HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALY i W N i :33srrC9r(+ 3ssat4li$jG#ts abHLScftfscJt -13C1S Home Log In ;p Use[ Registrattan �� :H.Mpits. is Submit Sur, rq. 1 Stats:&:Facts i Publications, FBC'Staff 9C1S.Site.map Links , ; Search Product Approval USER. Public, User 'Produc3'Aooroval-Menu > Produtt or'Aoolicatioh Search > Aoolicatfah Lis ['> Applicatloti Detail FL 4 Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived" Product; Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical.Representatye Address/Phom/Emaii Quality Assurance: Repfesentative Address/Phone/Email Category .Subcategory Compliance Method FL9777-R11 Revision 2017 Approved N Owens Corning One OWenS.Corning Parkway Toledo, OH 436s9 (740).404 7829 g reg.keeler@owenscorning.com 'Greg Keeler gr.eg,.keeler@owenscornipg.com Roofing Undedayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed. Florida Professional Engineer Q Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R, Priest Evaluation Report Florida Ucense PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract. Expiration Date, 12/31/2020 Validated By Locke'Bowden A. Validation Checklist->.Hardcopy Received 'Certificate of Independence FL9777 All COI OCR14002 8a 2017 FBC Evaluation `Report %Neaiherlock Non-HVUmdf: Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard] Standard, ;year ASTM D 19,70' 2015 ASTM D 226 2009 ASTM 6 15s 2005. TAS 103 1995 UL1897 2012 .. malence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1, Option, D Date Submitted 10111/2Q17 Date Validated 10/11/2.017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/17/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summani of Products ;FL # Model; Number or Name Description 9777.1 Weatherlock G Weatherproofing Undedayment Limits of Use 'Install'ation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: IN Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL9777 R11 II OCR14002-8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlack Non-HVHZ.odf ;impact Resistant: N/A Verified By ;Zachary R: Priest 74021 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:,S.ee.evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11 AE -QCR14002.8p 2017 FBC Evaluation, Repo Weatherlack Nan-HVHZ.pdf. Created by_' Independent Third Party: Yes: 9777.2 Weatherlock G (High Tear) Weatherproofing Undedayment Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved focuse in.HYHZ: No. Fl`4777 R11 2I OGR14062 8a 2037 FBC Evaluation R ort• Nteatherlock Non-HVIIZ:ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ.: Yes impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Verified By; Zachary, R. Priest 1?E-74021 Created by Independent Third. Party: Yes ;Evaluation, Reports. FL9777 R11 AE OCRI4002 8a 2017 FBCEvaluation Rap y t `Weatherlock Non-HVRZ.pdf Created by Independent. Third: Party: Yes 9777.3 Weatherlock MAT Waterproofing Undedayment Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved1or use in HVHZ: Yes FL977T Rir II OCR14602 6b 2(717 FBC Evaluation Reid* `Weatherlock F1VHZ.odf Approved. for use -outside HVHZ: No Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By:: Zachary R. Priest: 74021. Design Pressure: N/A. Created :by IndependentThird Party.: Yes Other: See evaluation report forilmits of use. Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11 AE OCR140028b 2017 FBC evaluation Rennrt Weatherlock HVHZ.pdf Created.by Independent Third Party: Yes 9777.4 Weatherlock MAT Waterproofng Undedayment Limits, of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use.outside'HVHZij Yes Fi9777•,R1i II OCR14Q02 8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock Non-HVHZ. Impact,Resistant: N/A Deslgn' Pressure: N/A. OtherrrSee evaluation report for'llmits of use, Verified By: Zachary 'R. 