HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL MODIFIED BITUMENT ROOF SYSTEMSL -4 f .4" it ?J. Proauct ApOroyal Remy.J. Product or Applicatibri Seaech > Apdca FL # FU6S4-R2Z—?,6-jZ Application TY06 Revision ,code Version 2017 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIYISION /7 Application Status Approved z REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE REVIIE Comments ' A IT— I DATE Ar6hived PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT/A JOB SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL -BE MADE Product Mih6factur6r POLYGLASS USA Address Phone/Effiall 150 Lyon Drive CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY LITY OF THE CONTRACTORR=R0 Fernley; W 90406, .1230` EKt,242 (570):384m-' jikinsoip ofyg I . bss.co m Authqrl;ted. Signature Games;w A ins jak1ris'@.polyglass.corn Technlcai11ppresentafive Olaury',Alpert Adittress/Phqne/Email 1.111W; NeWport.Center Drive Deerfield' Beach, FL,33 6 )4429m� 8 610 14Alkrt@polyjl0ss-cQm (Ztiality, Assurance Repr6sentative, Arleltenddr, AddressiPhone/thiall 1111 W. Newport Cetitee-DrIV6 beeMkeld-teaeoj FL 13442 (954) 233-1230' *Gend,er'@p.,o!ydlas4.COM Category goqflng Subcategdry Modified .Bitumen ;Roof System c6irnpliance.m6thod Evaluation'Weport fforh 6 Florida, Registered Architec t or.a, Uce.nsed Florida Professional Enqlneer Eva tion,Repot't-14a.rdt6pyizecei.v6d Florida E6016eee of Architect Name who dev6fooed the 116bert Nlemlnep Evaluation, Report, Florida 4icp;,15e . P 11 E-59166, Quality Assurance Entity I -Lit UL Quality Assufa.fice Contract Exp1Tpl;tqn,Date 10/06/202a Validated By JohnW, Khezevich, PE: Certificate of Independence: Referenced Stqn4ard art .d'Year7(qf Standard)' PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK BJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS IED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT NECESSARY IN ORDER TO .); WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. t Validation Checid.11st -.Ha.rdcopy Received FLI654 '822 COX 2017 01 COT 'Nieminen.pdf. Year ASTM D6162 2008' AST, M, P6'1'6 -3 2008 ASTM.D6164 2013 ASTM. D6222 2011 ASTNt D6569 2009. FM 4470 2012 FM 4474 toil UL 1897 Equivalence of Product:Standards Certified By Sections from. the Code Product Approval, Method Method i Option D Date Submitted 09/,14/2017 Date'Validated 09/15/2011 Date Pending: FBGApproval 09/22/2017 Date Approved' 12/12/7017 Summary of Products 2012 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 1654.1 Poly1. glass;SBSrand APO Modified :SBS,and ARP modified bitumen roaf.systems Bitumen. Roof Systems Limits of use Approved'for. use in HVHZ*. ;No; installation Instructions r-d654' g22 `i 2o17 09 FINAL Al 'ER POLYQLAas MODBTf F 1654- Approved for use outslde HVHZ;•Yes, 02:6df Impact Resistant: N/A. Verified -By:; Robert Nieminen' PE-59166' Design Pressurbi ,+N/A/-622.5 Othe1.s1,)-Ttie desigmpressure in: this: application Created by.Independent Third Party:. Yes Evaluation Reports relates Wore particular assembly oberconcrete F11654 R22• AE 20.17 09 FINAL ER POLYCf ASS. MnfiaTr FI t ssa-, deck. Refer to the Em,Appendix forother-systemsand deck.types. 2.) Refer to ER, :Section 5 for other Limits ' R22:Ddf of Use. ;Created by:Independen.L Third Party: Yes 3aclf IVexf ;Contact US .:, 26M' male' Stnna R ad_ Tan Y, iseeSF9 32399 Phone: 850-487-1614 'The .State 'of Florida. lean AN EO employer:,Cobvdght 2007-2013'State of Florida.:; Privacy Statement ;i Accessibility Statement,-sc;liefund Statement Florida,law; email addresses are pu6lfc records. If,you ,do not wantyour e-mail address released in'responsetoa public -records Bequest, do_n6t send electronic all to this entity: Instead; contact the_,'office by phone or,bytraditional mail. Ifmyou;hive,6AK, questlons,. please.. contact 