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M1'FR MI =III M IN wall rint shelving 26'11" � - 7 � stirs Receiving N Exfoting Demising Wall (verify 2 hour rated construction) I /) Lev. " t\ 60" x �--. 6' 1 " FM _ perMlon 60" a. � 1 c/lest � \ \ / - - Waiting _ tr O 21 Conference #1 F,'" : Common Path of Travel = 18' ' ' O /, 11 131 II 'j� 4 I� 121 D It I I: I• r F, 'e a d- = Food Bank ConSuling I I I � � � , --- ' _ 1 � , N d A I� ,I II II ' � ]I d II 4 It Common Path of r K II 1Z ::II: ..,,� Travel ,I ,I _______J__-__-_J--____-:J�__ i �.}. 20016 47' 1 11 %ry =77 7 7777 Chalrs fast..red together, permarr�nt l�ocat(on �7� � 77It 151011 4'0" 11"a, 0113'10" 4 d1 _au�uu � 11 u u u fixed pews -JLJ7777 5a n of Ua ry Path of Egrceo = 64' Fixed 5eatfng 155 persona 7" rlser Il NOTE; Project fs for interior renovation only, NO cxletfng CARPET f „� exterior or component/cladding components changed. All carpet shall be commercial grade, glue down with l__) Contractor shall provide all Permite as required. ASTM E 84'Glass A" rating p q PAINTING SCHEDULE Provide blockfng and deadwood as required for Code Paint shall befirst grade products of Sherman complfance, fire blocking or wall hung equipment Williams Co. . M15C. METALS InPrimcrterior DryKall Supply mfscellaneous metals as required to complete (1) coat interior grade latex drywall primer structure and other components, (2) two full coatis matte latex WALL STUDS FLUM31NONM Unless otherwise noted on Plans, wall studs snail alum- plumbing systah shall meet all requirements of the, FDC "Mech- fnfzed steak size & gge as Hated on Plans. anical Code", Fbrlda ADA and local requirements. Provide. all GYPSUM DKYWALL Permits and Inwections me Per FBC K-702.3.1 "Ail gypsum board materials and accessories required. shall conform to A5TM G 36, G 79, C 475, C 514, C 630, C 931, Materials C 960, G 1002, C 1047, C 1177, C 1178, C 1395/6, 1. Sanitary Waste PVC 2. Below gradesupply -Type "L" soft copper. rer "Firs ZesLs nr Desig�l nua ublished by the Gypsum 3. Abavagrada supply Type "K" rigid copper, sweated &flanged. A"�s n Firc testin per AN5UUL-263 HVAC system g p „3/1� HVAC system 4a[I be constructed per the 2010/12 FBC Mech, Code, 5TA4- E-5 ppsum Walk �o d 1as a Frame Spread Kating Florida Energy Code and other regulations me they apply, (F5K < 15, 0 5moke Developed) Air Conditioniry Ductwork shall be K-6 Ffberglas ductboard or flexible spiral duct installed per FBCIM & A5HKAE requirements FIRE CAULKING Contractor shall balance system and adjust air balance and control Seal around Ferfineter of fire rated partitions & mated systems as required for comflete operation. D/W ceflings w/ : ELECTKICAL NOTES - 3-M "Fire 13arrfer LP-25 WB+" fire rated caulking, Electrical Instillation and cgafpme t shall be in accordance w/ the re- A6E5C0 "FP 2000 FiZ" expanding foam. quirements of the 2008 Edition of the NEC (NFPA #70) as amended, ALL GYPSUM WALL60ARD AND AGCESSd�1E5 and all local and state codes In force at the time of construction, SHALL E3E MANUFAG f URED IN NOR AfAERIGA Provide all necessary permits. Ground system In accordance w/ Article 250 NEC, code compllancc & Llfc 5afcty Data F13C 2010/12, A5CE 7-10 Florida Fire Code (w/NFrA 101) 2010/12 - NEC 200a FI-3C "Existing" - Level 2 Alteration, Change of Occupancy Proposed - F5C 309,1 - Mercantile V' - 3417 5F + - - FBC 303.1 - Assembly "A-3" - 4167 5F + - Total Occupancy 7584 50F + - Type of Construction Gross Area = 21,550 SF + 1I-15 - Exfstfng Structure - Non-combustable, unsprfnkled FIX Table 503 - Max Allowable Area Group'V — 23,000 three floors max, � _1 Good Samaritan Leasehold Area Area ` Occupants \ Sanctuary ) 1,776 5F 155 - fixed seating l Children's Chapel ( 375 5F 54 0 7 5F Co. Church Offices & Admfni♦trative Area ` 2,100 5F 210100 5F ea. Church Kecycle Store (35% shelving &furniture) 2,724 5F 27 0 67 5F ea. Church Store Kecefvfng 609 5F 2 0 300 SF ea. (Gross squorefootages) Total Occupancy 7,564 5F 259 persons Means of Egress - Path of egress - minimum 44" clear width shall be maintained from primary to secondary points of egress. - Church sanctuary & office administrative area — 263 persons Kequired - by FBC 705.4.1 (2) nominal two 3065 egress doors, Including (1) ADA complfent Provided 0) 68" clear opening & (1) 32" clearopening, both ADA complierrt Primary Egress 66'clear opening /0.2" per person = W persons or 12M. of overall egress width rNulrement - Church recycle store & receiving area = 24 persons Provided (i) 66' clear opening & (1) 32" dearopening, both ADA complient Primary Egress 66'clear opening /0.2" per person = 340 persons or 1402% of overall egress width requirement drinking fountains a � � u e ,N , Drinking Fountain Elkay EZ5TLSLC - ADA Compliant l3arrfer free dual level water cooler 1 I M Y WIN .. n `` ■MEn■NOUN ■■■NO 0 p • • . • nN ° ■EENE■■■ON■��E� © • E3 0 OHM■■■■■MMMIP .. , 0 • • n ' ■■■■SOMEN ■■MM■ 0�3-Z� • nMM■n■MEnMEnnn ■C7■M■■ �! m • -= MMM MDI1n r EEC C7� m m • - .I MM■■ 5 ■�.■ $ © MOMS ■■M■■m ■MMMn■■N C7C7■ ■■■ mr ■■MMc■■EnnEE ■■ m m • ■■M■n■M■nn■EnnEn or] EnnE # ■Mn m • - i ■■moo M■■nn■n MnEMM�MMm . ■M■EnMM■nn■ } ■oM m O 0 2A1013C fire ext. Z 0 S steelcountcr reinforcing 1' p 3' F grab bars 'f hofcler 25" rom rear wall Pcccoofbic lav, - PA acccoo(ble vinyl base ater closet , typical I� �cc���ibLe ��-th De��if5 NT5 Li " Li iw I I I 0' 5' 10' 15' 2- 0' 25' U� V W N 4-1 J � 0 z S_ 42 2 S., L to � A3 L O -!� v FLE U_ o % ME TM O C q N aELEC: DATE: PLUM13' n DATE: O a$ 1a MECH: ADA . ' , _ ADA I�y q DATE son '•-_----1 .,. _...._! off" � LL O Accessibe route ' Accessible route per ADA0402.2 I i per ADA6A02.2 43 11 4 \V O V 830E Bus Park Or 6280 Due Park Or �` J nn� 8304 Bus Park Or M 1 4_ D IE 0 E Q 1V/ E 6262 Due Park Dr JAN 8 RECD 8302 Bus Park Dr iT rim ht. Design per ;FBC 2010/12 - ASCE 7-10 6284 Due Park Dr;' 160 mph word zone' Risk Category 2 she SEOFF< iV9. PO OR�O e Urinal Height Altcratiodl bevelI 2II- NFPA-70_ NEC- 2008 Index & Acceslb[e Route ?lam Il s' AND 13E- FREE OFSULPHUR OR 15lTRONTIUk"1 --- 0f "_! * � e CONTAMINATION. All material shall be UL approved & labdcd, \ s l5cale - 3/16" = 1' 0" - To Area = 7584 5F 08 _ ....................... __. .... .......... .... ...... ........ ......., ... .....,.. ............. I .......... ... _ .... 436.5 eF p 2r ox 5hellvh9 I ® Sales ® Office Waiting tr 5T. LUCIE COLtiTY FIRE DISTRICT \\ / counter ntteor 18' 6 it _ 1 ILEVIER'ED FOR CONfI LLAIN'CE \ I SUBJECT TO FIES TIONS ' \ —� \s— _ i o t SKEET ' \ Q SEE ATTACHED RL _ \ 19 21 REVIENNID BY: \ d 1aaTZ: I / I Common Path of / Emp, Lounge ( j _ Travel = 1611 / Furniture Display T _ / w I ® cl I F Lt+�7 ry ST I 4a' C?stL 1n.ClOII '41I 13V1p.11 ; 3 _41I// 1f101I T J L 1fIEET 8' 10 4 - o, aSEE 1 " i EWC relocate .-- / It = partitlon Aec W N Lo min. 44" clear f I=1 H O � 3 3 "-' '" FIRE DISTRIC` REN I' ---ON2LI 'CE SLR c �,D iOi kSEL RE SITEEI: DA-i : " ® "2AI 5C fire ext. 1 I I 1 I I � I 1 O1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 pathway (typical I 10 �';x a ic(ear a' ; food Bank all around) I -�y -- 60°"x S) V II rod, J; x6o" ,, 48' 60' x 51 O It X it 1 It �" x 1 48' ; , t , II IN / reloc„te 'V ; 60'�„ ; ; q 1.