'Priest.7402i Created'by Independent Third Party:- Yes Evaluation Reports 70777 1111 AE OCRI4002 Ra 7017''FRC Enluatinn Report M eatherlock%Non=HVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9,777:5 1NeatherLock Metal Weatherproofing.Underfa.yment .Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved fot use in HVHZ:. No FL9777 R11 II 1.OGR14002° Sa 2017-FBC Evaluation Report Approved for'use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure:, WA Other: 'Seesevaluation report for limits of use. Weatherlock'Non-HVHZ,odf Verified By Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by IndependentTliird Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11 AE OCalanm_Ra 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock 'Non-HVHZ: pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9777.6s Weatherl-ock'Metai ,'Vileatherproofing Undedayment Limits of Use; Approved for use. In HVHZ: Yes Approved_ for use outside HVHZ: No >,Installation Instructions FL9777" ij11' 'II' O R1400 8b 2017 EWC Evaluation Report Weatherlock HVHZ: odf' Xmpotq ResistaffitN/A Design Pressllltd:_ NIA -Other: Seeevaluation report for limits -of. use. Weatherlcfck Specialty Tile Metal Limits of, Use Appirtived-f6i use In HVHZ:; No. Appro ved for use outside HVHZ,,Yes Impact Resistant:.N/A Design Pressure. +0/-142.5 ;Other: Soeevaluatl6n report The limits of use. Verified By: 2achary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by..Indepe6dent Third Party, Yes EVallubtion Report 11: Creat6d by ;ndeperident Third, Party: Yes Verified By: Zachary R. Prlest74021 Created byIndependentThird Patiyt' Yes Created iy_1hd,ependetThlrd- Party: Yes E9 Fig Contact US i 2601 BliWStone Rdad, T611aliazee'FL 32349 Phone: 6 6 The Statfl.offlorlda is an,Wtto employer -Cor)Vtici6t-24ID7-76i3 State of Florida. PfjyAcy,Stftennen:;Accessibility Statarileni." Refund -Statement 'Under Flortda,la% email abdreskdiabeobblic records:,[( you do not,want�youre-rnali address released in response .to a, public I recc-rds request, do-not'send ellecOonic Y ciddstl6nj, , please co mail 6 this'entliy. Instead, contact thq.cff1pe.'by phone or 6ytoditlonal mail. ifyou'.hivo an ntact:850,487d395. *10ursuantitaSection 455.27.5(1)jlorlda Statutes, ef!Vctive Oct6berl, 2012; licensees licensed underChapter 455,.F.S. must provide the PepartMentwith,an email address If they havb one. The emalls.provided,may beused for official comrffdnlcatlottwith 'the,,Iicensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do'not,wish twsupplya personal -addressi please provide,the bieparOnefit with. an eniiii address whicfi,can be made available to thepub - 11mTocieterminel yoiijare &llcdhseeUnd6rChapt&,455,F.S., p I — . determine ff ftaswd ek bglg . Product Approval Accepts: Cefficate of Authortzation No. 29824 .117E�0 Edinburgh Drive CREEK TOmpq, K 33647 TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BqILDING:C0J)E, SDITION, (2017) Manufacturer: OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND -ASPHALT LLC Issued October 1 IP', 2617 1 Owens:Coming Parkway Toledo, OH,43155,7 (800)430-7465 www-owenscorning.com Manufacturing Location.- Brentwood, NH Houston, TX Quality Assurandot UL LLC- (QUA9625). SCOPE Category. Roofing Subcategory: Und6dayments code Sections: 1504.3..Jr, 1501.1.1 Properties: Physical properties REFERENCES En& Report No. Standard Year PRI Construction 'Materiati;,Technoldgii§s (TST5878) Kl=039-0201 ASTM D 1970 2016 PRI iConstructionWaferials Technol6gies.(TST.5878) NEI-04.2-02-01R,EV2 ASTIA_;P-1970 2016 PRI Construction Mat6rials7echpologies ITST58787) 'Materials NO-045-02-01 'TAS 103 1995 PRI Constriction' T'6dhhdIdgi6s (TST5878) NEI-041 "2-0 ASTM L� - G ASS 2005a PRI Construction Materials Technologies (T'ST5878) NEI-053-02-01 TAS 103 1905 PRI Construction MatbrialsTechrio!6&s (TST5878) Ntl-683-02-01 ASTMG 155 2005a PRI Construction; - M,atedalsiTechnologkes,(TST5878) NEW93-02-d2 ASTM D1970 .2015 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (T,S,T6878) 6CF-213.