HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PLANS12 5 15L� ° 3 r U4 Stucco band I 6 - 1 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction Southeastern Metals 2,4 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofin installed per product approval FLU 11115.I over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" COX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan 12 SLOPE 5 Stucco ban 26'-2" A.F.F. TOP OF WALL 00 _ �3 F Mirn- L spit J ------ --------- - -- - -- - - - - - - m 4 1 1 FIN. FLOOR Stucco band-�� FRONT ELEVATION PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) Florida Building Code Residential: STH Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading Bwldmg Design is: Enclosed Risk Categorg_ II Wind Speed:J(eQ_mph ultimate Mean Roof Height; 22'-V Roof Pitch: 5•IZ Internal Pressure Coefficient: ±o.18 Subjectabilitg to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Peru Heavu Width of Roof End Zone: 5'-V Wind Exposure Classification: B Adjustment factor for Exposure Height Using Allowable Stress Design and PLAT R�OP NII� ROOT 1d9 TG k14 PITCH Load Combination per ASCE 1-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+O.GWL; O.GDL+O.GWL Exp Height Adi Factor: 1.00 x Load Combo Factor 0.4 = 0.4 applied below Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone: L +I1.0/-21.0 psf Roof Zone: 2. +11.0/-48.0 psf Roof Zone: 3. +11.0/-10.0 pal Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 5'-4" Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4.+30.0/-32.0 oaf WCrdML52R0OP Wall Zone: S. +30.0/-40.0 psf Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: +26.0/-31.0 psf Shear Walls Considered for Strueture7 Yes LRss GAaLa ROOF PROM dq PITCH adz TO 124 PITCH Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes Are Components an Cladding Details Provided? Yes Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2.500psi, Preaumptive: X Bg Teat: psi p. Roa Zap I ®• Rod Z" 2 Y- Cans Zmes This Building Shall Have the Following: Walls Zone 4 WND ZONE Roof Zonr 3 APPROVED SHUTTERS:_ IMPACT GLASS, X BOTH:_ NEITHER:_ - Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofin installed per product approval FLIT 11115.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" COX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan 5 FsLjPE s Mln L Se1 J a� 5. 2------------------- I S. 2 5. 5/8" thick light textured stucco on tgplcal concrete block construction SEAR i=LEVATION Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed per product approval FLU 11115.I over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32 COX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan l2 5 1 SLOPE �2" Newel Poat I" Sq. Pickets � - Aluminum � Shall be specified 2" Gripable Handrail �3" Clearance Max...' 1'-0" �. SCALE: 1/4" I -------------- r -- (Y �co 1 I � I I v- i I � I I I o, 1 1 RIGHT ELEVATION Stucco band O � � Stucco band 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i ------ ST. LLiCtF rrlL hT�� n��,�/� REVIEIVED FO COIN s fti'iSION AEVIELVED B DATE PLANS AND PER. IT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO EVSPECTION WILL BE IN E. THESE PLANS AND ALL NROROSED !t'o i.' ARE SUBJECT TOANYCn---,TIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAYBE NECESSARY rig ORDER To COMPLY WITH ALI. APPLICARL_ CODES, SCALE: 1/4" . 1'-0" SCANNED SLLUd90mu* AM MANUFAMnU TALliIISH60NIN U FACi'ORB AND (rHMO CCIMPLIANdt 1NRN FBD Now Cow MUST REMAIN ON ALL: DDDRS ANC) WINDOWS l ill WWWrKM AM AFP'MIOVgD "ONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 111NTRACTOR OR RICORD LERMITE TREATMENT REQUIRED Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed per product approval FLU 111-1 I over Polyglass_self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" COX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan O 5/8 thick light textured % stucco on typical concrete --—b1"ock cons-t uetion— — — — — — — .I �01I C+ --- L-- LEFT ELEV�470N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" s v Q N QI o fn a b (L� to v C N to a � ,0 w�ON T—� v �LL Q :37) m! I 5 I I'r O 6I () I zz U Dc ~ ET-0 lily I17 a�I aU uAC Q� 00po UQq) Ll C' Ch c, Hwy N C to F# N N U a•—, w m Q O;T W cr 09 Ilmzaall Q M fl 10u 0 �Ux o Lr' q c ' 3 2� (L N ctl _< C C o CNN vU �yM00 E I 1 OQ O 0000 U 0NN ia I to wU(vN�� !�Q m U1 rr— � to v°-- � JixE otL c 4 IL l v w� Ll1 � U IL. W Q LL LU Sheet z �. OF 8. LQ Q Comm '4 w Ib-16�9 11� Copyright T-2" T-2' lL 9'-3" O ,, ry BEDROOM 12'-44 'SCALE: TYPICAL NOTES: I. Contractor to and dimensions prior' to :' 1 nt . '. . posedattic* insulation materials installed on attic floors. shall s crttical'iada 20. III expos 0.12 watt Exposed':foam:'. lastYc `insulation` 25. ALL dr•ewtn s 'and written material herein constitute' original. work of this firm and the gy same or :an art P verff ,ALL ;notes y flux not less than per square centimeter. P 4P the the roof deck . the attic shall thereof MAY.:NO'T:. be dup'licate.d,'disclosed; distributed or, used In an manner without y O `that wr.ltten consent proceeding with work. P materials exposed on' underside of or on walls . comply eof, 1t ou.t consen s e t t , .w h t hall.b indeb.ed o flits firm for fu Of this firm An µset o full y c i . o.mmssfnn - 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce .ALL OSHA,. Requirements..,.,. `' wltli'F.