`/' 9 " ; i ! 4 12 0 / = partition . o / I x► 16 I �i; Common Path of I� �'' R 11 R Travel = 35' \ Id- 11 relocate 11' � ' Go., x i471111 \ a,0 MO E5 /---- CINI - 47' 1" M STORAGE AREA ONLY Store Keceivfng Existng Demising Wall (verifl 2 hour rated constructlon) I Childrr ensCappaeningether,ermant locato Net Area = 375 5F / `7�7 000 700 I @ 7 sf each = 53 persons � �JJ O � I O LJ LJ li � � 000 A 1 ❑ O 11 1 ❑ 11 I ❑ 1 it 41 15D 40 154 911 310 4 LI I �� >7i5 Common_Fa_th o Travel = 25— 13 13 Closet Exf st.® T O� �• I � —/ — � tea. , MEMEME MEMENE p B .. MI MOM■■1ri■■■ ■■■■■■�■© 0 .... ■O■■■■■■ ■■■■■■MENNEN �■0 0 • •■■■■ L ■■ ■■■■■■�0 MMI = a■■■ ■■■a n■■■■■ m ■■■■M ■■■C7 ■■■■■■�■® m ■■MMORM® ■■■M . 3 ■ ®. m— ■■■ C MW■ ci hi' ry. ■ tir ■■■ m ■=® , f ■■■■ .y ■■■ L Alpp M■ L-5 ■■■ ®®■�■■■�■■■ ' fr> ■■ SLR ■■�_■m MO� .., :; ■■■■■F3■■■0 ■OM■O■■gym ®� ■■■13■■■®_ ■MM■■ 1 r+ Mm� ■■■U■■■M `{a ■O L3 ■®■ m I I I R) fixed pews pI III � I I O Path of Egress = 641 Sanctuary OFixed 5eatng 155 persons 7" riser I — ll Fro ject Notes '— �"-----' NOTE: Project Is for Interior ranovation only. NOexlsting exterior or corn components changed. CAK'.PET All carpet shall be commercial grade, glue down with "Class Contractor shall provide all Permits as required. ASTM E 84 A" rating PAINTING SCHEDULE Provide blocking and deadwood as required for Cade Paint shall be first grade products of Sherman compliance, fire blocking or wall hung equipment Williams Co. . interior Drywall MISC. METALS Supply miscellaneous metals as required to complete Prfmor (1) coat Interior grade latex drywall primer structure and other components. (2) two full coats matte latex WALL STUDS PLUMBING NOTES Unless otherwise noted on Ptans, wall studs shall alum Plumbing system shall meet all requirements of the FBC "Mcch- Intzed steel, size & figs as noted on Plans, anlcal Code", Florida ADA and local requirements, Provide all GYPSUM DRYWALL Permits and Inspections as Per F5C R-702.3,1 "All gypsum board materials and accessories required. shall conform to A5TM C 36, C 78, C 475, C 514, C 630, C 931, Materials 1. Waste PVC C 960, C 1002, C 1047, C 1177, C 1178, C 1395/6. . Below grade supply -Type "L" soft copper. 22. 15low g Per Flr�ReSist St,.Rts+g►�- MuaLP,ubl(shed by the Gypsum 3. Abovegrade supply Type "K" rigid copper, sweated &flanged. rA�S n, Fire testlme per AN51/UL-263�) 1 $5IAr1—€$�j Wa}}-beard'�as a Flame 5prtad Rating HVAC system shall be constructed per the 2010/12 FBC Mech. Code, Florida Energy Code and other regulations as they apply. 15, 0 5mo Developed) Air Conditioning Ductwork shall be K-6 Fiberglas ductboard or flexibic (F5R < t spiral duct Installed per FBC/M & A5HKAE requirements MIZE CAULKING Contractor shall balance system and adjust air balance and control Seal around Pertmeter of fire rated partitions &rated systems as required for complete operation. D/W cciltngs w/ : ELECTKICAL NOTES - 3-M "Fire 5arrier LP-25 W5+" fire rated caulking. Electrical installation and equipment shall be in accordance w/ tho ro- - ASESCO "FP-2000 FIV expanding foam. qufrements of the 2008 Editlon of the NEC (NFPA #70) as amended, ALL GYPSUM 14ALL50AR0 AND AGGE'5'!50 E5 and all local and state codes In force at the time of construction, SHALL 5F— MAHUFAGTURED IN NORTH AMERIGA Provide all necessary permits. Ground s stem in accordance w/ Article 