HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0122 [1122 , : ~'.'..^HTY D ED ~""""-" 0.... R....r4 !h 67, S.. l.acio ('-". !l"i4a. Ii I; I TillS INIlP.fo:TlIRI-:' Ma'tc: Ihi._..._...... Jt~.~P______..__..__...day of .... ..F.~ b:r.'M1_:r~____....._..._...____.-\. D. 19l ~__.., bttWtftl ____.m..._..._____________..._.__ _.__ProTt~el!.<?_!.._~~O&!lJ1!. .~ar~,~~oJ:l.lI..J1J..!. ..!'_~..!..... _...__.._ .._._...._.... ____ of Ihe: ('ovnly ..f.... --__ .... St.. . Lug 18-..---.-..-..-........ .__ _.:::;:;rSlal. of .... . . _.... 1"!.'}::;, 1da ......___... .:>nt 1.0.8. of liJt fim l>'lrt. an.\ "I 1M l~"ullly of. ..... ..... St. Luo1@.... ..._ .nd Slalr of. . ....... '_'. Florida .. ..parl 1..... of Ih~ s<<und parI. ) lI..Pla tt. ..-.--- _ ... ._.... . ..__.... . _..... WITSESSETlI. lhal 1M .ai.lparl 10l..f 1M firsl parI. f." anti in c:"".kkralioll "f lh~ .um of.. One dolle.re.m. .o_the.1'.l'al.~blo. ..... .. .. .........oo~8i4,~ra~i,onll..._............_.._...~ loth~m ....in hand paid. 1M rted,.1 "'Mrc:of is Mrc:by ac\.......I..I.:c:d. ...", Ilral>lc:d. t..w.inro. sold and tran.f....c:d. and b)' IM.~ prc:smh 00_.... R'M!I. baruin. soli and Iransf.r unto Ihc: .aid rarl...~._ of 1M w.c._t part and .... ..... bl1 hc:in an.\ anign. forc:,'cr, all lhal c:.rtain pncc:\ of land Iyin;c and I>tinll in lhe: \."oonty ,.1... .... St.. .Lucie. _._........... and Slatc: ..r. ... no rl dB. ......~ 1~'licularl)' cks<riloc:d a. r..II....... :.._.... . ..._ ..... ...... ... . .._.. ............ 1:.0, Klgh\ (81 ot . Blook l.ot Hogg's..ad.dlUon to the..Cl~ o.t.~ort..Plerae. Florida.. --.----------.-----.-..---.---.- -...-..-..-.-.....-- ------------------..----..-------.---- (t1. o.O.lIo~!, ..~~1lf!l2.. o~n~~!.!~dJ._..._._.____..._.____.___._d TOGETIII-:H "tth all thto trfW"lr...nt" hcrontit~lTM'nh 301~ appurtCltaf}(('~. ..ith rTtry ,'ri,"itt'.:,\~. r:...ht. titlf'~ ir:ttft"t ;a,..1 ('''',aft. ctll\):tr :11",1 ri<hl Ili f'lf.tr. '~~rf4i(h'. refJQinckr "nd co <en..-nl Ihc"t.. 1...I..n~if\l( or in an)".i... "PP<'rl"inintl: TO II\\"E .\XI) Ttl 1101.\1 the: um~ in Ire .;mpl. forner. And lbe: said ,,,,rt1es ..1 lh. fir<l ,""I d... .d', (('...nanl .ilh 1M uid ('1<1 y ..f Ih~ <<<OIld 1>:&" IIul they are_d" . ..la.rclly sc:i<<d .,r the .....;<t p~mi..... Ihal lho- arc frc:c: from all i"",mhunc:e:. and that th~y. ~ve.. ."",.t riJlht a".1 ,...ful aUlhority I" ...11 the: umc:; and tM laid J.art ies nr the I~ WIT~E:;S WHEREOF, lhe: Ia~\ parI ._~~~" lhe: tiN part h..._. herronl.. <d the1r han" S . ~"'I....1 S. lhe: da)' and )'.ar al...,.~ ,..rill..". ] finl part rJo>....... . h.rc:by rully warranl ih~ litr~ 10> sa~t land. an.i will ddcnd ,he: ""n>c: .