$.C;'Resldentlal Section R314 --`see permit lnfo.box of code edition . as Beam, Rafters etc.., to: have 3. ALL Lumber to be used e 'stress. 2J: G sum :board material shall `conform to AST i�I C36, p C1002,' C104�,CI177, CNi8. C12�8, C°19, C4'15, C514..CG30, C931 039C,.`and'shall be. Installed: um l OO P.S.I. fiber a minimum 4 C`�b , C139';, or WALL L'.=LE' SYMBO G END 4. No dissimilar metals to touch: e following: according to the oi- 5. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be 2500 PSI concrete, and ALLConcrete used for ver tical filled cells continuous. -tie betwTs: etc... to ­ shall shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or '4,000 F.W. grout. mix: 6. Drywall at. ceilings shall be leveled and attachedto bottom chord of trusses with screws. ALL wood in contact with.. concrete . shall be pressure treated., . �. A 8 ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall. or stud - dimensions 9. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low. flow. Contractor to Provide Pan &: Drain at water heater in accordance 10. with the Florida Plumbing Code current .edition. II. Contractor to Provide a 2'-8" wide door at one bathroom for. : handicap accessibility re q 12. Lowest finished floor to be set' by ;Governing Building Department survey or to set in field. 13. Separation between residence. and garage shall be per FSC R309.1 and'R309.2'' P 14. Door between garage and residence shall be 1-3/8" solid wood - 20, min.. fire rated 15 The Gara a shall be separated from residence and the attic` area by;: Vai, type ''X11 CBS 'walls' 'Fill ,cells solid with concrete and (1) #5 bar vert. at 40" . o.c. for wells up t0.:10'-O"* hr h: Space 32" o,c. for walls u to 15'-0"* „ gg p For w ir 10 O • a special inspection Is required b an licensed structural ells ova w and approve t o ert. steel 9 engineer to review pp h . , v I on m the footings, in the wall;, cavity and. into beam:. 2" x 4"' n.on-bearing .stud walls see: sections.: Insulate with R711 :batts at bathrooms. t between 'A/C and : Non -A/C..' spaces 2 . x b bearin stud walls - see sections. Insulate 9 with :R`-19 '.batts at bathrooms � between A/C : and ' .:..: Non= /C: spaces ` A pd. ,. Floor` �� Flret Sq`uar�s Footage • all. ' _ dr wall a hied to garage w First Floor ;4/,C - 8.26 s . ft. Under Roof S uar F 9 p 9 9 p s all be se arated./�om all habitable, rooms 22, ALL, ceramic the surfaces installed shall conform. to A'STM A108I Ihru. A1'08:d, q q e Footage Breakdown I6. Garages beneath habitable: rooms h p A108.,1.,. AllB.l, A118.3, A136.1 and A13�.1 ! r = _ above b no less.t.han 5/8 t e X .dr wall Covered: Po ch' Tonal 1�6 sq. ft. First Floor Total 1,122 s ft. y y 4P. 23. Cement, : f16er�cernent .or glass g psum hackers In ;accordance' with: ASTM _ q 11, ALL Floor. to ceiling assemblies shall be protected by 5/�8 type X . drywall yy C(288,.C1325,.:OR.-.CII"IS artd'irlstalled LA.Ulr.manufacturers recommendations shoo Carport - .- ; �-. '�: 150' sq. ft. -Second 'Floor Total = 826 sq. ft. 18. Wall and Ceiling.shall have a flame -spread classification of not. greater than 200 be' used as 'backer.':for the wall; the in tub areas and wall panels in `shower areas. P d index of not neater. than 450 P Flfst Floor :.Total : = 1,122 's ft: Total a ace under roof = I `1�f8 s ft. 19. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a, smoke -develops greater 2�4. 'ALL' materials _used 'below base flood elevation must be flood resistant;' This is to include :. p q. ail . wallt coverings in garage and.,'e.lsewher.e . If applicable: Drywall'- Thihmose Location ' Orientptim.. .Framing. Member Max:.epecmg of faatanars Nall sixmg: options for installation into Spacing Maximum of:.drywall wood hammgg members 2r' x min. thickness Nails Screw$ .Ceding: Perpendicular 24" - 1"12" 13ga,1 3/e" long with 19/44" head,: OR 0.098" diameter x 1 1/4" long annyiar-ringed or 5d cooler `nail Walls'. Either G'" 8" i4 0,080" dmOR i 5/8" long with Direction' 15/44" head OR ', .. G peum board nail 0.08C' die. x I.5/B . with 9/32" head. Ceiling Perpendicular 24" 1" 12" 13ga. l 5/8" long. with 19/44 head , OR: O.Q98" diameter x 1 3/8"-Tong. annular -ringed or Gd cooler nail OR Walla.. Either 16" 8" - - IL" 0.692" dia: x 1 1/8' long with ...' Direction: 1/4"' head OR G peum board nail 0.091L din. 9 x I/a" with 9/44" ead.' 0 bat M�M= 2'-6 y2„ mint split i � U is N L.0 N > N 41 qO M r .L r o �C� �Ila tr N.164 O zU � o-a- OQ.1 U C td 0�a n U�� C U cc U nc p �T C) Jco 0 U Second Floor. Square Footage q- g Second Floor A/C 132 sq, ft. Second Floor Porch = q� sq. ft. Second Floor Total = 826 sq. ft. A/C Space, Breakdown: First Floor A/C = 826 sq.ft. = �cond Floor : A/C 132 scj_ ft. Total A/C Space = 1,558 sq. ft. 01 0 r; eh .