250 NEC Code Compliance & Lffe safety Data FBC 2010/12, ASCE 7-10 Florida Fire Code (w/NFPA 101) 2010/12 - NEC 2006 FBC "Existing" - Level 2 Alteration, Change of Occupancy Proposed - FBC 309.1 - Mercantile I'M" - 3417 5F + - - F6C 303,1 - Assembly "A-3" - 4167 5F + - Total Occupancy 7584 5DF + - Type of Construction Gross Area = 21,550 5F +- II-B - Existing Structure - Non-combustable, unspr!nkled FBC Table 503 - Max Allowable Area Group IV — 23,000 three floors max. Good Samaritan Leasehold Area % Area Occupants \m Sanctuary 1,776 5F 155 - fixed seatfng Children's Chapel 375 5F 54 0 7 5F ea. Church Offices & Administrative Area I 2,100 5F 210100 OF ea. 1 Church Recycle Store (357. shelving & furniture) 2,724 5F 27 0 67 5F ea, Church Store Keceiving t 609 5F 2 0 300 OF ea, (Gross square footages) Total Occupancy ` 7,564 5F 259 persons Means of Egress�- - Path of egress - minimum 44" clear width shall be maintained from primary to secondary points of egress. - Church sanctuary & office administrative area — 263 persons Kequired - by FBC 705.4.1 (2) nominal two 306e, egress doors, Including (1) ADA compliant Provided (1) 68" clear opening & (1) 32" clearopenfng, both ADA compliant Primary Egress 68"clear opening /0.2" per person = 34o persons or 129% of overall egress width requirement - Church recycle store & receiving area - 24 persons Provided (1) 68" clear opening & (1) 32" clearoponing, both ADA compliant Primary Egress 681'clear opening /0.2" per person = 340 persons or 1402% of overall egress width requirement I I drinking I y fountalne N �I Drinking Fountain I Elkay EZ5TL8LC - ADA Compliant Barrier free dual level water cooler I I � 1 1 I I � / I "THESE PLA JS A119 ALL PROPOUD WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY PIEcLD INSPEC70MG THAT MAY BE N>'ECEMANY IN ORM TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. mlrr to vottom of ref1, surface LE CU etc®l counter I reinforcing 1' O" grab bars TF holder 25" /from rear wall accessible lav, ADA accessible water closet FEB 1 1 RECD SCANNED BY us��E i�uuU N � U�+,U UUN— L V EL�U3 +3 s L USNp S s� NF h d o NOS XD 1 T3+` UN L o It0LLrQ,h 1) 0 d U -6 U oja.m S to CL h � U U U US Z--Z S LS x+10 0 = 1 �¢NnoU 7d m 1c E 3 o U N o +' L. `� n '6 `L m" LU U � i vinyl base Its typical a Di 2A1013C fire ext. A h C�e-��i[s NT5 0 T N l0 emu- Lo ' CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMEf IL LL o ARE THE RESPONSISIMY OF THE C01011 0111 OF ROM S N � en 0V4*-� L.,;I I) tl r- t l Scale - 3/16" = V 0" 1—, 1-1 r--i 1••, 0' 5' 10' 15, 2C' 25' ADA ADA We. pk'o. oleo ______i elfin Acceaelble routa , , Acceeslbla route per ADAO 402.2 ; per ADAG 402.2 , 6306 Bus Park Dr 6280 Bus Park Dr 8304 Bus Park Dr n ...e....o.. 8282 Bus Park Dr f 1 2 - --- ! 6302 Bus Park Dr rim EEC 2010i12 ASCE 7"10 8284 Bus Park Dr sa ILL ® a ® C ° U b � a L � � O O I ne5lgn + - zone, N Category 2 �' �P�� sh e \ 1160 mph wind oft , k 961 , Urinal He ht ' Alteratlofl Level 2 AFFA-70 NE,, 2008 I Index & Accessible koute Flan AND 5= FREE 1)FSUL.PHUR OR STRONTIUM Y 11 I II A GONTAMINAT30N• All material shall be ULapproved &labeled. _ —.— Seale 3/ =$' Q Total Area = 7584 5F Sanctuary — .._..... ....... ..... ........ .......... ............. ............ ..W _ _....._................................. 