR 42000A tY"M Rr75 ,SHORT CIRCUIT' GV R REIJT GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES I. MINIMUM WIRE SIZE SHALL BE #12 THHN'THWO 2. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER. 3. CONDUCTORS #6AWG AND LARGER SHALL BE THW. 4. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE RUN IN CONDUIT. 5. CONDUIT IN FINISHED AREAS SHALL BE CONCEALED. 6. CONDUIT IN UNFINISHED AREAS SHALL BE EXPOSED. 7 FUSES SHALL BE DUAL ELEMENT, TIME DELAY TYPE 8. INSTALL NYLON POLL 5TRING'm IN ALL EMPTY CONDUITS FOR FUTURE USE. 9. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE U.L. APPROVED. 10. WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE TO BEST COMMERCIAL PRACTICE. II. INSTALLATION SHALL BE IrJ ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND NATIONAL CODES. - LOAD CALCULATIONS (BASED ON 120/208V, 30 SVCE. VOLTAGE) 1. GUTTER "A": a) FUTURE TENANTS [A - 1200ft2 (TY� OF 12) (OFFICE SPACE 25%)-300ft2 X 15 /ft2 4.5KVA (WAREHOUSE SPACE 75'"'-900ft2 X 7 /ft7 6.3KVA TYPICL SPACE 10.8KVA X 12 nA 10.8KVA 129.6KVA b) FUTURE TENANTED - 3366ft2 (OFFICE SPACE 25/.)-842ft2 X 15W/ft21 12.6KVA (WAREHOUSE SPACE 75Y,)-2,524ft2 X 7'/ft2 17.7KVA 30.3KVA c) FUTURE TENANT ©-2880ft2 (OFFICE SPACE 25'',)-720ft2 X 15W/ft2 10.8KVA '(WAREHOUSE SPACE 75E',)-2�60ft2 X 7W/ft2 15.1KVA 25.9KVA d) HOUSE PANEL 'H' _ 1,4KVA 19 3. 2- KVA -L 360V= 53b.7A 1%] 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 R A L P H B0UZA/ A•'•A• 11 (305) 445-5043 ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION FLUORESCENT FIXTURE F--�-1 FLUORESCENT FIXTURE, BARE STRIP qINCANDESCENT FIXTURE, CEILING OR WALL $a SINGLE -POLE TOGGLE SWITCH, 20A-125/277V.49",SWITCH "o" t;3 THREE-WAY TOGGLE SWITCH, 20A-125/277V,+48" DUPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLET, I5A-125 V,3 WIRE,+18" V JUCTION BOX TELEPHONE WALL OUTLET,WALL MOUNTED.* IS" T Tw THERMOSTAT OUTLET MOTOR, SIZE AS INDICATED ® MOTOR STARTER OR CONTROLLER 3 F� a ZD' DISCONNECT SWITCH 3-NO. OF POLES, 30-3W, RA MC 20-FUSE SIZE F-FUSE SIZEt?AS PLR AjC HkRER. NAMEPLATE _ LIGHTING OR GENERAL PANELBOARD ® DISTRIBUTION AND/OR POWER PANELSOARD OR GUTTER CONDUIT RUN CONCEALED IN WALL OR CEALING 3R DENOTES "RAINTIGHT" EOUIPMENT WP DENOTE S"WF A THERPROOF"EOUIPME NT EC EMPTY CONDUIT AFF ABOVE FIIJISi+ FLOOR ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA WRIT'EN MMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECE DENCE OVER SCALE DIMENSIONS CONTRACTORS SHALL v ERIFY AND BE RES PONSIBLE FOR AL. DIMENS'ONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND THIS OFFICE MUST BE NOTIFIED Of ANY VARIATION FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONO TONS SHOWN BY -.ESE DRAWINGS CHECKED C.G. DRAWN _Y F ET-NICOLAIDES ASSOCIATES, INC.CONSULTING ENGINEERS MIAMI, FLORIDAFLORiDA 10-89L B9cca © COPYRIGHTED 1989 RALPH J. BOUZA, AIA SHEET DATE THIS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR E-2 $t15IB9 WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HEREBY SPECI- D t FIr Al l V mrQFovFn 1 A► 45426 GENERAL PLUMBING NOTES: a ,, i FLOOR PLAN 1. BOUZAI E I 2" TO NEAREST CATCH BASIN. SEE CIVIL DWGS. FOR CONT. 3/4" H.B. W/VACUUM BREAKER +24" ABOVE GRADE (TYP) 4" STUB & CAPI w1p r n (TVP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C.W. PIPING COPPER TYPE "L". SOIL, WASTE AND VENT PIPING P.V.C. SCHEDULE 40. A/C CONDENSATE DRAIN P.V.C. SCHEDULE 40. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES AND FIELD CONDITIONS. PROVIDE VACUUM BREAKER AND SHUT-OFF VALVE IN ALL HOSE BIBBS. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE CODES. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FFOM ALL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A BUILDING PERMIT. CONTRACTOR DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES SHALL OBTAIN ALL THE NECESSARY INSPECTIONS AND COMPLETE ALL NECESSARY PAPERWORK REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. NOTE: INVERTS ARE BASED ON A FINISHED FLOOR DATUM OF 0.001. " SANITARY. EE CIVIL DWG. FOR CONT. VERTICAL VE IN CONC. 2-1/2" CW, SEE CIVIL DWGS. FOR CONT. AIRMEN DAMNSIONS ON *HESE DRAMNGS SHALL HAVE PRECE- DENCE OVER SCALE CONTRACTORS OOEITT ANDIIg SHALL VEINS (i SE P NCIALL Dime ,S EOM ALL CONDITIONS O AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOS AND THIS OFFICE MUST 9E ATI NOTIFIED W ANY HE VARIATION igpD THE DITIDQSDSH AND CDNDI M D SHOWN IY THESE DRAWINGS CNECKtD HUFSEY-NICOLAIDES ASSOCIATES, INC. H.s. 1 MF CONSULTING ENGINEERS 'M MIAMI, FL0INOA OPIAWIV COMM. 10-89L ^ 0FYR1414 D I B`) IIAL N J BOUZA, AIASHEET 149 SEVILLA AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 STR LUCIE INVESTMENTS THIS ARCHITECTURAL GNAWING IS GIVEN INCOMIOENCE D OATH NO USE ON DISSEMINATION MAY SE MADE WITHOUT "ION • - 3/15/8 9 WRITTEN CONSENT OI THE ARCHITECT. ALL CONIION LAW' A • • (305) 445-5043 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA RIGHTS Of COPYRIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HERESY SPEC/- Of 1 1 00'02'06" W r') z �z w f ' W 00 J � Z In z w U a z Q or 0 � N I 4" CEMENTED COQUINA SHEL LROCK COMPACTED TO 98 e OF MAXIMUM --- DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 120.00' 1" TYPE S-III .A.C.S.C. 8" STABILIZED SUBGRADE-75 P.S.I. FBV - COMPACTED TO 987 MAXIMUM DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 PAVING DETAIL z PROP. ROAD EL.=11.54 • / - - - - -CONSTRUCT FLUSH HEADER CURB -'-1 INV. 9.26' - R42.00' N 00'02'06" E 0= 72'53'43" PROP. ROAD EL.=17.62' R = 25.00' 11. 99 T = 18.46' L = 31.81' CONST 25 L.F. OF 21" X 15" C.A.P. 0 0.1% - INV. EL. = 8.61' PROVIDE SOFT PLUG FOR FUTURE CONNECTION 0= 162'53'43" R = 60.00' T = 398.98' L = 170.58' FUTURE CONSTRUCTION 20 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 6'-8" m 3,000 P.S.I. CONCRETE aD I I ENDWALL iN I 6" TYPICAL FOOTING (TYPICAL) B" 8" #4 BAR CONTINUOUS i V-8" 01 2 #5 BARS HEADWALL DETAIL CONST, TYPE C INLET GRATE EL. = 10.75' INV. EL. = 8.58' r EXIST. EL.=7.0' 11.38' 60'-12" Y 18" RCP WITH MITERED ENDWALLS SFWMD PERMIT PROJECT CRITERIA 1. 