-• w v <t <r cc rn o, p✓ C �7 ♦ ': N N lJ U x G] t E.u, v p w i a U P f h M C CA c C, c 3 ( N wO CO joo cn N O v) ui WQ R O C CV LV U 0 C 00 OD E 10 I DQ = Q' 0 033 or0 to L NuCVC4 U Hi !R� U r X Q ~� E v Lu �' ~ � N U U_ O W I Sheet U 2. zUJI Q OF 8. Comm 9 LLI W- Copyright C Termite Protection for New Construction as per F.B.C. 181L1 CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE F.B.C. BUILDING 1816.I FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment, area shall be re —treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be .in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services.. Protective sleeves around piping penetratingconcrete slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose —containing materials and shall have a min. wall thickness of 0.010' and .shall be sealed within the slab using a non —corrosive clamping device to eliminate the annular space between pipe and sleeve. NO TERMICIDES shall be applied inside the sleeve per FBC Plumbing 305.1.2 �11 p1 n p cVr r m 11 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 102° _i P-36 r. N. .. .. - _ L_ 1 J_. D. h Provide Smart Vent Model #1540-510 _ F_3i B, engineered flood vent -installed per , manufacturers recomendationa. — whole house shut I vent = 200 sq. ft. of coverage' 16' off valve Carport = 150 sq. ft. - I .vent required 8, 9'-0" FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE 1/4" = -1'—O" FOUND I. TION NOTES Any . changes to plans. must be submitted to the architect... for approval prior; 2. to proceeding with construction. Contractor shall be responsible for verification' of alt notation and dimensions 3. prior to start of construction. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be 2,500: PSI concrete min., and ALL Concrete used for vertical :filled cells, continuous. 'tie beams etc., 4. shall be 3,000 P:S.I:.. concrete and/or 4000 P.S.I.. grout' .mix min. Soil bearing capacity assumed to be 2560 psf and stable. This Shall be confirmed 5. in writing by soil testing report. done by : others rior to the start of any construction, Verify all recess thickness at shower floors, all floor finishes as selected by owner, door sills t thresholds including pocket SCUD frame. widths etc_ prior to placing any slabs. 6. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and l 45.bar Vert. at 48" O.C. max. Provide (I) :filled cell on each side openings 'up to 5' 11'". wide. Provide (2) filled cells on each side. of :openings from b'-0" to q''-11" and Provide (3) filled cells on each side of openings ~from l.0 O and up" concrete'slab with fibermesh OR b"xG" #io/lo OJw:M on 10 mil Visqueen over Contractor to see plans for any other condition used. Foundation walls clean compacted.termite treated .fill shall have filled cells. at 24" o.c. ,unless . otherwise noted (see section) 1. Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey - Form BoardSurvey to be provided to Truss . Company prior to truss construction S. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be'grade X, meeting AS TM A 16. and A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-301. Steel 3 Thicken edge to 12"w'x 12"d with q. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protection at footings;:' and for ALL reinforcing bars: 12 concrete and cantina (2) #5 bar continuous 10_ 1-1/2" concrete rotection. at beams . Contractor to brovide the Architect with. truss `sliop dr,awin�s including T-12 i=00TING DETAIL YRf: aT Q CV A M :; •-+ a c� c� 511�1 #= t Q '4+rA N N O z `r�V cWn C...)a r Ago u Ell c r3 (L to c CO NO r _ N Nv u U C ODOD E q3C1 i �Q �aoODO�## U., ., L ; r- r- "U m uWr-rr—�Cr t! M ssi C_ 4r tc E LL. �"a w41 Lw l U iL ---- - LU Sheet z W Q OF S. to Comm # Copyright Southeastern Metes 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed =.,.".A. ARCt tAmarA rA^f Ali at Morn BEAM ,SC.� EDULE Marki Size and Description BI Two rows of beam block filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar continuous in each row, Provide precast lintel filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar per lintel schedule continuous over o enln s. B2 (2) 1 sX x 11 IX LVL" Parallam Beam B3 Girder truss -. see shop dogs bg mfe B4 (2) 2" x 12" SYP u2PT `wood beam p'er product . approval FLu 111 15.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlagment over 19/32" COX plywood attached Provide. Simpson MBHA'3.5L/II 88 .'