HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTEEL STRUCTIONSt SCANNSO BY ORDER FORM �• Ste LOW 00 y , t TOM FITLSIA4i140NS I (. • I 1-3t I L I .a' IN G` S 772-318-6700 EXT.102 Sol, r ]t; ]u, srri? u( 171y (. ' R E's TOM@CCIBUIDINGS.COM 10700 1i0:11) INEE€IIN® PLM.8 1101.. 1 11,34945 945 PAID IN IPULL1'11ON 11, >-:31x-6700 CUSTOMERS NAME .t ! II I 1+ II yl i ,`.+ +>ll Robert Vaughn DATE 5 1/18 JUL ' ); ADDR12210 Sneed Rd CITY Ft Pierce COUNTY STATE FI St. Lucie ZIP ST. Lucie County, Permitting PHON 772 528-2335 PHONE EMAIL Robjake2@aol.com. BLDG. TYPE GARAGE I RETE EERMLSMYU WIDTH 30' ROOF LENGTH 'FRAME LENGTH T0' HEIGHT 10, rR \A1[ IS 1' SHORTER THAN Rf1tiF LENGTHWISE.•..•, ara-tali—_-_ELECTRIC_ no_-_--__-_. 5TY DESCRIPTION COST x BASE $4,095.00 x ROOF- VERTICAL ENDS/SIDES- HORIZONTAL $0.00` x GAUGE- 14 CERTIFICATION. 165 MPH $0.00' x SIDE HEIGHT- 10' $500.00 x ENCLOSE BOTH SIDES $735.00 x ENCLOSE EACH END $3,040.00! FRAMEOUTS- FRAMEOUTS- FRAMEOUTS- HEADERS GARAGE DOOR- GARAGE DOOR- -------------_----._-_..-----------...------------------ -- •------------------• 1 - GARAGE DOORS- - 10, X 10, GARAGE DOORS- $1,460.00 1 DOORS- HIGH IMPACT $350.00 WINDOWS - LEAN TO'S- - --- ---_. GABLES- J TRIM- misc.- misc- misc- ........--------- --- -- - misc x NON TAXED ITEMS ENGINEERED PLANS/PULL PERMIT FEE $350.00 INCLUDES DELIVERY & INSTALLATION ON YOUR LEVEL LAND SALES TOTAL $10,180.00 NOTES: SUBTOTAL $10,530.00 Price good till 5/1012018 TAX 6.50% n P_e)Y•-n ` TOTAL $1 1,191. 70 _ -DEPOSIT ._ 15_00%_— $1,527_00 C.O.D. BALANCE_ NOTICE TO BUYER: This order shall only become affective upon execution d acceptance by CCI BUILDINGS and 'or assignees a upon acceptance by Seller shad+ constitute the contract benveen Soler and Buyer, subject to the Terms & Conditions. CCI BUILDINGS is a (independent contractor.9 not the agent of manufacturer•,excepl for receipt of the deposit descnbed above. and no iepresenla!ion of cclbuftmgs shall be b:nding on Seller until & except to the extent accepted in emuhg by Seller This contract includes cost of installation of the Unit at the address of Buyer indicated above upon receipt of the full purchase pace, provided, however Buyer shall be responsible for pmpWy ptepanng the site for installation. obtaining any required permits for installation of the Unit and all other terms contained or. the reverse side which Buyer hereby acknowledges by s4gnahrre below hasnng read 8 understood mciudmg.any conditionsof site oreparabon penhdsavaramees fl additanal charges & responsibilities Deposit is for the preparalion,paperweM A processing of order E is nonrefundable BUYERS SIGNATURE = ` DATE 'ORDER ACCEPTED BY DATE Page 1 Cc to -%,T)