HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFINGProduct Approval USER:: public User anouctaeamiar Menu >'Product or Application Search > Ap it tign List > Application Detail Fl- # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone%Emall Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL17443-Ri, Revision 2017 Approved J.A TAYLOR ROOFING 302 Melton. Drive Fr PIERCE, FL 34982 (772)466-4040 kylew.hite228.@aol.com Kyle Taylor kylewhite228@aol.com 11"CFN't'D JUG 2 3 2018 Permitting D St, Lucie Colin y ty Roofing Metal Roofing„ 1 Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or, / Professional Engineer Evaluation Report -. Hardcopy Received / Florida Engineer or Architect Name, who developed the Locke Bowden Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49704 Quality Assurance Entity. PRI Construction Materials Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/23/2023 Validated By Zachary. R. Priest, P.E. Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of 'Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified .By Sections from the Code ,0�' Validation Checklist -y FL17443 R1 COI F'/ Standard: TAS '12, UL Y yr Proju!1,,,Appr,ov.qj Method IY14ihod 1, Option 0 Date Submitted. 01/24/20181 Date Validated. 02/14/2618 Date Pending FBC.Apprqval 02/17/2018 Date Approved Summary of Products FL # Model, Nurhber_ar Name Description 17.443, .S V'Crimp 126GA 112.7. rib he,ight,over 15/12"APA,plywood Llmits�of Use 'Insitallation Instructions. Aipr64ed for-.uge in HVHZ: No Approved f0r.use. outside NVHZ-e, Yes : FL17443 Al b. 'FL 17443'] A TaYIqr.2b.17.X.:q.de with Qgtails�RSSS pdf Eval Report ImpactiRdsistant; N/A Verified py:, Locker Bowden, P'r-. 4970 owd � 4, Design --Pressure r +N/ .125;215 Othem-129.25 W611'ox. -6.9.25 0167 ox. m6t9in, ofisafqty Created` by Independent Third Patty, Yes •Ayqijuatjqn Reports 2.�lwith -,,24'Max,.:cov,eragelnstall.per -Manufactur8rs, taii, de Not'for us& in HVHZ, FL1744a Ri AE FL 17443 1 A 'ode -T4YJQc�2017 C Eval, A port "Wh Details OSS 5i� Created by Independent T1jj7T Party: Yes 17443.2 VICTPIijAN 6RIMP'SHINGLE 26GA 1/2" RIB -PANELS -,LOCK INTO. PREVIOUS PANELS; OVER CDX/APA 15/32"`'PLYW100a ,Limift of Use Approved for, use, in HUM: No! foruseoutside Apprag- Impact Resistant. N/A .:In!i6'liaiion-Instrttctibiis, FLIZ443 Ri 11- A-17 Code Evalt R Por V66fiiid BY: Locke Bowden,, P.E. 49764 Design Pressure: +,N/A/-105 ot6i- 405, PSF'rhard1h. of safety. ii install per� manufacturers deialisa6d In compliance WIth'FBC 20176th ,ed. Not.,fdr usO= In HVHZ. Created Independentb�'Third Party: Yes tvaluaition,iteports 'EU2443 R1 6E aeoQrt Created tly, I , n . dep"6ndent.T4-fto.PArty.: Yes. F.--ckl'; EE Cont3d Jj ::, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL,32399 Phone:,850-487-1824 T*Sthrfe bf0afkWis anAA/eWemployer, Q Mriaht Staie of Florida, -1!,&jV-jLQ4gjde FAccesslbjlfty 6tat6hielit :.