HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD & LABORATORY REPORTi UES ject No.: 0310.1900181.0000 Date Typed: May 1, 2019 J.: Client: Cleveland Design Group, Inc. 100 Avenue A Suite 2E Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Project, 2203 North 51st Street Columns Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL As requested, Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) representative(s) performed construction materials testing and/or field inspection services on the above project. Testing results and/or inspection observations are reported on the attacheill sheets. The contents of this package are summarized below. Scone of Work Work Order No. Type of Report 04221.9-1 Activity Record We ho 'e this information is sufficient for your immediate needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. .... jy �+i�� COA No. 00000549 .E� V/�� Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. 2019.05.02 11:10:53 � s JI '0k-04t00' .1A. �ir�i�.�l�... Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 48796 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. using a Digital Signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. vidandl ahoo.com utual protection of Universal's clients, the general public, and ourselves, our reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients. For the Accordin ly, authorization for reliance upon, or publication of, all or portions of this report is reserved pending our written approval. 820 Brevard Avenue • Rockledge, Florida 32955 - (321) 638-0808 • Fax (321) 638-0978 Visit us on the web at www.UniversalEngineering.com. ine�ering.com. II _ i UE oject No: 0310.1900181.0000 �- _..� 1 UE - ; )CS No: N I _ A - - --- UES Report No: 041219 AR ENGINEERING SCIENCES On -Site Time (hrs):1.00. Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences Lab Time (hrs): 0.00 Geophysical Services # Materials Testing , Threshold Inspection Travel Time (hrs): 2.50 Building Code Administration, Compliance Inspection & Plan Review Total Time (hrs): 3.50 820 Brevard Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32955 - P: 321.638.0808 - F: 321.638.0978 Activity Record Client: Cleveland Design Group, Inc. 100 Avenue A, Suite 2E Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Project: 2203 North 51st Street Columns Ft. Pierce, FL Date ofActivity: April 22, 2019 Technic!an: Tim Hughes As reque Ited, a Universal Engineering Sciences Technician was present at the above referenced project site for the purpose of locating reinforcing steel in entry columns. All 4 columns were scanned with a Proteq. Steel was located in the square %bottom base of the columns. No vertical steel was detected in the columns. L�LIES Project No.: 0310.1900181.0000 Date Typed: May 1, 2019 �. ENGF EERI.14G SI EN GES Consultants tgtneering • Envranmentat 5riences:: Geophystcal'servtces;• MaterialsTestug •Threshold frt'zpecttaii BuEleling Code Aclmintstrattan, Compliance lnspeelion & Plan Reutetiv 35p"gteBlvd,OdAhdo,i=132811 P 407423050.4F 407..423.3106 ... ......... . Construction Materials Testing Services FIELD AND LABORATORY REPORT COVER PAGE RECEIVED Client: Cleveland Design Group, Inc. 100 Avenue A Suite 2E MAY 0 9 2019 Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Projec 2203 North 51st Street Columns ST. LuGio. GQetntyt Permitting Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, FL As req! ested, Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) representative(s) performed construction materials testing and/or 'eld inspection services on the above project. Testing results and/or inspection observations are reported on the attached sheets. The contents of this package are summarized below. Scope of Work ' ork Order No. Type of Report . 042219-1 Activity Record We ho ' e this information is sufficient for your immediate needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. �1 t}tttjy t� COA No. 00000549 0;44;., Richard E. �� Hoaglin, P.E. � g �. _ -61 2019.05.02 11:10:53 ���aMd �•*•'i f N �r S Y .. Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. STATE OF FLORIDA Professional Engineer No. 48796 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by Richard E. Hoaglin, P.E. using a Digital Signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verged on any electronic copies. vidand1 ahoo.com Litual protection of Universal's clients, the general public, and ourselves, our reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clien s. For the rr. Accordin ly, authorization for reliance upon, or publication of, all or portions of this report is reserved pending our written approval. 820 Brevard Avenue • Rockledge, Florida 32955 • (321) 638-0808 • Fax (321) 638-0978 Visit us on.the web at www.UniversalEngineering.com. l UES Project No: 0310.1900181.0000 UES DOCS No: - UES Report No: 042219 AR ENGINEERING SCIENCES On -Site Time (hrs):1.00 Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering , Environmental Sciences Lab Time (hrs): 0.00 Geophysical Services • Materials Testing - Threshold Inspection Travel Time (hrs): 2.50 Building Code Administration, Compliance Inspection & Plan Review Total Time (hrs): 3.50 820 Brev, , rd Avenue, Rockledge, FL 32955 - P: 321.638.0808 - F: 321.638.0978 Client: Project: Date of I Technic As reque of locati bottom b Activity Record Cleveland Design Group, Inc. 100 Avenue A, Suite 2E Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 2203 North 51st Street Columns MAY ® 9 2019 Ft. Pierce, FL:tivity: April 22, 2019[�RECE�IVED aei r�ty�erm►tting n: Tim Hughes 9, a Universal Engineering Sciences Technician was present at the above referenced project site for the purpose reinforcing steel in entry columns. All 4 columns were scanned with a Proteq. Steel was located in the square of the columns. No vertical steel was detected in the columns.