55 —, r FEB 1 1 2015 3 Public Works St. Lucie County, F,- 31 Pfice 5tore existing steel roof structure to rcmefn / 20 gage mom. 2x6 / — steel stud braces C&D 6' o/c / Sanctuary / , / / / / / / O I to � I / I � 1, 1, 1, 1, Z'x4' acoust(c grid ceding Off i 0 e Unrated D/W partition - one layer 1/2" D/W each side of 20 gage 15/8" x 5 5/8" alurr(m(zed steel studs 61) 2' 0" c/o typical base & track detail D/W Partition , O . Office Existing drywall partitlon or CB5 waft �� 1 New mom. 4" D/W part(tfom - (1) layer 1/2" D/W / each side of 1 5/6' x 3 5/6" - 20 gage aluminized steel studs 0 2' 0" o/c I I \ ONE HOUR RATED D/W Partftloin - (1) layer I fasten rear \ 5/8" Type "X" FCDW each side of 15/6, x 3 5/5" ` chair legs I - 20 gage aluminized steel studs 0 2' 0" c/o ! together I �) - 5eal a llaround w/ approved fire foam/caulk pp wl (2) host � TWO HOUR RATED D/W Partitfon - (2) layers clamps 5/8" Type "X" FCDW each side of 1 5/6, x 3 5/8" - 20 gage aluminized steel studs 0 2' 0" c/o I 5eal allaround w/ approved fire foam/caulk I i 3" x 3" angle w/ self tapping I ONE HOUR RATED D/W Ce(limg - (2) layers 5/8" Type "X" FCDW each side of 1 5/6' ' x 7 5/6 yp screws to rear chair leg & 1/4" x 2 1/4" Tapcon's to slab 0 I •, ] - 20 gage aluminlzed steel studs 0 2' 0" o/c - 5eal allaround w/ approved fire foam/caulk , i xe 5e at i n g i? et i l I - Provide OH support wires @ 4' 0" o/c along I ex,fstfng each rafter I I Note: All chaire in a row Shall be fastened I ut,flity elnk I together, each end chair shall bcfastenecl Seal around F'crimetcr w : ' to the floor a5 shown above 3o°x48" clear area - 3-M "Fire 13arrier LP-25 W5+" fire rated II L--1 ---�,\ caulking. 14 \ �� 2a" bf-lcvcIADA\ - A5E5C0 "FF-2000 FK" expanding foam, water Goole \ It- X G"P 1-way FD OII I II II II II a Emp. Lounge 12' 0 " 41 N cut -back existing ce(i(ng drywall, remove 1,I _ blocking & install continuous D/W per Note \\ cont.2x cleat calgleopen(ng --EGVC about \ COD each ouppor - \� lam. coveredplywood 1/21, BGX lam, covered Typical Ceiling Fire Damper Detail w/ a" overhang r ply'd. plywood ouports @ �GG VV Instal( per Manufacturer's UL acceptance for i hour rating. / 4' o' c/o i _ / 30"x UL Label re-settablc automaticfir damper kD „ 8 x 12 access panel I P pt fasten In sleeve I \ 1/21, 6CX a(nted (face as shown on Plan) \ 5/8" D/W facing pelywoorl Flex -duct jofm per ASHRAE Saal all around per SMACNA details wood base \\ facing details ------ ___ __ -------- --T;--� Fusable L(nk PT 2x4 late w' 1/4" x 4" Ta conk gay. sspen- p „ p lu \ cone. screws @ 2 0 o/c 1 5/8" x 5 5/8" 4"x4"24gage (-`_____ " galy, steel angle sfon WIre5 Pei\ Mf r.Detall5 Counter Section �\ i - 20 gage ------- -- fasten all around - -—_- ^ s aluminized steel rafters T(t- t t t t _.. ff ��1 ®11�`---'� 0 2' 0" o/c - sol(d 2x4 fire �' Hall/Entry blocking all around Grille per Plan / C(' ®1t ONE HOUR RATED CEILING - UL Design #P-515 yyJJ Two layers 5/8" Firccode D/W G 2' 0" o/c Acoue. Cl seal around g. C o of All penetrations 5HALL be fire rated aceustfc t o grid telling 81 ®1 alum. "L" channel all around LAMS AND ALL PROPOSED WIUkK C J IZFZ �/W C I WE SUBJECT TO ANY COWIECTION5 1/2" D/W ceflfng smooth f(nfsh H Entry p O 6Y PI&6 I1Y IN RTRe THAT r U REfAAY BE TO BE APP supported on 15/8" x 5 5/8" galy. steel studs a 16" 0/0 a WITH ALL I ABLEORDER I\ COMPLY Vt"17E� ALL �1C�PLId,�ELE CODES, 5 a n l/ MP ?,cotroom TWO HOUR RATED WALLS - UL Design #U-419 -two layers 5/6" Firecode D/W each side of 20 gage 15/5" x 5 5/8" aluminized steel studs a 2' 0" c/o ni 011 ONE HOUR RATED WALLS - UL Design #423 - one layer 5/8" Firecode D/W each sfde of 25 gage 1516, x 3 5/8" aluminized steel studs 0 2' 0" o/c painted wood base trim all around 1 5/8" x 3 5/8" 25 gape aluminized steel track w/ 3/16" x 1 1/4' TAPCON cant. screws a 2' 0" c/o 0 a 01 MAN 0 N L N / 12'x24" L21°° a 1-way (3 E C� uS�3m FD access v� L o�a+o t(ng f erior ;Q uS 0v n" / -3"be w I,21��Q� i O 24" x 24° 0° v U RAG 3ILto IL FD s °s z o o - 1 HW+�voU�Q Food Bank F = ---- E 3 U L --- -- is----- H a I , o 0 ° `•� • 22 Q I I I I E 1 , 23 .