850:487.1395. *Pursuant totSection 75(1) FloridaStatutes, eHecilve.Oober,i, 2012, llcensees•Iice'nsed`under chapter455, F;&' mustproglde.the Deparomgnt with-anm eafl`address, Itthey have one. The .. . _ct.. addrissr Produck; Approval Aeeepts:' QWIWII 4+1 r t:l'BjiI: Ci£itd low too a Deck A 1B-1 Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded'RoofCover 5-9 1B-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) orRecover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded insulation) Bonded -Roof Cover 10-11 10. _ Wood . New; Reroof (Tear -Off); or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top:ansulation, Bonded Roof Cover 11 ID: Wood New; Reroof (Tear=Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation,, Bonded Roof Cover 12-13 1F-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) _ or Recover E Non4nsulated, Mech. Attached_'Base`Sheet (screws.& plates),,Bonded'Roof Cover 19-21 SG Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) F Non4nsulated, Bonded Roof.Cover` 21 2A Steel or Structural Concrete, New, Reroof (Tear -Off): or Recover 8 Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded ;Top insulation,, Bonded Roof Cove% 22-24 ZB steel or Structural concrete New; Rerooffrear-Off), or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation,, Bonded. Roof cover 25-28 BA Strucfural'.concrete New or Reroof{Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded insulation, Bonded,Roof'Cover 32740 38 structural -concrete: New or Reroof(Tear-Off) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 40 4A LWIC. New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 bondedansulation, Bonded Roof Cover _ 41-42 4B LWIG New or Reroof (Tear -off) A-2 Meth. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 43 4C L,WIC New:or Reroof (Tear -Off) I Non -insulated, Mech. Attached BaswSheet, Bonded Roof Cover- 44-46 SA CWF New or Reroof Rear=Off) A l Bonded Insulation, Bonded 'Roof Cover 47 5B CWF NeW Ae-toof (Teat -Off; or'Recover A-2 Mech-Attached Anchor Sheet, BondedInsulation, Bonded, Roof Cover 48 56 CWF New, Reroof (Tear -,Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation,.Bonded'Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 49. E 7B Various Recover F Non=Insulated, Bonded Base'Shedt;Bonded Roof Cover 58 The following notes apply to thesystems-outlined_hereinr I. 'The roof system evaluation herein,pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks -,and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction ofthe Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be docuniented#hrough propercodifiedand%or FBC Approval documentation. 7 Insulation./ base sheet. -fasteners shall' be of'sufficient length for the following deck engagement: 3s- Wood: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration. Steel. Minimurn 0:754hch penetration andengage the top flute of thestedl.deck. ),. Structural concrete: Mininiuni-14 ch embedmentinto pilothole imaccordance with fastener manufactureespubiished installation instructions. 3: Unless otherwise, noted, insulation may: be any one: layer,ar combination of polyisocyaeur0e, polystyrene, wood fiberboard; perlite, gypsum=based roof board or mineral -wool roof board. that meets the QA requirements of F.A.C, Rule 61G20-3 and is -documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam.plastic, FBC Chapter 26; when installed with the roof cover. Exterior, Research and Design, LLC. d/b/aTtinftyItRD Evaluation Report P9290.02A&R20 for"FL3654-R22 Certificate ofAuthorization.il9503 a EDITION (2017) FBC NON=HVHZ'EVALUATION Revision 20: 09/12/1017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 PAlyglass, Modified _Bitumen- RoafSKstem3;d570) 84333 — — -- -- - — - - -- pe ix Pagee of 58 — TRINITY l'ERD Minimum, 200 psi, minimum 2-inch thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid insulation board for System Type: D'(mgchanically attached base sheet; :bonded roof. cover), whereby the base. sheet'faste6ers and installed through the LWIC to engage .the steudural'steel or concrete deck: The sttuctural deck,shall be4of equal- or,greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck.listirigs. Roof decks'and, structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to th6satisfacti6n=of the Authority Having. Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. 5. Preliminary.insulation attachment forSystern'Type.D- Unless otherwise noted, refer toSection 2.210i1.3 of FM Loss Prevention,Data Sheet 1-29 (lanuaryz016), 6. Unless otherwise noted, insulation adhesive application rates areas follows. Ribbon or bead width'is at1he-time ofapplicatlon; the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's published instructions. ➢ Hof asphalt (HA): Full coverage at,25-30 Ibs/square: D Dow INSTA STIK Quik Setlnsulation Adhesive (D-I5): Continuous0' . S'to 1-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o,c.. Y Millennium, One Step Foamable.Adhesive (M-OSFA): Continuous 0;25 to o.5-inch wide ribbons, l2-inch o:c. Millennium PG-1 Pump."Grade Adhesive (M=P61): Continuous,0.25 to 05-inch wide=ribbons,12-inch mc. OMG OlyBond 500 (06500): Continuous 0.75to 14nch wide ribbons,124nch o.c. (PaceCart orSpotshot): Note: O/yBond Green may be used where OjyBon"d 500 is referenced. .CilyBond Classic (OB Classic); full coverage at4 gal/square. • ICP l dhesive'ffi Sealants C11=20: Continuous 2-3-3.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. D Note: When muldofple faye s(s) insulation and/or,coverboard are installed to ribbon-opplled adheslye., board faints shaft:be staggered Y Note:: The. maximum edge distance from tlie"adhesve ribbon to the edge of the -insulation boardshdll be not;less than one-half the, specified ribbons spacing. Unless,otherwise'noted, all insulations, are flat -stock or Taper board -of the minimum thickness noted: Tapered polyisocyanUrate:'at the'following thicknessllmitations niay'be substituted with the following' Maximum Design:Pressure'(MDP) limitations. in no, case shall these values be used to 'increase the MDP listings in the tables; rather iif"MDPTtsting below meets or exceeds that listed -fora particular system in the tables;:them the'thinner board listed below may be used as a drop -in for -the equivalent -thicker material listed in the tabie: A Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive (M-OSFA): MOP .-157.5 psf .(Min.A:s-inch thick) Y Millennium P.G-1 Pump Grade Adhes.ye sf M-PG1): MDP -157.5 psf :(Min. 0:5-inch thick) Y OMG.OIyBond so p8soo): MDP -45,0 psi (Min. 0:5=inch thick Multi-Ma)(FA-3) OMG-Oly8ond 560'(08500): MDP -187.5 psi (Min.0.5-inch thick ISO 95+GL) D oMG OlyBond 500 (O.B50o) MDP -315.0 psf '(Min. 0.5-inchthick ENRGY 3) OMG 01yBona 500 (OB500): MDP 487.5 psf (Min. 0-5-inch thickACFoam 11) q ICP Adhesives & Sealants"CR-26: MOP-1175 psf' '(Min.1.0-inch thick) 8. Bonded.polyisocyanurate insulation=boards:shall be mdAmurn 4 x 4 ft.. 9. For mechanically attached components or partially bonded insulation, the'maximurn design pressure for the selected assembly: shall meet or -exceed the Zone 1..design pressure determined in accordance. with FBC Chapter .16,. and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designedby a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly. used methods 'are ANSI/sPRI; Wq1, .FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, Roofing -Application Standard MST 117 and Roofing Application'Standard: RAS 137, :Assemblies- marked with an asterisk' carry the, limitations set forth in Section 2.2.10:1 of FM Loss Prevention Data.Sheet 1_-29 (January 2016) forZone2/3 enhancements: 10.. for fully bonded assemblies; the maximum design pressure fortheselected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure:- determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16, and no rational analysis isp"ermitted. 