HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEY'SSURVEYOR'S REPORT 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of this Survey. BY 3 The lost field date of this Survey was: 2/5/13 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records vd_1J -D'.er �c by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards 5J-17.051/052FAC. — -- �- — _ r►s=- - .. - _ =unit , _ .. — — - - = i = o =sai — -°urvey.----- — --- --- — -- — -- — ---� -- -- — --- —-------�-- 7 Bearings shown" hereon are in accordance with the Record Plat and have been based on found survey control along the right of. way line of Island Dunes Cove 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on said found survey control. 9 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. 10 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. 11 Compliance with local zoning requirements has not been verified as part of this Survey. 12 Elevations shown are in accordance with the NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 and have been established with Bench Mark 94 77 A06 Florida Department of Transportation (Elevation 3.59NAVD). LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 43, RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS, PHASE ll, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 16, 16A and 16B, Public 16.00'_ _ Lot 42 Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. .^ I 16' UPLAND_ _I BUFFER E4SEMENTF S38•23'10"E 188.68' Vacant Flood Zone Data derived by visual inspection of the digital official FEMA Maps and limited to the accuracy of such maps. Flood Zone: AE Base Flood Elevation 5 Community #: 120285 Panel #: 0181 Suffix: J Date: 2.16.2012 LEGEND CAC - Concrete Pad with Air Conditioning CB - Catch Basin CBS - Concrete Block Structure NCBPLI - Not covered by professional liability insurance Conc. - Concrete' CMP - Corrugated Metal Pipe CTV - Cable TV Box ES - Electric Service EL - Elevation FFE - Finished Floor Elevation x0.00 - Existing Elevation LP - Light Pole 0/L - Overhead Utility Line Pr.WOII - Privacy Wall PP - Power Pole SSV - Sewer Service SSMH - Sanitary Sewer Manhole LIB - Utility Box WM - Water Meter FIRC -Found #51ron Rod with Cap Culpepper & Terpening SIRC -Set#5 Iron Rod with Cap"LBJ4357" FND - Found Nail with Disk FXCut = Found X_ cutin Curb Prepared For: JMC Mr. �^ LsRc AZ ° F1RC(3) y�-o o I I 6' Setback Line I I FIL `N O 3 W m o y` q) a` Ni I° I�3 �a W O \\ o —�_F7 C(2) —ILO to O \\4 I I I L 73.7 1U5 a i2 6' Setback Line W SIRC I FIRC(1) I PREPARED FOR: PATRICK & MARY MARCELLO JMC CONTRACTING, INC.. Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSM#4363 Kamer Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 CONTRACTING, INC. & Mrs. Marc ell o 78.01 ' Existing Form Boards at an average elevation of 6.15 8.58' 84.19' N38'23' 10 "W 187.76' KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd#333—Palm City, F1.34990 PHONE: (772)288 7206 FAX. (772) 223 8181 Lot 44 Vacant CARACAL DRIVE FXCut Center Line aw t- 10N I I I FXCut ' C� I tO I - I 3 25.0 h o 11.67' M h 3 9.33' I p I� M � M I • N U O to FXCut m® n k� 0 MI I� 0 IM BENCH MARK Drill Is at Elevati1 n 4.03 Ic J w IV 2(V 0 I I 0 o p�N:�j aoZ�� Shee7T/tle, Revlslon Descr/ptlon+ OUNDARY SURVEY Front Bld dimensions nrn, nnr ora )on Scal'+„-20, Date+ Brawn By+ Fleld Back, cADo-i 1302 Job No,, LARD FRe+ 1301-29 Sheet No., q 1 OF l Re No.+ Ter14-1?o_�L 110e4� SURVEYOR'S REPORT WMINFD 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyors Seal BY 2 No underground improvements have been located as port of this Survey. cz ov 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 2/6, 2.19.2014 Post Construction Survey 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards 5J-17.051/052FAC. 6 The Surveyor's liability is_li�_ 1 d to_the—amoura_t=paid=f_o_- 7 Bearings shown hereon are in accordance with the Record Plat and have been based on found survey control along the right of way line of Island Dunes Cove 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on said found survey control. 9 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. 10 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. 11 Compliance with local zoning requirements has not ben verified as II I part of this Survey. 