� r - -way } u N n o 1-- -------, I FD access 1 I I � � � 1 I, I �J wa FD Y Acc ' ;I I acce $L h i h 11 / 9 IFS I, 1,I, II II II II I 1 �'ai/tJa� �'�ai'1 scale-3/161t_11®II 01 51 10, 151 20, 251 Design per: EBC 2010/12 - A5CE 7-10-160 mph wind zone, - 1Ziek Category 2- Alterat61® Lcvcl '2" - NIEF'A-70 - NEC-200a Kcquired Plumbing Fixtures Occupancy = 115 Men , 115 Women Required per FRCP Table 403.1 5uppl(ed ** Water Closets Lavatories Water Closets Lavatories Male Female Male Female Male* Femal Mai Femal 1 2 1 1 2* 2 2 2 (1) Utility 51nk & 51-level drinking fountain required & provided * (1) addition urinal provided ** (1) addition WC & Lay. provided (n Children's RR Metal stuc wall framR 1/21, D/W sodd 2x4 a head & Jamb Colonial trim shim doorframe door frame w/ Ict-fin stop door a (Verify existing dimension,5) kelocate Existing Interior Windows tempered clear glass in wood frame (Verify tempering marks on glass) 5/8" FCDW mom. 2x4 250/25 gage galy. metal studs wood 2x4 blocking all around UL Label 45 min. door & frame w/closer UL Label 45/90 min. rater HM door frame 0 : LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVSV PLUMB: DATE: (I MECH: DATE:.4 5/8" D/W metal wall studs w/ #10 pan -head screws a 10" c/o 2x4 wood head, jamb & sill caelme trim wfmdow frame from 2x6 1" inside corner trim 1/4" clear tempered glass Head, Jamb t t 1 I t � 45m(nutc ratin Fixed Interior Window 5•'' M. _2 SCaI - 1 = 1 D 1Z-2 Two Hour Katcd One Hour hated -2 U�iratcd Parttor -2 5mi[mu(90 siatime /double la erg/aFCDw p p J• ��N Walls - UL Dee( n #425 y (Verify ten cHmo mark on each a l s - UL Pes(on # U419 9 each side of wall framing) - U r rat ed - Ce(l(ng - UL Design #P515 _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ __ � . '•, AFF<v6� ; Wa � W N nz U L � a ;s = o L V V � � 1 Q N 61 0 1�'v "E 0 µ 'uQ't� U L 0)E n S `a O N �F N� � b � - 0 U_ u L rb 0 •� Q N O o 5hcet I 5amctuary Wall existfng cone. slab to remain G Hall EhcloSure Hcaei, Jamb' �,= HcaGi, Jam}? AHU #1 AHU #2 NOTE existing AHU's shown are suspended from steel bar-,Jolets w/ supply & return directly into surrounding space ...... t ry J � Office AHu #10,_ a F ®D ' LLG6e Insta due ad RA Install ' � 1=-------"----' 4" x2411 ducted iZA RAG aL out cant. slab as shown, install PVC sanitary drains & compact. Provide termite treatment, place ,006 poly vapor barrier & pour mfn 4" cone. slab - finish flush w/ exist, floor, AHU #3 2" loop to exist VTR Modify Exi 6t. T' 6 400 of mri -� f 1�®....._��—__ L` 8"dia 1 10 dia T 150 cfm as, 400 CFM I 300 cfm ACG W OA inlet I I \ I 100 C;Acc \ I exh fa \ volume � ��damper r% -- -L; M I I 1 I . I .i •.. 3" PVC to WC'e 1 .ft C W100 CFM exh fans Acc M s & urinal /O, x 16" i-way '� It / E.V�.4. E.V .4. 1 x (n tall / du tad RA "xi6" 1-way i=ood Bank: - FD ? ? accosa ..D.®.