. Hangerw/ to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan (1) 3/4dia. x .8 .,ATR Into Top .and Face of Block Wall and (18) .10d' nails into Beam strap Girder truss to wall using Simpson MGT strap with (1) 5/8" dia. ATR embedded 12" min, in concrete and HET A 20 (22) IOd nails into wood beam BI 82 1_100 Lin BI O � t 2011 11 �`fie of II 5 26 BI I � I p :. ii / Keu Area '`. Ede Field Fastener a1. Lill Zone 1 11 61, 8d'ring shank, 45 pat: Zone 2 '" to 11 8d ring shank 14 at Zone 3 41, ol 8d ring shank 84 paf. ** 'Zone 3a 4" le `' US wood screw 112.5 psf YHI - el LGUM - ale L22 BI BLL3( BI flange with (6) .3/8 x 4 - flange with (4) 3/e" x 4"into. block' and (6) I/4" x 2 1/2" Provide (:2) H'ETA _20 TRUSS BRACING NOTES into block and (4) 1/4 x 2 I/2 wood .screws Into irder .:. Straps — one each side HI Hl Zr antracter to in e t en ateea r a .In aor wood screws into girder 9 ,a end roof truean o the rdna manner: Of hit -,carrier > truss - install rust _a„ or trues bra 3L' rise •xt•r or melt -11LG31f 1 I II II II ' 1 I II BI II II II. If , — i II II- —. PRE-ENG[NEERED TRUSSES II Add,t,oneei 95 ban Lintel Bar Clear. ;A„ AT 2 -4 o-c_ TY ICALI Length Length Span Bars Mars s na shop drawingbL2 uac ur erB1 W B :.. none Precest Lintel reft2 X.8.SYPu2 ' .. . 2'-2c - 1 cY 0 at O c .. r ns-oa/IT Additional 4'-0" 3'_Io" 2'-B" . 2,43 ' none i I PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES N I Ii III II . Il II II I AT 24"o.c. TYPICAL If II cV !" - - - iI I BockRAbaveB•en no a a6. bare ( shop drawings by manufacturer ) TTh'ICAL LINTEL 5ECTION At — H TA 20 (PRECAST CONCRETE ROOf:L FLAN Strap C+irder truss to:wall Ing Simpson MGT strap .with (1) 5/8" ra: ATR embedded 12' min. in concre a and.. (22) 10d marls' into wood be in, SECOND FLOOR FRAMING/LO EU < R.100f FL,4N TYPICAL. NOTES: - ALL Plywood sub -flooring: to be saturated w1 Thompson's . y 9 water seal immediately after .installation for leak:'protection;.. — s at 2'-0 unless otherwise noted Overhang on this:. sheet — Roof pitch at (.12 unless otheriulse noted — Truss shopdrawings . to be provided b manufacturer 9 P y - - AnyChanges to this . lam shall be Subm:Itted to:.the P architect f or approval in writing prior ;to starting con.structLon: — ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY TRUSS MANUFAC71 fiRER. s Rr Architect to review ..Truss Shop 0raw ior g to construction for layout and uplift ve:rlflc a t ion g , — Provide fire stop blocking at all floor trusses dividing the :floor Scale 1/4' = 11-0" TYPICAL ROOF 'NOTES: — Qverhangs shall be 1'-4" Unless otherwise noted on this sheet ` Roof pitch. shall be 5:12 unless otherwise noted on this sheet Truss shag` drawings, to be provided by manufacturer ,Ang changes to, this plan shall be :Submitted to the architect for'.: approval in writing prior to starting construction. ALL TRUSS 'TO- TRUSS CONNECTIONS . BY TRUSS '.MANUFACTURER Architec to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior to construction for: lagout :and uplift. verification Cort.ractor tQ provide for Form Board Survey and to provide Form Board. Survey to. Truss Company prior to truss construction Contractor to provide the Architect With truss shopdrawin s including g fuss cut s eats o in ALL truss reactions ALL t h sh Iu ct ons prior .to START P OF FOUNDATION WORK or strap and footing size verification. TRUSS DEFLECTION` SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5" ON AN TRUSS. area Into 500 s ft. (Max.) Spaces Y P _. ._ _-_. ..... Provide Simpson strap - at each o — a g connection Deck see yp al sections . 7ypica( Flooring on See w811 Section _ - or Joist-t - ledger Flcor. Joists mg t Ic STRAPPING SCHEDULE ( see framing plan) for D tads HETA 20 --- - -- - HETA 20 rr —� 5le" drywall 11 1/2" CDX plywood :nailed to joists with 6d nails at b" o.c. edges t 12" o.c. intermediate SIMPSON HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss supportin sh Max. 1,810 lbs. uplift. Strap all kmv,f (q) 1od x 1 1/2" nails. DR.AFTSTO`FEIN0 DETAIL LINTEL SCHEDULE: Mark win as .., LmUi size Cat-Craita Specification Pro-' Stnaead ale bAyav'� Iserttat steal Saar T°P Dial 8u. Mot Leedlack om /PLP) Mal La�adk 1. Marc '. Lad IPLr) I L20 '- : 2'-io- oral. I as 30L1 1661 1642 LV 2 -L. 3'-r 81'8-05/IT NO . -- I 05 26A [l '163 L45 41-6' s'-I' er8-OBAT No -. —'" I -. as 1341 i01t. 48 - L60 W-O' B'-8' 81-8-05/IT NO — I a5 IIOB iil01 331. - L4o :' 4'-8'. C-s- ere-osAT No I i6 108 : '121 184' LIO T-0'I: 1'-O' 81-8-05/I7 ' NO -- I' '' as 1011 .. '121 134 : Leo -: 81-0' 81-V ere-OB/IT NO — ' I , : 86 1.41 411 112 L40' T-& Y-r 81118-015AT NO I '. a5 535 130 401 woo lo'-o+ 10'-8• I ere-OBiIT NO -- —' 1 - 06 982 414 412 LIIO to,-o- II'-ir I 8Pi6-Is/IT NO ONE I Is ' 1 a5 1464. 410, `AIM LI20 I2'-8' erK-IB/1T NO ONE I 85 1 as 1011- 404 S24 LHO 141-0` [+-a' Brld-MAT YHS ONE 1 86" I.. a1 t910 284 L140. Ia -0": I6'-e' ar16-I15/2T YES ONE i ai 2 8'1 1s0 BOO M4 t180 IL -O' le'-e' 9FIL-16/2T Y88 ON8 71 1 es 2 a6 '110 4 4 148 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. = LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING. LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ., REQgUIREMENgTS�3 - CONTRAC70R TO IVER F ALRLELINOTE ES ZES-SgASED O FINAL MASONRY OPENING SIZES AND ADJUST LINTELS ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY/ALL LINTELS L: DGER SCHEDULE Mark Size and Description !