-02- 01 ASTM D 1623 -koq PRI Construcfion•Materials:Tethnologies (TST5878) 0(317-23702-01 U1.1897 2012 PRI .Construction'Ma, I orials Tachnologlos (r&.5878) OCF-462-02=01 ASTM D 4 2001! PRI Conttrucqon Materi als — '..l.s Ted)n0ogIes(TST5878) OCF.252-02;.01 -ASTM b-im :2016 PRI ConstrucUon,Mateti'als,Tdch'hologidi§'(TSTS878) 0CF-25$02=02 ASTM D, 1970 2615 PRI COnstruoon.Materials Technologles(r§T5876) OCF-272-62-1l1 TAS 103 1905, PRI Con6ttucfion,M6te'daIS.Tethnqlodies (TST5878) OCF-296=02-02 160-ES AC 189' 2012 ICCI ESAG48 :2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 0CF-;297;;02=.01A ASTM DiO70 12015 PRICoristtuctidnMaldrials; Technolog)6s (TST5878)' ASTM D 1970 '2015 PRI Construction Materials - s Technologies, (TST5878) , OCF-320-02-01 TAS 109 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878): 00,17-120-02-,Qf ASTM 01.155 2606a PRI Construqfion Materials Technologl6s (TST5878) OCF-321-;02-01. ASTM 0 1623 .2060 PRI Construction Materials TechriQlogieOr (TST5878�, - *I . 1 OCF-322-02-01 UL 189,7 2012: PIRO. Construction Mate dailsTechnotojies-(TST58 78) ()CF-355-02-01. UL 1897 2612: 'Determined to beoq4ivalent io.ASTM D226-b% Type I and 11 This evaluation report Is provided for State of Florida pFodqqt,a00io%iaI.undqr Rulo.OIG2". Ti e,rnar!Ufacturer shalilhb* CREEKI Technical Services,LI-C. of any.product changss� or quality ass6ranc6ichanges throughoutthedurationfor which this report is valid'. This evaluation report does not Oxpress nor 1hri recommended usaicr other product attributes that not specifically addressed herein. 1. ply warranty, nacommen -OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC :§CREEK WeaiherLock*SeIf.-,Se-aIing Ice & Water Barriers TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC PRODUCT DESCPJP71ON AND LIMITS OF USE WeatherLockg) G WigatherLbi*O'Gis an.-ASTM D. 1970 self-adhesive undedaymeni. constructed from SBS (Brentwood, NH) modified asphalt, :a -fiberglass mat: reinforcement -And surfaced With graribles. The product is supplied in 2<sq,, rolls, With nominal dimensions of 3-tit x 66.7-ft. WeatherlLoCW: q is permitted to be used as -prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1'for mechanically attached roofing coverings. Exposure on the rooNeck -shall be limited to a 'maximum. 30 days. Weatherl-ockO Mat Weatherl-6001 Mat is'an ASTM: D IR7.0 self-adhesive:undedayment constructed from. (Brentwood. NH 888, modified asphalt With 6 fiberglass -mat reinforcement. The productis supplied in i - Houston, TX) 0. rolls. With nominal, dimensions of 3-ft x- 333-ft and 2sq.. rolls. with nominal;'irriiansions: of-34.x 66.74. WeatherL.Qck0 Mat is permitted to be used; as prescribed in FBC Section 1 , 6 for mechtthically-attached roof coverings. Exposureon the, roof deck shall be limited to a maximum-.30 days. WbatherLdck@ Metal WeatherLockOr Metal is an ASTM D I.970 selfwadhesive underlaynent constructed, from (Brentwood, NH) 913S mod,1660,4sphalt With a, fiberglass mat reinforcement and plastic, film surface. 'The product is supplied in 2;0 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of f 1 34 x . 66J-ft WeatherLockO Metal , is permitted d . tobe used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 for mechanica . liv attached roof coverings; Exposure on the: roof deck shall be limited to a MaximiUmW9.0. days. WeatherL-ock@, Weatherl-ock0-Specialty Tie & Metal is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underiaryment , . Specialty Tile , Metal & constructed from SBS modified asphalt and, surfaGedwith, a non -woven. polyester. fabric: tic I (BrVOtw000, N H. The product ig,supplied in 1.14sqj rolls With, n0rpilnai: dime . ns.i6ns of"3-ftx 71.,3=ft. Houston, 77Q WeathetLock@ Spoddity Tile & Metal. is permitted to be, used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1. 