� E Waiting 141 T IL u- V � Coe. 1 0 - �a y install du{ctcd RA. �. Mlnlmurti VCntilatlon KatCO -From FBC "M" 2010 - Table 403.3 Space Occupancy Area (5F) 5F/Person # People CFM Each Req'd. CFM Remarks Sanctuary A-3 1650 Fixed 5eating 155 5 775 Chfldren's Church A-3 375 7 54 5 270 Recycle Store M 2724 67 41 7.5 30a WH/Storage 5-1 609 0.12 / 5F 73 Adm(n/Offfce M 2100 100 21 5 105 Hall O,A,Via infiltration - 475 5F/ 100 Reetrooms M 234 1 / 5F 234 = 5 ersons 0 5 cfm each = 25 of in Total 271 1765 HVAC Equipment Equipment Capacity O.A. setting (CFM) Exhaust (CFM) Remarks A/C System #1 3 tons 0 EF-1 400 CFM A/C System #2 3 tons 0 A/C System #3 3 tons 150 A/C System #4 3 tons 150 A/C System #5 3 tons 75 A/C System #6 3 tons 270 EF-2 1045 CFM A/C System #7 3 tons 250 -- A/C -System #a 3 tons 250 A/C system #9 3 tons 250 relocate from Office area A/C System #10 4 tons 340 200 (bath vents) new system, connect to exist. ductork Infiltration thru entry doors for remafnder Total 2120 RR Vent Fan "* 4-00 ** verify operation of exist, fans, add (1)100 cfm - Inlet air ductwork shall be spiral round, size as shown, support per FBC/M & A5HRAE requirements, - Provide volume dampers set for CFM shop - Inlet ductwork connections to be fabricated from standard w cfght fiberglass ductboard. 400 cfm t•- t.� thru-wall AHU #4 \ exh, fan \ AHU #4 R A/C unit Chfldren's Chapel .. . 4" Ala %� \ I ,1, I 75 cfm \ AHU #6 XF [� II [®�y. .. �/ ,-�+•_ �1rI 8d"ia. 16" Id �fa 4 . . . . . . 520 cfm� E- 1050 CFM r® —r— — —®�------ OA Inlet dia.5dia � ( / 250 cfm t T I /250 cfm `_ _ I. ,� ._ �. y. y. I AHU #8 . . 8" dia. metal duct AHU #5 . . . I. . . . [3 71. ® i I -� 10' x 16" thru wail .. . . . .. . . . . 1050 cfm gravity return vent T . y .. ... i. thru-wall F ®:4 I. CAH. fan 125 cfm volume. . . .. ... .. Sanctuary connect fie EWC to existing Lounge 2" loop in telling sink drafn / 11/2" PVC space connect \ i to existing VTR �'' ,� damper I. 3" PVC to WC's 1 I T ,ram` r '77p2.= _(] — 1 w o i y. ----- . . . . . . . . . .� ducted RA . . . 1Zecycle Store Keveiving 0 00 relocate AHU I . 4- #7' �G h h 1 Ga Scale - 3/16 _ �I O�� ® I Add ceffng grid fn sanctuary o \\revfec HVAc supply/returns LF 010, 15' 20' 25' ~' NOTE: The "Exi5tilg" HVAC equipment Shown above represents the actual installation to the best of my professional knoledge & belief. All equipment & ihe,--F.AllgtinI details shall be verifies on -site. Min, # of FlZUre5 (W-FTable403.1) M V M Actual W W/C 1/150 1/T 1/145 1/48 \verifydraln I ' location \cap existfng sanitary drains 000� below slab & fthfn all cavity, patch all ffnfshes as required extend 3" PVC from exfctfng sanitary line to new fixtures 11/2" PVC to urinal & lav's 5ahitary 1,iocr NT5 I THESE PLAJNa Ai'?D ALL PROPO&,Ela WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY C011REC T IONS RE'QUIRE'D BY PIELD DiSpficM g THAT MAY BE NECESSA4WY IN ak-)" TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, 3/4" bath group shut- off 3/4" Cu 0H to bath group Fy O,T/St, �hE (hook) 1/2" Cu supply & stops to each fixture shown Cold Water Kiocr NT5 - no ater heater on-efte �I—E0F MAR -3 AECO i Lav 1/200 1/5a Design per : E5C 2010/12 - A5CE 7-10 Thl e.F• 1/500 1/290 -160 mph wind zone, K 5k Category 2 //��` 5erv• 51n 1 1 Alteration Level '2" - NFPA-70 - NEC-200k ..... ......G, i +3 i U p S Us9�� , 43 S N L N 3 p'U W NpU-{1U is i i Eiei�3 S i Us Nz 43 S 'Do V- oSF U' L U xj�� NLisNp U� i 3 p U p L00 ap�o US L �U t is u}si F%Pubt U� �\ L LU S d m t0 o Z o S_ p a v +L1 � U m � vu nL U) u g o O IL xz — R IL E U p U p 9 m , E �a lQ � b � L o 0b" t � � v � � u b J � � Q s O O ads SheCt ft i -15 �tA o I One i 7CR0008519 � •� — -- ._..r � ©v O Stock ?Zoom o\ c\trol sta. ^� projector / l , 0 projector ' .. gQ(all) Exlet. T 1�er0v��tioh E[ectrica[ F[a+i 50alc - 3/16" =11011 0' 51 101 15, 20' Elcc. Symbol Legend 39-- duplex