_GI (2) 2" x` 8" PT ledger bolted to wall ::with (2) 5/.0" dia. " expansion' anchors .at 24" o.c. staggered with min, _. 4" embedment into wall L'G2 (2) 21..' .x, 6" PT ledger bolted to wall with (1) 5/8" dia;' expansion anchors' at 24 o.c.' staggered with min. 4" "embedment into wall 2" x' 10'.' ledger bolted to wall with 12) 3/8" dia, x 6 LG3 Lag Screws at 24 o:c. max 1 14" DEEP PRE-ENGINEERED FLOOR /TRUSSES AT 24" O,C. TYPICAL �✓ (shop drawings bg manufacturer) Beam see schedule for 1--See typical sections for .nsulatlon - size and plans, for location .. - see sections fOr — heights above.' slab - LGI 1=1nnr 7r.11c'c� t ;=i r,+ _ scale , 3/4n = 1 u -O tS U <'Q O I;_ O ^l` �a V) F.) � I , w 33 ids" F I! jetrxrayl> I, 1L((1'j�'� M 1 t ; S: 4 t� bl �,pb1• if 7) I' . , n :. : . . psi. ... , .. . . . I -. 4I ...4..... ZI I � . .. . :I '1I 1_�*. I. . . .. I . .I�I1IIIII I1IIIIIII I, ..I. ,I.... I. L .. .I�. .�. .I- .I . .�� . . . 1.I.I .1 .. � � ,. ---. � . I ... I. ... .... . . .. �.. .. � -.. .. .. . �... . �.I. � . I. . t.�..I :.... .L. . 1.I I. .I.s . 1. . .� . I . .. -. .. II .II..%I ., . ... �I I I. � . .� .. , . ...iI ,.,.. , .... .. I . � . - I.1.:... .,.1 .. ... . . I . . ...: ;.. .I .. .!I I. . ...��.. : I . 1,. .I ,... .. .. -. .'I .. I. . ' I. I .., .I.. . . p .. - II : � .. II II��r.I I 1� 1I; �, �� 1,III " � . ... �. , ,I' : I,..1.-0%.:I., �II :. . i �: ,� :: ,... . . . .1. .* . ... . . I.I. ...: . �. . :. .. . .. � . �.:�, .. I.I.. .1�. ,. : . . --..I..i. 1, :�� .1 1. .�,. I.....- 1 . �. 1. � . 1 : :. -. . . I. I' ... I 1I.:.1. ; ..,I . . .. . w1--.. , ..,.--,,..I:�,I,�" i��%. .�. .:`.q :., .... l. I .. . . .�::�. . . . . . .� .� ,. . . . . . .. .14... . I .� I .. *o.I..�. .1!...; .';..: ,�:*,*;..1.. .- �;F .... ,... . . . . . * ... '. ' �....�: :� �..... i�:`.,. p.tI..�-...::.i :� � ..I. .: :.i:� .e- ,.::.,�: ... . :�,i. .... ,:1 .:.. : ..s, ...% ;1... .,.' , !. . .I .. .I.:. .., .-. I .1..,I.�w �. , �...I ,I... .. -. .1. .,. i.'�i . . ..,..I, .'...: ..... ' ..I iI I. .. .. .... . I. ..,..�1.�I...:'1i.�:.­..,.%s�,.,...,....,.��.% . . I..,' ..: .... .;�:.. . 1, I ...,. ..% ... - 1I.I . ;.. I .. �... *...,.�. ...., .. :.I .,..;I ,. .. �I .. . : I .. %�.:% .I i�: : .:_ 7 . . . I.. : p., .� . -.� . . .. . .. .. .,....... .... . . . ...I � 1,.� ..� .i. :�. ... I, I.. . ...... I1. �- I , 1...:1I.. �. '.f:�.1;.I.. .. .... . . .. .. . . � I� .. .., ,..r . : :. -.. . . ..� ..I . �.:I .. I I1-. .,. .I1.. ...:.�i�;,.;1'i I . . ..I. .':: ,II.p ... .',. I.:. I. . ... .I......I I.'.... .�.. l:.*..I;..I.. .I . I1.l ii1 1.�..,1:.. ..,:.: .�.., .: �.. ... . -��.., . .� ,.. ..4I,." .- .,.. .....I.� , :I .,: ­ :. ... .. I., ., . .. . .I I. . . �I �. .- .. �.�.� 1... s�..0It�� ... . . ,.,.I .I .�* : .. - II ::I.. I . ,....­. ..�.-1Ii ;. : I . .. %I...1I:. ..1 .I. I,�I.� . . .I. . I ...II .I..I ,.I I.I. .. .- I..II :1.:I.I..-. 11- ,. !. .. . �. ..�.. : .,. 1I. .. .. I . I: :. ....� I I . .... . . I. .� :. � I .I I,� ,. . .,I..I I 1 :.II..I1i% ... � I I? . I. :I , .� ..�.. ... .� .. 1.I.,.t..� ... II ..I1� .,.: .I .� III II . � I .,,. I I�.. I ,.I �II :.I. :r �I�I.:.. ,, I. .. I . ��I 1;::"..1,7'.1�..1 .:,�I ..:1�; I: .:. ..I.: .... .. : .� *.d, --!.­..1:�.I:-". . I ." ,�I., ..�II ..,, ��.� , . � .:II. I. . I ..I.. I�:I ...% ­i.'.� 'I: 1.'..�. ,... - I" X BCIa . .. .: Drip edge G" PT Fa . ".. . r. .. . .. .. . . Prefabncated 9 . 5„ PE I alumnu g t aluminum utter I ePabrieated .I m gutaluminum . .. . .. . . . `. . 2 X.`„ fa . 1. . II . . ,.; . .. . TION SEE WALL SECTIONS scia Dower.lU #5. bar ,.. . CTION . w( 25. min lap . AND STRAFPINGTR and 6 embed . 12 U . . . /2 th /8" hi_ . . .. I Ick stucco on 3 rib lath attached to horizontal and vertical wood!., + Fln. framing with malls or staples to. provide Z e.r O J- O 1, J. I n Oy r h a n g Floor ' less tfian'1 3/4" penetration into 1 .. ming an 4" pene c 1 = . 1' I'-0" . .. : nto' vertical.u6od framing me bars tr. .. . . . - .. . . .. ... :, :: aUon S ale : . . . ... , . Epoxy . . . .. t: oncrete F.00tirti I . Con C 9 . ( AffB ) MIX . Scale I. . . 1' 011 g�ICd :Gr n. . . -. . air hIissed T1& Down R b . . . . . nts . . .. . . I . . .. Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed . per product .approval FL# 11115.1 over Pol glass self adhered . .. 32" C . roofln underla ment over 19/' y . 9 y DX .plywood attache¢ to trusses er s eetln tt . _ _ p� _.____- �. ,_._ __�-_._ _..._.__._.____._. _.-.-.__._.__--:,T. _ _ __-.._.___�.__.Y_ _-___.___ . _ _._ __.. __.T.-�_-_____4 min.-oL-tcgnene_.LD_�.50....ep.cay_fDemJnsula.Lion._on_.____.-. .-..-'._- _._-_-___-_--___._-.__ __---_ _.__�._.-_.._____�.42.-r. h_._-.-._.g-..8ttAc- [5..e-rLL-dLagrAm---Qn_r_Wf _- .l n__.__..____._ ._ __ _ _. .-----_.-.-_- .__.. .-.-_ _.._._._. _ - - .. /8„ hl , bottom of :roof sheathing m compfiance with ICC ESR 1826 . dated Feb, .1. 