'WeatherLoc I I . s, perinifted to be used with k@:SpKpIty Tile & Meta. adhered clay or concrete the f,60f144 using either.[CP Adhesives: Polyset AH-160 (ICP ;AdhesiV.60- and Sealants, Inc.) or TILE BOND`" Roof Tile Adhesive (.he. Dow Chemical Company)-. Exposure an theroof'deck.sftlitie limli,edid a maximum'90, days. The rfiaAmum roof slope, shall. be 6:12 when used with clay or concrete tile installations ,without battens,.. Tile shall'be,stored on battens for roof slopes: greater than Z.12. Tiles, :shall:not be -stacked greater 10 tile's per stack . WeatherLock@ G (High WeathektLock@',G (High, Tear) is a-zelf-adhered;:underlayment used As an alternative to Tear), '7)9 -ASTM, D 226,'Type I�or Type� 11 �mofirtg fell.and ASTM D: 1:97, 0''telf-a'dheflng Oolyr . her (Houston, modified bitumen underlpyrrient. The ghd orlayment'is composedtof SBS modified asphalt With -a fiberglass mat internal. reinforcement and is: surfaced With gr40416A. The, produotis: supplied with a nominal thickness: of 50 mils in 1.66-6ci rolls With. nominal dimensions of 3-ffx 66-ft. W6aih6rLock .9, Gi_ (High 'Tear} is permitted to be. useed as prescribed .1 ribed in, FBC Section 1507.1 A for mechanically :attached roof coverings. Exposure -_ PQ on the- roof deck- shall b& limited to a maximum �96 days.19. Technical Servioet,.LLC of any. product changes or quality assurance- changes- throughbufthe duration,forwhich this rep ort is valid. This evaluiflon,report.does not express nor imply warranty, "installation, recommended use, of other otoduct attributes -that are not specificallyaddressed herein. ECREEK. TECHNICAL, $ERVICE:% LLC PRODUCT AppucATiON OWEN8 CORNING kOOFINGAND ASPHALT LLG WeatherLockO SW49allnglte i Water Barriers Min Roof Slope.-, 2*12 in accordance with the FBC Applicafloty, Aff undbrfayments shall be. installed in accordance with the FBC. .Depk, substrates shall :be .clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck shall be checked and for rotrusion corrected priorto w7dedayment. p 40. application. Prior to beginning, installation,, the uriderlayment shall be, unrolled and allowed to relax for & minimum - of Sr- 5 minutes. The underlayment,shall be installed with the release backer removed and pressed firmly into place. to ensue com"Oleta contact with the deck..The, und6dayrnerit shall be. installed. with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting. at the eaves, and with h ' iihiffiLim,3" side. laps,and minimum,6P end laps staggered Min. 6-ft.frpm preceding course. -Additionally,if applying, Weatherl_ockSSpe6lalty'TH6 .&,Metal, end ,laps -,shall be primed withASTM_ R 41 primef or sealed With asphalt roof cement a minimum of 3-4 Inches across the width ,of thb.16p. A uqq of th, is pefmls60.lefo back nail the underlay rent 12-inches, on -center as needed (nails. shall be. installed perpendicular, to deck with the nail heads flush to the top, r CO , a � underlayment). Additionally, WeatherLock(b Specialty -be babk. nailed Tile & M etal shall ,when installed on roof.slopes gpeater thoni, 3:1.24 Min. Application 400171. Contact 1hemanufacturerWh Qn installing at temperatures below the minimum, Temperiture.-.: application temperature. WIND RESISTANCE The Maximum Design Fressures-shown belowwere calculated.us.ing a 21 Mdfgin.