10 YEAR ROUTED STORM ELEVATION = 9.29' 2. 100 YEAR 3 DAY STAGE ELEVATION = 11.20' 3. MINIMUM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION = 12.00' 4. ASSUMED IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE = 80% 5. ACTUAL COVERAGE FOR PHASE 1 = 12%f CONST. 180 L.F. OF 21" X 15" C.A.P. WITH MITERED ENDWALL - INV. = 8.40' CO STRUQT TYPE'A' CURB "A.V1NC AND DRAINAGE NOTES i I 1. All construction to be in aecorddnwith ih,, Florida 10. The Engineer and St. Lucie County shall be notified r 26.00' ^^ 11..:95` /'-1 1L.9S 10 15 ; . Department of Transportation County for inspection of subgrade, base and asphalt, at least DECORATIVE "STAMPED" CONCRETE: ENRANCE SLAB FLUSH WITH PARKING AREA (TYPICAL) �I o e:y r) 11.53' R. 1,, _ ___� PROPOSED BUILDING F.F.E.=12.0' 11.62' a.. 1 i< 4f.! 11.53' iN 11.25' G �*r _ DRAINAGE SUMP CuN11,1, TYPE C INLET 4G,00' Gr2A rE EL. = 7JV.-)�' 9070M EL. - .80' -' 11.38' I.000'"'_'_" 11.95' 8.00' 8. 1- 71.00 : 8rvi 10.75'' \- FLUME 558.16 1/2" CHAMFER i 'OP OF ASPHALT n- �11 "UOUS CURB DETAIL 'OP OF ASPHALT .,,,,,N000S HEADER CURB DETAIL requirements and specifications, as irpl 24 hours in advance of subsequent construction. I '�- 26,00' - 2. Roadwork within Business Patk Dr i.qi�, c:l-way is 11. Concrete pipe shall meet the requirements of the subject to permitting and approva ri,,. ,;�: v,.rnmental Florida Department of Transportation Standard authority having jurisdiction. - Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, In latest edition, Section 430 and Section 941. ------ { 3. Disturbed areas shall be restoruo o i.hr: r original j I condition. All unpaved and uns�.,,l , . disturbed 12. Seeding and mulching shall be performed in accordance 11 during the construction shall be s„ <d �, r,i mulched in with the Florida Department of Transportation Standard accordance with Section 570 of the rf,fa n,.l,artment of Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, / I Transportation specifications. latest edition, Section 570 and Section 981. Sad shall meet the requirements of Section 578 and Section 11.95' 10.75: ' I 4. Materials for foadway paving 6 drain. c,> construction shall 981. meet applicable requirements fot .- a y ,r oi,r. ruction as j outlined in the Florida Dr iartmxt , f 'rt ,i„ ortation 13. Upright handicapped signs to be z C ��p 9 pp g provided at all w (FDOT) Standard Specifications, late!,, io,_ handicapped parking spaces, in accordance with the ---------. w Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and St. a 5. on -site striping shall be 4" whit., .t�:fti: paint (Type Lucie County requirements. w T-1) in accordance with rr, 1'- i, Ur lartment of Transportation Standard Spa ii „ t,. . Reflective 14. The Florida Department of Transportation approved Traffic Paint (Section 971-1 ). 