11. For mechanically attached components over, existing_ decks, fasteners shal ,be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shaii review -the data for comparisomw the minimurmrequirements for the system. Testing and analysis shall be In accordance with AN51/SPRI FX-1 or Testing Application standard'TA510s. 12. For existing substrates.in "a bonded recover -or re-roofnstallation,.the existing roof surface or :existing.roof deck shalt be examined for compatibility and bond performance With' the selected adhesive," and the existing roof system (for recover) shall be capable.of resisting project design pressures on its own' merit to the satisfaction of the,Authoetty Having'Judscliction, as documented through field uplift testingin accordancewith AN51/sPRI m-1, ASTM E907,.F.M Loss Prevention Data"Sheet 1-52 or'Testing Application Standard TAS 124. 13. For Recover Applications;using System Type D, the insulation is.optional however,. the existing roof systern-shall be suitable for a recover application. 14. Lightweight Insulating Concrete (LWC) shall be.cast inaccordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems Where, specific- LWC:is referenced, refer to current'LWC• Product:Approval for specific deck,cbnstruction and'Iimitations. For systems Where•specific LWC is'not-referenced, the minimum designmix shall be 300 psi, In all cases, the minimum top -coat thickness is2-inches. For LWC. over structural concrete, teference.is made to.FBCSection:1917A.1, Point1.. Exterior,Research and Design,tLG:d/b/a, TrinityERD Evaluation ReportP9290.02,08-R20forFC1654-R22 Certificate of Authorization #9503 6T" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION. -- isiot 2p lig/g2E2017 - - - - Prepared by: RobeXL enftKm PE-591fi6_ __ _ - - ___ -- - -- ----p-0lyglass-ModifledBl umen a To ystems; 570 384 IZi Appendix1, Page 2of58 ,1 TRINITY`ERD 15, Unless otherwise noted, refer to the following references for bonded base, ply or cap sheet applications ,.-.�W ;,..�,,.,,_ .,.ems ., , Reference; Layer Material Appficatidif BP -AA Base Ply One or more.plies Polyglass G2.Base, FBC.Approved ASTM D4601, Type 11 - Hat Asphalt at20=40 (Base and'Ptytheets, Asphalt- Ply One or more plies Polyglass Ply:IV, Polyglass PlyVI, FBC Approved ASTM D2178, Type IV or VI Applied) Asphalt ibs/square Note. -applied sheets or insulatfon shot) not be applied to poly -film surfaced membranes. Base Ply One ply Elastobase,(sand/sand), Elastoflex V; Elastoflex SEijlastoflex"S6 Type 11, Polyglass HT Base 650 PG350 at 15; 2,0 Cap Ply Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG FR, Elastoflex 56, Elastoflex S6 Type 11, Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex S6 G FR, ElastciW61d TS=G, Elastoshield 585-CA1 gal/square TS=G FR, Polyfresko.G SBS'(sand-backed), Polyfresko G SBS FR (sand -backed} Base Ply One'ply Elastobase-(sand/sand), Elastoflex V;, Elastoflex S6,E1astoflex S6 Type II SBS-CA2 Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG FR, Elastoflex 56, Elastoflex S6 Typeil, ElastoflexS6 G,-Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elastoshieid TS-G; Elastoshield Poly"plus 95'at1.5=2.0 Cap Ply TS-G FR, Polyfresko G SOS.