2012. Instatl ,:DF 315:, Intumeacent coating I/2" thick stucco on 3 -nb lath . er section 4.3:?;of ICC teat: noted above to comply 12 attached to horizontal and vertical wood . ' m bar or at nm Metal Roof[ Installed .' o lase thennlad3/4 enetr tionrntoe Southeastern Metals-24.:9a 15'v C p g .. netrat wh ... it I5. In:. thermal tier. requirements l F t 11175.1 Over . POIt� glass a:dhere.d' f 5. n P Pe. ,prOCIUCt `apprOVa.. �, 9 .. Simpson HETA 20 or equal nto verticalowood framngd'members e ion roofrn underlaynient ;over f9/32 CDX p�gwood attached I2:,;; hurnaane anchor at eeafi traaa _ . . g . witfi.110) lOd x_I I/2 .minis . - to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram. on roof plan pp . SIT`- PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES (241 IOlbs.sa liftung Max .. st I Is p . x . . y a ,a t 24' o.c. TYPICAL ' (14)p pd MT „ . ( shop drawings b manuf ctuner ) P S 12 ra with - 6. 11 IV l.Ia4. au.a aY ..a,I a b. IIUR."o aG1r1 Q11Q,. ",,,, .AG. u_. _ N N F N 5 r. truss s corm ectl011. Stra s o- Ise n to girder. . s, p t 40" unless otherwise noted , . _ _ _ _. _._.--.___. - - - - - - y .�71 R 7i it R 71 Ir R 7I 1 7I _ IIIIIItif , . ss Les f placed prior.to gable tru installation : see foundation.' plan no or I'' .11 II 11 11 11,11 11 li I I ll 11 I iiii�1'01` u..'.. :.. .....,.. .-: ..,. .., . ..... 2 diagonal.1 : -�'.base, 5, ba e ,., .: , .. .... ;,i _ . ;spacing at.' Openings:.` .. - : .board I II II II it . ll II II II IIII Illl. .x .ng II II II II II 11 II 11 II II II l II. . ... ............. Flash and counter -flash .; Z x 4,: bloc:king.. ... .... ..:.. ... ,. .. ' board.. I :LI. •II II 11 . 11 11 II II II II II II II o111ii) - . . .... . . .. • . T Ical flooring over 15/32" COX I wood screwed to p or thru 23/32" CDX plywood -floor. II1 pl l l . , . , . : . trusses joists, sub '. i1 II FI IIIIIIIIi ... : ... ..: : ;. .. �, .:.... ". ". .: 1.Install I5/32 plywood with tt8 xs2.5 wood screws at 4 o.c. Ib felt. Install 23/32 CDX it II II 11 II if 11 ii.n 11 II n II olij . �-max. spacngg over:15 plywood #e "x 2'. LL,�,_,�LLV�� ,m„LI: - _ . screwed and glued to trusses or foists with screws - -_ _ _ __ -, fl Beam B2 . 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction #5 bar vert. w/ -30" overlap . at each filled cell . -- Flash E counter flash Provide Polyglass SBS taperd roof system -- I stalled per methodW- 53 .of product approval .FL t 1454.1 Strap rafters to beam using. -Simpson MTS 12 strap with (14) IOd x 1.5" Gutter (not shown) . /Detads by MFG -2" x 8" fascia I . � Beam B2 .. .:. at t*t. O.C. max1. - I. i . crew 'to plate -to blocking 5/8" drywall l S P P 9 I Hang olsts on ledger LGI using Simpson using 3/8' .x 5 lag .screws.. .. .. , . _ .. ... i I1. HUS 6 hanger at each joist. I at 32" o.c max:.sp.acing. ,... .... . ... .. . .. _ _ . . 4., T ..11 . I_ .- ,. - -:- - : 2" thick stucco on 3/e" hi -rib lath Simpson SP42orxequal at eachestud1. horizontald to Window - see Tans and schedules at _ I I I to la connec P .. L T°p P i l framintacg with na is orst plesand vtotprov de ical d I I . Plate Lion . j. I 8 re. ast`hnteI ftllod with concrete and I'. norizonto less than I-3/4" penetration into .I. .. penetration . _ i I h a w framing and 3 4 pe I/2" :Drywall. on ming/r of plan - j into vertical framingmembers Filled with concrete andl. pp 8 recast lintel 2" x 4"' wood studs for s ze and location ,see !' p (1) #5 bar cont. -, see framing/roof plan , : ... . I I I at 14" o.c. with R-II baits I r fro o for .sae and location::11 - IY2 dr wall over. I . x furrin . O enm s "be and : .: IX y I p. . 9 y strippe at 14 o,c. with R4.2 f foil . r t O enm I ` (2> 2 x 8"' header . inaulatIo on typical ,8 .Block walls I i i. p g beyond I/2" thick stucco on 3/8" hi=rib lath - I I1. - .. . I A16 dr wall ;is .er FBC 102.3.1 and I I. attached to horizontal. end vertical wood _ - _ -- 1J .... .. P . j.' j. .. framing with nails or staples to provide . :l s . n leas then I-3/4" penetration into shall meet .all pertanm A i code i I I: i o p I I Type " - a t _ _ --- - - - - 1 1 ! I - - - ---- ....__- . ramp and 3/4" penetration _ "_ ht r able handratL__-:_�.._P.__-,.____I-_..�_:.�__ � ___ __._ _- �_ - �. Protautde-Dure.D.di�ock, tst all wet-. - - +I-_ _ _-_: +-L_ honzontal wood framing p �..-_ I h--3L .. gh-9 �p - ---------- -- --'- areas.(ex. showers, tubs etc...) i. _ Info ver`ffeel-''wood framing members "'- com I in .with. FBC R311.1:8.: .. 11 Py 9. I I '. 11Ill r r i uw I:. . .:.. - rf 111. I 11 II II Ill II II, 11 11 1 I 5/8" thick light textured .. . .: .. 4" concrete` slab with f,bermesh OR 11 I Ills n II 11 Ili I. 111110.,i r. . stucco on t cal concrete I . I I : .. .:. " ul0/10 WWM on b mil Vis ueen over 11 I II II a it i1 I opliiihl I:' . yP 4"xb q block construction' I _ � clean. compacted termite':'treated fill III 11 II I'I II IIIIIIIII'� �,' . I I I .. O: in n li II ollall i .i. . I 11 8" .. II L�LLy �LLI Ima.i ! . . .. 