~..in<1 lhe: ta.iuJ ,'laim. "f all \>Cr.....n. ,!,oom"""u. Signc:d" '<('aW afwt doli,.red in our l'r.<<ncc:: ....ll. .B. LU8n D. G. Ray l ProYidenee Antllony . ____. Sal'h'Antheony !SE\I.1 i i (~E.\1.1 --- --- ---- ---- - ---- . -- ._-~- - --- -- --- --------- - - .----- --...-- ------------ I' i I l ri I: i STATE OF Florida st. Luoie COUNTY OF I IIERF.UY CERTIfY. ThaI ..'" thi.. 28th ..._ W)' ..r ... .P"ebruar,y...u . \>C.--a1I)' appcarro . PrQY.1deno.e.A"tl1oD.7 an4..Sa.fth AJ1tho~-bla ...It. 'u.... Irnown tn Ioc t.... pcr..... 8 . dc:...riOCd ill ..d ,..h" ~,,<<ulro I.... f.,lTltoirlg con..)arlC~ 10. I, _f;l,e.1;ts...._ .... .... ____w_..A. D. 1915... Iocrurc mc __ _____..__.ilnd 'K..~r3.lI,. ackno.lcd"ttl tht:' t',("("ut)UIl thurl" t.. 'lit. ___ theirrr.. iI,t and dcc.1 I... the: we> and ""fJ>o>'tS t1wr.in menli"..ttI; ....I lhe: u~\ .._ __ .... Sarah .Anthon:l----. ..____.____. ._.____. ....~__._...__......__ ... 1M wife: of ~ said._.. -'...' ....-.. - Providence Antho~.._.... ..... ..' '. on. sc:paral.. :&:.d prinlr .uminalion lalent and ",.d.. by :lrod bd,,,. mc:, and '~ulc:ly and apart f",m he:r said hUsNnd. did .."n....Wee: lhal .M made: bencH" parI)' I,> 1M said Ikc:d o>f Conny.ne.. for tbe (lU~ or r.nounc:iJ1I:. rriiDqui.hifll{ .nd C'K1Tf:)'r.Jt all he:r riltht. ,ide .nd ir.lrrcil. .belMr of do,..rr 'JC of sq.aratc properly, stalulory o. tquiw.Jc:. io aDd to ~ land. lhere:in Mscribcd. aIld lh.11 sIw nc:cu:c:d .aid dttd irctf)- and ,""IWl!..i1y and withoul any c:onstrainl. fear, aw......siun or w!Dpuhion of cr Irum her said hasmnd. WITSESS my silruatu~. and oIIi<i.1 <al al n.Plel'Co.___ ..in thf- <'.'''1111). ....i St. . J,uo1e F11e4 aDd V re-r~l'Qe;l \his Ootober 16. JQl..A. D. 1925 J.1.1t "f,m, iN"~ . P. C. Eldred. Olerk Circuit Court . .. .>(\ I;\~\'-'- B n_.. ft . r-. C'- " \! ~~ ~ ~ ~ 'I.J. . I"'-"La-.a......r ~t. Ct. Seal o{l\ ......---- /,\{_~_c . By Boya B. White o. C ~ i I I I )1 ; I I I I ! I I I j I , ST.-\TE OF Coanly of . 1M clay and 1<"~ 1a.1 al.....said. and Stair "I. P. :::. &1 d.red Clerk c..iriJ.:ill CoUrt. By H-: B. Luah'-I5:' c. ( S F.A I.) On lhi. d.)' or Karoh " I) l'l! 5 . alII: 00 ,,'cluclr A.M.. Ihi. in"rum~1 was IN WITNESS \VilE Count,. fi1c4 for rc:cord. and bti,.. do1y artrn....ltdcro and pronn, I hn~ rc:cordc:d 1M lame: on 1'''''' 299 . 01 R...l. 60 ._.. . in lbe p"hlic r<<ord, of ~id COUll'" ~ .. .;. unto ltc:t mJ hand and allixc:ct the: KaI "I tM Circuil Court of the: ~ Jadidill Circ:uil of said Slal~ io and for said Reoord Vdrltled Indexed p~ <r.. Ga.re& . .- . - . CIc:rtt. D. C. ;?~:/ /;,:~~:\'i{'F!~:.1i)~~l '{