01f ,-e etiiping shall local cemented coquina shellrock is an approved F be in accordance with the E'lorida Uep,irtment of alternative to limerock. Transportation Standard Spec!ficstf,r,a fut Reflective j ! z Traffic Paint, the Florida Drpartm,l,r f 'rr„nsportation 15. The contractor is to verify all existing stubout oz 'S',,"'. Traffic Operatiods Standards ai,d th- llrinua 1. on Uniform elevations prior to construction of on -site vi •.-. -- IU w Traffic Control Devices, unless o ;lt 1.v',, sper if ied on the improvements. Coordination with building contractor p(.ra,1 ts. All striping and marh:rj:; L„l be thermoplastic is required of the site work contractor. HD ,I .girt of ways. 16. Aluminum corrugated metal pipe shall meet the re - er,il neea�_g -o :,-,-, ,:, ,,cordance with the requirements of AASHTO M-196 and the Florida n� ration Standard Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (%n.ro2 Devices for Road and Bridge Construction, 1983 Edition, op_-siyns shall be Section 945. Field joints shall meet the Florida --- 46.00' _ Department of Transportation Standard Specifications --_-' Section 430-9. w1, stops, parking, minimum 28 day 17. Reference architectural drawings for sidewalk and -11.95' handicapped ramp construction. Department of 18. Refer to DOT Standards for mitered endwall - ._.. worki.,ng 1n their construction details (Index #272). by t he Eng3.oeer) .stcu ion. 19. Drainage sump to have "Goulds" sump pump Model DMP-2, i --�-" 115V, single phase, 1/3 hp dewatering pump or equal. _- .:n, e;nbgrade, '" ...-_ -r-denIm.ity, in .- -- 00 19' LEVEL 0 z _ 11.00' 10a5', _ M1 - 15' tig l5' l CONST 30 L.F. OF 1-1/2" GALVANIZED IRON PIPE - INV 8,3' ✓3' T FLOWLINE EL. 8.50, EDGE OF PAVEMENT EL. 10.75' 4" THICK CONCRETE to 3' FLUME DETAIL NOTCH THIS FACE B" DEEP FOR OPEN THROAT •--{I 21/2" TYPE "E" GRATES ARE CASTED - "-{ - 2" 2'' r1 1 r IN TWO SECTIONS o m A k l� O C� O 0 0 o ;o F s• m B � t� r� o¢ r-�o TYPE INLET .DIMENSIONS MAX• SIZE R.C.P. A B C D E C 2'-0" 3'-1' 2-4 3=0' I i" 18" E 3-0" 4-6" S-4" 4'-4' 1'-5" 30" E MODW 3-0' 4'-fi' 3'-4' 4'-4' 1'-5" 1 48" 04 NOTE. t4�;,eq 2'�f'2 1/2 (1) .SEE STD. PLAN FOR DETAILS WHEN USING THIS TYPE INLET WITH VALLEY ♦�4'p PLAN Lr��II T GUTTER ROAD SECTIONS m� -I I<11/2 J L2' -"1�1 V2� (2) FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE 0.07. L J GRATE 1984 STANDARDS INDEX No. 23�0 ` GENERAL NOTES r BEVELED EDGES: ALL EXPOSED CORNERS AND EDGES TO BE CHAMFERED 3/4' ` FOUNDATION MATERIAL: WHERE MATERIAL UNSATISFACTORY FOR FOUNDATION\Y IS ENCOUNTERED AT FLOW LINE, OMIT FLOOR AND CARRY WALLS DOWN TOSATISFACTORY F,2 FOUNDATION. BACKFILL TO FLOW LINE WITH CLEAN SAND.i -FOR GRATES: CAST IRON GRATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLA. D.O.T. SPECS. TRAFFIC BEARING GRATES. II_N-� INLET DETAILENERAL 3[[ GNOTES SECTION DATE REVISION CULPEPPER a Tem- TERPEN I NG,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS a LAND SURVEYORS FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA ST. LUCIE INVESTMENTS WAREHOUSE PAVING & DRAINAGE PLAN DESIGNED BY DETAILED BY CHECKED BY DRAWING NO B.C. A. C. B.C. DATE SCALE JOB N0. 3-27-89 1"= 30' 8754 OF