11 .: ms. r- --:--4 -f-i I T_8 Provide #5 bar cE 1.moan g _ , .I 10:5" rrri I II_ - .� IIL111IEHI11I-1� III Il-I #B bars at, 8" o.c. each way max spacing = . 1 111-11.11 TI LITI I-111 IT _I I=111 I=I1 �T f I-11-1 I I -III 1=1 I 1.L: l . ..I - ,II _ _ -I. . IIII LI_1! IIII l lI-1I ► 1=1III-IIII=1-1kll=1�II-1IIl=1III=1111 .: _ - - -�:-- 1I1- -- -- LI11 II FI II I l I I -I Ill 11111� I I=1I 1-1 111=1 1=1 1 ;:: T -III III -LLI ; :.I -111 I-1 I I1 Il hI I-� F-16M I, I 1-I I I-1 I -I 1 . 12 II -1:�1 II, ,I - Drivewag - details by others -� -I11I : 1:1 1-1 1111 1111 l l l I. .::- _111 }TI l l hl I 1:11 -11 _. ir11-l1_rl=lilt=lrl' � -165:' .. II1 1111-1i}1 • ti1T Y R "RCI� SECTfO» 'E,4 'O 'CH S CTIO F-16S Scale : 1/2" = I'-O" -c fa C N C r� r O 1.9LL o .P o . �, ., O ZU v V __._ ___b .. c __. I-1 °N a A!..V U U +-' W I � to ° (� U Q J (n Mai° -A t:...�" vacW F 0 c 0. U W r 1 kn +yi ::, N N MrA pu, tixl rl NU"Z' r- r- 4" In In o U. � 0 6 Cn l4 .6 U a Un 0e4 ti..% cv I n li,014 W) M M I0 v � � N 00 w C It a U z Q � 3 �-� 3 rL N m .JO r C: .� O 'Q N.e Ln ao ,a O � NN UU C: L o03M0 Q 03 UNN'#t l.- .. _ . C-Ri (O 0) N N W' 'II L VWr'r�`I- � to .n M _ -C J vEE: ,xtq L_ 1q- E U_ LL W ., L. IQ -0F' IQ +' I- L N in Lu Y U V : [w, LL Sheet W D-1 Z W OF 8. Comm It u1 1�_169 IV Copyright O a P _ (y a nlsh tb match existing i Provide Simpson LSTA 18 I •, ' - r r O I I I 4 I / 2 4 I/ 2 _ lat strap at each stud P — w I x Masonry Inspection L-` — — — — _ - u`ai ., I t Clean Out Hole x 4" P.T, bottom plate . - — — - �� �- r2" 0. Floor foists/trusses r — — — — — — - floor, framing plan for size 11 m and:" spacing y T pical baseboard 30" ` min.'::-11 4 T" , L- 90a bend .from footing #9 diamond late P z I/2" drowall:on .. 2 x 4 studs at'14" o_cLU U 3. x 3x 1/4 aluminum angles . 2„ x 4" Blockin mid span of "'st dgs O f4) I/2" stamlaas steel bolts I I1 F Strap studs to p� pte using ffimp1 on .. / " SP4 strap with G) IOd x I I N.. nails in each strap 2i, .x 4" PT wood: secured '81=EV'A'rION 2„".x4; PT I� -1`/2" n� .;with 112d��x._._b__an�hDr—bolt_ aL LS___.Q� znzkor boit'taot-3 � l" embedment with s.r min. 2" washer overhead door track secured to wood iamb per manufacturer acturer's product approval F = : T Ic l ba yp a aehoard 4" conerete . slab with ,Obermeah OR o clean compac WWF1 on 'L mil Vlsqueen ver I } a r a D OOC' J a M b D a 3„ x: 3" .x I/4". aluminum angles' c r III lean compacted to mite treated f 9 e 1. l PLAN NTS A/C Compressor Bracket Detall .... A/C Compressor Bracket Plan 'yleui _ P _ _ " SCALE l/2° r o ;— , : ALL .GARAGE DOORS AS SPECIFIED IN PRODUCT SCALE I/2,, ._ I'-0 _ _ � .'� footingaee foundatrbn plan for size and steel:req. - APPROVAL ON THESE PLANS. DOORS TO MEET WIND PRESSURE STATED N PERMIT INFO BOX ON . T4 pIcal, In t�rlor B�aring Partition THESE P LAN S Scale.:. 1/2" = 1'-0" Product Approval Submittal Affidavit " I . F�Si�#�E�SQRAI AuHhlSl✓T CO�GE��Ea.. NSf$ILfT(4FTH .: `. .. �,C�GAOP�R�CQttD � � � • ' y ALL MIWUFA�7URE81118LE3SHOwIN(} .. U FACTORS AND SYQC COMPLIANCE WITHFBGtNEROYCODEMUST REMAIN ON ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS : UNnLINSPECTIONS ARE APPROVED "' d y bottom 5✓8"' r wall on �bo of stairs and on. bottom e of.. floor truss at powder . Wi0" th I' x' P " � <r O Treads to be constructed usln typical decking notes g On framing plan Simpson HGAIO connector vector with (8) "x wood r 4 3 _ o screws with full threads 34" high graspable handrail complying w 3 with FBC R31I t R 12 -r .-\ . Drywall wall i+� High knee wall 40" H hI x " with G wood Open O e o r\ Z. r p DEAD SPACE Opening Type Opening NOA/FL. NUMBER Schedule Swing Doors, Product Overhead Doors, Model #' 8100-:$H _ Impact' #8940', SGD 83OO- IU' ': p_ �, Impact :' 84�0 Impact. p FiberLast French FD-8150" " Sliding Doors, Manufacturer Windows. &'Skylights Glass :: Attachment method TEST Ex :iration pp Date:..: Max um Design Pressure ` of d Tests Approve Custom :lkJlndows - F/Wl. . 114" dia. tapcons w/ min. 1 3/8" penetration to be a aced. per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to P P . P PP min: edge, distances specified in Product approval �, +' 80.0 PSF - I, FL# 16111.1 ' Single Hung Custom' Windows 1,4 .n , mom T e "G5A' yp I!4'.' .dia:'Lapcons wY min. 13/4' '.penetration to be :spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to 'min. 2 V2° edge distances specified in Product, # pe,F - (e0'� — 2. FLU 14848.2 Sliding Glass g Door Custom windows 7/I6ErIiER i l/4" ilia_: CpQcons w/ min: I/4" penetration to 6e spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to min. edge distances specified in Product. approval - ; . .'