HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0145 r" !I I; t 1\ Ii 145 W.'''AHTY D.ttD Ilc.-.I I.- No. U, SL LDrie ('_17, no.wa. , H1~ INOF.NillRF~ !lade: this .__..... ~1L-___ _.__..____.chy of .___....____.._Juns_._..___._____..__A. [\. 192.1),_, bc:tWffl, .._............____. ....... ..__._______....____J..._.LER..aJImOLL.. U"l"QT-X' lct,..--.----..- ""-'--'--- .-..---_.. 01 Ih. COUllI)' of.... ___ ~t.. Luo 1. ...-..-_..._..._____..~nd Stale: of ....h._...._ ....nO rida .._..-__...............___...p1ft._~. of Ihe: first ~rt,. and .. .._...... ._.__ .... ...... "'_'_.. .Q_!.._~!....~~1o~D:l1_~.'mOM!!L.B.OD~f of Ih~ Counly (.f .. St. Lu() 1. . . '__"""__"'h _.._ ...__ ~td Slale: of '"'' ......... ..___Pl01'1 de . \>:l,1 leIS of the: _..nd p,ul. WITNESSF.TlI. I~I 1M ..id 1..'1 y.... of t1sc: f.r;t pa,l. for a,td in rolUid"~li(.... ..r Ihc: \UIII ur.. . 'l'&H DOLLA!iS.. AHD.OTHER........_.....___....___... _._.._.._.......VALU.ABL& COlfSIDKSATlOHS.________........ 10.... hlm.....in hand paid. 1M rc:c:c:ipt wMrc:ol is Mrtby aclmu..-Ic:dwt. 1u__.8... gnnlc:d. N.rKainc:d. sold and Inr..E.rrc:d. and by Ihue prc:sc:nls do81S Kranl, ba'rain. ..II and Iran\l.. unlo lhe: said part-las of the: sc:c:one! part and _.._ ....~:tt.~ ~r...._......hc:i" and alSigo. Eore:tte, all lhal uitain par<<I of bn.1 lying and bc:ing in lhe: Connly of.. . S t .....ltuC1.L.. _._.___ _._.________ ~nd :>tal. of... .llor1d8 ......re ~'I;.,ularly dc:s<:ribffl .. lolk,.. :...___............. '_ .. ~otq Stxtup (16) ~ _S.nenteeJL( 17) ~.K1gh teen. . (18) _.._..,_...o.f.!J.l~lc ~l,~"~~. (.11, tL_~.~!9;t:~]~9r..Q.tt d1l0.1g,h~8. 80.... _..__,__ _ __... .. . ...______...99r. .dins.. t;9n.P).~ t.~!lQ..9_I'~~4....1ILn.a\_>>Qo.k..J.. ...8.\ pBi-e 'h_"_.' __ _.____.~~._.~~.~. .~~9...1 ,._.Q 9~~~.__n or .1.!l~..R..oJ).r.dB..____._....___.. ._._........._....... _ '.._ ........__...__._..l.I.!PQ_ ~...._ ~..!_~ ~~!l!.!?a 0 eo ) ;, ; ~ ; TOGETHER with all th~ tmnnnlt'. wndit,ut1C11h and appurtl"~ntts. with ('\'t'ry Jtri,i1t"1l't"~ riilhr. t~I!f'. 11.t('l'(,t ;:1".,1 ('~u,t(". dd'A'tf ;:an.1 rit:ht of cluwcr. rt\tuion. ..main.kr .nd .a~n"fll IM..ln belonlliinll' or in an,..ise: appertaining: TO 1"\ "E ,\XU TO 1101.1) t!.c: sa..... in I.. ,impl~ 100nrr And I~ ..id f'.rt:f.... (oE 1M finl ~rl do.8S co~m'nl ..ith lhe: ..id pa" les..1 lhe: _.....1 ,..'I Ih.1 h. .18 . . b....llly .nzc:d 01 Ih.. ...id prc:milc:i, lh.tl they arc: fre:e: Irom all incumbrancc:. and lh.tl.. hehas___ ....--.K()(.I nl(hl and b.dul au,horilY 10 ..II tM umc:; and Ih. <.j,) part y.._ .... oE the: 6rst \>:let do....ea h...by Eully warranl tM litl. Ic' ..id bnci. and ..i!1 dc:EcD<t the: ........ al(,in<1 1M 'a,..ful cI.i"" "E .n penon. .b<.ms>~\"c:r. IN WITI'ESS WIIEREOF. 1M ..,id pan_ .'3-..- 01 lhe: 6"t ~,t ha_..S._ b~rnllll" sd hie hand ... .nd \tal , I"" d.). and )'." abov~ ,..rill..n. Sigr.c:d. .nkd and ddi,.rc:d in our pr....,.ee:: B. li. Shir8h V. J~ Powers - l J. Lee Carroll-- _. h..h_._.. ...h_(SF.AL) ..._(SEA!.) ---'-~ STATF. OF nod da. Hl11aborough COU~T\" OF I IIEt:F...\" lTRTIF\', ThaI..... Ihi. . lOth ....d.,. or .. . _... ....._.June.._. __._. _..___..__-^. D. 192._5...... bc:fore me: '''''0''011,. appc:"ftd . '. ...... ___... ._.J... LRE_CL~+_unmarrle.cl....___..........___.__.._. ..... ..... to me: known In be tM .""",n dc:..-ribffl io and ..ho c:x<<ut.d the: forqomc COIIV.,-a.-.c:e: to _._._.... C. S.JiILEY-8IUl.. 'rdnu 1.3 '!)ODD .__ __. __.._...~ _... _ __. ___a,Id .e.u.lly ad:nowkdJ;c:d Ih. .ucution IMr.of 10 be: .__. b18-.- ... Er<< act .nd ,~I if.. Ih~ U'le\ ",nd (tur"'..... Ilwrc:in me",i"".d: ~ .___..________.____ tMSiE~ oE the: ...id '..~. __. .... .... _...... ._._... .... ....___ ...._.......__.________... _...... .. ... . .. ..-_."", on a >>1'"..le .nd "ri..", .u'Ou...lion I'''?i noad. h)' ..r.d bek,. m.. .nt <.p..alc:l~n..t apart Ir.)m her ...i<l bu.band. did acknn.lc:dIc: th.t 'M made: be:rxlf a parI)' Iq,the: ...id Dc:~d 01 Ccnvc)-anu. for urpo5C .,f ,rnvuncing. rc:lir.~uuhinJ[ .nd e"&i.)~ng all tvr riaht. tItle: and inl..r..t. ..hctMr .x d<...e:r or of ..panIc propc:rty.-r"ulOry or equitablc:. in and to tIw nd. Ih~r.in d<<eribed, "rid thaI <he uKul~<t>>aid dtt'J Er<<lf ond Yulunlu.ly ar.d Wllhout an. COIUlrainl. iea" apprehenSlOll or ..mpuhion oE or from b.r ...id busta,d, 200 ~I~I(:' hI --..--. - .1 . __. ... .l8mpe no~14a---..:.--.-..-.in 1M Counl)' of.. ". li1l1a b orough___.__..___ lhe: day .nd )"Car Ian 3E.,..csaid. ..' . _ .. E. 1:...Shir8b, ..._ .._(SEAL) ,-~J.Q.f.~-,-f~4~ tu. aU..tee. of _l1Qr1.Qa.~~ ~y oommlsaion expiro8 October 11. 192'1. '- fJ t r On thi. 29th. .Iay ni Septambar -\. f) 192 5 .., Sl 3 :12 o'clock ..P _...~I~ Ihi< irutrum~1 was tiled f.,r rc:c:',rd. afMI b..ing dull ack........I.o1"...1 .00 prote:n. I b..~ rtto>Tded 1M a.... ..... Pax. 146 ...__ 01 lIoolr .......67.........1 in tM public r<<orol. of ...id Coanty. IS WITSF.SS WBF.RF.Ot'. I ""..e: Iwr.....lo 1ft my hand and alixc:d tIw .ul of tIw Circail C.ourt oE 1Iw l-1.f~ Juditial Ci......il 01 said 5("t.. iD and for Aid COOI"Y. f.~~- ~~~ . ~ .. , -.~ _.___...f ._ C. . Bl.du.cl___ ~~I 0\.. ~" ~'.r" CIuk. . ...D. Co l i I ..............~ " ',~ .=, . . :"J. .:~;:t~.:.i;-~~~.~:.~:,tf:~t.i-.ifL~ ,