* of'tafetk per FBC Section 150.4.9 Unded6ymerit, System NoA —WeatherLock smcialtv Tile,& Metaf bniv Roof Deck, Min. 15/32-Iri. h pc WX-lilywood'i ched to. wood supports spaced amaximum 14" 6.0; Underlayment: WeatheOLdck@ Specialty Tile &, Methl. shall be, applied,, in accordance with tion, instructions to 'the fastened; deck,and backnailed along, the selvage .with' minimum 42ga., 1-1144nch galvanize ri ng shank ro6fihg, nails: through optionally pfimed,: Sgod. x 11-51846ch 0 'tin caps spaced paced 17 o.c. The applied underjOytridthtshall be rolled ,with a minimum. 751b steel roller immediately following application. Maximum Design -1,42.6 psf Pressure: vuK!,q ' uuz.Va. FL9777-111 1, Page 3.ot,4 This evaluation. report Is provided for S - tate.-of, Florida product approval unddr Rule SIG20-3. The manufacturer shall notify,CREEK Technical, Services, ,is any pr6duttc la' nges,or quality. assurance changes throughout the r sreport is Valid., 'f6 Ai�hthi This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, r6c . ommended'use, or other product attributes specifically addressed heteln, that not ` � 1 CREEKo OWEN&CORNING ROOFING':AND ASPHALT LLC K WeatherLoc,W Self -Sealing Ice-A.Water Barriers TECHNICAL SEt2VICES, LLC GENERAL LIMITATIONS 1) This evaluation report is not use in`the.HVHZ., 2) Fire Classification is not within the scope,ofthis evaluation. 3) Installation of the evaluatedproductshall comply with'this report; the FBC, .and'the.. manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between 'these :sources, the more restrictive. and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 4) The roof -deck Shall The constructed of closely fitted plywood sheathing for new orexisting construction.. 5) The space under the deck. area shalt beproperiy ventilated:;in accordance with .the FBC requirements'. 6) All side lap seams shall be installed to shed water from the deck. 7) 'The underiayment-may be used as,described in -other current FBC product approval documents. 8) Design wind load pressures,shall be determined for components' and cladding in accordance ,with ;FBC: 1:609. 9), The roof deck shall be designed by others. in,accordance: with FBC requirements to resist. the design, wind; load pressures.for components and cladding. W <M'aximum Design Pressures for a ,given underlayment shall meet or exceed the design. wind loads determined for the roof assembly. 11) All products listed in this reportshall be. manufactured under a qualityiassurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20=3, COMPLIANGE`STATEMENT The products evaluated herein. by;Zachary R Priest, RE. have demonstrated compliance .with the Florida; Building: Code 6th Edition (2017) as evidenced' in;the referenced-documents.submitted` by the named manufacturer.. 2017.10. . Y • ••. ,i` i� , No- 7462:1 091.106,2.9 _04t00t STATE OF • [tt. .r Q, • •�4 Zachary R:, Priesti F;E. n K t E��``�• O gar Organization No. tANE9641on No. 021 'CERTIFICATION OP INDEPENDENCE:. CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not ha*_nor will it acquire,: a financial interest -In any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation: CREEK Technical Services;: LLC_is not owned, operated,,or controlled; by anycompany:manufacturing or.distributing, products under this evaluation. Zachary,R. Priest, .P E. does not have; nor -will acquire,. a financial interest in any company inanufacturing,-or distributing. products under this:evaluation. ZacharyR. Priest, P:E. does: not -have;, nor will; acquire, a financial interest in anyother entity involved in the:approval process of'the product. END,OF REPORT OCR14002.9a anti evaluauon repon is .proviceo Tor state of Florida product approval under RuleV G20z3. `The manufacturer shall notify'- REEK Technical Services„ LLC of-anyproduct:changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this repo 4'. valid. This evaluation report does;notexpress nor imply warranty,: installation, recommended -use,, or other product'aitributes that are: not specificaily:addressed herein_