(sand-backed);. Polyfresko G SOS FR (sand -backed). gal/square Base Ply or. Ply One or. more plies Elastobase (sand/sand or poly/sand), Elastobase P (sand/sand,or'poly/sand), ElastofWxV;. Elastoflek:56; Elastoflex S6:Type 11, Polyglass HT Base 650: SBS AA (SBS; Asphalt -Applied) Hot Asphalt at ?0=40 Ibs/square Cap Ply _ Elastoflex V, Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex-VG FR;-Elastoflex.56, Ela`stoflex"S6?ype il, Elastbflex56 G, Elastoflex"S6 G FR, Ela_ stoshield TS=G, Elastoshielii T5-GFR,Polyfresko G 585"(sand=backed], Polyfresko G:SBS FR (sand_backed) Note,- Asphalt -applied sheets ar insulation shall not be applied to poly -film sur}'aced:membrones Base Ply or Ply One ;or•more:plies Elastobase•(sand/poly); Elastobase:(poly/poly), Elastoflex V, ElastofiexS6, Elastoflex S6 Type II, Polyglass HT Base SBS-'fA 550 (SBS, Torch -Applied) Elastoflex V, Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG FR , Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex 56 Type 11, Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elestoshield TS=G, Torc(t-Applied Cap Ply _ Elastoshield TS-G FR, Polyfiesko G SBS-,,(polyfilm backed), Pol resWG SBS FR y ) Yf (poly -film backed) Base Ply' 'One or.more plies Elastoflex SA V Base, Elastoflex SA V FR Base_, ElastoflkSA V Plus, ElastoflexSA V plus FR SBS<SA. Cap, PI Elastoflex 5A P, Elastoflex SAP FR, Polyreflect Unless Self Adhering (SBS, Self, -Adhering) Note: otherwise noted permissible membrane substrates forSBS-SA: are limited to the"SBS-SA Base Ply:options herein, Elastobase (poly/sand) or Eldstobase.(p"oly/poly).. APP-CA1 Cap Ply Polyflex G FR PG350 at 1.5 1A gal/square APP-TA Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Polyglass APP Base, Potyflex, Polybond Torch -Applied Cap Ply Polyflex, Polyflex G, Polyflex G FR, Polybond, Polybond"G, Polyfresko G, Polyfresko G FR (APP, Torch -Applied) APP-$A Cap Ply Polyflez SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polyfresko G.SA, Polykool Note. Unfessoiherwfsenotedpermissiblemembrane :substratesforAPP-SA are limited fotheSBS-SABasepty,"optlonshereln, (APP, Self=Adherfng) Self:Adhering Elastobase;(poly/sand) or Elastobase (poly poly). 16. Any of the following FBC':Approved coatings may be applied to the top root membrane without -adverse effect on the system wind load performance:- Refer to current Roofing Materials Directory for f(re "ratings associated with tcating,usage. ➢ 15G200 Non Flbered'Roof Coating;; PG300 Fibered Roof Coating; D RG600Won-Fibered Aluminum' Roof Coating; PG650 Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; PG760 High Quality ElastomericRoof Coating or KNIAcryi 25; > PG700CS,(Quick Set) High quality El'astomeric Roof Coating or,KM Acryl 25-QS (forgranule-surfaced APP orSBS only); Y PG800AsphaltEmulslonAboftoating; D Polyplus 60 Premium'Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; Polyplus 65 Premium. Fibered Aluminum Roof Coaling; D Polybrite 70 Premium Grade Elastomerie.Roof bating or KM Acryf 15; Y Polybrite 70QS (Quick.Set) Premium. Grade'bastomeilc Roof Coating or,KM Acryl 15=QS (for granule -surfaced APP or SOS only); D Polybrite 90 High Solids Silicone Roof Coating. or Polybrite 95 Silicone Roof Coating. Exterior'Research and Design, LkG. d/b/a tr-Irky:( ERD Evaluation Repoli'P9290.02.08-R20 for F11654-R22 Certificate of Authorization'#9503 6Y" EDIT)ON"(2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Prepared by Robprt:Ni -minen PF-559166" __- — -- - - aolyglasS Mddifr`eHBitume ysterns; (570)38432 Appendix 1, Page 3 of 58 17.. Dens Deck shall lie field-prlmecl With PG100prior to self-adheringmerfibrahe application. Refer to tables'herein for other priming;requirements. T'RM' N 1 T Y'I ERD 186 Vapor Wrier'options.f6ruse oVerAructdeal concrete deck followed -by adhered insulation carry thefollowingMax.imum Oesign'Pressure (MDP) limliations. The lesser oft I he,MDP listings below vs. those in Table3A applies: O"M -six Vqpo�t Berrien Type, Attach Insulation Adhesive .Opfion # Primer MOP (jisf) V84, PGIOO ElaAoflex'SA V Plus Sialf-Adh6rifig Inta-Stik or-CIR-20,12-inch,o,c VWI PG100 Polygliass'APP Base Torch -applied Inta-Siikor CR-20,12-inch o.c. -75.0 VB-3. PG100 Elastoflex SA P Self -Adhering in]sta-5ilk,12Irtch o.c.' 75.0 VB4 PG100 Oastofle)(SA P Self -Adhering M illennhith One Step�Fodi . bAbI6-Adhesive, 11minch:oxi 457.5 VB=5. PG100 Elastoflex SA P Self -Adhering: CR 30,12-inch o.c. -270.0 VB-6 PG100 Elastoflex SA V Base, ElastoflexSAN FR Basej Elastoflex-SAVPlus,'ElastdflexSA' Plus'rR. V Self Adhering, Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive, Willennium 06-1 Pump Grade Adhesive; OlyBond'506orM26, i�-inch'ox. r2WO 19. 