* Refund' Statement, FIqr,1qa JaWjemall ddgresses are public: tecords. If you,do'not Wantyour e-mali.adaress released fn1response-tb a,p0blic-recordt request, do not send Ma 60 to ihisentity Instead, contactihe-office by phoneer'by traid,ittofial mail. If vou-have,any�qdestf6hs; -Pursuant to se, odo ber 2, 2012, licensees.licensed under Chmer.Abb, F.S. must Dro e DenartmL-nt vAfh anlorrafl Pirlrlr—�if thow Kavo a person" 455, FA, with an.emall a4dr&sWb)�hcaij'oe middaviliabie; to'the pi vlease dick h=L. P , roduct Apiprovaf Accepts:: Oreditc-ard- Safe FBC Fort Pierce, FL 34962 (112).46 -6-404-0 Florida Stilldlog-Zode 2017;(V-eds'l Florida Product" Approval: # 61620-3 Qualit yAssurance Progratn:;PRICONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY :rImp thru fastened,167irilyat each.,.Panel edge and Vastenerinthe center! of -Op panel, 24"�,net coVqral;0j.26GAASTM—'- 440'- 2,, AISS, 10ti, 40ksl-difn, qydrInin, 1S/32"',thickCDX plywood deck-. Corrosion Resistant fastener #. , 9'-15HWH. With e.. own ilgWashersi metattowood%connectiq0switfi fa� length Woehd"W th'NsObstrb*4 FattenAlongth cr " 1, ' lorigtii. withI - ston Min. .1 id rib In. the center. of pane and: a 06p. Firsi faitener4o.,he-with,in, r of,papel edges. Min. 8 ''4hrfulat ring shank Dx2 s, spacdd.6`Q.Ci*eroofin& with lesv..than 19/82" plywood thliattachmdnt is to be used.j.ha4dition to ting.atta'hMen' - i -t - k slope 2:12 of.greater and shall,be comp lant with F80017 0 ed. Underlayment::See-,FBOW 6W ,; Deck Sec;'I507 Tibile,1567.1.1 *'Resign Pressure._ .._;Spacings. p 1"9- �129.25 PSF '6P.O.C71 Won Resistant Fastener #16x1" lintplatiddl KW-'PlanCake, I40%adJNtall0A4t 2.00p andUlAto lkk+searn. 'Panels applied Ir exposure; adJacentAlhilesi.0serted into lock seArn Of prOviout.skiing I&deck slo pe:2412-or greaterand.-shall'be pliantwithIO'C2011.7 6,'Hed, 2017 DesignOressu tqi .10S PSI F Reference Data: TEST REPORTS Hurnc neTest Laboratory (TST-1527) #0224-450-06 -TAS 115'.IUL 580-041): PRUCC psti.uctio.n:Materials:Tethnalogies (Wr-S878). #FAE-024-w�01� ULS8 OQUL189,7-042 I-- 1 0-, 1. UL #0,94 teststandards are equivalent io UL,580r%, test -standards... 2, -Ut W-44 test standards are. equivalent to 0L.i8.90.&;teststdhdat&. 1. Untlerlaythent- to compliance withxurrent: Florida. SWIdift Code (FgC)ZQ17' CR ed.- see., Chart1507.1.1. I Minimum slope to be compliant with, FloridaBuilding Code.2017 0 ed.,,and per, with .1M ufactgrer's.,inst011ation reference,. I POodrUCts are :compliant With State of -Florida productapproval 0 'Hance Method-, ID provaIpQrk.,(e6j0I--!3, COMO 4. Engineering-ana!ysis, for "project specific approval by local, author ie S al lowed by Other registered' engineers.. 56 Flreclassification is�not'-paof this Shear diaphragm. values are ou tside this report. 6. SYpportlframh%in t6MpliOnce w/FB i'. �'- 11 -- . C20176��ed Chapter ZZSteel, :Chap.ter2gtWoodand'.Chapterl,,6' Structural Loading, cioetnjotj ply warranty; -installation; recommended productuse Outside of this report. Ifi „ate of Independence.: Locke i0ke do-es,not'have,not Wiffactiolre Ali ail4i4iiiitdrostinaiiy;ompany, dvaluati6n. den, KZ., is not owned, Operated . .,,6r,.contr.olled'byany:com,Pany, Ptodiactt 5 V Crimp Fastener- 49-15: corrosion resistan.tw/se0lirig washers ,24!! �t Fastener- #9 x 15 corrosion resistant-, with sealing washers. in Compliance with 2017, Florida Building Code, Section 1507 Perim'btdt fastening: 6"ox. Main Field6 fastanig 1 2"o.c. Pane(,WWth:'.2-1Y Panel,Covera.O: 24!!rhaxirb.um, 26- GA Architectural Metal Roof panel YICTORIAN CRIMP MINIMUMrMTENEkS Fbstener.-#10xV AT LOOK SEAM ZincPlated'44TW Pancake Head OUT !/?:SHINQI-F* tEATEZTAQGERED, 59N )RIAN"CRIMP q 04 VEXPO$URE r,