HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOIL EXPLORATION ADDENDUMOL LLUUIU LIPUM I&V dMix, RiMlty Homes, inc ,.Attention Alan _7arpell 17,60, N L.Jog koa'*, Suite 1400; - J - ,reach; "d West Palm; Florida 33`411 -' r RE: ,,$oil Ex'Old-fAtIo0i, Adidon-Um42OkatOia..s &tft H. . . �.. of. Frqp.qsed,`-,Qnq-Otqry KeAidOhoe I luediI.SurfoylotCourt, Fort is Orm Florida: .,.GFA';Project -.# 1&.161.4.01 Dear: Mr Ta Ik 01 4ia-o37{ ;Leading Engineering --Source November 17,2i016 Revised i 1- (JPA Wderiatimal was —;;requested to: provi.dob:.eficAl p-li'qoqwpM100tip.n p. for ppq!s-up*ppl .. ,the abov6 Werenced projedf.Th6,a . :from 'reports; referenced -above were performed; in accordance with of Jh!Pr Florida'Sdiloifig addition): 'bnd' P-Niptor liq Applicabl'&:AThe: boring logs o d site,pi phadIo this ,report for Toor Vnr-P., re d MOO' p 6: !..qqmMendatlons,-*6 Otbvidieff,tiblio'w". ba'se - om:thex oringg-.. Pilb,:FdWjd6tl6h (Helical. PleCslt .Helical p e-dond.o, gaIyan"ed.. ,Chafts gqgprs.,,qn. the bottom shaft The shafts: re, potted to as :the: bhcIft Ariftd: into thd,4ijbi� ft Tholorqua applied during, together .. piers. h ep. :pj- Thel-, dhbft dutlb--thb,�.appropriate t t. �d i ed" AM qM capacity compression'bfthe he pi caps, boom: the, the helical: he6qgj: duf�bff and typically' -I' footings or ca4,,.Qn, pp th ,piers... Helical plditsi ifor thdyp6"se t- -bf-structures -generally :requira 4 to 12- t0tl, capappy. We recommendt piers e- Ii—I di -tit d, 6 $Afam rs, helical diameter) 606A bdhtdi�&AO� To obtain' .0 $PPPO'.. lea! ete 'iOrs,WOO.d -lik hove required..;.a iatbapacw I slated into the medium q y _Jq bq; jh4tpl,qj...jn '.s9p, p_ pq to: very ;',de,'sie. saricl encountered from about ig2to" 3646,.0t,bel. OWZ. , existing g:-rad0- . e length of the P 0*and PO; �PYQPO 16 %P#t 00NO0the.required- torque d Eoc.Wplorous,i lie installed with', NW Enterpri e.Drive-A P .6 Florida U906 -,q: (74),§75 (7 ,'024-3 72192445801tik) e? *-W'.t ii sbit. I 59'pIp,pC I.i0q�.....A.. .d..#P.-.. en,d, :Helical, ..Mrs,16r P661 T`MbWMJOAT 2016' .. 121' Queen #YiOr,Court, 7poPierce; zL Rbvisbd'F6beU6ry*,:2017 GFAProjet# 4IX1 ln,accordance **-with -,.'Section 4810.13.1, 9, Of the Florida Bu-11;din-9- C- d- e th allowable J 'dOW n1oad, d' as f lb #,of.hd 401,_Otor iried ., b..Pwpzt (p 6Fthe ,areas bfthe helical rock campy6 the 2. Ulth:;'.' befd1itVAdi6ir initd. , hbUI fbitt'-w6l i-A*dcurhant6d correlations with I nital-lationtmu Ultimate ,C .., '.... I-'Il -,fr'-Pom 10."tests:-I 4. Ultimate r0081CP 040fpAN-. Ultimate axial q1padtYof pile 1sh ftcouplings. kS';.jl�(Mato-v<kalq pa g 1pat-ep—srOftike.d!topiI6 require capacity Helical pier design and O*q#pq is, proprietary r - . ro ne y InThe lodatidin-'s-a-hid d f, th pad :.0 e py designed"! b *t,. o structural engineer or other qualified !�' f,' .141,01, pile support plots, nust b, i� y Otura .-PPrOW10prw . existingrecommendations are :based dh'the: :. SttUdtutds,(ihdUdh-g existing footings - and: slabs if applicable);74I:1 t1e; -fit :.which willbt-.d-btprM;npd INy Ofh6ts.,,G recommendsewg tfiita: - w i Ok'monitor. T4;3,ppMOO I. pier installation' J,n accordance representative fBuilding Code: .. . . .... - Ihstallatidi-6f piers:shouldbb"petfldrt6d.aafter .Ii iit s�hm been.Won 'and. I toavoid - installation. . l.,,prpbtqm§. and for safety et e, services Were :not " MQJ t h i n', our scope of.'s'16Ndb4t: thb (percent o dry weight: passing Fill 'and b6ckfill. should :be °dldahf sand -.VIth.less .: 6.5. fin6s1per. 't - f d: h( i4m 200 . sieve). the . fill (Ihq'lqdi6g 4 . a gnti...p wyd.,g' d beams should bd,40.16ced in 1.24 ith �00.bh*: lift -modi-flod'-pr c" maximum at` p �c'-b'MiJac4b'.8 compacted 'h, t , - io. 95% .,Of,. the Proctor Ind . ick 0 e I Ory:opn ity(D1j0e,pOO! n :should be of y ogti. Copies. 0-fiOnt-R-11 6 's na er Report #40461-43,00 dated' w"14# 000,00): 1%4 0'0 Report ofTest Pits:and Auger Borings: GFH