'M DP" ='Maximurn Design Pressure is�the. result of testing"for yvind load,(gsistance based" .on:allowable,wind I loads. Referlo FBC 1609 - for determ , ination of design wind -loads. Exterior Research and Design, LM d/b/a Trinity I ERD Certificate of"AUthoriiation #9503 (570),384-2230 Revisjon 20.,09/12/2017 Appendix 1, Page of 58 - -, m-m-" System Deck Base Sheet:. _ Roof Cover -(Note IS) MR.P No (Note.i) TYPe. _ Fasteq _ ,e. _ Attecn Base P.ly cap (PA 0 Min..d9/32-- (lastobast, Elestobase P. Oekfast,Hex (aka, pekfaO PLT'N-2-7/8) with t)ekfast#14 12-'inch o c, in 4-winch lap and 12-inch' o.cti in two SBS-SA APP-SA, SBS- W 136 inch plywood (poly lmtop) orTrufast30 Metal insulation-Plate:withTrufastHD - SBS-SA (2).equallyspaced,3taggeredcenterrows, TA.APPTA, -5Z.5 , W 137 Mirt.•13/32- Elastobase,,Elastobase P p 1Dekfast Hex (aka,.0ekfastPLT H=2-7/8) with Dekfast#14 12- nch o c in 4-inch lap and,12-inch ox. in two Polyflex SA Base,. AP.P-TA inch plywood P W�'' of dim -to (p y" RI lo[Trufast3' Metal lnsulation:Plate with Trufast HD (2),:eiivaliVipaced, staggered ceriterrows. W-13$ 1Jlin._1 _33- Elastobase; Elaztobase P OMG Oat Bottom Plates,(square) with Roofgrip #12 i?-Inch oc. o 4,inch lap and 12-indi a.c. in two SBS=SA SBS-SA,,APP-SR 585- -60.0 w in$h PIW✓oad (Poly -film top) j2):'equaiiy spaced, Stagg@red center rows TA, AP.P TA W=139 Min.i9/32- Elastobase,.ElastobaseP OMG Fiat:Bottom Plates ('square) with Roofgfip #12 12•inchocrn4-in-incho.cintwo - P610 SA Base, APPTA -60,"0' inch plywood (poiyAlrniop) (2),equallyspaced,.stagoaredcehterrpvas a M-i , 5ystein Roo fCover(Note;l5j Deck, (Note l) : Prtmer MOP (PS) Na. Joint Treatment BasePly _ Ph!-- _.. w. tapPly W-140 Min 15/32>, Nane. None 58S SA: (O'pU nal) S95 SA; SBSu. SO-% APP=SA,SBS- -90.0 inch plywood TA, APP TA TA, APP-TA W44 Min 15/32= (Optional) P.GiQO None i!olyflex 5A Base (Optional) APO, TA APP,-TA" -930.0 inch piywnoii W=142 'Min. 15/.32- PG100 None 58S-SA: (Optionalj.SBS-SA;:SBS- S8S•SA, APP-SA,,585= 97.5 mth plywood _ . _.. .. TA, ARP jA' TR APP TA Min.15/32- plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of klastoflex:5A V Plos;. rolled Elastof ex SA'V-Base or (Optional) SB3-§A, SBS SBS-SA, APP-SA: SBS W-143 inch plywood (Optional) PG100 place:to.create continuous bond, ElastofiexSA V-FKBase TA, APP-TA, TA APP=TA -97.5 W-144, Min 15/32= WB=301M' None: S@S SA (Optional) SBS-SA, APR -SA; 58 5- 105.0 3nch plywood 7A, APP-TA W-145 Min.15/.32- (Optional) PG100 Plywbod)oifits are covered with 4-inch wide Mdpsof Elastaflex SAV P.Ius,.inil6dJnto' Elastcihek SAY Pius cc — (Optional) SBS-SA, S$S= SBS-SA, APP.=SA, SBS= -135.0 inch,piywood plate to create continuous bond: - _ . Flastoffeic SA V II FR TA, APP-TA; TA APP-TA M n.15/32 Plywood joints are covered with On wide strips of Eiastoflex SA-'V Piu5, roiled int° W=146 inch plywood (Optional) PG100 place -to create continyAus bond! P.oiyflex SA Base (Optional) APP TA. APP TA 135.0 Exterior Reseerch and Design, UC d%b/a firinity) ERD Evaluation Report R9290.02;p& R20 far F11654-R22 Certificate of AuthorWitiog #9505 6'" EDITION (2017) F8C NON•HVHZ`EVALOATION Revision 20:Og/12/2017 -__-_-- PreQacfld6v RohectNieminen,3-E-5916'6 - -- Pot at__Mltd1fied'A1t6men_R_a6fS--g- SB .84_i?3D=- --AopendoIea1of58 V