..:. + 80.0 PSF - - 3. FL# 13010A Fixed' Glass �� Custom windows 5/I6° din. tapcons w/ min. 13/8" penetration to be spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to min: edge: distances specified In Product approval f b1.5..f'.SF - 4. FL# 6890.1 Casement _ Jeid Wen 311C dia. x Y Tapcons w/ min. 1 1/2"'penetration spaced per product approval Contractor shall adhere to'edge distances stated in a royal. PP }'.45.0 Fp$F . _ 5. FLtt 14011.5 In -stain g Impact Custom windows ; : Type "A" I!4" ilia tapcons w/ min. 1' 3/4'" netratton to be spaced per product approval: Con Factor shall adhere to min. 2' "I edge distances apeclfie '.In' Product approval + �O.O PSF - (e. FL# 14850.1 French Door Attachment Method ,_ :., TEST Ex iration pp Date Maximum Design Pressure - of Approved Tests P p Product NOA/FL NUMBER Model # Manuacturer ' Custom Windows. Install ..per .fastener tgPe. and spacings shown in product: approval g aaherin strict) to all- edge distances and embedment de the g y. g . ? W. + 58.O.:PSF - Mullions FLU 9520:1 '. 3" mullion Southeastern Metals 1 Southeastern .Metals_ 5:v Crimp Roofing installed per approval over:F'olyglass peel_„and stick underlayment over 19/32" CDX sheetin )mailed tc trusses per nailing pattern detail on roof pla -'11.0 psf Field and perimeter. -.q3;5 psf corner Roof FL# IIIl5-I:. 5v .Crimp Metal 24 a. g FL I6 4 116.1 glass SS Tapered Roof Polyglass. USA. Installed per product approval using'' system w-53 as shown on sfieet 1-4-of 45 'in product approval,' over 19/32. CDX sheeting mailed to trusses per nailing pattern .detail on roof pla =85.0 ALL ZONES;. STUCCO LOCK ON. BLOCK 8Thick,fight textural stucco on. typical Concrete. block: construction Siding Soffit STUCCO ON LATH stucco --on 3/8" Hi -Rib lath attaehe,d. to horizontal and ve "rtical woad framing with nails or: staples to de .iio lass than 13 etration into horizontal proy /4" pen iuood, framing and 3/4" penetration: into verticalframing l 1 nave .reviewea Elie duuv'C atlu ur�.�.. �� ..., .:��.,. �:..�, __ ... --- ------ - 4------ -- ---- — 15 risers at 7 /IG" high 14 Treads at 10„ de ep u 0 I— N O- a O 7 o v zU � O IU a �I O V1 �U �° �L U U �.J M0C'4p w 0.,41 v v �r N N � :a Er n O () oil i` Q �f� w a W f ' h tell z� LQ a�aa O 5 N m �>LnnM �O C N N u (� � 7 oD pD EO Q Q- O pro OD A # QI I N N IQ NuNN uviUI—s-" � if) m L_I M E1L Q AIL I v UJ v � � N U IV L LL LIJ Sheet z D—� W Comm in LU 16-16q (Y Cooviclht nc PANEL Poles BR Load Wire -Descriptioni circR C10clii Description. wire Load Palo$ 2 40. �0 w US 35 T A/ camp 1 1-2 AHU #10 3.5 kw BO 2: 4 :2 30 4.5 kW #io .40 gal. water lHTR 5 .6 Ran a #4 12.0 kw so 2 AC 1 2 1i5kw #12 —9 --30-- --2 1.2 kw 912 'Clothes: Washer 12 1 2 .81 kw M2 Csaraoe Doo 13 1.4 Dishwasher #12 1.2 kw 20 1 n oiluil L 1. 7amper resistant AFCI receptactes to �.�e nstalled i.n' ALL 'rbams.:: Kit:hen, Bathrooms, and, Garage. -te 21' kA�k AAA ArA Q P`Ao�,2� ts��I,aig to Q Al rote, d 9. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCl :protected. 10. A/C Return. Air Balance, Must coltplg. w/ F.B.C- Mecha;hical 2010 e d, a in current version of any supplements to the .20,10, ed. A 11. A/C Refrigerant lines:,tfiat are, run >thru slabs, must t e s'tv e V*e In _PVC mt Shall be 15, SEER 12. ALL A/C EquipmL 1:5. Provide. Disconnects at ALL appliances (Water h0aterrJ 'A/Cu rtlt 9,' a n.d. ALL other equipment. as required :by N.E C 14. A/C Ducts tri Garage shall be metal or I" thickOf, Class I duct or other approved material and shall..haveno openings, I* he garage, ni-ri g, into t, 15.. Smoke Alarms .:shall, be installed in, the following', j a) In each sleeping room. b) Outside each separate -sleeping area in ',the' 6, immediate. ;.vicinity of. t*he b oe d r'oo ms. c) On each additional story of the, dwelling ALL: Smoke+ Alarms shall be interconnected,' and. h0dwrOd Z. -al Electrical Sgmbol Le, (5 11'�d -Single Pole Switch Recessed . Can Light Double Pole Switch Eyeball Recessed Con ,Light Sa Dimmer1witch 1S Exhaust.. ion PB� Push Button Switch CeilingMounted Light Duplex Outlet 0- Wall mounted Light 6avalAeceptaclo Light with Pull I Ch I am (attic) watorprod, ground fault interruptai @ .Computer Connection JaCk Floor. Duplex Outlet Flood Light Junction Box —Thermostat MO Electrical Panel Electrical motor Contra] Vac, Disc A/C Disconnect ssidZir Detector X Ceiling ran r Television Jack fY- Telephone Jack x 4 Flores c ; ek Light 0"M 1 x 4 Florescent Light Int . orco . m I speaker Hook-up 0 Coiling. . Mounted Light Dome �Stule Fondant Light -: MotionDetector ( clout light kD_J.Carbon Mom oxide Doi*; tar Riser Legend Sanitarill line ST-1 'u— Bath Tub "P" trap Vent Line L'- Shower "P" trap r-vv-1 Lavatorg Trap r Washing Machine Drain rV Sink. trap r U-1 Urinal L-- I Water Closet Water Fountain Drain L— Floor Drain ar Grinder Pump Ir Clean 'Out 2. vTm 2m Vent thru Roof 7 YTQ 2" Vent thru wall 2- Pipe Diameter Designation (2" dia) NOTES: ALL sanitary pipe to be Schedule 40 PVC Slope hall be no less than 1/8" per foot and no more than 1/1" per foot nts CA 0, 0 94 fl; -tr Itr Itr uJ CN 1 NCq r- O'd r- r- U (U X U 0 Ll C) g4 cn 7, t-- a_ � 0 a O OD d) C'4 C 00 00 E —inI () < O (L U < 0) 00 is ri , *, 110 to C-A C4 q) rimF U T— 11— Q cr fa U X j6 -1 C_ er M E LL < LIL LU Ul V 73 LL LU Sheet z-1 OF 8. Comm 4 1.1.1 QZ Copyright @