12 Elevations shown are in accordance with the NORTH I I I AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 and have been established with Bench Mark 94 77 A06 Florida I I I Department of Transportation (Elevation 3.59NAVD). LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 43, RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS, PHASE Il, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 16, 16A and 16B, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Flood Zone Data derived by visual inspection of the digital official FEMA Maps and limited to the accuracy of such maps. Flood Zone: AE Base Flood Elevation 5 Community #: 120285 Panel J. 0181 Suffix: J Date: 2.16.2012 LEGEND CAC - Concrete Pad with Air Conditioning CB - Catch Basin CBS - Concrete Block Structure NCBPLI - Not covered by professional liability insurance Conc. - Concrete CMP - Corrugated Metal Pipe CTV - Cable TV Box ES - Electric Service EL - Elevation FFE - Finished Floor Elevation x0.00 - Existing Elevation LP - Light Pole OIL - Overhead Utility Line Pr.Wall - Privacy Wall PP - Power Pole SSV - Sewer Service SSMH - Sanitary Sewer Manhole UB - Utility Box WM - Water Meter f1RC -Found jF51ron Rod with Cap Culpepper do Terpening SIRC -SetJ5 Iron Rod with Cap"LB14357" FND - Found Nail with Disk FXCut - Found X cut in Curb PRE. . ,.... PATRICK & MARY MARCELLO JMC CONTRACTING, INC.. Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSMJ4363 Kamer Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 Prepared For: JMC CONTRACTING, INC. Mr. & Mrs. Marcello St. Lucie County Florida KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd#333—Palm City, F1.349� PHONE: (772)288 7206 FAX. (772) 223 8181 Id Wr SMW vxn a d A—wor's SW FXCut 1 hu (IQ 0 121 CARACAL DRIVE Center Line F I I o � . p ~'T I Sheet Title, ReHslon Descri tlon, BOUNDARY SURVEY Front Bldg dimensions Ion Date, 3119413 6113113 orm oar Oca 2119114 Postons ruc ion urve Pool Deck o!i nment Sheet Na, 1 OF 9 File No., PROJ: SLC_Riverpoint—atTheSandsHl—RiverPointH143BSugos07BS Sca(g,"-20, Date, Dram By, Field Book, =D-i 1302 Job No., CADD File, 1301-29 Date+- Revlslon Descr/ tlan! front B1d --dimensions., . 1 13. orm oar oca lon 2119114 os ons ruc ion u`vey . Sheet Tftle+ .. . BOUNDARY SURVEY 1 =zo Drawn Br Feld Book . cADD-i •1302. -.:oh No.+• - CADD rRe! 1301-29 Sheet Ma+ _ � _ � _ •. 1 0r: 1 Fll2 A+o.+ _River oirit=otTheSaridsHl-RiverPointN143BSu as078S PROJ;SCC - P 9. SURVEYOR'S REPORT .� �013 uu .SUN n 13- 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of this Survey. PUBLIC WORKS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL PUBLIC WORKS TLUCIE COUNTY, FL �y_�.icanoo3lomss_ — smuom olnan� clot Iti a a"t' it gL opoa�� 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 2/5/13 5 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards 5J-17.051/052FAC. 6 The Surveyor's liability is limited to the amount poid for so' = = n= ereon-are--in—accordance wifh the Record Plat and have been based on found survey control along the right of way line of Island Dunes Cove 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on said found survey control. 9 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. 10 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. 11 Compliance with local zoning requirements has not been verified as part of this Survey. 12 Elevations shown are in accordance with the NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 and have been established with Bench Mark 94 77 A06 Florida Department of Transportation (Elevation 3.59NAVD). LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 43, RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS, PHASE 11, _according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 16, 16A and 168, Public 16A0 I 16' UPLANDLot 42 _ I '__� Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. �3 I BUFFER EASEMENT S38•23'10"E 188.68' Vacant Flood Zone Dato derived by visual inspection of the digital official FEMA Maps and limited to the accuracy of such maps. Flood Zone: AE Base Flood Elevation 5 Community #: 120285 Panel #: 0181 Suffix: J Date: 2.16.2012 LEGEND CAC - Concrete Pad with Air Conditioning CB - Catch Basin CBS - Concrete Block Structure NCBPLI - Not covered by professional liability insurance Conc. - Concrete CMP - Corrugated Metal Pipe CTV - Cable TV Box ES - Electric Service EL - Elevation FFE - Finished Floor Elevation x0.00 - Existing Elevation LP - Light Pole OIL - Overhead Utility Line Pr.Wall - Privacy Wall PP - Power Pole SSV - Sewer Service SSMH - Sanitary Sewer Manhole UB - Utility Box WM - Water Meter FIRC -Found #51ron Rod with Cap Culpepper & Terpening SIRC -Set#5 Iron Rod with Cap LB#4357" FND - Found Nail with Disk FXCut - Found X cut in Curb n� SIRC C M I FIRC(3) c o I I 6' Setback Line 3 o eN � I oa ) °� m b � N I° I cnI �3 to was Z o ) a a —� C(2) O to to _-- O J I I I— o� 0 6' Setback Line W ~ SIRC IT F1RC(1) I PREPARED FOR: PATRICK & MARY MARCELLO JMC CONTRACTING, INC.. Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSM#4363 Kamer Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 Prepared For: JMC CONTRACTING, INC. Mr. & Mrs. Marcello St. Lucie County Floride 78.01' M N Existing Form Boards at an average elevation o 8.58, N38023' 10 "W 187.76' KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd#333-Palm City, F1.349; PHONE: (772)288 7206 FAX: (772) 223 8181 84.19' Lot 44 Vacant FXCut ku to N I I I � FXCut W �o z W I ®m � FXCut Z® PCAL DRIVE Line ,- -- I I R � I NI Irk,I u� °. 21 1 I'o BENCH MARK Drill Is at Elevati n 4.03 1 Ic J IV U 0 cc Q ie Co. FL 3init Da.V�u Approved m a1O ,D ' h� mZ�;U I E ReNslon Descr/ptlan+ Sheet Mile, BOUNDARY SURVEY Front Bld dimensions 117 Sheet No., 1 OF 1 Re Na, PROD: SLC—Riverpoin t—atTheSandsHl—RiverPointH143BSugos07BS Sco(e+" -20' 1 Date+ Dram By+ F/e!d Book, =D-i 1302 Job No., CADD FAe+ 1301-29 F SURVEYOR'S REPORT 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal Ir 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of this Survey. 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 2/5/13 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. .5 Thia _gllrvoov chnwn horPnn mp fl,c ran„' t r t la 6 The Surveyor's liability is limited to the amount paid for said Survey. 7 Bearings shown hereon are in accordance with the Record Plat and have been based on found survey control along the right of way line of Island Dunes Cove 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on said found survey control. 9 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. 10 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. 11 Compliance with local zoning requirements has not been verified as part of this Survey. 12 Elevations shown are in accordance with the NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 and have been established with Bench Mark 94 77 A06 Florida Department of Transportation (Elevation 3.59NAVD). LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 43, RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS, PHASE ll, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 16, 16A and 168, Public 42 Records of St. Lucie Count Florida. I Is' UPLAND_Ls_oo'____ Lot y' I BUFFER EASEMENT D�h� $38.23' 10 "E 188.68' Vacant Flood Zone Data derived by visual inspection of the digital official FEMA Maps and limited to the accuracy of such maps. Flood Zone: AE Base Flood Elevation 5 Community #: 120285 Panel #: 0181 Suffix: J Date: 2.16.2012 LEGEND CAC - Concrete Pad with Air Conditioning CB - Catch Basin CBS - Concrete Block Structure NCBPLI - Not covered by professional liability insurance Conc. - Concrete CMP - Corrugated Metal Pipe CTV - Cable 1V Box ES - Electric Service EL - Elevation FFE - Finished Floor Elevation x0.00 - Existing Elevation LP - Light Pole OIL - Overhead Utility Line Pr.Wall - Privacy Wall PP - Power Pole SSV - Sewer Service SSMH - Sanitary Sewer Manhole UB - Utility Box WM - Water Meter F1RC -Found #51ron Rod with Cap Culpepper & Terpening SIRC -Set#5 Iron Rod with Cap LB#4357" FND - Found Nail with Disk FXCut - Found X cut in Curb Prepared For: JMC Mr. St. Lucie County ? JSIRC 4 q) $ I FlRC(3) 6' Setback Line c �, I 23.5' N v A V �` \ I o dd E2 ` O g Lu 1 �'1 y o 21 a� a`, oo Z N o .�. 