outlets at 20" AFF O Fi GFCI protected outlet switch at 36" AFF 1 3 3- way switch at 36" AFF D dimmer switch at 36" AFF i] Motion detector switch 0 36" AFF 100 of Bath vent fan - connect to cxletfng roof jacks 25' ZV gage alurtlhd wA steel Stucle approved fie off ca -Sea( allaround w/approved fire foam/caulk - Provlde OH support wires 0 4' 0" o/c along each rafter UN-iZATED D,'W Colling - (1) layer 1/2" DW on 20 gage aluminized steel rafters i' 4" o/c - Provide OH support wires La 4' 0" o/c along each rafter No ffnlehod colling - space to be open to bar - joist & steel deck structural system. Ll - Seal D/W to roof deck I Jl I I J� ELECTRICAL NOTE5 NOTE: Electrical service, panelboards and HVAC wirfng Is existing and shall not be modfffcd unless minor repairs arc required. System shall be inspected by a Florida licensed Master Electrician who shall repairs as necessary for proper system operation. Electrical installations and equipment shall be In accordance w/ the requirements of the National Electric Code, 2008 edition (NFPA #70) and all local and state codes In force at the tfine of constructfon. Provide all necessary permits. All material shall be UL approved & labeled, Ground system fn accordance w/ Article 250 NEG. Provide an updated typewritten directory for each panelboard. 1Zaceway - all condult shall be EMT or NEC compliant armoured cable. Outlet boxes shall galy. stccl for gang size required. 5ectional boxes will not be acceptable. Provide conduit, junct(on boxes & covers as requlred to provide NEC required wire cloaranoc. Outlets shall be mounted at 18" AFF, 5wftchce at 3' S" unless otherwise noted. All circuits shall have a bonded ground connection with an actual copper ground wire to all outlets & devices. Light Fixture 5checlulc Mark Symbol Description Manufacturer & Catalogue Number Lamp Flnish Mounting Komarks Numborl Type, Watt Q 2' x 4' "dro in" p" N/A 4 T-12 - 4' 4000 K 40 White drop -in or suspended Reuse exlsting fixturee - suspend on wire drops 0 "open tolling" areas © 4' T 8 Fluorescent "cloud" wraparound surf Llghting "Puff' 2-32 UNV 2 T-g 41 4000 K 152 White Celling Mount w 1' 4" clear space below celling C exterior CFL fixture e-cono(I ht E-WW1F421WP g i Compact Fluoreseent 42(mou tAg 0" FF t%F box) f-] sharp out -off wall pack KA5 Llghting - (555) 722-1000 WP-iCH50-Wrl- w/ quad -tap ballas 1 MH AFF 100 o CL box) - White ach fixture t Wall have photocell ® ® Exit light (90 m(n, battery backup) 6aghalll - VA4-K-5A LED White Universal 90 min. battery backup O Emergency light (90 min. battery backup) Begheill - XLP-52 2 MK-16 White Universal 90 m(n. battery backup ® Combo exit / emergency light 90 min, batter backup Grainger 4PH15 White Universal 90 min. battery backup p O v v v v single circuit 4' track light w/ four adjustable heads 4 MK-16 / mou te ow White o ecLED Overhead e nlstrut Surf Lighting, (nc. - 210 West 24th 5trect, H(alcah, Fl 33010 (305) aaa-7a5l NL - Night Ifght - connect to Individual circuit breaker marked "Night Llroht Always Leave On" THESE PLAINS AND ALL PROPOSED a'ru. ,°, ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REOUIRBD BY FIELD INSPECVPG THAT MAY BE NECEBBA'2Y IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPL IPACLE COD 7-, Design per : F5G 2010/12 - A5CE 7-10, Kick Category 2 -160 mph wind zone Alteration Levu 1211 NFFA-70 - NEC-2008 ..................................................................................... i Rom, O 4l IL S� D--:a 1:13 N 0 L S [� C= 0 � C) Q O o �