HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENTSCANNED Planning & Deyelopment Seruices BY Building & COdq Reguial;wrt Division _19t Lude COUP ' 2300 Virginia Ave Fort pierce, FL 34962 772-462-U7Z Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT 1_0y OB ADDRESS: 107 a L 0 PEST CONTROL CONTRA( PEST d0'NTROL LICENSE We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. square f let if area treated: 4-00 Chemicals used: Percenta ___ a of solution:— Total gallons used: Date of i reatment: 1 j—M—L L Time of Treatment: o _ Slab Fo g ist Treatment it Treatment Re -Treat Re Treat Driveway Pools a ill Treatment —lu Treatment IhI Treat Re -Treat _Re >1er Perimeter for Final In pection 1 Treatment Re -Treat signature rminator Note: ere must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-bwirnent and this farm must be on the Job site to b picked up by the Inspector at trine of each rnspectlon or the scheduled inspecffon will fall and a,r&lnspecdon fee char F�C104!.�ere Certificate of Protective Treatmentforpleevendon oftermltes A weatherrewtantJobsrte post/ng board shall be rovlded to receive duplicate Treatment as each required Prot ve treabnent Is completed, providin a cnpr for the person the permit is issued .to and anottrer copy for the bulldlnq permit files Me Treatment Certlfica shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site !oration, area treated, emica! used, percent concentrailon andnumberofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record of ratectl treatment: If the soil chemical barrier metW for termite prevend'on Is used, final exterior treatment shall be coin eied prlor to final building approval. St l ucle County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed On the $le ctrical panel box cover; listing all the treatments and dates of applications, SCANNED BY St Lude county Planning a Dwelopment Seraices Building & code "uiation Dihrisiona ZMW Virginia Ave Fort Piorce}, Ft. 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-4624443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT CONTROL_ CONTRACTOR: CONTROL LICENSE #:.,.:9i undersigrW, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construcrion for nean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. feet if area treated: �1 c� ---- of Treatment: Chemicals used: Total gallons tel: t ; Time of Treatment: t K _Slab � -is' Treatment Re -Treat Pools 1* Treatment: V Treatment ---f?)--T-ea Re -Treat Other =_r_�, - Perimeter f Final spec ion V"Treatment gnature inamr There mast be a mmp/eted from for awl, lequk& &&Vn" orrl tta*nwt end bbtss form mWbe on t- jab bepb adup by We fnWOC rat lime of god, lnspMAV? Jar dw schaovled lnspImbbri rrl/lW o0da ie-/nspe14an rM- _1" Treatment: Re -Treat FS i .2 6 Ce1WmteOfl tt&0 rreatmeitt fbrpn� bbnof.6PjmMm A.rs�aiher rttjohF&pmffhgboard N be 0r0trfded 0 rec&& dupli a Treatmtarlt G6rdfttes as aach regu1fedPMM0fv6 tWtmantis cnmpletea; proa copy Mrthe person the permit is &twto and anodw cupyfor Me &jt<dV permltildes. The Treatment cete sAyl gnw* tiie pmdure wed, Identity of ttre appl/catnr, t/me and date of 0,e treatment, sOl=0a ams c*emleal usad, pwrPnxcnncerrrratfonandnumbarofgallons used, to esbbi h a table regard of treeli»ent. ift9:e ,null chetr kW tt u*r metfiiad for termite prewnVW is used, AW aftilor & mtmu7t• shall Lae ,' p/et�' pr%r to final buiA&W approval St +ucle County requires for the final Inspection for CO, a Permaneant Sti+doer #o be planed on th1 el l panel boor cover,, I!Wng all the btatmentsr and dates of applications. MEL-RY CONSTRUCTION, INC. JOB DATE RECEIVED DEC 0 7 2016 I • TerA-nte,piPs action _ yes cnr-�stl'•s�or �`���-�i2�-%��'� • Term to Pretreatment , fvid'A40 Toil Free:1-877-365-9990 = • Pest Control Termite Fax: 772-340-5990 . • Rode�Pt Service Pest Email: Evictabug@gmail.com • FireI,fly nt Lawn Service . nc. Control, • Whit Treatment inc: 2373 SW Woodridge St. •'Lice sad &Insured Lie. JB1757, . Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC)104.26. and Broward County Chapter FBC 105,2.2) PEST P4VENTItON l FIRE ANT SERVICE I TERMITE SERVICE I RODENT EXCLUSION & REMOVAL I VVHITEFLY i KtA i MtN t DATE OF S RVICE I' �" i E�" TIME �f DEVELOP l ENT NAME (PROJECT) CONTRACTOR'S NAME CONTACT PERSON STRUCTU IE ADDRESS (LOTBLOCK) CITY STATE, ZIP CODE COUNTY' 1 � � ii �. -"1 l✓) { .�?(;�b'� , ..rye, •t . ��;:A. 1.1, �,)�k I•.{, 3C `' NOTES TR TMEN rTYP R *LOATIN�j ❑ MONOLITHIC ❑ PATIO ❑ CUTOUTS C] FOOTER ❑ FRONT ENTRY ❑ TAMP &,EAT TREAT ONLY ❑ FINAL Q GARAGE ❑ DRIVEWAY ❑ STEM WALUF00TERS ❑ ADDITION ❑ RETREAT ❑ BORA CARE TREATMENT ❑ PLUMBING CUT OUTS ❑ SIDEWALKS ' ❑ POOL DECK ❑ OTHE WBASELI II ❑ DOMINION 2LACTIVE INGREDIENT ❑ TERMIDOR SC ❑ BORACARE ❑ PREMISE ❑ TALSTAR Q OTHER ACTIVE IN REDIENT ❑ IMIDACLAPRID)FBIFENTWRIN ❑ DISODIUM OCTABORATE TETRAHYDRATE ONCE M.0 06% 0 .12°% ❑ ,25% YES RYES ❑ NO ❑ .05% Q• 23% ❑ 9% ❑ OTHER LINEAR FOOTAGE MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS ❑ NO DETAILS 0 rn GALLONS APPLIED r rrl As per 104. i6 FBC - If soil ohemical barrier method for termite prevention is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to fine] building approval. &ertificate Compliance: The building has received a complete treatment forte prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws esteblishe by the R " Departrnent of Agriculture and Consumer Servicas. (Per the Florida Building Code.) If this noticeir for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line FINAL STIC ER ^' ❑ ELECT I AL PANEL ❑ WATER HEATER ❑ OTHER Payment T EmE. Payment due at time of service. Yr > Date Applicator, .(Evict A Bug Termit est Control, Inc.) C Date Customer (Property Owner orAgent) G�G` ' R www.evictabugpestcontrol.com