3 S o a o �. W act I _ + o Q \�� NO Fl C(2) O —� 1'6.0 o b --- 0 0 — 50.0 -- v— �o+ �, i2 6' Setback Line 4+ SIRC FlRC(1) PREPARED FOR: PATRICK & MARY MARCELLO JMC CONTRACTING, INC.. Prepared By: Regina C. Karner, PSM#4363 Karner Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 CONTRACTING, INC. & Mrs. Marcello Flori I 11.33' In 78.00' Proposed One Story Residence Finished Floor Elevatio 0 M .I ry l �-b N38.23' 10 "W 187. KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services 87 3. Lot 44 MIN, SETBACK REQ. FRONT SIDES CNR SIDES REAR Mx�! zNG. if) 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd#333—Palm City, F1.34990I PHONE: (772)288 7206 FAX: (772) 223 8181 M° ed �•meg Wh CAL DRIVE MM FXCut Line m c� — — W m toN Y Proposed Drive � Ii A Center i � I I r\ N 1 Ik to nI AyL I I� N UZ O mct—u O C CC J E FXCut I ti ® a m ci I `o OJT U ob' �• CE = W a 0 tow I z SITE PLAN rote, ree t Tme, BOUNDARY SURVEY (1 Sheet No., 1 OF 1 �4 Fite No., )!'` U� c) PROJ: SLC-Riverpoint-atTheSondsHl-RiverPointH143BSugos07BS Scail "=20' Date+ 2,15.13 rn By+ Field Book+.ADD-f 1302 No., i CADD FAe,1-29 SURVEYORS REPORT 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with on embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of this Survey. 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 2/5/13 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. 5 The Sure— ey s�lown hereon —men s= e= _ mum Technical Standards 5J-17.051 /052FAC. 6 The Surveyor's liability is limited to the amount paid for said Survey. - - 7 Bearings shown hereon are in accordance with the Record Plat and have been based on found survey control along the right of way line of Island Dunes Cove 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on said found survey control. 9 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. 10 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. 11 Compliance with local zoning requirements has not been verified as part of this Survey. the NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 and have been established with Bench Mark 94 77 A06 Florida Department of 12 Elevations shown are in accordance with Transportation (Elevation 3.59NAVD). LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 43, RIVERPOINTE AT THE SANDS, PHASE 11, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 16, 16A and 168, Public Lot 42 I 16' UPLAND_ Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. �^ I '. BUFFER EASEMENT S38.23'10"E 188.68' Vacant Flood Zone Data derived by visual inspection of the digital official FEMA Maps and limited to the accuracy of such maps. Flood Zone: AE Base Flood Elevation 5 Community #: 120285 Panel #: 0181 Suffix: J Date: 2.16.2012 LEGEND CAC — Concrete Pad with Air Conditioning CS — Catch Basin CBS — Concrete Block Structure NCBPLI — Not covered by professional liability insurance Conc. — Concrete CMP — Corrugated Metal Pipe CN — Cable TV Box ES — Electric Service EL — Elevation FFE — Finished Floor Elevation x0.00 — Existing Elevation LP — Light Pole OIL — Overhead Utility Line Pr.Wall — Privacy Wall PP — Power Pole SSV — Sewer Service SSMH — Sanitary Sewer Manhole UB — Utility Box WM — Water Meter FIRC —Found #51ron Rod with Cap SIRC —Set#5 Iron Rod with Cap`LB#4357" FND — Found Nail with Disk FXCut — Found X cut in Curb Prepared For: JMC Mr. CL^ SIRC Cb ° nRC(3) a 0 as I I I 6' Setback Line � I I W N h I° m' cn ~` IA-2 0 .moo, 2 . :W_ ► �� � UI a�= -�-FI C(2)to in o 73.7 ei •�d� J o I�I o, ti 6 Setback Line WL SIRC I FIRC(1) I. PREPARED FOR: PATRICK & MARY MARCELLO JMC CONTRACTING, INC.. Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSM#4363 Kamer Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 CONTRACTING, INC. & Mrs. Marcello O fo 78.01 ' Existing Form Boards at an 9.33' average elevation of 6.15 U in 84.19, N O co N38023' 10 "W 187.76' KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd#333—Palm City, F1.349! PHONE: (772)288 7206 FAX: (772) 223 8181 �1— vwr S"I Lot 44 Vacant FXCut �W N Z N FXCut W C O 25.0 I 0 0 Ln 3 A 0 n to M FXCut CARACAL DRIVE Center Line - - i I i I � - IM 0 I� BENCH MARK Drill Hqle at Elevati_ 4.03 I c qq) ci V O IE c CL o U IV o J W I I I ° p^N:�j Sheet Title, BOUNDARY SURVEY Sheet Na" 1 Or 1 Flle No., PROJ: SLC—Ri verpo i n t—otTh eSandsHl—Ri verPoin tH143BSugosO 7BS Sco('+"-20, Date+ Brawn By,_ 1 1302 Job No.+ CADD File, 1301-29